Regina Discovers Sex Ch. 03


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I suddenly realized that I had been standing there, just staring at her for at least thirty seconds without a word. I looked at her face, but Crystal didn't notice because she was staring down at my body, maybe even more wrapped up in looking than I had been. It really did feel great seeing her look at me like that with her pink nipples hard like that. So I slowly spun around giving her a 360-degree eyeful. When I faced her again, she was looking at my face and blushing.

"So," she said quietly, "it really turns you on to have me look at you like that?"

"Oh yes," I said simply, "And it turns me on to look at you, too." I stepped forward and kissed her, just a soft smooch on the lips. She kissed back, but kept it close mouthed and sisterly. Suddenly she turned away, crawled up on the bed and sat cross-legged where she had sat before. I followed her up and sat facing her, close enough that our knees were touching.

I didn't hesitate but put my hand on my pussy to squeeze myself while I asked, "Do you get kind of turned on, knowing that I am looking at you?" She had shyly lowered her hand to her pussy while she was watching what my hand was doing in my lap, and her gaze was so fixed, her lips slightly parted that I wondered if she even heard me.

But she did hear me, and after several seconds, she absently answered, "Yeah, I guess I do." Her pussy was spread by the way she was sitting, and because she was keeping her fingers around her clit area, I could see at least a little of the pink. But as turned on as I was by her body, I think I was even more deeply aroused by the fixed stare she had on my pussy, only occasionally raising her eyes to my breasts. Since we had started she hadn't gone as high as my face even once.

"Your friend you were with," I asked, finding myself a little short of breath now, "You only kissed and beat off while looking at each other?" She was still a little slack-lipped but she raised her gaze to look at me in the face. I think she was close to coming but she did give me curt nod for an answer. I continued, "Well, didn't you ever want to do more, with her, or another girl? Maybe touch another girl, be touched by another girl?"

She licked her lips and looked over my body before raising her gaze back to mine and then answering, "I guess I've thought about it a few times." She said softly and I thought, evasively. "I know you were with Patty." She continued in that soft voice, "Who else but Patty? But what did you do? How far did you go?"

"Of course it could have been another girl," I answered, "There are lots of girls at school." I was a little irritated with her since she was so obviously right, and she looked as if she didn't believe me and it didn't matter, so I just answered the rest, "We did everything. We sucked each other's breasts. We licked each other's pussies. We licked each other's bottoms. We rubbed each other's pussies together. We did it all, and we did it over and over."

"Oh God!" she cried out softly, now staring at my pussy again. But she wasn't answering me; she was starting to come. Knowing that I was watching my sister coming while staring at me whipping my clit made me start to come to, and then we were both leaning forward, moaning and grunting as our hips roiled with ecstasy. Then as we were both slowly coming down from heaven our lips met and gently kissed. But still like sisters kissing.

Our lips separated and Crystal sighed, "That really did it for me. I could just see Patty's pretty face licking your pussy and that just did it." She blushed when she realized what she had just said, which surprised me a little, considering what we just did together. Apparently she was still pretending that we didn't just have sex.

I grinned, "Have you thought about having sex with Patty before?"

She grinned back, "No, but I'm thinking about it now. Of course, you never said it was Patty." She looked like she was about to giggle because she thought she knew it was Patty and was being pretty smug about it. I was afraid it would blow her mind if she knew about mom and me. I mean, she was right - I had sex with Patty, but that was just a tiny piece of the pie.

I decided to be a little coy, "Didn't you like what we just did together? I mean, I could go call Patty for you. I could tell her you want her to eat your pussy. She's pretty weird and might just run right over."

"Don't you dare say that to Patty, you evil sister!" She answered, but I could tell she was actually thinking about it. "And of course, I loved what we just did. I came harder than I did with Kelly!" She looked dismayed, "Oops, I didn't mean to say that. Please don't say anything to her either!"

"Wow! Kelly!" I giggled. "That's really hot!" And it was. Kelly was a really cute short girl with brown hair and a pointed little face. She also had a really tight, almost boyish body, but she was one of those girls that just really reeked of sexuality in some way that one couldn't quite ever put one's finger upon, "I would have loved to watch that. Have you ever thought about getting back together with her?"

Crystal shrugged uncomfortably, "Sure, and we might. I don't know. But we're friends and I would hate to risk that." Then she beamed as she thought of a way to change the subject, "So what was that third sexual problem now that we've gotten past one and two?"

"Hmm," I paused, wondering how to proceed, "I'll tell you, but only if you'll give me a kiss. And it has to be one of those kisses that you say sisters don't do."

My sister turned pink again, "I'm sorry Regina. I just don't think you understand. When we kissed the other day, it really, really got me excited. You know?"

"I know," I said softly. Then I unwound my legs, stretched out on the bed laying my head on the pillow and spreading my legs around where she was sitting. This of course, left me spread really wide, and for the first time she was getting a really good look at my slit. Her eyes opened very wide and stared at my pussy. "I know," I whispered as I repeated it, then in a soft voice, but not a whisper, I added, "So just suck it up and kiss me like we were going to have kittens together, and then I'll whisper my third problem in your ear."

She put a hand on her pussy and looked me over good, then while staring at my pussy and squeezing her own, she murmured, "All right, maybe just this time."

Slowly she crawled up and laid herself on top of me, settling her hips inside mine before easing her breasts down on top of mine. She gave a small moan of frustration and kissed me. There was no lead in, no build up, we were just suddenly kissing as passionately as any two lovers ever did. Her tongue was aggressive in my mouth, probing me, and alternately teasing me into her mouth. The kiss went on as we rubbed our bodies together, my legs clutching her around the hips, and her hips grinding into my pussy.

She finally broke the kiss and laid her face cheek to mine, and panted while she whispered, "Okay, tell me now."

I whispered back, finding it just as hard to breathe as she did, "I want to have sex with you Crystal. I want our relationship to include everything. I want us to be closer than sisters, closer than lovers. I want to be like complete twins."

She raised her face then and looked at me, tears welling in her eyes, and she kissed me again. Then looked at me again, so I added in a whisper, hoping to make this easier for her, "It doesn't matter what other people think or do. And I know you have wanted to have sex with me for a long time."

Crystal rolled off of me and stretched out beside me, staring at the ceiling. She sighed, "So. What makes you think I have wanted to have sex with you for a long time."

"Oh, mom told me," I answered, "you'd be surprised at how wise and knowing mother is. Anyway, she saw you beating off this summer while you were looking at me naked in the back yard. She didn't want to upset you so she sneaked out of the room. And don't worry, mom doesn't think any less of you for it."

We rolled to face each other and Crystal asked, "I don't understand. How could mom not be freaked out?"

"Um, that's a long story," I hesitated, "And I'll tell you everything, absolutely everything, but not until we have finished bonding. Sorry, but it just has to be that way, and you will understand why it has to be that way when I do tell you."

Crystal showed her dimples with a grin, "Bonding? That's cute. And by bonding, you mean 'go all the way' by that, right? Because, I have to tell you, I am more than a little freaked by that idea."

I smiled back, "Yes, in fact that is what I do mean, all the way, sister. What were you thinking about when you masturbated while looking at me naked?"

I don't know when I ever saw my sister blush but she must be setting a record today, because she was pink again. She looked away from my eyes, downward - probably at my breasts, "I just thought you looked free and wild, and I had this kind of fantasy of, I don't know... I guess I was thinking how great it would be to strip off my clothes and come into the backyard and join you. And I was thinking about rubbing my hands all over your body. And I did want a closer look at you. And that's all, I guess."

I said, "Well, here we are, both naked. And I would like it quite a lot if you were to rub your hands all over me, and now you know I enjoy you looking at me. So just do it." I turned back onto my back and lay there, waiting.

She grinned, turning even redder, "Okay." She started with rubbing my shoulders and my arms, although she spent much of her time looking at my breasts. Then she moved on to running her hands softly over my breasts, hefting them, squeezing them and giving light little pinches to my nipples.

It felt heavenly, but I felt the need to concentrate on the task at hand, "So, what do you mean that you're freaked out at the idea of going all the way?"

She continued rubbing my breasts, looking like she was getting excited, and the blush was back when she answered, "Oh, you know, it's going down on a girl. I've never really considered that seriously. I mean, it just seems so nasty."

"Don't tell me you never had a boy do it to you!" I exclaimed. I was becoming somewhat mesmerized by the sway of her breasts as she massaged mine.

She giggled, turning a little redder again, "Of course, fucking isn't enough, you know, but, I mean, with a girl? You said you did it. Why? What was it like? I mean, did you like it? And you really knocked me over with that licking asses stuff. I mean, why?"

I moaned, "What you are doing right now feels really great, twin sister. And don't you like what you are doing?"

She plucked at my nipples with a little smile; they were getting enormous, "Well, yeah, but..."

"So kiss 'em," I told her, "Kiss my breasts and suck my nipples, sister. It's even more fun than touching, and I think you'll like it fine. Please?"

She gave an almost imperceptible shrug, grinned while looking me in the eyes and said, "Okay." She began giving little kisses all over my breasts, lightly sucking on the nipples. It was driving me crazy.

I gasped when she nipped my left nipple with her teeth, "Wow, that feels so good, Crystal; and is it so bad, sucking my tits?"

"No, it's really nice," she said moving to my other nipple and sucking it a little harder.

"When I asked if you had thought about sex with Patty, what were you thinking if you weren't thinking about going down on each other?" I mean I was curious. We had been estranged for so long, I didn't know much about how my sister thought.

"I don't know, maybe about feeling each other up, looking at her naked, and yeah, when you threatened to tell her to come eat my pussy, I started thinking about that, but I sure wasn't thinking about eating hers."

"You would if you saw it," I said, "And her pussy tastes as good as it looks."

Crystal raised her head from my breasts after giving me a brief shocked look and began stroking my tummy and sides. I wondered what she was going to do next, but then she muttered, "I knew it was Patty. Patty is so pretty..." She stroked the sides of my hips a few times, bent over to give me a little kiss in my navel, then straightened again, "I do have to admit that seeing that pretty redhead's face between my legs is such a sexy thought that it does make me wet." And she said this almost casually!

"You can't just touch my pussy, you know," I said, affecting the same air of casualness. "You have to rub my legs first, and kiss them, too. I have my standards!" But oh how I wanted her to touch my pussy! She really had me on fire.

She giggled and moved to the end of the bed so she could massage my feet and ankles. Once again, the sensual feeling of having my feet stroked startled me with its sexuality. I had to swallow before I could speak, and even then, my voice was soft and breathy, "When you came, you were looking at my pussy. What were you thinking about then?"

She had worked up to rubbing and kissing my shins when I asked her the question. She paused for a second, then resumed rubbing and kissing my lower legs while she answered between kisses it little spurts, "Well, I was... thinking about how nice it would... feel if I were touching... you there and making you come... like that... with my fingers."

"Okay..." I had to bite my lip for a second before I could speak further - she had just begun rubbing my thighs and had given me a gentle kiss on my left inner thigh, "Just kiss and lick my thighs, a little, then you can do what you want to my pussy."

I raised myself on my elbows to watch her, and it was a lovely sight. Her lovely blond hair hung over my right thigh as my sister's pretty face obediently gave me several long, hot licks on my inner thighs, her eyes pretty much locked on my pussy. Until she noticed me looking, then she blushed again and giggled, "I don't even know what I want to do to your pussy."

"You want to touch it," I practically panted, "to run your fingers through my pubic hair, and..." I had to moan as I spread my legs wider because she was doing it, running her fingertips through my dark pubic hair and giving the fat lips of my vulva little squeezes and pinches. "And you want to spread it, and take a good long look, as long as you need."

She grinned, breathing harder as she spread me and looked, and without taking her eyes off my inner lips she softly said, "I've never looked at a girl like this, but... You're pretty down here, Regina. Damn, girl, you are pretty everywhere."

I felt her finger trace lightly down the slit, exploring me, but with just the tip of her finger. My hips were shuddering intermittently and quivers at her touch were running through my belly, which surprisingly, I could actually see. "Now, sister, you don't have to, but it would please me so much, oh..." her finger touched my clit ever so lightly and my hips lurched.

"It would please you if I what?" she asked coyly with a naughty little smile.

"Just touch me there, please," I whispered urgently, "I want you to touch me there, just this once, please. You don't have to do it again if you don't want to, but make me come, Crystal. Please?"

She delicately cocked an eyebrow at me, and then she smiled, but she was looking between my legs, not at my face, "Ok, I'd even like that." She lay down on her belly between my legs with her face just a few inches away from my groin and began to manipulate my clit with her fingertips. I moaned and my hips jerked from the shock of the intense pleasure. This only went on for a few seconds when she took her fingers away and kissed me in the pussy, running her tongue up and down.

My hips shivered as I looked down at her face buried in my pubic hair. Her eyes were closed. After a little exploring, she locked her mouth around my upper pussy area and began massaging my clit with her tongue, mostly rubbing my hood left and right. My orgasm was fighting to burst loose inside of me, but I choked it back as best I could, wanting to prolong the pleasure of seeing my sister's face between my legs. I think I managed to hold it back nearly a minute and a half - it seemed like eternity.

Then my eyes were squeezed tightly shut as the orgasm just exploded through me like a bomb. I was barely able to keep any awareness at all on what I was doing, but I was just conscious enough to realize I was holding Crystal's face to my pussy with my hands in her hair while my hips fucked at her face frantically. Then I guess I overloaded to the point of my consciousness fading for a moment or two, because the next thing I knew, was my sister was lying on top of me kissing me with my pussy scent on her face.

And I was kissing her hungrily back and becoming aware that she was grinding her pussy wetly against my hip. Reluctantly I tore my mouth from hers and whispered, "Please stop. I want you to see my face between your legs when you come." Maybe it was a poor choice of words. She raised her face, her eyes tightly squeezed shut and her face as red as a beet while her body shook and shivered from head to toe. She emitted a deep grunt and a little cry as her hips convulsed non-rhythmically against me four or five more times with her grunting with each thrust.

"Too late!" she practically hissed like a balloon leaking air as she collapsed on me, limp as a rag. For a while she just panted in my ear while I rubbed her back with my hands and stroked her legs with my feet. Her hips occasionally spasmed against me, until finally I felt her hips relax too. Then she whispered between pants, "I've never come that hard before, Regina." A minute later, and still panting slightly she raised herself up enough to look me in the eyes, "And a big part of it was the thought of seeing your face between my legs."

"I want that more than anything," I swore fervently.

She grinned and rolled off me, landing on her back beside me, and breathing deeply, "I know you do, and now I think I understand why."

I rolled on my side to look at her and admired the pink nipples cresting her lovely breasts, "Why?"

She gave me a sideways glance then closed her eyes, "Because I couldn't resist doing it to you, and I loved doing it. I'm sure I'll feel bad about it later, but at the moment, I still loved doing that to you, sister."

"Maybe I'll just start eating your pussy and keep doing it forever so you'll never get a chance to feel bad about anything. I love you, Crystal."

"I love you too, Regina." She opened her eyes and grinned, showing her dimples, "But you aren't going to touch me again until you've told me everything!"

I sucked on her nearest nipple to prove she couldn't stop me from touching her, and then she said without pushing me away, "You said you would, Regina." Which of course stopped me as effectively as a truck would have.

"Okay, here goes," I sighed, "I've been having sex with Mom. And Mom and I had sex with Patty, like a threesome, you know? And the guy I had sex with was Uncle Jack." And I waited for the explosion. Meanwhile, I just watched Crystal stare at me, her face revealing none of the shock that I'm sure she felt. Finally after about two minutes of her staring, I asked, "Do you still love me, Crystal?"

"Yes," she answered very softly, "I'm just trying to take in what you just told me. I've some pretty intense feelings about all this." She rolled on her side to face me. "I feel shocked of course."

I nodded encouragingly, "I couldn't help it with Mom. But Patty was actually my first, um, sexual experiment. So what are your other feelings?"

Crystal chewed her lower lip before answering, "It's so hard to be truthful about something like this..."

"I know," I said emphatically, "Believe me I do! The first orgasm I ever had was from suddenly seeing Mom naked, by accident. She came to talk to me about it, and well... Can you imagine what it was like telling your own mother that you just came from looking at her naked?"