Quiet Servitude Pt. 06a2


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I finished up, shaved again and did my makeup which I had been getting pretty good at doing now. The routine seemed normal now I think and I would feel out of place if I wasn't doing it. Finally done, I was back in uniform and found myself at the breakfast table where Glenn was no where to be found. Debbie was expecting breakfast and I delivered it to her myself. When she was eating, she asked me to sit and I did as commanded. She passed me the 'water' glass again and demanded that I prove to her my continuing loyalty. I drank it down and set the glass aside.

"Good. Now put the glass in the dishwasher and begin working on your chores. When I'm done, you can come back and clean all this up."

"Yes ma'am." I replied, rising to complete my appointed tasks which went off without a hitch as I, like my makeup, quickly picked up. The day, like those before it, concluded without fanfare. Debbie and her husband had retired upstairs while I finished cleaning up from the late dinner. Tommie had already left for the day since he lived on his own. I made myself comfortable in the living room and kicked on the television. I avoided the local channels, which still had an occasional blip about the local theft of company funds masterminded by the single criminal still on the run. It also talked about calls to local friends and family by the mastermind that I had become, looking for help. Records showed that I had made the calls from various places here in town but so far the police had come up empty much to their chagrin.

I no longer bothered to call anyone I knew. Some had called the cops to turn me in but so far the news hadn't been made aware of the video tapes thank God. I was surprised that Debbie hadn't leaked them to the press but that wouldn't have put the general public on my new feminine trail and I got the impression she was far from being done with me.

No doubt the cops had copies and were piecing together my 'disguise', which was supported by surveillance cameras they reviewed at the scenes where I had placed the calls. There was a slim chance they could recognize me but I didn't go out unless it was at Debbie insistence. I could go longer seek temporary refuge from my wall-less prison, an irony that Debbie found simply delicious.

I dropped the video tape that Christa had been kind enough to pass on to Debbie and watch for the first time, my life being unraveled. From the beginning I had been set up in my own household and it was clear from the tape that several professional surveillance cameras had been set up to monitor everything which had transpired during our guest's visit. It was also clear that it had been carefully edited to make only my face clear to the viewer. Damn her!

I was sitting with my head in my hands, shaking my head at knowing exactly what my friends and family had received, and could understand why the conservative shitheads had turned on me in my time of need. Watching the tape was frustrating to watch but seeing me on it, doing such things had it's erotic edge to it that aroused me physically.

The tape was just finishing up when I sensed someone behind me. I tried to pretend they weren't there hoping if it was Debbie or Glenn that they would go away but they didn't.

"How's it going?" Hal asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, climbing to my feet to retrieve the rewound tape the VCR had spit out. When I turned back again he was still there, a small, black box in his hand. I didn't recognize it immediately.

"I told you I would hold on to this until today." He said, clearing up my confusion.

"Right. One of the three mystery gifts from yesterday."

I took it from him and opened it, seeing a DVD inside with a label listing an item number and a web address. Lifting it out, I examined it as though I could somehow deduce what was on it through increased visual scrutiny.

"You have to actually put it in the DVD player to watch it you know." He quipped, a smirk on his face. I couldn't help but smile too despite the weight bearing down on me.

I dropped it in the player, switched settings via remote and it started playing. Even from the beginning it was clear that it was nothing more than semi-professional raw footage. The opening scene was that of a non-descript waiting room that looked instantly recognizable. As the first few seconds clicked off my shape came in to view as I took a seat and waited my turn. At the allotted time I rose from my chair and could be seen walking through a door. The next scene wasn't from the hallway but showed my time in the first waiting room as I was torn between running and complying. It was clear that the mirror itself was one way and a camera was positioned behind it as it caught primping and posing in the frilly lingerie. It was extremely erotic, but strangely bizarre to be watching myself doing such things with Hal sitting next to me. While watching the video, it seemed that my Australian co-worker had taken up a seat next to me on the couch and I hadn't noticed.

And then a thought occurred to me as I paused the DVD.

"Debbie got a copy of this? That's what was in the other box?"

Hal nodded. "Most likely."

She had showed the video tape to all my former friends and distant relatives so I guess I wasn't too horrified that she was holding a copy of the DVD.

"Wait a minute." I said. "Why did you need to hold onto this version then until today? Need to make copies for her?"

He shot me a glance and chuckled quietly. It hit me then and I could feel my face go flush.

"You wanted to watch it!" I confronted him. Strangely, I could feel the flush drain from my face and build up in the groin, the warm, glowing sensation tugging at the belt I was forced to wear.

He just continued to smile as I studied his face looking for any sign of deception.

"Can't blame me, can you?" he asked. "I had to wait in the car for you and didn't see anything after the took you out of the front window display.

"I guess not." I tried to look hurt but it wasn't working and I knew it. "Like what you see?" I asked, hoping to turn the tables on him.

"Very much. Thank you."

He was far too cool to get flustered by the DVD so I got to my feet and retrieved the evidence from the player, returning it to the case. Walking back over to him, I helped him to his feet.

"Did you order your copy yet?" I said with a smirk.

"No. I had to hit the sack after watching it last night."

"Consider this an early Christmas present then." I said, handing him the DVD and case. When he took it in his hands, I stepped forward, took his face in my hands, drew him within an inch or two and feeling no resistance I kissed him softly. I stepped back and smiled. "Thank you for everything."

With that, I went back to upstairs to my room and cleaned up for the night.

And so it continued. My duties around the house went on unabated Monday through Saturday, including the daily ritual of proving my obedience. Every couple of days I would continue my lessons at 'the factory' as it became known where I experienced so many new things. It started out easy, but as I was told it would, I was beginning to do many things I never thought I would do. Likewise, I had unspeakable things done to me I never thought I would have done. I know now what they meant about obedience being easy when they asked something of me that I wanted to do but obedience became far more difficult when asked to do something you really, really, really did not want to do or have done to you. At first restraints were used to ease me into things but to prove myself and my new mindset I had to do things I didn't want to do but did so out of obedience.

As the weeks started turning into months, I began to feel my resistance slipping away. Someone would command me to do something, things they knew I found resist, but I would jump now and do it without question even though my conscious mind was screaming at me not to. It was as though I were watching life go on through someone else's eyes. I could watch and experience it all but do nothing to stop those around me from asking things of me I never thought I'd do. What was even more amazing was the fact that I was doing all this in plain view of the audience, the glass in certain cells was plain and not just one way.

I even failed to get angry at my inability to get angry when I thought about everything that had been done to me and what I was becoming.

It would be another two months before I had my first clear thought since this all began.

Chapter 18 - Wednesday, October 6th - 7:28 a.m.

I started the day as always, with a hot shower. I'm not sure what it was that morning that had been different but it began when I realized, while I stood in front of the fogged mirror with razor in hand, that I barely had any facial hair to shave. It had been a problem a few months ago when my facial hair grew back quickly and I often had to shave twice a day if my duties called for a long day. Now it was all but gone and I hadn't noticed a difference.

My makeup went on quickly since I developed an efficient routine and a deft hand and I was dressed for the day and ready to go. Examining my appearance in the mirror had always the last step before beginning my duty and today was no different but there were little things I noticed. I looked much leaner, I noticed as I stepped closer to the mirror for a better look. My arms appeared longer and less muscular. Even my hands appeared more feminine but that could have been due to the replacement of my fake nails with my natural ones which had finally grown out.

The figure under the uniform was more of an hourglass shape too and I wasn't sucking in the small gut I used to tie back with a waist cincher. It was much thinner now as though I had managed to lose twenty pounds over the night which was an absurd notion. I looked in the mirror again, pondering the possibility that I was still dreaming and would rudely wake up soon, pained that I was wasting my dreams on work as well has my waking hours.

With the narrowed waist, it helped my hips appear wider, bolstered by the hip pads I wore. Strangely enough, it appeared that my uniform no longer fit well. It was tighter in the bust and hips where it used to fit loosely and now had extra room around the stomach and shoulders where it used to be snug. I pondered the possibility that it was time to replace it and decided I had a few minutes until I was due downstairs to begin the day. I reached back and undid the zipper, slipping it off and letting it fall to the floor before snatching it up again so it wouldn't need an iron taking to it. I returned it to it's hangar and took out another uniform in pink and white. Returning the hangar to the closet my eyes spotted something in the bottom of the closet. It was the hip pads that I thought I had been wearing. I looked down at my sides and noticed that the lace panties I had on were pulled up over the chastity belt and gaff, but were riding smoothly across the smooth flesh of my hips. I ran my hand down my left hip and confirmed what my eyes were telling me. The flesh was rounded, no sign of the usual bony protrusion of the pelvis that had been there.

My hand slid around behind to my ass so I could get a better look and it too found nothing but a nice round feature. Confused, I stepped back to the mirror to examine my body closer and indeed it appeared that I had blossomed a perfectly round pair of hips and an ass that filled out my panties as though they were designed that way. It was a rare event these days that I had an erection, and my last orgasm had been during my first day at 'the factory', but my dick had grown fully erect now when I noticed the physical changes in my body.

I was so aroused in fact, entranced by the feminine hips and buttocks that it took a few minutes before I moved up further and noticed the hourglass shaped waist that rode higher than the spare tire I once wore around my waist. Working my way further up, I realized that I had cleavage bursting out above my bra when was straining to hold back the flesh. I dropped the uniform and my manicured hand moved up to the rounded mounds. I understood now that the combination of bra and fake breast forms were pushing what little breast I had out the top. I reached back and found the hook, undoing it with practiced ease. When it came undone, the bra sprung forward but nothing fell out. Smooth flesh dropped below the wired cups but stopped immediately. I pushed my arms forward and the straps from the bra slid down them until the bra itself dropped off to the carpet at my feet. I watched it fall as though it were in slow motion. When it hit the rug, my eyes dropped even further down and I could clearly see the two, large, bulging mounds of flesh darting out from my chest where once it had been flat. The areolas were still a pure pink but instead of being the size of a U.S. quarter they were larger, more like that of a silver dollar.

I raised my trembling hands, hoping that it wasn't all a cruel dream. With my fingers touched the warm flesh I knew that they were real and they were perfect. Warm and soft. They extended to the side and sat wider than my ribcage. Pressing them together, I had the cleavage I had always dreamed about! I wasn't sure what was happening but my hands caressed the new flesh I possessed and my eyes were transfixed on the reflection that was so feminine I nearly ruined my fresh makeup with tears.

"Get a move on Stacy. You have a longer list than normal." Debbie said from the other side of the bedroom door, snapping me from my reverie. I through my arms up across chest in case she burst through the door, not realizing until a few minutes later that she and her husband, along with hundreds of other people over the past few months had seen this much of me and more.

"Sorry ma'am." I croaked. "I'm just finishing up!"

I paused for a moment and listened, wondering if my explanation would suffice. No more words came through the door and I thought I could hear her walking away over the beating of my heart. I didn't want to go but, wanting instead to stay and examine the new me in the mirror, but there would be time for that later on. I snatched up the bra and worked it back over my glorious breasts and slipped into my uniform, fumbling with the zipper until it too was in place. I checked my appearance, closed the closet door and tried to walk casually downstairs. When I came into the kitchen Tommie had Debbie's grapefruit on the counter so I snatched it up and took it to her.

As had become our routine, I set down the beginning of her breakfast and took my seat next to her where she presented my morning test of obedience. I drank it as always and retreated with the glass where I dutifully placed it in the dishwasher. I took the remainder of her breakfast to her and went about my chores, suddenly feeling as though she were scrutinizing me like she had the first day. I also felt as though I were hiding something, but knew that wasn't the case. Maybe it was guilt I was trying to hide from her but that didn't fit either.

It took several hours to figure it out but I came to the conclusion that I was able to think clearly again and that the fog that had been growing thicker inside my brain since my servitude began here had broken up and was fading fast with each passing hour. I had managed to keep my senses in check through lunch and dinner, staying busy with extra chores in preparation for Debbie's birthday party on Friday night. For the most part she were off making arrangements which meant I could do the work without worrying about my performance.

I was breathing easy, hoping to get a reprieve from my local lessons but that didn't happen. After getting cleaned up, Debbie and I ran through the list of chores I was to accomplish today and checked them off. The butterflies in my stomach were spinning with anticipation as I had only managed a quick examination of my new feminine body during potty breaks during the day and I was aching to explore it more when I retired for the evening. I tried my best to play the role I had done over the past few months and sitting still was difficult as we talked about what I had accomplished. I also tried to look passive on the outside and although I had gotten a few questioning looks from her that day it had been fairly successful.

"I guess we're set for today." She said, setting the list to the side. "Go up and get ready and come to my bedroom when you're ready."

I wanted to throttle her, desperately wanting to have the evening to myself instead of playing the faithful and obedient plaything for her husband but it wasn't to be. The fog had lifted and I could feel emotion again welling up inside me but my brain didn't respond to my demands. Instead, I responded with the obligatory 'Yes ma'am.' and rose to my feet, heading for my room. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't seem to resist and in a way the experience of what was about to transpire was all the more horrifying because I didn't have the foggy senses to soften what was going to happen to me and what I would be asked to do over the next hour. I walked into my room, and instead of picking out an outfit I already had been given, I found another box on the dresser. I picked it up obediently, took out the contents and began to get dressed. As though it were a sign of things to come, I began to get dressed in the outfit of all white as though I were being married off from one life and into another until death did us part. It was a costume resembling that a bride would wear on her wedding day under her dress or more realistically during the night following her wedding. White stockings and unrealistic shoes, a white, skirted bustier with ruffled panty and along with all the details, include a pearl choker necklace that fit perfectly. There was even a pair of white gloves in the box to complete the

Before stepping into the hallway as had become the routine I checked my appearance in the mirror and reveled in the view, the suddenly discovered breasts pushed up by the bustier were sitting there tantalizing to the touch. The bustier even cinched by narrowed waist further and the skirted area accentuated the widened, feminine hips. I slipped my feet into the white, slip-on heels and stepped from the room and down the hall to the master bedroom where I knocked on the door and awaited the command to enter.

Today, however, the door was opened from the other side by Debbie who was standing there appraising my appearance with the wicked smile that I was used to seeing.

"Come in Stacy." She commanded, stepping back to let me enter.

"Thank you ma'am." I replied, walking in and stood there awaiting further orders.

"You look very nice tonight Stacy. My husband will be extremely pleased."

"Thank you ma'am. I hope he will find pleasure in my appearance. Thank you for the outfit. It's very beautiful." I said, with nothing but admiration in my voice. I was standing there feeling many things, but the words that came out of my mouth seemed contrary to the way I felt inside and I struggled to understand why it was true. For Debbie's part, she eyed me curiously before shutting the door behind me. I could see she was still cautious when we faced each other again.

"I'm glad you like it." She said, appearing to select her words very carefully. "I don't know if you know this Stacy, but I think tonight will be a very special night for you and I. Mr. Hennessey will be out in a moment and I want this evening to be very special for him. Do you understand?"

"I will do whatever you ask of me ma'am."

We were now face to face and it was clear she was looking for something in my face to indicate that I wasn't being entirely truthful but after a few moments she stepped back, unable to see any deceit in my eyes.

"Well then, I hope you are especially pleasing to him tonight. When he comes out, use every feminine tool at your disposal to make sure he is pleased."