Rehabilition of Margaret Jenkins


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I thought I should let Dr. Newton know, so I called around lunch time so he could be ready. I was disappointed by his response.

"Sorry Ms. Jenkins, it's my fault for not be careful when I scheduled you. My nurse is still away this afternoon and I would be the only one here. It wouldn't be a problem for the routine follow up check, but a male doctor giving an enema to a woman without anyone else present would be unprofessional, it could also be construed as misconduct. It could be worrying or even distressing for you. I don't imagine you would want it; in any case you'd have the right to refuse. The next possible appointment is two days' time."

Unwelcome news indeed. I particularly wanted to experience an enema at the hands of the thoughtful doctor but I could hardly tell him outright. But I could tell him I needed one.

"Oh Doctor, please, please do not be concerned about my feelings. I have complete confidence in your professionalism, I know you would never do anything improper. And anyway, I don't think I can wait two days."

In fact, I hoped he would do something improper, though I was certain he wouldn't. Fortunately, he agreed to do the enema. I wasn't sure whether or not it would be better that he was alone to do it. Would he feel more .... free to act on his initiative, or more concerned to avoid impropriety?

Before I set off to the clinic, I took a long shower to ensure I was completely cleansed externally, washed my all my hair, applied moisturiser all over my body, and a trace of musk-scented perfume to the hair on my armpits, pubes and between my buttocks.

I arrived a few minutes early, but the doctor was at the reception desk and there were no other clients. We would be alone together the whole time. He went to the door and locked it, turning the sign to indicate closed.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I thought today he looked younger than last time, then realised that his hair and beard were trimmed from two weeks ago. His demeanour seemed more upbeat as well. Instead of ordinary day clothes he was wearing neatly designed hospital scrubs. It was essentially like a one-piece overall zipped up the front from crotch to neck and with a breast pocket and at the sides of the "trousers". Instead of it being thick twill as might be worn by a workman, it was thin cotton, pale blue and loose fitting. It looked as if it would be semi-transparent if worn in strong lighting. My thoughts began to roam, naughtily. I wondered what, if anything, he had on underneath and if the front might be unzipped. Was this regular attire when he examined or treated someone hands on, or was his attire and appearance just for me. Either way, I was pleased.

My pale-yellow blouse and mid-blue skirt seemed rather staid in comparison, but I was glad I was wearing stay ups instead of tights and had chosen a tasteful white lace cotton bra and panty set. I declined to use a pad today, but had taken the precaution of carrying spare panties in my bag. So far so good.

"Perfect timing, Ms. Jenkins, thank you. And you are looking very well today. I would never suspect you were having any digestion problem at all. Anyway, how has it been going these last two weeks?"

"Well, thank you Doctor, that's a lovely compliment. But I do feel better in myself, despite my tummy being bunged up right now.

I had made daily notes which I went through with him as I explained my progress. I admitted cutting down on the fibre because a couple of times I was taken short when outside. I told him I hadn't expected that taking the prescription as well cutting down on the fibre would cause my digestive system clog up. Naturally I didn't let on about encouraging that because I wanted the enema.

"Not to worry, we can easily fix that. In case it gets a bit messy I'm wearing these one-use medical scrubs. I hope you don't mind the rather institutional appearance, but I feel it is more practical than regular attire."

As last time, he led me to the treatment room and left me to undress completely and hang my clothes in the closet, so I'd again be naked to weigh myself. I checked my panties for any soiling and was pleased to see they were spotless back there, though there was a trace of moisture from my vagina. A few minutes later he came in and told me to get up in the gyno chair with my legs in the stirrups and for examination. I was a bit more used to it now and was fully comfortable to be displaying myself, nude and legs spread for him. In fact, I was more than just comfortable, I was aroused and wet, excited at what the nice doctor was going to be doing to me. I didn't need to look between my legs to know I was opening up and my clit was starting to poke out.

"I'm not going to do the enema right away; I want to check how badly constipated you are first. I'll be feeling around and some massaging your abdomen."

Dr. Newton came beside the chair and gently placed a hand on my lower abdomen just below my belly button and held it there for about half a minute. He seemed to be looking right down at my hairy mound and vulva, and I had no doubt he could both see and smell the signs of my arousal. To my surprise he commented favourably on my flat and, according to his words, firm and trim belly. He then shifted his hand to the right and with gentle pressure started to massage me with slow clockwise movements following the line of my colon. His sensitive fingers pressed in just enough to locate the contours of my passageway and I was able to feel him work along the line towards my rectum. There were some low rumbling and murmuring sounds and I could feel the contents shifting. Now and again there was a splurpp as a sizeable mass of faeces shifted.

"Your bowel is very full, Ms. Jenkins, and its contents are rather firm, especially so on the right side. That is natural in view of what you've been taking and the reduced fibre in your diet. There are sections where it is quite compact, and some where there more gas. What I'm doing is working the contents to spread the mass more even, and so be less likely to block the passage of your faeces. You'll be feeling it moving around, and it might make you feel you're going to defecate, but don't worry, you probably won't. It wouldn't matter anyway, a bit of mess is part of the business so just relax and let the bowel massage do the job it's meant to."

His words were reassuring and I did manage to relax, avoiding the instinctive urge to tense my abs and floor muscles. It was actually enjoyable to sit back and feel the doctor's hands shifting the contents of my bowel. It was strangely erotic. The room was kept comfortably warm for the benefit of the examinee and the combination of hands massaging and my arousal made me feel warm enough to start perspiring.

I saw that Dr. Newton was also getting a bit sweaty and the thin cotton garment was becoming see-through making it clear he was naked underneath. What's more, his cock had become hard and its outline was visible against the pale blue cotton. Just then he moved a bit closer in and although I could no longer see, I could certainly feel it brush against my hip as he worked down. I was quite enjoying the contact, not the least because it meant that he found me attractive enough for him to get hard. However, that part of the treatment was over and he moved away and took from a drawer a pair of white latex gloves and pulled them on.

"Ms Jenkins, you will remember that last time I used a finger to penetrate through your sphincter. I have to do it again now and push right into your rectum while it is full with faecal matter. I have to warn you that it may be embarrassing for you. I will be poking into your stool in order to feel how firm it is and to make room for the enema water to get in. It will feel strange as I push it around. Would you help me please by putting a hand on each buttock and holding them apart? You might let some gas and a bit of stool out but it doesn't matter. Normally I would have my nurse do that but today I have to ask you. Are you OK with that?"

The prospect was rather daunting but he was a doctor and was behaving very professionally. Also, I could understand it was necessary. It meant I'd be showing my asshole to the doctor and perhaps letting something out right in front of his eyes. How humiliating if that happened. Strangely, once I had accepted it, I felt a frisson of excitement at performing what would otherwise be a thoroughly filthy and degrading act. Yes, I would do it and not worry.

There was also something I was meaning to ask but it was rather embarrassing, and I kept putting it off. It seemed now was as good a time as any.

"Yes Doctor, I can do that. I just hope I don't disgrace myself."

Actually, I was thinking how it was rather opportune, since it pushed me to raise a rather personal matter.

"I hope you don't think I'm a terribly wicked person, this seems so unbecoming from a respectable middle-aged lady. I do want to know the answer to something. Just recently I met a nice man about my age. He was quite attractive and I wanted to have sex him, he made it clear he wanted it too. I want to be able to have anal sex with him as well as vaginal. I never had a cock in my ass before but I'd really like to ty it with him. I'm fairly sure from him saying what a nice ass I have, that he'd like to fuck me there. But as I have a weak sphincter, I'm concerned there might be a problem. It's also a problem with getting intimate in any way, I'm worried reaching orgasm might make me lose control and disgrace myself. You have felt inside me there, can you tell me what you think?"

* * * * * * * * * * *

Dr. Newton stepped away and looked seriously at me for several seconds. I was sure I'd proposed something that offended him and he was going to admonish me. But that didn't seem to square with the view I had of his penis which was pushing up and out, conspicuously revealing its outline. I thought I saw a small dark patch on the thin blue cotton, right where the tip of his erection was in contact with it.

"Oh Ms. Jenkins, please do not feel there is anything improper or wicked about enjoying anal sex. It is not something reserved only for gay men. I know some people consider it a gross perversion, but if it is then almost everybody is perverted, including respectable middle-aged ladies and qualified doctors," saying those last words with a smile. He went on, "You might think of yourself as middle-aged, but you have a lovely trim body, nice muscle and skin tone, nice hair .... on both your head and your body. You're a very attractive woman, Ms. Jenkins. And of course, I will advise, I just have to check a bit more thoroughly than I originally intended. But that will not be a problem for me at all; in fact, it will be a great pleasure."

He stepped over to the device which controlled the chair and pressed some buttons to position the back down so it was closer to horizontal, while the stirrup holders were moved higher and wider apart. The effect was to expose my ass and spread my legs much more. To keep them in the right position he closed the restraints over my ankles and secured them. He also fastened a wide nylon strap over my midriff secured it using the Velcro pads. It wasn't very tight, just enough to hold me in place.

"Please don't worry about this precaution, it is not that I want to restrain you, but I have to make sure you don't fall off and hurt yourself during the next phase."

The repositioning and restraints made me feel extremely vulnerable, and completely at his mercy. Disturbingly, I was aroused rather than scared. He asked if I was ready for finger penetration and I meekly uttered, "Yes Doctor". I hoped I didn't sound over-enthusiastic.

He lubed the fingers of his right hand and I used my hand to prise my buttocks apart. I wasn't certain it was completely necessary, but I wanted to give him the best access to my anus as I could, and the best view. It felt incredibly lewd and exciting, causing my vagina to get wet again. I gave in to the temptation to say something too mischievous and daring for me to be able to utter in normal circumstances, "Is this wide enough Doctor? Can you see my ass hole well enough?" I couldn't see his face, but I'm sure I heard a sharp intake of breath before he answered, "Yes, Ms. Jenkins, that's perfect." Then after a couple of seconds, "I'm about to go in, please let me know if it's uncomfortable."

I felt a finger stroked lightly all along the valley of my split before coming back to rest at my rear orifice, he squirted more gel and circled his fingertip round, spiralling it towards my entrance, and continued to ease it inside as far as my outer sphincter.

"I'm going more slowly this time because I know what is inside, past your ring second ring. Please relax and resist the urge to fight the intrusion."

I forced the muscle to relax and felt a nice sensation as it yielded, like the way it does when I expel a log. He pushed a little more and the inner ring automatically opened to admit him. It was curious but satisfying that I had no control there, it seemed to be completely involuntary.

The sensation of his digit inside my rectum was quite different this time. I was much more conscious of its presence, I guessed because every movement caused my stool to shift and transmit pressure onto my rectal walls. It also made me feel much more like when I was about to lose control of my bowels and shit out the contents. I resolved to let happen whatever was going to happen, and enjoy it.

"I'm pressing into your stool now and wiggling my finger around to see if it breaks up easily. I expect you can feel something going on. Judging by the reaction I'd say it's rather firm and there is quite a lot of it. You would find it difficult to expel without some help, so an enema is definitely called for."

I have to admit I was really enjoying it and was disappointed at his next words.

"OK, you'll be pleased to know that's enough. I'll now withdraw, and I want you to squeeze as hard as you can as I do. Since your bowel is full today, I cannot really compare your sphincter force with last time, but it will help to give an idea of whether you're better able to retain your stool."

I squeezed as he withdrew, imagining I was trying to avoid a messy accident in my panties. I don't know if I was really squeezing harder, but it felt that way. And I was gratified when Dr. Newton told me I was. After he had pulled right out, he took both gloves off and tossed them in the pedal bin. I was slightly disappointed he didn't show me his shit covered finger, but I didn't like to ask to see it. "Such nasty disgusting wishes, Margaret, you should be ashamed of yourself," I thought.

"After you've been cleaned out, we will repeat to get a better comparison. I'll try to make a judgement about anal sex for you. I'm quite sure it would be OK as regards your health, but I doubt if I can judge if you and your partner will find it satisfying. My finger isn't really big enough. Anyway, time for the enema, it's set up in the next room"

The doctor then freed me from the restraints and helped me off the chair as I was now rather stiff from being in that position, and took my hand to lead me through the door for my enema. It was a basically a wetroom with a cement floor. In the middle was a plain rectangular table covered by a white sheet that I soon realised was rubber.

It felt strange to be in such a room with only artificial illumination from several sources on the ceiling. The air felt slightly cooler, but not uncomfortably, and more damp, but the most noticeable thing was the pleasant floral aroma. Presumably the room was regularly cleansed with a scented disinfectant. It was only after the first moments that I noticed near the corner a small closet, a sink, and enema equipment.

Dr, Newton helped me up on the table and instructed me to lie as comfortably as possible on the table, lengthwise and somewhat to the left with my right leg flexed. I was glad the table was generously padded under the rubber. I knew that some fetish wear is of rubber and I had occasionally worn rubber panties in games with Lauren, so the sensation of it on my body brought back erotic memories. It felt nice. I imagined squirming around on it and the thought created a naughty feeling inside me. It made my juices flow again.

"This is known as the Sims position. It is standard when receiving an enema as it allows the fluid to most easily enter the descending colon and help cleanse it. It is much better for your internals."

He used his hands to gently readjust my position in order to get the ideal angle at my knee and also to balance out my weight to help me more easily maintain a stable position. I felt it was very thoughtful of him to take this trouble. I enjoyed his hands being on my bare body and hoped there would be more of that.

He wheeled over the stand with the tubes and stuff already attached, then filled a large plastic jug with water, keeping a hand under the faucet, presumably to feel the temperature. He used it to fill the bag about half way, and from another bottle added some fluid which I noticed was lavender scented.

He then explained some aspects of what he was doing, "This bag holds nominally two quarts, but as you haven't had an enema from me before I want to start with just 40 ounces. I've added some saline which will keep your bowel more or less isotonic, and I expect you've noticed the scent. The water is at body temperature and I'll let it in slowly, so you shouldn't cramp too much, However, please let me know if it's going in too fast or you need me to pause. In any case I'll massage your abdomen to work the water right through your colon. That also helps to avoid cramping, and I hope you find it pleasurable. Most people do."

Before he started, he smeared a generous quantity of gel over my lower abdomen, and some more onto buttocks, into my split, and especially around my anus. I thought perhaps I should arrange to have enemas regularly. He pulled on another pair of latex gloves and did something with the tube and the flow valves and then brought the tip up to me. With the fingers of one hand, he parted my buttocks to clear the way to my hole and slowly pushed the nozzle inside. I was hoping to feel the intrusion but the tip slipped in almost without my realising. I was unprepared a moment later when the base of the nozzle was pushed through my sphincter. It surprised rather than hurt, and I must have involuntarily uttered some expletive.

"Sorry, I didn't warn you. The connection to the tube is dumbbell shaped so the nozzle is held in place by your ring."

I didn't mind, actually welcomed the sensation.

"That's OK doctor, I quite enjoyed it. It made me think of how I will feel when a cock goes up my ass. You can do it again if you like."

Oh dear, did I really utter those unladylike words to the doctor? Oh well, I already told him I wanted to experience anal sex.

"Another time perhaps, Ms. Jenkins. I'm going to turn on the flow now. I'll go slow, but again, please let me know if you need me to stop."

Did I sense amusement in his voice? I heard a soft click as he opened the valve, but disappointedly didn't feel anything. It was only after about a minute that I felt a soft fullness, I supposed as my rectum was filling. The sensation increased, and then the full feeling shifted to my lower abdomen, I supposed my colon was starting to fill. It was not painful, more like when I had eaten well and I knew before long I'd need to go to the bathroom. In fact it was rather pleasant since I didn't have to worry about making a mess, with all the inconvenience and embarrassment. The pleasure was heightened by the gentle stroking of my abdomen. I could feel something very fluid sloshing around. As my colon filled, I began to feel very bloated, so much so that I would have found it difficult to get up. There was also another sensation, brought on no doubt by the weight of fluid pressing on my bladder, and I wondered if I should ask the doctor to stop. Instinct made me tense.