Quincunx Ch. 01


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I sat next to the fire to warm myself, kneading my feet after walking unshod for the first time since I'd stopped growing and had my first pair of adult boots. Back when my moustache was first shaved and I had my magic test.

I was idly watching Rash as he added the ingredients to the cook pot balanced on the stones. With his tight cap removed I could see his tousled blond curls shining in the firelight. He looked too pretty in the flickering flames. I wondered what he looked like under those thick clothes that looked authentic but sat on him and made him shapeless. He was tall, but had the hairless skin of a thirteen, fourteen year old.

"Get the coftea pot and put it on the side," he said, glancing at me then continuing his stirring.

I sighed. I was dressed for the part I was playing, fetch that, go for this, and got up on my still aching feet and walked over to the side of the wagon and brought it, and the makings back over to fill it from the barrel.

I put it on and sat back down, this time with my back to fire to warm that. I noticed that my pack from the donkey had been laid next to where it was picketed with the three horses. My sleeping roll and blanket were stacked there along with my tent and the other goods, but my sword was missing.

My sleeping roll and blanket were the important things for now, tomorrow and the half day after that would see us over the last finger of the mountain and into the wizard's realm. By then their horse would be re-shod. They had baths and barbers in the mining town. A shave and a hot bath would be welcome but I doubted very much if I could get one, even with the money I had in my purse to pay handsomely for them.

With my back warmer I got up and retrieved my bedding, unfolding my alpaca-lined blanket. I wrapped it around me as I lugged the thick rush matting along as well. As the night was fine I didn't need the tent; if it did turn threatening later I could sleep under the wagon.

I dropped the mat and pulled the blanket round me and draped it over my legs, leaning forward to watch the flickering flames lick the sides of the pots sitting on it. The stew was bubbling, Rash still stirring occasionally to stop it sticking and the coftea pot beginning to steam.

Miriamni came up between us. "Coftea ready yet?"

"Ask him." Rash replied, straightening up and easing his back with one hand.

I leant forward and picked up the glove, lifting the pot and putting it down by the third stone from the fire, wondering only now were the cups were.

"Where's the cups?" she asked.

"Still in the cupboard," I cheekily exclaimed. 'Where ever that is,' I added silently in my thoughts.

She looked at me and took a breath holding her first thought with a little pause then. "Oh never mind."

She traipsed over to one of the lockers on the side of the wagon and brought out three cups. She filled hers with a taste when she returned, sipping it to assess the flavour.

"Needs a little bit longer to me." she remarked, looking and nodding at me to put it back.

I did so and stood. "I need to ease myself, so if you'll excuse me, I'll be a little while."

I wrapped my blanket fully around me and followed our back trail to where the woods thinned from harvesting, wondering just how far I could go. In the moonlight away from the fire my vision came clearer as my eyes adjusted, and I picked a clump of grass or two as I made my way into the gorse that had reclaimed the territory.

With my business finished I slowly wandered back, glancing up at the moon crossing the pinwheel of stars arcing around the northern sky behind the mountains, heralding the coming rainy season of summer. I should be lying in the arms of Websy, making love for the first time in nearly a week, a repeat of our goodbye frigging.

I picked my way gingerly along the verge of the crushed rock from the mine tailings, through the grasses that grew at the edge, with the glow of the fire visible in the cleft valley as my target. I re-joined them, both looking round to me at my approach, frozen for a moment silhouetted in the fire's glow.

"I'm back," I said, as if I needed to announce myself.

They turned back to the fire and I gratefully sat down to rest my feet again. Seeing Rash on my return finally triggered the obvious that he was a she in disguise. I was surprised at myself for not having recognised it earlier.

Not that it changed things. They were running for the border and hoped to disappear, maybe even taking ship to cross to the southern tip and its anonymity. Rash, the girl in the lumpy clothes, was nobility, and Miriamni the trusted servant who looks like she organised this little charade.

My thoughts rolled on as I sat, still wrapped tight with my fingers gripping my blanket closed. I relaxed and let it slip open as I leant forward, elbows on knees, wondering how long till I could bed down. I was getting used to sleeping early and waking early.

I reached for the pot and poured coftea into my cup, the amber stream sparkling with the firelight. The stew would probably need another half hour yet. Beyond that there weren't a lot of things to do, the idea of games or music bringing a smile to my face as the thought flitted past.

I sat, sipping my drink and feeling sorry for myself, regretting our chance meeting and the capricious nature of life and what there was to suffer next.

The time dragged watching the fire and the dancing flames and Rash's occasional stir of the pot. She was half absorbed by it and by her thoughts, she was a lot prettier now that she was a girl. The question of what lay beneath the clothes set my cock twitching, and she looked past the eighteen years that made it legal for her to do the choosing.

"Is it ready yet?" Miriamni asked a little too loudly, making me look up.

Miriamni was getting the cotton glove and kneeling over to lift the pot clear while Rash quickly drew the ladle with a taster in it. We waited while Rash blew on it and Miriamni set the cauldron down on its legs.

She picked the strip of meat, tossing it between fingers as she blew on the end, continuing juggle until she was sure that the end was safe to nibble.

"It's eatable," she announced after chewing a few seconds.

We ate the meat and vegetable broth, and I put some more water on for a second cup while Miriamni washed the pot and bowls. Rash just sat wistfully watching the fire and I wondered again what she was running to or from.

The coftea boiled and I poured a cup for myself and offered the pot to Rash, who shook her head. The fire was starting to die down, the flames giving way to the ruddy glow of the embers. I warmed my toes but kept the cover of my blanket over my knees, hoping the others would turn in soon or I'd just set my bed up anyway.

Miriamni rejoined us having cleaned up and put thing in place in preparation for breakfast, stretching and yawning as she took her seat and reached for the coftea. I thought of what I would tell my folks and friends when I got home, and the teasing the true story would bring on my head.

Even with the charmed collar it begged the question of my manhood, and how a big man like me fell victim to the two women. I could see me exaggerating the powers of Miriamni to hold me charmed and even magically overpowering me in the first place.

As I put down my empty cup Miriamni turned to me.

"Go and fetch the lamp for me," she asked wearily.

I saw Rash stretch and yawn as I rose to retrieve it from the wagon, thinking I would roll out my mat when I got back and shave whilst Miriamni and Rash took their turn in the bushes. Then I could roll the stones back and sleep next to the embers of the dying fire.

I watched them walk off into the night, hoping that Miriamni would remember about the crystal in her pocket and not stray too far from the camp. I opened my toilet roll and was struck by the thought that my open razor could serve as a weapon, an oversight on their part.

I lay by the embers, curled up in my blanket looking at the great circle glittering in the sky, its curved arms marking the seasons. Over my shoulder I heard Miriamni and Rash came back talking quietly amongst themselves, going straight into the caravan.

I listened to the quiet of the night, tired but with my mind contemplating the chances of sneaking into the wagon while they slept. If i used the thick glove it would protect me from the magic and to Miriamni before she could get to the crystal, knowing that if I made the attempt and failed I'd probably end up hog tied for the rest of the trip, or even worse dead and left by the roadside.

I turned onto my back and finally drifted to sleep as the glow from the dying embers faded.

"Come; bring your bed for us to sit on. I want to talk with you in private," Miriamni whispered as she woke me.

I rose and followed her, bringing along my bedding as we walked a little way up towards the cave, till we came to a sheltered nook where she waited as I laid my bed out, she sat and patted the mat next to her.

"Have you a girlfriend?" she questioned me as I sat next to her.

The question's direction surprised me.

"Yes," I answered tentatively.

"Have you pleasured her?" she asked straight back.

Despite the euphemism her question was a bold one given the circumstances, not one I'd expect from a strange female.

"Yes I've frigged her," I replied back, being deliberately vulgar.

"Just frigging?" she asked back calmly, turning tables.

"I've played with her tits and fingered her cunny," I added still using crude 'common' words.

"You ever plated her?" she came back matching me.

The only oral had been Webberli sucking me off; I'd not persuaded her to let me try that yet.

"No," I confessed giving her the endgame.

"Then I'm going to teach you what a girl likes," she said rolling onto her knees beside me.

"Lie down," she ordered. "And unwrap your blanket."

It felt strange lying down with some woman calling the shots, taking the use of me for granted. I wondered where the crystal was right now. As I measured my length she opened her robe and hiked up her nightdress to reveal the hairiest minge I could imagine. Her pubes crept down onto her thighs all thick and curly.

She manoeuvred above me, her feet astride my chest, and then knelt down letting the flannel nightdress cover my head. The aroma assailed me and the hair was tickling my lips and chin.

"Stroke your tongue between my lips," she instructed me. "Just run it up and down a few times."

Inside the loincloth my knob was growing, pulling against the string holding it on. My hand slipped down to free it, pulling the bow open, then up to the hips of Miriamni feeling her bare warm flesh.

I pushed my tongue out, parting the tangled hair as its tip dove into her. After two or three strokes she stopped me.

"Wait now; did you feel the little nub at the top?"

"Uh huh," I grunted.

"That's where I like it most, but don't neglect the rest."

After a moment's pause she wiggled her hips on me. "Well carry on, then."

She widened her legs, her shins astride my shoulders with her feet on my chest. I pushed my tongue through to find the plump inner lips again and began to circle and stroke them, feeling her shifting to encourage my tongue to explore all parts.

I licked and slobbered, tasting her juices and finding her hunny hole and played with that as well, sliding my tongue in and out before sweeping it back up to her nub and stroking that. She was moaning appreciatively and wriggling the more as I struggled to follow.

She leant forwards, forcing my tongue to concentrate more on her nub as she became more excited. The aroma built as I felt the wetness of her juices on my chin, the warm folds of her plush lips sliding around and letting dribbles trace down my jaw.

Despite it being forced on me I was enjoying the taste and texture, my shaft standing tall as it throbbed with the want to frigg her. Her soft moans and groans encouraged me on as my tongue explored the silky skin and the hard little button peeking from the yielding hood.

Then she stopped, pushing herself upwards and backwards to squat above my stomach her hand reaching round to seize my throbbing knob then guiding it up into her as she eased herself down onto my shaft, stopping only to brush the head across her lips before squeezing down on it.

I felt the tightness grip me as more and more of me disappeared inside her, and raised my head to watch her body sinking slowly onto me. Even more surprising was seeing the pale face of Rash peering round the side of the boulder. She ducked back, but the moonlight on the golden curls made me sure she was the spy.

Miriamni rode me, pumping up and down wildly, her breath starting to show steam in the clear air.

I lay back and enjoyed the thrill of her riding me, my fat knob filling her as it plunged in and out, her frothy cum rimming the root, thinking of Webberli doing it, her breasts bouncing in front of me ripe for the plucking.

She came, shuddering as she dropped her weight on me, pushing my knob deep inside where I felt the waves of pleasure inside her. I could hear her soft sobs and panting breath as she leant forward, resting her hands on my chest.

My knob was still stiff inside her and I gave a hesitant thrust bouncing her up and down on my boner, she gulped and pushed herself back upright, starting slow with encouraging sighs and 'Mm's'.

As I felt the pleasure once again building in my groin I looked at her. She had her eyes closed and her mouth open as she bobbed up and down, taking me fully into her. This time it was me thrusting as my orgasm swept over me, arching my back and lifting her and sealing her to me as my seed flooded into her.

I grunted and let out my breath, panting to replace it as I lay back down. My sexual pleasure was a warm glow around me, feeling the warmth of her flesh on mine, wondering what to make of my kidnap now.

After a little while my shrinking knob plopped out, stirring Miriamni to ease herself from on top of me. After she rose I sat up and used the loincloth to wipe the cold dribble marks and dry myself while Miriamni stood and straightened herself.

I was still retying myself when she turned to glance at me, a big smile in her face. "You can have another lesson tomorrow."

I was pondering my answer when she turned and walked off, leaving me to collect my bedding and follow, remembering again the pale face poking around it when I passed the rock on the corner.

By the time I make it back to camp she'd disappeared inside and I was left to reset my bed and drift back off to sleep, wishing it was Webberli I'd emptied my balls into.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Bullshit it doesn't add up

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Don't mean to be mean I like the Mage thing but how he Get captured and everything after that just sucks ass

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This is a very well written piece of literature, I honestly cannot come up with words to describe how good it was written. Thank you for this form of art you have published for us to view.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Good work so far

I like the description at the start etc, but as said in other comments some effort to explain away or limit the main character is needed...if he has so many ways to escape why does he not even notice them...while good language does make a story more engaging to read the little (and not so little) details are needed to plug all the holes.That said its a good start =]

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

There have been at least 20 moments in the story where the protagonist could have incapacitated both of the girls if he really wanted to get free.

It's obvious the author has a series of events they want the story to progress down, but the protagonist being captured and then let use of his hands while handling BOILING WATER and other implements that could be quickly turned to weapons, is just a bit of a stretch and contradictory to the character as presented.

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