All Comments on 'Recipe for Disaster'

by jmmj5

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This would have been a very good much shorter story. It was still good, but the word to describe is would be "fat." It was bloated, in fact. There were so many side trails, so many characters, so much extraneous material that I finally just skipped over everything but the two central characters. Get a ruthless editor to cut the fat.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

a good story, but way too long. What did it prove? It was more of a man having feelings for young kids and their mother.

PowersworderPowersworderabout 2 years ago

It was okay, but I disliked how they all welcomed Cat back with open arms. She was a self-centred narcissistic bitch and abandoned her family as she became a fame-hungry whore.


After she was caught topless and the fallout started affecting the family, they should have started giving interviews to the press. They just needed to say how she was a terrible mother who had run away from her family years ago, that the reality shows were all a big lie, and that she'd been cheating on Hank while he tried to save their marriage. Everybody hates a bad mother and the fallout would've totally destroyed her career. That's the ending she really deserved.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuabout 2 years ago

That. Was. A. Long. Read.

I was hoping for fireworks in the last 3 pages because of the slooow build-up of the characters.

But it never happened. But still, I'm glad that all went well with everyone.

And gladder still that this is no cuck story.

Thanks, jmmj5 for sharing your effort with us.


Cat will have sex with Lorenzo.

She can't hold back for long...

Handsome. Young. With Abs. Sports Celebrity...

And Spaniard at that...

Nope, she doesn't have a chance.

Even being served she stayed.

I think Cat lied.

What is there to hold her back?

Her marriage is dead.

She has withdrawn from her family and mother.

I am certain she had sex with Lorenzo on the yacht.

Maybe not on the first or second day,

But eventually, she did it within the week with Lorenzo

And also during the filming of the Spanish episodes afterward.

Good thing Hank doesn't seem to give a crap.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Long winded, boring, yawn inducing, gave up on page 6, shouldn't have been a 10 page 'story'

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 2 years ago

Smooth. Very well done my friend. Hugs

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Apart from the redneck and fiddle comments...very nice going. TC Ireland.

mattenwmattenwabout 2 years ago

Wow, one thing is for sure, this very well told story would have been better off with "romance". Nevertheless, I liked her very much. The description of your protagonists' characters was very well structured and I was able to put myself in their shoes. The "safe haven" family as you sketch it fits very well! The only thing that struck me was that for "LW" you got by with very few sex scenes. But that didn't detract from the story! 5*!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

could have been a 4-5 but way too wordy and drug out. 3*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Five chapters too long.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very nice story, slowly and well developed. However, there's nothing in it warranting the tag "erotic!"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

10 pages of nothing.

MonsieurXMonsieurXabout 2 years ago

Well constructed. Enjoyable to read. Not the world’s most compelling or original plot, but the characters were fleshed out well enough to keep it interesting. I know people love to read about the noble, victimized, husband who can do no wrong, but honestly spending all his time working at the food bank seems to be laying it on a wee bit too much. Good job. 5*

BigJohn601BigJohn601about 2 years ago

As you warned your readers it is a bit longer than many but I must say that I enjoyed the plot and the characters. I will be looking forward to other stories from you. Thanks

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69about 2 years ago

Long but enjoyable and believable story.

numbnutz49numbnutz49about 2 years ago

5* - Wow, another loving wives story where the husband truly forgives the ex-wife as she proves to be fully remorseful. This story was put together in a patient and steady way (wait for the comments of it being too long) allowing it to go either direction. It takes a skilled author to do this and this author clearly fits that bill. I like many BTB stories but there is nothing better than living a good life and then allowing his heart to heal and then even sharing the future with the ex. Did Cat cheat with the guy from the Barcelona FB club? I don't care what the story said . . .

CHUCK2468CHUCK2468about 2 years ago

Was ok. Too much blah blah blah. Asked the wife to read it but dont read page 4, 5, and 6. She missed those pages and she knew the same as me who read the whole thing.

A solid 3*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


kelchakelchaabout 2 years ago

Thanks for the story. Rated it 4* . Just a little too sweet for my taste.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago
I disagree with the first two anonymous

Not everyone wants a short story. It was nice to be wrapped up in a longer story for this site. Thank you for an enjoyable read!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You're a great writer, your writing syle is awesome........but your stories are way too fucking long and BORING sir/ma'am... ALL of them are long and extremely BORING!!. there's no action , no drama and the ending always seems to end sitting around the fire and singing koombya🤣🤣🤣.. I don't understand why this was 10 pages? It was EXTREMELY wordy.. it just went on and on and on... I actually skipped a few pages. I was just that bored. I think this could've been done in 6 pages. You talk too much writer... 😒... a whole lot of talking, but not really saying anything or going anywhere.. just a whole lot of yap yap yap yapping.. it was just an OK story... nothing I'd read again🤧🤧.... dew jezus that was a snooze fest🥴🥴..... the ending didn't surprise me.. it too was boring.. I bet the comments will be way more entertaining than the story... now on to the story itself.

This was one long ass story😫.... I was getting a bit bored after the first 4 pages . Cause it was just a lot of "I'm trying to save my Marriage".. nothing wrong with that..... except..... he's the only one fighting for the marriage 🤔... how will this work? The wife doesn't see anything wrong with their relationship,  she's content on how things are and where they're going. The only one she sees that has a problem is HIM. It's impossible to fight for a relationship when only one person is fighting..listening to the way this relationship has been for 10 months. I don't get the sense she still cared about his opinion, care about his feelings or their marriage. He's just an insolent little boy to her. I couldn't believe he was still waiting for an apology a year later😂😂😂😂😂... sir, move on you're not getting that apology. If she was sorry she would've immediately apologized.  An apology now wouldn't be sincere. She would just be saying it so he can stop whining about it and she can get him back in line. .. oh, she eventually apologized for making a fool of him.... 4 yrs later🤨🤨 know what kills me with some folks? Their naivete. You can tell when someone wants out of a relationship. You don't need to wait and see. I'm baffled why some people rather hold on to the naivete instead of opening their eyes and realize, this person doesn't want our relationship. They've been wanting out for a long time now. They don't have to cheat to want out. Some folks cheat and don't want out. It starts with their attitude and how they treat you and the relationship..... absolutely nothing I've read in this story that told me cat even liked hank let alone wanted to be married to him. She treated him, their marriage, their family with total INDIFFERENCE ... I as a reader could tell Cat wanted money, fame and notoriety... having a husband and famiky, just didnt fit in there. ...I mean I get it. They've been together for years and have 2 kids together.  He wants to do whatever it takes to save the marriage. If only to say, I did my part. But my thing is once he realize he was in fact the ONLY one in the relationship working hard to save it....... he should've just begin the mourning process. His relief at finally ending the relationship, tells me he KNEW for a while the marriage was dead. What was he waiting on? You can't save a marriage if one spouse practically lives fin another country. If his wife wanted to stay his wife, she would've came home.. damn a job, damn, a celebrity status, damn the money. Damn all that bullshit that means about nothing in the long run. I knew by page 3 the marriage was dead and gone, only thing left was the eulogy. Her stank attitude was my first clue. Also the reason he felt relief at the marriage ending is because deep down, he wanted out also.... totally understandable after so much bullshit. He was over her and the marriage🙃..... I usually love long stories..... when they're actually going somewhere and have some keep me on the edge of my seat moments.. that wasn't happening here. It was just a whole lot of blah blah blah blah blah blah.. his wife all over the country trying to become famous and he's home wooing another woman and her two kids😂😂😂😂.. if that wasn't the 1st damn clue the marriage was over, nothing was. I mean when you stop telling each other I Love you, you have some serious problem. Of course cat is regretful now🙄🙄. She's a lonely old woman now. All she have is her 4 houses, her money and her D list celebrity fame.. she's now realizing what she gave up. They always do. This feel good story could've definitely been done in 6 pages... don't get me wrong it wasn't a horrible story..... just LONG AND FUCKING BORING...

demanderdemanderabout 2 years ago

A nice, warm tale. D

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

For about 6 or 7 pages, this was simply one of the most well written and plotted stories posted in a long time.


Then…it kind of fizzled. Why? Several things:


1. The budding romance with Julie lacked….passion. Not sex. Passion. It was boring.

2. Up to the point of Cat’s arrival in Asheville after being served, the tension and anticipation of the catalytic confrontation was at max….and ten….fast forward to the divorce and her just hopping back on the fame train. Again…it got boring.

3. The almost total family reconciliation with the entitled birch was just too easy. She not only blew up her marriage AND other family relationships….she did NOTHING to try to repair it for year after. No way EVERYBODY just welcomes her with open arms back into the fold as quickly as they did. And in such a uniform manner.


That said…just so we’ll done..even if the plot lost it’s energy in the last couple pages. And with all that Asheville locale and 2 characters being accomplished chefs…no mention of Biltmore? Not even for one of the weddings?


Still….easy 5 *****

NKenNKenabout 2 years ago

Well, early indications are that my comment will go against the grain, and, to be even more different, my name is NOT Ano'!

In my mind this story was a throwback/ homage to " the wanderer / Denham Forrest " in that it was a wonderful, meandering tale with a happy ending! Not spoiled by either extreme burning of bitches or complete nancy boy cuckolds!

Too long? Just about right as far as I'm concerned.

I really enjoyed reading this story, thank you jmmj5 for this wonderful yarn :)

VinastodaVinastodaabout 2 years ago

I will honestly say I love a good btb story, but I love a good story where there is the ability to see a true reconciliation. I gave it a five. Yes it was a little bit long but it was worth read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This author is one of my favorites among those currently active on Literotica. So, I enjoyed being drawn in to this story. That said, there were a few jarring word choices (for me). “Reign” is what royalty does over subjects and “rein” is what one does with horses to guide them. So, one reins in one’s emotions. And pallet, palette, and palate have very different meanings, despite their similar sounds (speech dictation software?).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Long and boring. Another stupid slut too. Quit writing.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 2 years ago
As others have noted, it is a long story…

… but I did read all of it. I suspect HDK would advise that it would have been better at about one half of the length. That said, pacing and character development are about right. I terms of plot, I am surprised that Cat didn’t go for the rich rancher, but author clearly wanted to focus on reconciliation with her family. IRL she would have gone for the rich ranch guy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

OK story but I believe more in Santa Claus than I would that she didn't fuck the soccer star and some of his team mates. After all she did to everyone the reconciliations was a bet much and unrealistic for me. Yeah, I hold a grudge for a long time when someone screws me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This was a good story about a couple who had grown apart and who had developed conflicting life goals. They divorce and each moves on with their respective lives. That's realistic and normal. But then the story de-evolved into the "Everyone LUV's Cat show". The unnecessary, over-the-top, saccharine sweet and fairy tale reconciliation added in at Hank and Cat's daughter wedding just ruined an otherwise good story. Injecting Cat back into the cast making her the center of attention adored and beloved by every other cast member was pure literary dreck and pretentious nonsense. I know reconciliation authors "luv them some reconciliation" but certainly don't when stop.

FireFox59FireFox59about 2 years ago

Decent story but Hank is a much better man than I am. No way I could be cordial to a woman that had treated me and my family like that.

Cringo31Cringo31about 2 years ago

A good story that could have been told in a much shorter style. I also did not feel that the initial tension in the story came to fruition. Everyone ended up happy and healthy but as a reader would have liked more from the divorce and finding love again

mikeyjb51mikeyjb51about 2 years ago

Well done, I enjoyed it very much.

skruff101skruff101about 2 years ago

Yes it was long, yes it could have been shorter. Would it have been better with a couple of pages cut? Probably not, but if your attention span is limited to the duration of a YouTube video having to read ten pages must be quite the trial.

Liked it well done.

SwordWielderSwordWielderabout 2 years ago

Good. It was a bit long. Maybe Cat will meet a new love now that she has found herself again.

Fuzzy85Fuzzy85about 2 years ago

I guess I have a taste for well-spiced fat, I loved it. A nice break from the norm.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This story is long because of the exceptional character development. On the strength of that alone this deserves a 5+.

There are a few blemishes. First, this is a blaring false note: "You could not be more loved or welcome than you are right now." The statement makes Hank sound ridiculous. Even if she had been a committed, faithful wife and mother she wouldn't have been more loved? This statement is actually a pivot into a mawkishly "Hallmark" ending extending through the last 2.5 pages or so. I often think that sometimes even good authors default to "Hallmark" endings because they get tired or impatient toward the end of their stories. Finally, the incorrect use of the "their" and "them" indicates either a certain intellectual laziness or woketardism. Ignorant, feminist/woketard pronoun usage stains a story.

Nevertheless, this is an outstanding story by a talented writer who is a pleasure to read.

BaggyUKBaggyUKabout 2 years ago

Warm and entertaining story, ticked most boxes for me. He did the 'life well lived' thing and that is always good. There were some odd edit errors early on, Hank had several names at one point but it didn't really detract from the tale, (always worth a slow read or two out loud to check, or a couple of us picky readers happy to do a proof read). Only other thing for some visitors here it may increase the eye fall (reader rate) if you split into 2 or 3 parts. Well done and thank you for your work here.

SlithyToveSlithyToveabout 2 years ago

Excellent work, and I disagree with the previous comments about it being too long. Of course, I like stories that explore characters (which this one does nicely) as opposed to focus on plot, so I have no problem with a few more pages here or there. One aspect I very much like here is the idea that people make choices that have repercussions in their lives while it can lead to regret it doesn't have to lead to explosions. Most of the couples I know who have both remained friends with me after splitting regret how things worked out on some level, but have also gone forward with their lives, either with or without new partners, and accept that both they and their ex are people who made choices that led them to different paths. Some are more regretful, or occasionally bitter, than others, but overall there's not that much real venom once the breakup is over.

nixroxnixroxabout 2 years ago

5 stars -

I liked the way this story unfolded. Although, I learned a whole lot about food - more than I wanted to know, thankfully, I am a septuagenarian and it won't last long in my short term memory.

I also despise the active lives of people who are in the 'SHOW' business world - be that cooking, dining, clubbing, gaming, theatrical, movies and all the rest. They live horrible shallow lives and one I have never envied.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


francemanfrancemanabout 2 years ago

really very very good. 5⭐

I really liked Hank's (very realistic) decision to divorce him without any planning for evidence, photos or videos, as well as the absence of burning the bitch.

A simple and amicable divorce, because in the end, she is still the mother of her children. And their emotional well-being must always come first if you are a truly caring father.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I was meandering along with the story not really liking it nor disliking it until the talk between Hank and Cat where she swore she hadn't fucked the soccer player. Then Hank believed her. That pretty much crushed the story for me. She's spent weeks with it guy flirting, clubbing, and partying but she never fucked him?? Yeah, right. If you believe that I've got some really nice beach front property in Arizona I'll sell you cheat. Really didn't even see the need for this talk in the story.

miket0422miket0422about 2 years ago

Enjoyable story but, I felt as if Car was written very one dimensionally in order to force the storyline of Hank getting together with Julia.

Obviously everyone, including Cat, got their happily ever after with a big extended family. But, it just seemed like that was a foregone conclusion from about page 2. The remaining pages added no drama or excitement.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Way too forgiving family and friends for my taste. After everything she did to them they immediately welcomed her back with open arms. Please!! Pretty wimpy family and friends in my opinion. Hank might not have been a cuck but he wasn't far from it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Long winded but good story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Loved the story! Heartwarming.

BubbacumBubbacumabout 2 years ago

Enjoyed the story!

AlleybarberAlleybarberabout 2 years ago

Sorry, but he was just as bad as her in the cheating stakes. The ending was skeward somewhat. Way Too much Disneyfied. But an ok story. Definitely need it edited.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing…

It’s been said that we all tell the same story, in this case you told it very well:) 5*

myky40myky40about 2 years ago

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Great.

TheUnoriginalistTheUnoriginalistabout 2 years ago

Kudos on respecting your own story enough to live inside it for a length of time. Most authors here do the opposite, treating their own ideas as both unremarkable and undeserving of enrichment.

Maybe it could have used more of a dramatic climax, but who am I to say? I certainly enjoyed reading it.

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnonabout 2 years ago

This was an absolutely fantastic story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It was a beautiful written love story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Author friends of mine have told me “always leave them wanting more”. This is the first time I have read something where I wanted less.

WetheNorthWetheNorthabout 2 years ago
I do not like stories that are too long

But I still read every word of this fine piece of writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Completely agree with Powersworder!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I enjoy your writing very much. But this story is not only very long (quite a bit unnecessarily so, I think), but it fundamentally lacks any sort of dramatic tension. We can tell from very early on where things are going--and then, aside from very minor details, that is exactly where they go. A story (and especially one of this length) needs a sense of tension and uncertainty to keep the reader's interest, and that simply doesn't happen here.

Thanks, ohio

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A little windy for my test but really enjoyed the read



AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Cat claiming to not having sex with Lorenzo is hilarious. Then it looked like Hank believed her. Now that's stretching believability to the breaking point or maybe Hank was that gullible. Her family and friends should have burnt her. She was nothing but an egotistical bitch that betrayed and deserted her family and friends. Really was looking for some fireworks after she was served but alas the story just petered out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What is with these young sports stars having a thing about middle age married women?? Do they have mommy issues?? WTF!!

MasterKoteMasterKoteabout 2 years ago

Not bad and it's true that not all gold glitters

JH4FunJH4Funabout 2 years ago
Great Story (5 Stars)

To start with the story was way to long. I hate reading long stories in one setting. (I am a slow reader) The story, If broken into smaller chunks would not have been as good as all together, so being long is understanding.

However, with all of the negative out of the way, the story was one of the best in resent LW stories. I enjoy the detail and the way the emotions tied together. While most everyone who has commented hated the family reunion and welcoming Cat back. I loved the fact that they did so. It made it closer to real life and what a family would do to be closer again. Don't get me wrong I would have loved to have a great BTB after she had sex with Lorenzo (different thought line for ALT story) and maybe a few others prior to the divorce. But this was not my story it was yours.

Yes, I love a good Hallmark, UP, or GAC Family movie as well. So this story with this end was fine with me. Some of the most interesting parts to me were Hank help with Julia get more time with her children even though he had a family. There are many people in this world that help others without any thought of helping themselves or anything in return. That to me made it realistic. The fact that he had family issues added to the intrigue.

I am glad you wrote this story and gave 5 Stars because of how much I enjoyed it.

Keep Writing


TonyspencerTonyspencerabout 2 years ago

Enjoyable story, thank you.

johntcookseyjohntcookseyabout 2 years ago

The prodigal wife/mother/daughter indeed! I was expecting the ignominious demise of Cat, maybe a crash in the Andes west of Mendoza a la the Uruguayan rugby team, or perhaps cannibalized by the Yanomami tribe for some accidental cultural slight. Instead you brought her home to the wide open embracing arms of her reimagined new family. A very sweet tale of redemption (although at first I thought she might return to her Mendozan rancher). Some quite heartwarming moments in the end. Thank you very much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story. Hope to read more from you!

KRD19254KRD19254about 2 years ago

I liked it buttttt.... It was a page or two long. I have to agree with an anony, Hank & Julia did not have any passion or real romance, the story lacked for a reason to marry other than for Julia wanting a father for the girls.


Maybe Cat did not CHEAT but she definitely emotionally CHEATED on Hank and her kids. As asked in the story if the family thought Cat cheated on the yacht - Cat did not bet a real BTB moment from Hank. The story had Cat sort of live her own self induced hell, sort of - but not enough. And her paramour got off with no penalty in killing a marriage.


The most telling BURN was her own mother never accepted her conduct in constant reminder in remaining with Hank/new-family even as an EX-mother-in-law - BURN.


4.6*, Hooyah

patilliepatillieabout 2 years ago

Damn, that is a gem. Very much enjoyed this. The writing is simple but resonates within me. Makes me do some soul searching....

MwestohioMwestohioabout 2 years ago

Great story. Very well written. You just typoed one word - reminisce

Rocket081960Rocket081960about 2 years ago

I enjoyed it. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Really enjoyed it BUT if you are going for a wholesome family ending it would have been nice if Cat had someone else too. I prefer stories like this where the partner who was wronged goes on to live a good life because the other is chasing fame or money. Would have liked a longer story that told of Cat finding love, maybe a sequel. Shit, perhaps Julia dies and they get back together (though that is somewhat cliche).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I don't give many 5's. This got one.

The couple of name switcheroos didn't

merit losing a star.

Enjoyed it, thanks, and keep'em coming.

john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooterabout 2 years ago

Very well put together story!

The clueless self-centered wife powering her way to fame and fortune. She sacrificed it all for her success. Her first clue was her divorce papers. Wait, what?

No way, no how, no husband wait that long. That is the final step. Hank had his family, her family, her show and the staff, friends, reslatives, neighbors to use. Stage an intervention. Serve separation papers.

When you do serve her, make sure it's in all the tabloids. Cool idea, but only as a last resort.

Excellent story. It saddened me more than I expected, you foreshadowed this from beyond the horizon. I just don't believe she could be that clueless.

DocGiffDocGiffabout 2 years ago
Great read! 5 stars

Loved the story. It was a great read. I really appreciated the fact that you published the whole story without breaking it into chapters. I hate having to wait days between chapters and end up not seeing all of them. Thank you.

Regguy69Regguy69about 2 years ago

Good story, and well written, as usual. Maybe a tad too long and not quite as emotion invoking as your others.

Good lesson for “all that glitters is not gold.” She was blinded by ambition and suffered for it. Julia is one confident lady to allow Cat complete access to her home and family. Looking forward to your next offering.

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 2 years ago

5* story.

You have a good, compelling style and can tell a good story. However as my university creative writing tutor used to say: "Less is more."

gentle_touch4ugentle_touch4uabout 2 years ago

This is a great story. Please continue to write.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionabout 2 years ago

Really enjoyed the story. You took it from start to finish. A lot of stories are just snippets but this one takes you through the whole story and includes the lives of all the people who revolve around the main characters. Loved it. 5 stars.

BoxerR100BoxerR100about 2 years ago

Well done. A bit long, but good job. Keep writing. Your storytelling and flow will improve. You will become a better writer. You clearly have talent. Please keep writing!!!

Look forward to reading more from you,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Enjoyed the time you took to build the family relationships beyond the superficial.

Would have been nice to have some hot sex thrown in once in a while.

Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I pretty much skimmed over everything that didn't involve Hank and Cat and their situation. That was the meat of the story but for some reason even that was anticlimactic and hardly anything to get your readers blood pressure boiling.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

very poor writing. obviously written by someone who does not read much. nothing naturalistic. a very vanilla, very whitebread sensibility. squaresville.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I tried to get through it, but just couldn’t. Way to long and filled with irrelevant pablum. Hank was a whiny little boy and frankly Cat was better off without him. But, honestly she should have had the juevos to just divorce him and get on with her life. I find these, ‘the husband is a saint, and the wife a completely self-absorbed narcissistic cheating whore,’stories boring and repetitive. 3*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I need my five minutes back after skimming over your unreadable trash! you must be self-involved to write so much of this garbage! 1 STAR AND DESERVES NONE.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Hank sounds like one of those sick country bumpkins who does horrible things to his own daughters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

if a woman leaves a man . . . that man deserved leaving. reads like the cuck author's power fantasy. sorry, cuck boy. we know she never came back. You should be ashamed for publishing such pure horseshit.

MormonJackMormonJackabout 2 years ago

Awesome story. Thank you!

I wish I could write so well. That said, with your request for comments, here goes: somehow, Hank went from lost and angry to a loving ex-husband. I kept expecting to read about Julia and Hank, the sparks that grew, and then how her influence changed Hank's attitude to his ex. I didn't expect him to be so loving: that went beyond what I thought he could feel for her after what she did. Sure, he could help out the mother of his two kids, even get her from Colombia to the wedding. Of course he could be a gracious host. But loving... not with her demeaning him professionally to the world, not with her affair (yeah, who really believes that Cat and her fut-boller didn't go further after a week topless on the yatch?), not with abandoning the family. That part was too incredible for me and I had to actively suspend disbelief for the rest of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Thanks for the story. I like fiction, but this story is more like science-fiction. This story takes place in the "USS Enterprise" because anything goes, and everybody is successful and happy. I didn't realize we have Martians living on earth. Relationships and idealism are stretched as far as the imagination goes. Way to go jmmj5

management91399management91399about 2 years ago

I liked the fact that you used so many classic LW Tropes, the wife's career competes with the marriage, the younger man/snake in the grass, and disrespect (This time on the TV show) for the husband. Where it fell off is most of Cat's crimes were committed off-camera being described to her husband by 2nd parties so when Cat final is in the same room as the husband she doesn't seem as real as the husband. She's not fully fleshed out as we've been reading other people describe what she's doing. Still my favorite sort of story, a star is born but a marriage dies etc.

BrentJWBrentJWabout 2 years ago

Kudos to jmmj. There were a few things that were unbelievable. Given Hanks position he had way to much time to devote to charity. His interest in two preteen girls was in stalking territory and was screaming pedophile to me. Cats narcissism was believable but not her insistence she never fucked Lorenzo, yeah right. I accept that a loving family would eventually forgive her if she repented but she burned all her bridges to ash so normally it would take a long time. Otherwise, a good tale.

DazzyDDazzyDabout 2 years ago

Asheville, NY. Asheville, NC. HEELS

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarabout 2 years ago

Excellently done. Fascinating characters and story. 5*

OvercriticalOvercriticalabout 2 years ago

This was a very passive story. Very little happened considering it was (good god!) 10 pages long. It just seemed to meander along with a very unexciting and unexcited Hank letting life happen to him rather than make it happen for him. He didn't fight for the woman he apparently loved for decades. I couldn't root for him or anyone else in the story. I guess the word I need is dull, just plain dull. 3*

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 2 years ago

Very long. Either expand it to book length or cut it to a nice, easy read length. Not to say it wasn't exquisitely written, detailed (which I love), but it meandered a bit too much. Passion between Hank and Julia wasn't apparent, so it's almost like a rebound for him and a grabbing the brass ring for her. You foreshadowed the latter early on. In the end, the love of his life awoke, and he had the knowledge that she learned the hard way that, "all that glitters is not gold". But it looks like a Pyrrhic victory for him. Sadly, like reality, it was depressing and ended with a hissing, guttering sizzle like an ember being dunked. 5/5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very good story overall, but what the hell is remanence. Did you mean reminisce? A little long ,however 5 stars anyway.

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With a few exceptions, I tend to write longer stories, but that’s just my nature, I think. I’m going to try to tighten that up in the future. I know that means fewer people will read them, but I know that going in. Also, I tend to write what I know. I’ve spent a lot of time i...