Quiet Servitude Pt. 06a2


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"Yes Mistress. But . . will I see you again?" I asked.

It was her turn to hesitate.

"If you behave and cooperate, you will see me again."

"I would like that." I replied. "Thank you Mistress."

"You're welcome Stacy. Now get ready and do as you're told."

Before I could reply I heard the door open and she was gone. I pulled off the hood and frilly clothing and put them back in their proper place as instructed. In the mirror was a face staring back at me that I didn't recognize. It was filled with a mixture of emotion and tired. I quickly got dressed and touched up my makeup before taking the three gift wrapped boxes in hand and stepped back into the hallway, the ability to see once again feeling strange. I turned away from the door in which I had originally entered the hallway and walked the length in the other direction until I reached the door I had been instructed to pass and walked through it, closing it behind me.

Unlike the changing room in which I had been earlier, this was really nothing more than a four foot section of hallway with a single light, two doors and not furnishings of any kind. I tried the other doorknob but it was locked.

Chapter 16 - Friday, June 13th - 3:30 p.m.

I had been there less than a minute when I heard a buzzing sound. My ears searched the small space for the source but didn't find it. As quickly as it appeared it stopped. I continued trying to look around even though the sound had quit but couldn't find what had made the noise. It happened again a few seconds later and I again looked around, more curious now, but still came up empty. When it happened a third time, it dawned on me and I grabbed for the second door know. It didn't turn, but when I pushed on the door it swung open easily. I noticed the power lock when I walked out, my purse over one arm and the three 'gifts' in the other. I also noticed the chastity type belt strapped to my groin as I walked. It wasn't bulky enough to be noticeable under the gaff I was wearing but it would be a reminder of my trip here today.

Far in the distance, some two hundred feet away, I could see bright light flooding the end of the hallway. Following my instructions, I started down the path towards what I assumed innocently enough would be a hallway ending in the parking lot where Hal would be waiting for me. After taking a few steps, a window opened up on the right and I could see for the first time, the warehouse portion of the building. It didn't, however, hold any of the normal things a warehouse would have like hi-lo equipment, racks or inventory. Instead, dozens of occupied folding chairs were grouped together and were facing away from the hallway in which I continued to walk. The people seated out there were facing away from me and were all facing large displays in front of them expect for the few that were mingling about or walking in or out.

A man seated in the back row had been looking in my direction and talking to another man as I stepped into view. My appearance elicited an applause from the pair and soon others stood up and joined in. I wasn't sure what was happening until I got a view of the window they were facing and it became clear that they were all watching the action going on in one of the several windows I could now make out in the wall of the warehouse.

"They had seen it all?" I asked myself.

They had indeed and the group now applauding must have been there for my entire performance. I had had a hood over my head but it was clear they knew it had been me. In the neighboring window, where another mixed bag of people were seated, I could see a person being worked over and recognized them from the waiting room I had left, what seemed like days earlier. Unlike my experience, he wasn't blindfolded. I knew now what was in store for me and wondered if the glass separating the performers from their audience was only one way. I suspected it might have been both as one 'performer' was pandering to the crowd while a second seemed to stare obliviously at their reflection.

I knew now what was in store for me in the weeks and months to come. Feeling just a bit overwhelmed at my newfound celebrity, I continued walking, noticing my ill-timed erection had returned but was unable to grow out to it's normal length. The end of the tunnel was coming near as I stepped out onto the sidewalk and tried to breath normally, wishing the erection back into slumber. I first noticed a line of people to my right, anxiously in queue as another man was taking tickets and letting those few inside the door. None here seemed to take any notice of my exit and thankfully, Hal and the car were waiting at the curb as promised. The sun was out now and I had to adjust to the light as I stepped up and climbed back inside the passenger door.

Hal didn't bother to ask any questions as he dropped the car into drive and wiggled back out into the evening traffic. It wasn't the best part of town, but if it could shave ten minutes off a drive, most commuters with well running cars took advantage of the traffic. The car directly beside us had a man behind the wheel in a business suit and I felt a pang to return to such a life that I had held only a few weeks ago before my normal world had been turned upside down.

As traffic continued to inch along, another revelation had been revealed to me. We had only traveled fifty feet as I stared out my window quietly and noticed several storefront windows to my right. They were also part of the warehouse building and the five that I could see were all occupied during the nightly rush hour. One individual either stood or sat in each window opening and even an individual a wheel chair occupied a space. They were dressed in various form of clothing, some of which pushed the legal boundaries, even in this neighborhood. Most of the passerby's continued on without a second glance but a lot were congregating around one particular window. Some enjoyed the view from the place in line, trying to get into the building. Traffic finally moved far enough that the spectacle was out of view and my attention swung over to Hal who seemed interested only in traffic but a smirk on his face told me he knew what I was going to ask.

"It's quite disorienting in there, isn't it?" he queried.

"Yes." I replied. I could feel the blood rush to my face. "Was that where I was kept for nearly an hour?"

He didn't answer but simply nodded. It was my turn to shake my head.

"I feel like a piece of meat in the grocer's window."

He nodded. "You should. They advertise what's coming up later on inside to draw in the crowds."

My mind was whirling, trying to calculate how many people had traversed the road or sidewalk the entire time I was up there, the erection coming to life yet again as I pictured folks watching me as I just stood there unaware of the audience. Hal must have read my mind when he responded.

"If it's any consolation, you were up between the lunch rush and rush hour."

I nodded but said nothing. A certain sense of disappointment must have been broadcast.

"You did draw quite the crowd though. Bigger than anything out there." He added.

I felt a smile on my face and a feeling of satisfaction.

"That's more like it."

We inched our way through traffic and as the mile continued to drop off behind us I began to notice that we had rolled out of the red-light district and back into the more generally accepted parts of civilization. We had spoken no more but I simply had to know.

"If you saw the crowds earlier today, did that mean you saw me up there too?"

He nodded again. "You were quite fetching in ruffles."

"I new I liked you Hal from the first moment I met you!"

We both had a good laugh, but the streets had taken on a familiarity and we knew that five minutes from now we would be back and the Hennessey's. Silence ruled in the car once again as the tension ratcheted up in both of us. The car stopped in the driveway but we both just sat there, neither really wanting to get out.

"Any idea what I'm supposed to do with these?" I asked, holding up the three boxes.

"Yes." He said. "I hold on to this one until tomorrow and you give the other two to Debbie."

That was the first time I heard him refer to her as anything other than Mrs. Hennessey or ma'am. I nodded and handed him one of the two identically sized boxes and stepped from the car when he opened his door. Hal continued into the garage as I walked up the front steps and was met by Mrs. Hennessey.

"How was the first day of training?" she asked.

"Fine ma'am. I understand that these are for you." I said, handing her the two boxes.

"Thank you. Now go up, get changed and get ready for dinner."

"Yes ma'am."

I started up stairs to my room where I slipped out of my casual clothes and grabbed my uniform, daring only to take a minute to examine the contraption that was thoroughly strapped to my privates. From what I could tell, there was just enough room to urinate or for water to get inside for cleaning but nothing else. It was secured in a solid fashion and without a key, it wasn't coming off easily. I changed quickly it a fresh uniform and headed downstairs to tend to dinner. Other than the occasional request for fresh pepper or seconds of this or that, dinner passed without incident and I didn't receive a single inquiry on how my day went. Life in the house had returned to normal.

The meal completed, I helped clean up until Debbie came in and caught my attention.

"Stacy. I have another assignment for you. Run upstairs to your room and open the box on your dresser. You'll know what to do. I'll be up shortly."

Tommie carried on as though he hadn't heard a thing.

"Yes ma'am." I said, setting down the last of the plates and walked upstairs to my room where I did, indeed, find a large box had mysteriously materialized on my dresser. Pondering what domestic task it entailed I took it down, pulled off the top and froze. Inside were various items of clothing, including a uniform of some sorts, crinoline, nylons and patent black pumps with spiked heels. I reached down inside and took the items out, making a mental inventory of each. A single sheet of paper lay in the bottom and in handwriting that was clearly Debbie's it stated on no uncertain terms that I should put on the items and come to the master bedroom down the hall. If I took too long, there would be hell to pay although the exact details of which were not given. Taking her word for it, I quickly got undressed and slipped into the items from the box include the black hose with stay-up tops and a barmaid type outfit that was a combination of vinyl and lace including matching choker that was a bit too snug and a small cap to complete the look. I slipped into the shoes, which were uncomfortable from the start, and took a quick look in the mirror. The crinoline skirt came last and slid up under the uniform's skirt. I didn't find any panties in the box and thought I had missed them, but the crinoline was tight enough to hold restrained cock in a position where it wasn't likely to fall out unless I started doing jumping jacks in the spiked heels.

Fearful that I would be late drove me towards the door, but the idea of playing any type of sexual game with Debbie offset my desire to leave. She held all the cards now and I knew that one way or another I was going to do her bidding. It was best to just get it over with so I stepped to my bedroom door and peeked out. No one was in the hall and the door to the master bedroom was also closed. I turned off my light and stepped out onto the carpeted hallway where I made my way down to the appointed door and rapped carefully, hoping to not attract the attention of Tommie or Hal downstairs.

There was no answer so I knocking again, this time with a little more energy.

"Come in Stacy." I could hear Debbie command from the other side. I opened the door and started to step in when I saw Debbie sitting on the bed with her back on against the head board fully dressed and her husband, Glenn standing near the closet, hanging up his pants. I stopped in the doorway, unsure what to do.

"It's alright Stacy. Come here please."

I did as I was instructed and as always, her husband didn't acknowledge my presence.


"Let's have a look at you. Turn."

I spun around slowly in the same spot and stopped again facing her.

"Are you wearing my gift?" she asked. I must have looked confused because it was clear that I was wearing the uniform.

"The X-1?" she asked, a raised eyebrow for emphasis.

"Oh that. Yes ma'am."

"Well let's see it?" she demanded.

I reached down with both hands and took a hold of the crinoline, sporting a quick glance toward Glenn how had his back to us and lifted it for her review.

She looked down at the chastity belt and smiled, her face having an evil shadow across it. In fact, she couldn't pull her eyes off it until her husband turned and stepped up to the foot end of the bed.

"Fabulous." She said, turning to her husband. "Show Mr. Hennessey what you have there."

I stifled a sigh and turned towards him, repeating the procedure of lifting my skirt for his review. The normally docile politician smiled now, the same evil look on his face.

"Come over here Stacy and have a seat."

I walked around the edge of the bed and sat where he indicated.

"Let me show you mine." He said, slipping out of his underwear, letting them fall to the floor where he kicked them away. Mr. Hennessey was naked now as he stood in front of me, he cock pointing right at me but it was devoid of any type of apparatus.

"I don't have a chastity belt but go ahead and have a closer look." He said. "That's it. Give it a good look."

I wasn't sure wasn't sure what he wanted me to do so I reached up with my hands, long fingernails and all, and carefully looked it over.

"C'mon Stacy. This isn't a medical examination. Pet it. Rub it. Get to know it a little better." He said teasingly. I couldn't see Debbie but she had gone quiet and had nothing else to do but watch was transpiring at her feet. I took his long shaft in my hand and rubbed it gently, moving one hand underneath to softly massage the balls underneath. He made a soft moaning sound and it was clear where this was headed. When he quit making any noise, I leaned forward and ran my tongue along the side of his cock while I continue to work my hands around the rest. This received another moan and he stepped forward to encourage this behavior. I continued to work my tongue around his erect penis and once it was slick with saliva I wrapped my painted lips around it and drew it inside, drawing on it like a sucker. It started out with me pushing and pulling my head back and forth slowly but soon, after the moaning had increased in volume, I felt a pair of hands on the back of my head helping with the action.

"She's a natural Deb." He said as I continued to draw his cock deeper inside my mouth. His hips joined in at this point and we both began to work the motion.

"That's a good start Glenn but move on." She said.

I wasn't sure what she meant but he pulled away and I eased him out, red lipstick still evident on the skin. He stepped over to his dresser and pulled open the top drawer, extracting a condom and a tube of lube. I know knew what was coming next and I could feel my ass involuntarily tightening. This afternoon's experience had been pleasurable but the painful revulsion I was feeling now, despite the hard on I had cramped inside the unforgiving chastity belt, was growing with each passing second. Before I knew it, he had it on and was ready for me.

He held out a hand and I took it without thought. With it, Mr. Hennessey, helped me to my feet where I wobbled on the heels, unused to the height. He put one hand on each shoulder but before I turned, I could see the evil glean in his eyes and a lust on his lips, his tongue slowly working it's way around the thin opening.

My brain went into defense mode and I withdrew inside myself, the room thankfully becoming more of a dream-like state only I was caught up in a nightmare from which I couldn't wake up. Like a child, I could feel the force of his hands on my shoulders while my torso was tipped forward, only my own wobbly arms keeping me from falling face down on the bedspread. I could feel his hands running down my shaven legs wrapped in nylon as he grabbed each ankle and carefully spread them apart on the carpet until he was satisfied. He was taller than I was normally but with the heels he needed to spread my feet to compensate. I felt what must have been his cock pressing against my bare and exposed asshole and then withdraw as he continue to adjust my body to get the perfect height.

I was in a fog now, oxygen seemingly in short supply as I continued to stare at Debbie who sat passively back and watched with a smile that told me she was enjoying the humiliation I was experiencing and the obvious lust for control over me. When it was finally time though, I could feel her husband working his cock inside my tight ass as it had been penetrated earlier today. He found the mark quickly and shoved all the way inside.

My eyes widened as wide as my mouth as a gasp escaped my lips at the combination of pleasure and pain that suddenly racked my body. I felt faint but his powerful grip around my waist kept me in the proper position and steadied me atop the high heels that were spread out several feet beneath me. I looked at Debbie who stared back, enjoying the show as her husband continued to pound away, slowly at first but much quicker as he came so much closer to orgasm. I finally turned my eyes downward trying to hide the fact that I was deriving any pleasure from the intrusion I was experiencing. But apparently Debbie had had enough and didn't demand that I look up. A minute later, I felt the spasms which told me that Glenn was done and I could feel him finally slipping out, his tall frame stepping to the bed where he rolled over on his back and rested, his heavy breathing the only noise in the otherwise quiet room.

For my part, I leaned back and stood wobbly on the heels, my hands smoothing the skirt and crinoline as best I could. The shame I felt kept my eyes turned downward until Debbie finally spoke up.

"That was excellent Stacy. You can go wash up now and call it a night. We'll see you for breakfast in the morning."

"Yes ma'am." I said, stepping from the room with my ass still burning from the experience of being penetrated twice today. I quickly took off all my clothes and returned them to the box which I set back on the dresser, unsure of what to do with it. Without hesitation, I rushed into the shower to scrub off everything that would come off. Feeling the weight of my situation finally coming to bear I slid to the bottom of the tub in defeat and let the water try to clean away the dirt that I knew was inside and would come off. I was pissed at the erection that was again making an appearance and I tried every conceivable way to stroke it to orgasm but it was clear that while wearing the chastity belt, there wouldn't be an orgasm coming. Frustrated by so many things, I sat there in the bottom of the tub and sobbed uncontrollably, hoping that the sound of the shower was covering my temporary breakdown.

Chapter 17 - Saturday, June 14th - 7:37 p.m.

The LCD digits from the tiny radio alarm clock was glowing in my face when I opened my bloodshot eyes. I continued to lay there for a minute knowing the alarm was set to go off at 7:45. I spent the last remaining minutes of peace I would have today trying to unravel the large knot of feelings that were all balled up inside me. It had been a fitful night and I worked diligently trying to decide what I remembered happening on Friday from those things that had appeared in my nightmares. I don't remember it being so difficult separating fiction from reality as I did this morning. Fearing I would need a few more minutes in the shower to get my head back on straight I shut off the alarm and climbed back into the shower, managing to keep the sobbing at bay. Some how a night's sleep always helped me get my bubble back towards the center and keep me somewhat level.