Questions and Answers Game

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A loving couple have fun Role-playing.
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Question and Answer game.

(A couple have fun together and in public. This is a short concept /Role-playing idea about a husband asking questions about a wife's night out with the girls from work. There is some sex in the "story" but mainly it is about the couple and their interaction. It could be a "loving wife" as there is a "loving wife" in the "story" or it could be "Exhibitionist" I will see what the Admin of the site decide. One more thing if you are looking for swingers or cuckolding stop reading now you won't find them here.)


I was sitting at the kitchen table when I heard the door open. I was drinking coffee, I looked at the clock, 1am. My wife said she would be home 30 minutes ago. I placed the mug on the table and stood up and walked towards to hallway to where I could hear my wife taking off her jacket and her shoes.

I stood for a moment looking at my beautiful wife. Generally speaking we live fairly clean lives, we don't smoke we only drink a couple of pints or glasses of wine at the weekend and we both exercise. I keep in good shape because of my job, I work in a warehouse lifting heavy packages.

My wife works in a mortgage company, there is gym in the building she works in and she works out there a couple of times a week. Both of us despite being 50 could easily pass for 5 years younger, or earlier if you believe some of our friends.

My wife as always looked beautiful in a classic evening dress, it hugged her figure which it showed it off perfectly from her legs up to her chest. It certainly wasn't a sluts dress but it did draw the eye to my wife's salient points.

I think she finally noticed me, she looked up through her long brown hair. She finally managed to take off her shoes then hung up her jacket. She straightened up and looked at me.

"Sorry I'm a bit late, the taxi took longer to get here from the club." She said this in the hope I believed her.

"Of course my love, I'm sure that's the case, but I have a few questions for you about tonight. So please go upstairs shower and get changed and then come into the kitchen." I was trying to be cold as ice, no emotion, no empathy. I wanted to be totally objective and precise about what exactly happened tonight.

"Gary, please can we do this in the morning, my feet hurt and I'm tired." She said this as she walked slowly towards the stairs.

"No Corinne, it has to be done now or we won't ever talk again." Again no emotion, no empathy no inflection in my voice.

She nodded and went upstairs. I went back into the kitchen and boiled the kettle and made my wife a coffee, I refilled mine as well.

After about 10 minutes Corinne came into the kitchen dressed in a t-shirt and shorts Pjammers set. She looked very cute and very sexy at the same time. I could tell be her hard nipples she wasn't wearing a bra and a quick glance showed me she was just wearing the shorts nothing else. I could smell her shower gel and the a small amount of the perfume I bought her a few weeks ago.

She came towards me and tried to hug me, but I put my hand up and stopped her.

"Not yet Corinne, I want answers first. Sit down and we will get started, just remember if I don't like your answers or if I think you are lying to me we are over. Do you understand? "

"Yes Gary I understand, I just want you to know I love you very much, I always will no matter what happened tonight remember I'm your wife no else's and I'm your woman no one else's."

I smiled briefly and said, "We will see won't we."

My lip twitched slightly as I tried to keep my emotions under control. I reminded myself to be ice cold. I sipped my coffee and Corinne did the same.

"Ok, lets begin." I waited for my wife to respond. She sipped her coffee and nodded a look of resignation on her face.

"What time did you leave the house?"

"Just after 9pm."

"Okay, and did you wear the same dress you came home in?"

"Yes Gary it is the same dress, and don't forget you bought it for me."

"Of course I did, you look great in it. Now don't change the subject this is about you and what happened tonight."

"Yes I'm sorry Gary, I don't want to make this difficult for us."

"Okay so what happened when you were dropped off by the taxi driver, by the way did you tip the driver?"

"Well I got out of the car and went into my handbag for the money, I'm sorry Gary the driver did get a look down my dress I could see his eyes moving from my face to my chest and back again several times I think that was his tip."

"You let him look down your dress or was it an accident? "

"I'm sorry Gary it was an accident, I didn't mean to do it. You know I would never do that on purpose ."

I could see a mischievous smile start on her lip.

"Corinne stop that, this is serious. Okay what happened next."

"Well I met up with the girls from the office and placed an order for some bottles of wine to share and also some snacks. Then we found a booth and shared out the snacks and the wine."

I considered this, "What happened next, don't forget I know when you are lying to me and I know the truth, but I want you to tell me exactly what happened."

"Well there was probably 7 of us and you know most of them and you know the age range from 25 to 55...and of course you know some of us get a lot of attention from people and you equally know we all get asked to dance or sometimes more especially the younger prettier ladies in our group."

"Okay do any of you dance with strangers? " I looked hard at her trying to gauge her reaction.

"No Gary I have never danced with a stranger, and I only dance with someone I know and somebody you trust. Yes I did get asked, some men even got pushy, but the rest of my group joined in and we chased them off. They know I'm happily married and they know if I dance I only dance with you. But I do like to strut my stuff with the ladies."

"Right, so you were all having a good time. Then what happened?"

"Well the younger women got up and danced in a group to various song's and eventually I was dragged out to the dancefloor. After a few more dances we all got into it and we all had a good time. I sat out a few dances got some more wine for the other ladies, I bought myself a coke, you know I can't drink more than 3 glasses of wine without being sick."

"Okay so what time did HE turn up?" I tried my best to look stern and cold. I saw my wife's lip twitch again. She thought for a moment.

"It must have been about 11pm when he walked towards our table, of course he might have been there longer in the club, I'm not sure."

"So what did he do next?"

"Well he looked like a gentleman in a shirt and trousers and a jacket. The suit was grey with pin stripes down the jacket and trousers, I will admit the colour suited him and he looked very handsome. I'm sorry Gary I didn't mean to say that."

I tried to look upset and angry, but my wife's eyes locked with mine and she gently swayed her body so her breasts swayed from side to side.

"Corinne stop that, I'm telling you once more let me finish my questions." I was definitely losing this discussion.

She dropped her eyes and stopped swaying her body, but still that grin was starting on her face. She was not taking this seriously.

"Last warning Corinne, if you don't take this seriously one of us is sleeping in the spare room."

"Okay I'm sorry, so you want to know what happened next?"

"Yes I do."

"Okay, he walked up to me said hello to the ladies with me and then took my hand and kissed it."

"He did what?" I almost shouted.

"He kissed my hand then formally asked me to dance."

I looked stunned, "A total stranger came up to you and kissed your hand then formally asked you to dance? Did he see your wedding ring?"

"Yes Gary he did, I don't think it bothered him. After all he had a ring on too in fact it was bent out of shape like yours." She shrugged as she said it.

"So without hesitation you got up and danced with him? Is that right?"

"Well not right away, I looked at the ladies in our group and asked them if I should, after all this man was very polite and he looked very handsome in his suit, although I got the impression he wasn't very comfortable wearing it, he kept adjusting his collar."

"So the ladies I assume, agreed you should dance with him?"

"Yes as a matter of fact, they all said if I didn't they would. So I let him lead me to the dancefloor. We danced to a couple of fast songs then one of the ladies got up and went the Dj and for some reason they requested my favourite song. The song I danced with you at our wedding."

"WTF Corrine, that is our song, Bon Jovi: Bed of Roses. That is our special song, how could you and on this special day."

I Put my hand on my forehead and just rested it there.

"I'm so sorry Gary I didn't know they would choose that song. Gary this is really hurting you isn't it? Did you want to continue asking questions or do you want me to tell you what happened.?"

I took my hand away and looked at my wife for fucks sake was she laughing at me? I could see she was trying hard not to smile. I was getting close to losing it.

"Okay what happened next, try to keep it short." I was fast losing the upper hand here.

"Okay well during the song he pulled me close and I could feel his hard cock through my dress it felt very nice. He didn't put his hands anywhere he shouldn't, at least not right away. I admit I got carried away and leant my head on his shoulder and hugged him tight against me. I could feel his cock getting hard. I'm sorry Gary I couldn't help it I pressed my body against his cock and slowly started moving against him. I want you to know it felt just like yours does and just as thick and just as long as your cock. In fact I couldn't help thinking it was your cock."

She paused and looked at me, " Are you okay? You look a bit red."

'I'm fine Corinne carry on." I said a little out of breath.

"Well there isn't too much more except that he had been rubbing against me for 5 minutes and I was hot and my vagina was very wet. I'm sorry Gary but this will be hard for you. We both looked at each other and I knew I wanted him and more importantly he wanted me. I turned towards my group and they all put their thumbs up, they also looked a bit flushed. I think thier boyfriends and husband were in for a good night, so took my hand and we went through a service door out into the carpark."

She paused to catch her breath, I could tell she was turned on, hell I was too my cock was rock hard. My wife's nipples were like bullets and I could see her hand moving over her shorts.

"Okay I'm not entirely sure I want to know what happened next, but tell me anyway." I said with a sigh.

"Okay, well he dragged me over to a blue Ford Fiesta. He turned me around and laid me on my back...he then bent down and kissed me on the lips, while he kissed me he bunched up my dress and started touching my vagina through my thong."

By this time my cock was almost bursting. I could see sweat on my wife's forehead and if I didn't know better I would say she was stroking her vagina through her shorts. This has gotten way out hand, but I wanted to continue. I looked my wife in the eyes and raised my eyebrow in question. She shook her head slightly and then closed her eyes. I now knew for sure she was rubbing her vagina through her shorts now, hell I was rubbing my cock through my shorts.

"Corinne, this has gone far enough what happened when he touched you and kissed you did you respond?"

"Yes Gary I did, I'm sorry but I was so hot and horny and so was he, he had his tongue in my mouth and his fingers inside my vagina. He had 3 finger's inside me and his thumb was touching my clit. It didn't take long for me to cum, my juices were running down my leg, and I'm fairly sure my juice dripped on the car. I was so hot Gary, then I felt him turning me onto my stomach he lifted my dress over my head and I remember thinking I was laid on the car just in my lingerie at night in the middle of a carpark. It felt so hot and naughty."

We were both openly stroking ourselves. My cock was out of my shorts and I saw my wife's shorts on the table.

"Okay Corinne I can imagine what happened next, he took his cock he got it lubed up with your juices and then placed his cock at the entrance to your vagina. Did he move his cock up and down your vagina lips?"

"Yes he did Gary...."

"And then did he slowly push his cock inside you?"

"YES Gary...oh yes he did all the way in...then out again...I lifted up my arse so he could take me fully...he was all the way in me, it felt wonderful. I could feel every inch of him."

"Okay finally Corinne did he cum in you?"

"YES HE CAME IN ME...but not before he took my knickers off entirely..." my wife shouted this as she slumped forward with her head resting on the table.

That was it, I needed to cum too but I was going to cum in my wife, again, I stood up and walked around to my wife she raised her head and half smiled.

"Yes my love come here take me like you did earlier I was so hot for you then and even hotter for you now..."

She stood up and took off her shirt I did the same. She leant forward with her hands flat on the table.

"Gary I'm wet enough just stick your cock inside me and cum inside me."

I stood behind her placed my cock against her vagina and pushed in we both gasped and soon we took up a rhythm me pushing in my wife pushing back. I reached under my wife and played with her nipples I gently stroked and pinched them making her gasp I knew I wouldn't last long and so it proved I climaxed deep inside my wife who climaxed at the same time. I slumped over my wife resting on my arms so I didn't crush her.

"Wow..." she said through gasps.

"Yes my love...Wow..." I said out of breath too.

Just as we started to separate we heard a cough. We both froze and slowly turned to see Corinne's manager, Julie, ( she was a middle-aged woman with silver hair and a slim body and a close friend to both of us) standing in the kitchen with a very red and flushed face.

"Um sorry to interrupt but I thought your wife might want her knickers back...ummm Corinne? You should really make sure the door was locked before starting a game like this..." she was smiling from ear to ear.

I disengaged from my wife with as much dignity as I could, I then backed away picked up my clothes and started putting them back on Corinne did the same. Julie had turned he back so we could sort ourselves out. Corinne started to walk towards Julie but Julie put up her hand.

"Mrs Smith look at the state of you, you are not hugging me. I will see you on Monday at work, Gary thank you for the show, my husband is going to get so fucked tonight. Now here is your underwear, oh and by the way Gary you need to clean your blue Ford its got streaks on the other thing your wife left a trail of rock hard cocks, and you Gary probably left a trail of wet vaginas I think quite a few people saw your display." she was laughing as she said it.

"Thanks Julie, I'm glad you enjoyed the show, I think Corinne and I enjoyed the game too, Thank you for suggesting it."

Julie blushed, "Your welcome Gary I knew Corinne wanted you at the club and I thought this was a way you could surprise her. Anyway I will leave you two lovebirds. Goodnight."

When she closed the door Corinne bolted the door.

"A bit late for that.." I said as I hugged my wife. We both laughed out loud and turned off the lights and staggered upstairs to the bathroom we both needed a shower and we obviously shared the water..

The end....

(Writers Epilogue.)

(Okay I'm sure many readers thought this was going a certain way. It of course did not go the cheating slutwife story way. Which is probably what everyone thought. It was just an idea I had that is somewhat true with only a little artistic licence. Thanks for reading this story.)

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Rancher46Rancher46almost 2 years ago

Great story, love the twist at the end. 5/5

AngstIgnoredAngstIgnoredalmost 2 years ago

A couple roleplaying at cuckolding is just putting down the road base for the cuck highway to be built later. Not a fan of this one, sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

While it was obvious who the "stranger" would turn out to have been, it was an enjoyable ride. Since the author has declared that there will be no cuckolding in his stories (at least so far), there's little or no plot suspense. That he manages to make it interesting despite this is worth some applause.

AnitaPAnitaPabout 3 years ago

After reading ‘The dress’ I realised early in the story what the outcome of this story would be, but I admit your wife’s boss was a surprise.

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