Reality Check


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I got up and yelled for Roger but didn't see anyone else. I glanced up at the grandfather clock and it said 3:30 AM. My God, I've been sleeping for three hours. I was quickly gaining my senses as I walked through the house. I saw light coming through the door of the furthest bedroom. I pulled my dress back over my breasts as I approached the door.

There was Carrie passed out on the bed with her dress pulled up above her waist. She had her panties off and there was Roger without his pants on fucking her. He was holding her legs in the air and was fucking her for all he was worth.

I screamed at him, "You fucking pervert. What in the hell are you doing? You're raping a nearly comatose woman. You fucking bastard. I'll kill you." I went over to the bed and started beating him on the back with my fists. Lance came in and pulled me away. I reached over and grabbed the table lamp and slammed it to the side of Lance's head. He went down with a thump. I grabbed Roger's jacket and ran for the front door. I had the car keys.

I couldn't believe I sobered up so quick with the adrenalin flowing, I got in our car and headed for home. I wanted to cry out so bad but I needed my senses right then. I pulled in our drive and got out of the car and went into the house, locking the door. Then I sat down and cried. I was there in the living room and cried myself to sleep.

I was awakened by a knock on the door. It was 10:00 AM and it was my kids coming home from the party. I opened the door and they all yelled, "Happy New Year, mom." Then they saw me and Carol asked, "Mom, what happened to you? Where's dad?"

I started crying again when John said, "Talk to us, mom. Where's dad?"

"I don't know where he's at. I caught him with another woman. I came home. He must have stayed since I have the car."

John said, "That fucking bastard. I hate him."

"John, please, it's your dad. Please don't swear now."

"I can't help it, mom. We know that's at least the second time that bastard did this to you." Then John my son came to me and cried with me before going to his room. The girls were crying also but stayed there in the room with me.

My youngest daughter was crying and asked, "What are we going to do, mom? What are we going to do?"

"Rachel, I'm going to kick his ass out. I will never make the mistake of letting him back in my life."

"As long as we get to live with you, mom," Carol replied.

"You kids are all I have" ".... Of course you can stay with me." Then the three of us hugged.

"Girls, go get our suitcases and anything that belongs to daddy throw in it. I don't know when he will show up." John came back into the room and I told him to help his sisters.

He replied, "Gladly, mom, as long as you throw his ass out."

"John, that will be enough swearing. We have enough problems without me having to spank your butt." John smiled, he knew I was kidding about the spanking. He was fifteen and probably seven inches taller than me.

We had our four suitcases filled and started using garbage bags. We didn't realize he had so much stuff. About an hour later there were seven garbage bags and four suitcases sitting on the porch waiting for Roger to show up. About two in the afternoon we saw a car pull up in front of the house. Lance dropped Roger off and pulled away.

Roger knocked on the door, I opened it and told him to get the fuck off our property. He tried the apology shit again with me, again saying he was drunk and made a mistake. I told him it was me that made a mistake when I took him back nearly twelve years before. I told him we would be contacting the attorneys and start the divorce proceedings.

He asked to see the kids and I told him they didn't want to see him right then and that they were nice enough to pack his stuff.

"What did you tell them, Martha?"

"Are you afraid of the truth, Roger? Are you afraid I might have told them you raped a passed out friend of the family? That you brutally fucked her in front of me and while her husband watched. That you were going to let another man do it to me. Is that what you want to know, you fucking son of a bitch? No, I might yet but all I told them for now is that you had an affair. I did it to protect them, not you. They have to live the rest of the lives with your fucking actions. No one wants to talk or see you right now. I will get in touch with you after talking to the attorney." I opened the door and tossed him his car keys, then closed the door.

To all the cheaters out there, remember when you cheat, you hurt more than just the spouse. It tears apart families, kids, relatives and friends. Is it worth it to ruin all these lives for a fuck. Think about it. My kids will never forget this.

We watched him put his stuff in the car and leave. The phone rang and Carol said it was for me. It was Carrie. I could tell from her voice that she had been crying. She asked me what happened last night.

I asked her what she remembered. She said that Roger kept coming on to her and she told him she was going to tell me. He just laughed and said I knew what was happening. Carrie then mentioned that she got drunk and came over to see me and I was passed out. She said she staggered into the bedroom and must have passed out herself. When she woke up in the morning, she was in bed with both Lance and Roger.

Lance had told her that they had both had sex with her voluntarily on her part. She said she had sperm all over her and her body hurt terribly. She stated that the side of Lance's face was bruised. He said during their wild sex that she had accidently kicked him but he would forgive her.

I said, "Carrie, I can only tell you what I saw and then what I did. I woke up on the couch and your husband was trying to have his way with me. I didn't let him and I ran to the bedroom to tell Roger. When I got there Roger was fucking your passed out body. I yelled and screamed at him and was beating on him for what he was doing. Lance came in and pulled me off of Roger and I hit him with your table lamp and then took Roger's car keys and ran out of the house. When I left, you were still passed out on the bed with Roger using you."

Carrie was crying again. She said, "The mother fuckers, I want to kill them both. I told them I was going to call the police and they told me I didn't have a case and that I had agreed to the sex. It was my word against theirs."

"Carrie, see a lawyer right away. If you want to file charges against both of them, I'll be a witness for you. They got you drunk and raped you, Carrie. It wasn't your fault. Just say the word and I'll back you up." She thanked me and told me she would call me in the next couple of days.

I ended up calling Carrie first thing Monday morning and we decided to go see a lawyer together. We explained our cases and asked her opinion. We got a female lawyer because we knew she would understand what we went through. Sally Hawk was her name. She was known as the best ball breaking lawyer out there. Most other attorneys were afraid of her and her associates.

When we were done talking with her she said we had two choices. One was Carrie could file rape and assault charges against both of them. I on the other hand could only charge Lance on molestation charges but would have a hard time proving it. There were no other witnesses. Even Carrie was passed out at the time.

Choice number two was we could take them for everything they both had. Sally said we could get it all. We would use the rape charges as leverage, our reason to the attorneys as our case for the divorce. If they went to court and it got back to their employer they would probably lose their jobs and ruin their futures, even if they won.

She told us it wouldn't be as gratifying as sending them to prison but it would be much easier to prove and was our husbands' best way out, especially for me since we had the kids and he would have to pay support for them. For Carrie it was strictly a money issue. Sally said she would see that she left Lance with nothing but his job.

We asked Sally what our chances of winning would be. She smiled and said, "With me and my firm, I would say about 98%."

We gave her the go ahead to get it started. She told us she would have all their accounts frozen as soon as we walked out of the office. Their husbands lawyers would probably try to do the same thing so she was going to get on it quick. If either of us needed money we were to contact her and she would get some accounts released.

I found out Roger contacted his attorney on Monday also. I don't know what story he told him but he was told that he would get to keep about fifty per cent of everything. He called me Monday night and told me all this. I asked him if that was before or after his attorney talked to our lawyer, Sally Hawk. He said it was before, of course. I told him to call his lawyer again tomorrow and then I would talk to him and hung up.

He called me back on Tuesday and started ranting, "You can't do that to me. I never hurt you. I earned everything, you just watched the kids and worked part time. It's my money, my home, not yours."

When he got done ranting I said, "I see you talked to your attorney again. What did he say your chance of winning was? I'm going to make this very easy for you to understand. If you are charged with Rape there is about a 70% chance that you will be found guilty and go to prison. That's what I would like to see happen. But I have three great kids to finish raising, three kids that you didn't think about when you did what you did. I told them you had an affair. If you don't sign the divorce settlement that Sally drew up, then we are going to court and your children and parents can hear the real story about the pervert you really are."

"Marsha, you're leaving me with nothing."

"I'm leaving you with everything you deserve. By the way if the kids ever decide to see you again and I hear you make any type of inappropriate move on them, I will personally cut your fucking dick off and jam it down your throat. That is not a threat, that is a promise!"

Our discussion took place about six months before the divorce became final. It was just as Sally Hawk wrote it up. I got the house and I got the remainder of the payments as well. I got all the savings except for his retirement. Sally said she negotiated and let him have that. He would have to take money from it to pay off any credit card bills that were outstanding. We each got a car and I get three hundred a week child support to start till each kid turns eighteen and another two hundred a week alimony till I turn sixty-two or remarry.

Carrie did pretty good also. She got everything they owned including their savings. She will get three hundred a week alimony till she remarries. Lance has a restraining order not to come within a hundred feet of Carrie or he will be arrested. She was worried he might try and come after her.

Chapter 3: The conclusion,

Well, back to where we began. Here I am at forty-four years old. My youngest daughter is in college now. My two oldest are off on their own doing their thing. My life has been good these last few years since Roger has been out of the picture. I dated a few times but I guess I'm a little gun shy. I decided to go back to college and get my writing degree in English Literature. I go to the same college as Rachel only I go at nights.

Rachel came home one night and asked me what I thought of Mr. Hinkle. I asked her, "Okay, Rachel, what is this all about?" Mr. Hinkle was the English Professor for both of us. "Why are you asking, Rachel?"

"He likes you, mom. He called me in after class and asked me if I would mind if he asked you out to dinner. Mom, a teacher asked me if he could date my mother. How cool is that. Are you going to go out with him, mom? Are you?"

"I don't know, Rachel. He hasn't even asked me out yet."

"He's going to ask you tonight, mom, after class."

"How do you know all this, Rachel?"

"Because he told me, mom. The man really cares for you."

I knew a little about Ed - that's what I call Mr. Hinkle. He's fifty years old and a widower. His wife died of cancer about three years ago. He is good looking, smart, well-mannered and believes in monogamy. How do I know all this? We have been out twice. He's also a gentle kisser. He felt funny about dating me with Rachel being one of his students. I told him to ask her about dating me. I knew she would love the idea.

I told Ed about my past and he said I deserved much, much more. He was lonely and missed his wife. He hadn't dated since her death. He told me that he saw the same look in my eyes when I entered his classroom the first time. That's when we had a nice talk over a cup of coffee after class.

We will be going out tonight. We might even make love for the first time. I'll have to wait and see.

A little about what happened to Roger after the divorce. He stayed in the swinging life style. He got remarried and was divorced after two years. He wasn't feeling good and went to the doctor. He is HIV infected and now has aids. He might last another two years but that's about it. When the kids found out about it, they went and visited him. He was, after all, their dad and we did have many good years together as a family. I made myself a promise that I didn't want to see him in the failing condition.

People ask me if I blame him reading stories for his failure in life. The answer is absolutely not. Roger was a weak man. He was always looking for something better instead of enjoying what he already had. He didn't stand up for what was right but only for what he thought felt good. Even after all that he did to me, I still have that little place in my heart for the good times we had. Our hearts never forget the good or the bad times. Which do you want your spouses, family and friends to remember the most?

For those of you who are good spouses both men and women, God Bless You. For those of you who don't think there is a price to pay for cheating, you may want to read this story again.

I have to write a term paper about real life and that is the story you are reading now. Hope I get an 'A'. Reading erotica can be enjoyable and lot of fun but every once in a while we all need a: REALITY CHECK!

Thank you for reading my story.
Sometimes you have to tell it like it is.
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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

To the prior commenters contesting the MULTIPLE large scale psych studies that anonymously ask about extramarital affairs, some going back three decades: Balderdash! Take off your conspiracy blinders and get out of the incel forums. Men cheat more than women (29% have at least one extramarital affair by their 50s vs 19% for women, though since 1990s, women have increased by 50% from 13%, while men remained constant), but women have longer average affairs (6 months vs 2 months for men). The rates for infidelity in any exclusive relationship of any kind, including emotional affairs, second base, etc) is 58% men and 64% women, but that is across marriages, engagements and exclusive BF-GF. The frightening numbers is that 75% of men and 66% of women would cheat if they had a 100% guarantee they would NOT get caught. Thatbis stunning.

That being said, it was nice to see the author provide a good story and a fresh perspective. I just knew though that his fact-based statements at the beginning woukd trigger a lot of readers on this site. No wonder we are tearing the country apart, since some people live and breathe alternative facts to suit their "intuition". Thankfully the scientific method isn't based on that crap.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I'm 61 years old, and I can confirm that women will lie when it works to their advantage, which is most of the time.

There's a reason why women are descibed as being "deadlier than the male".

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Here's a reality check....women lie far more than men, even under oath. The author's claim at the beginning about relative rates of cheating comes from the very lowest, least reliable kind of evidence - surveys, often done on the internet. Various people have gone beyond the junk science of "surveys" and the results for cheating today, as opposed to years ago, are different - ranging from about the same rate to somewhat higher for women.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Love women with balls (even if it is only on a temporary condition instead of a permanent transplant) to get a justified revenge against a cheating hubby. Roger deserved his HIV-aids problems: good for him. I am sorry that Sally will lose her financial support from Roger but his retirement will pass on to the kids.



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

What a moralizing, condescending mess. This is supposed to be a story not a sermon.

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