Rehabilition of Margaret Jenkins


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As if on cue, OK I suppose I wasn't able to hide my reaction, he told me I might feel the need to pee and should just do it as I was.

"One reason I cover the table is for moments like this."

I needed no other bidding and urinated long and hard onto the rubber sheet at the same time as the enema was filling me. The hiss of my pee was clearly audible, so the good doctor was not only able to see the puddle forming under me, but also when I started, when I stopped, and how hard I was pissing. In other circumstances I would have been mortified at another person watching and hearing me empty my bladder, but in Dr. Newton's clinic, in this room, and right in front of his eyes, it was deliciously naughty. The embarrassment, far from traumatising, added a perversely erotic element.

Nonetheless, the embarrassment was very strong. Vivid memories returned of the humiliation I suffered .... no, experienced at the hands of my daughter and her friends. Debasing myself by having to request permission to urinate or defecate in their presence, and the humiliation I felt at having to fetch the plastic bucket and piss or shit into it while they watched and then present my urethra or my anus for inspection. Humiliating in the extreme, but such a turn on.

It was the same now when I peed on the rubber sheet, heightened as the wetness on my skin began to cool. It was embarrassing, humiliating, arousing, and fulfilling all at the same time. The sensation of fullness was not as strong, and I wondered if Dr. Newton was going to refill the bag and fill me some more.

"I must apologise, doctor, for being unable to control my bladder. But I feel less full now, and maybe can take some more."

He massaged my abdomen again and agreed, "Yes, there is room for a little more. It is good to completely fill your colon and clean it out properly, getting rid of any impacted stool. I'll give you another twenty ounces and then we'll see if that's enough."

Thus, the filling of my bowels continued and I now really felt my belly was beginning to stretch. It seemed to be more spread out on the sheet, I suppose because of the extra weight of water. Despite that, I enjoyed the liquid fullness. It made me think of going to the bathroom to void. Dr. Newman was carefully feeling underneath and asked if I was becoming uncomfortable.

"Not really doctor, I'm quite full but not tight. I've still got room for a little more."

He gently palpitated my lower belly and I felt the water sloshing around inside. It was a funny feeling, as if it was being chased into little pockets which hitherto had escaped the rising tide. There was some gurgling too, which made me chuckle.

"You're doing really great. That was the twenty ounces, I'll give you ten more, and that will be the lot. You should be feeling a bit uncomfortable, but not in pain."

As the extra water entered me the fullness feeling intensified and started to be slightly uncomfortable, then very uncomfortable, despite the attentions of Dr. Newton's hands. It was no longer so pleasurable either, indeed it was on the point of becoming painful. Just then he stopped.

"Well done, Ms. Jenkins. It was another twelve, so you've had two quarts plus half a pint. That's a lot. You've actually had more than a regular enema, it was partly a colonic as well and it will clean you out much better. I wouldn't normally do that on someone, especially their first time, but you responded very well."

To be honest I was sure I wouldn't have been able to take any more. I was fearing I was going to be told to get up off the table and make my way to the bathroom, and I wasn't sure if I could manage that. But instead he said I should rest with it inside me and let the water work its way into all the places my waste was hiding.

"Let me help you into a good position to minimise the strain on your bowels."

He first closed the valve on the short piece of tube which connected to the nozzle and disconnected the main length. With one hand under my hip and with the other on my shoulder he gently rolled me onto my back in the middle of the table, and arranged my legs in an inverted "V" with my knees high. He placed my hands on the table so my arms were slightly away from my sides. I could see how big my belly had become. The position was nice, it relieved most of my abdominal discomfort. Fortunately I wasn't uncomfortable with exposing too brazenly my hairy genitalia and ass to the doctor.

"OK, comfortable?"

"Yes doctor, thank you."

"I want you now to retain the enema for ten minutes. It is often most uncomfortable for clients to have to do that, so I'll stay with you and keep stroking and working the water around inside you. That will ease the pressure and prevent any cramping. I don't normally do that myself, it's my nurse's job and all my clients seem to enjoy it. I'm sorry if I don't do it as well as she does. So just lie back and enjoy it as much as you can."

He lubed both hands and stood at the end of the table. Leaning forward he placed them together below my navel. As before he made slow circles on my belly, following the line of my colon, the movements slow and smooth with the lube. I could feel the enema fluid moving about. Each time his hands came round to the start point he lingered and ran his fingers through my bush, gently teased the hair. Before moving on he briefly pressed on my bladder.

There were two effects. It made my juices flow, causing more sexy thoughts to stampede through my mind - I wished he would ram his fingers into my snatch. Also, the extra water was creating an urge to urinate again. After a few more circuits I felt my face go warm with the realisation of what was going to happen. I knew I wouldn't be able, physically, to stop myself from pissing, but I still felt very self-conscious at the prospect. Another cocktail of guilt and naughty excitement took hold of me as I visualised my stream hitting his chest. Unashamedly I pissed, sending a fountain in his direction and wetting his clothing. I feigned concern, but actually I was turned on. He made no attempt to move out of the way, rather he seemed to welcome it.

"Sorry doctor, I'm pissing on you."

"Yes Ms. Jenkins, empty your bladder. Don't worry about getting it wet."

Within seconds the thin cotton was drenched right down his front, and became transparent, giving me a clear view of his turgid cock standing right up and the thick growth of dark hair all over his genital area.

He waited for it to stop, then calmly announced, "OK Ms. Jenkins, I think you've held your enema long enough."

I wasn't sure what I was expected to do. I looked round but there isn't any toilet here where I could sit and expel, and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get up off the table and make my way to the one along the corridor. I must have looked puzzled.

"Don't be concerned, Ms. Jenkins, I'll help you off the table and to where you can expel. I don't expect you noticed that from this end the floor ramps slightly down to a large drain hole under the table."

He helped me slide off and steadied me while I got my feet back on the floor, then held my arm as I waddled uneasily to the end of the table. He had me stand a couple of feet back with my legs apart and then lean forward to rest my hands on the table at shoulder width. He was right, I hadn't noticed it before, but it seemed a good arrangement. I always thought the most distressing thing about receiving an enema was having to struggle naked and painfully to the bathroom, clenching my butt in the hope of avoiding a nasty, embarrassing accident on the floor.

"OK, just a bit back with your feet and further apart with your legs. It's right here you will expel the enema and all the stool. Is that OK?"

"Yes, fine, Thanks doctor,"

"Good, I'm going to remove the nozzle and the attachment. You'll find expelling is rather unsettling and can make you lose your balance. So I'll stay right behind to steady you. It gives me a chance to check how it progresses. Just relax as I take it out."

I nodded and heard the words "here we go" as he eased the nozzle out from my anus. My reaction was like being unexpectedly taken short and I had to make a conscious effort not to clench. I immediately felt an explosive gush of fluid jetting from my shit-hole. The flow wasn't smooth, more like staccato as chunks of faecal waste were fired out with machine-gun rapidity and splatted onto the doctor right behind me. I was farting uncontrollably as little pockets of gas were released along with the enemas water and my shit. A cloud of putrid gas enveloped me.

The experience was intoxicating, a cacophony of feeling, sound and smell overloading my senses. I felt that my legs were going to give way. Perhaps they did, but a pair of arms were holding onto me stopping me from falling. For a moment I wondered who they belonged to. Then I heard a voice, seeming from far away.

"Are you OK, Ms. Jenkins?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Now you know what a full-blown enema feels like. I hope at least some of it was pleasurable."

Had I known what it would be like I might not have been so keen to arrange it. But I really wouldn't have missed it for the world, it was awesome. I was still trembling, but with excitement. At that moment I would have happily let the doctor do anything he liked to me.

I looked round and saw pleasure on his face as well. I also saw his scrubs were not just wet they were liberally splattered with pieces of my shit.

"Time for us both to get cleaned up. I've never done that for a client after their enema before, my nurse always does the honours. She wears a special outfit and I can understand why. I think there is no need for me to keep this on. Would you mind if I strip completely? I shouldn't really take this liberty with a client, but if that is OK with you, we can shower together."

"Please do doctor. Definitely."

He unzipped his filthy, sodden garment and quickly stripped it off, discarding it on the floor. He led me to a place near the wall and pressed a button. Fine jets of warm water showered down and we stood underneath for several minutes before soaping ourselves. He wasn't a young man, though younger than me, probably mid-fifties. But he looked in decent condition, not much fat, and I couldn't help catching sneak views at him and especially his erection. I hoped it was not obvious. I imagined rubbing my body against his but my sense of decorum blocked any thought of actually doing that. Feeling clean enough, we moved away from the water jets and dried off, leaving the overhead jets to continue in order to complete rinsing the table and floor.

Dr. Newton and I were both naked as he led me back to the exam room.

* * * * * * * * * * *

The two of us being naked in the special enema room had felt, if not exactly normal, then at least reasonably regular. As soon as we were in the more formal surroundings of the doctor's office, I felt uncomfortable. It wasn't so much that I was nude, I had been during the exam, but that the doctor was nude. He didn't give any obvious sign, but I had the impression he felt it as well, as if it wasn't as "appropriate" in the office setting as it was in the enema room. Before speaking he opened the closet and took a gown which he put on. He immediately looked more at ease, and to be honest so was I.

"My apologies about that, Ms. Jenkins, don't know what I was thinking about. I should have thought to bring a gown to the other room. I am not used to doing the aftercare following an enema. I think if there's a next time for an enema then I'll make sure my nurse does it. I trust you won't tell her, she would tease me something terrible if she found out."

"Heaven forbid, doctor. It will remain our secret."

"Right, it's a deal," he said, jokingly. "Now there is just the matter of checking the muscle tone of your sphincter."

I was glad he raised the matter, as I was uneasy about mentioning that myself. He led me into the exam room and helped me up onto the table again, and asked me go on all fours. In other circumstances such a lewd position would have made me feel totally humiliated, the slutty associations with everything I had tried to eradicate from my earlier life made me feel. Until today I might have been too self-conscious to comply, even for a medical exam. But my wish to restart having sex, and events this afternoon had reawakened my daring and the urge to be naughty. Wantonly, I arched my back .... as much as my mature years would allow .... so as to present my bum enticingly.

Like before he pulled on a pair of latex gloves and smeared gel onto his fingers, also liberally coating the area around my anus.

"As did you earlier, Ms. Jenkins, just relax."

As before, he spiralled in with his finger and put it gently at my entrance. This time I was relaxed enough that my sphincter almost seemed to reach out and suck it in. I almost didn't feel it's presence. Again, he instructed me to squeeze as hard as I can and hold the tension. He evidently approved.

"Good, that's better than before. Better than earlier when you were full and much better than the first time. OK, I'm going to ease another finger inside you and ask you to repeat."

The extra girth was quite noticeable, but not uncomfortable, in fact rather pleasant. Indeed arousing. I would have welcomed a third finger. But what was most on my mind was the advisability of my having anal sex with Jim, my new gentleman friend. Trouble was, I didn't know how to ask about it. Again however, he raised the matter.

"Before your enema you asked about having anal sex. To be honest, I see no physical reason to refrain unless your partner is especially thick. What I cannot judge is how satisfying it will be for you both. There is a possibility it will be quite disappointing, so I can only suggest you try it with him."

His words left me somewhat crestfallen. My relationship with Jim was very much in its early stages, and I didn't want to engage in an activity that would leave one, or both of us unsatisfied. I would have liked to try it with Dr. Newton, but that was totally out of the question, certainly for him. To be honest, I didn't think it proper for me even to ask. I didn't know the protocols of the medical world, but I strongly suspected that giving me an enema unaccompanied might have been close to crossing a line, and that being naked with me very probably did. There was no doubt that fucking me in the ass would be leaping way over the line. Even if it wasn't strictly against the law, it would at least sufficient to him lose his licence to practise medicine. The fact that he and I were alone would only serve to exacerbate the violation. He had already taken a risk for my benefit, and it would be wrong for me to encourage him to go further.

He obviously saw my disappointment.

"Ms. Jenkins, I must be honest with you. I cannot hide from myself or from you that I find you very attractive, both physically and as a person. Quite naturally I would much enjoy having sex with you, either regular or otherwise, there would be something unusual about me if I didn't. I am single so not subject to any constraints due to partnership. But I cannot allow myself to take advantage of your availability or your desire for me to engage in anal intercourse as a trial. Quite apart from the rules of the medical profession, I don't want to do anything so fundamentally wrong."

But perhaps the strictures only applied if he did that here, within the clinical domain and under the guise of a medical procedure. It was several more days before Jim returned from his work mission. A thought occurred to me, and I decided to stick my neck out. I didn't think I had anything to lose.

"Thank you doctor, what you say is absolutely right. I'm sorry to have tried to presume on your good nature and concern for me. However, an idea occurs to me as a possible way round both the medial rules and the moral issue. Can I make a suggestion?"

I took the doctor's silence as an indication of his willingness for me to continue.

"I could invite you and your nurse as friends to my house, and we could try to find a way. It would be outside the clinical domain and entirely initiated by me. I would take all responsibility. If you still feel unhappy about it then I'll accept with good grace. I can appreciate that being in my home doesn't change the underlying moral issue for you as a doctor and me as a client. In any case we can enjoy a pleasant evening together and it gives me a chance to thank you for your help."

"Fair enough, Ms. Jenkins. I'll talk to my nurse, Natasha. Perhaps there is something we can do that doesn't compromise the integrity of the doctor-patient relationship. I'm sure she will appreciate the invitation which I am pleased to accept on her behalf as well."

We arranged a time the next evening and I suggested to prepare something easy and light for supper. I proposed casual dress. With that I departed for home.

What Dr. Newton had agreed was as much as I had any right to hope for, and my mind was relaxed. Physically tired, I slept soundly that night and the well-being lasted throughout the next day. I prepared a taboulé and some green salad, a large pitcher of ice-tea, tidied up, and waited. Preferring to maintain a relaxed casualness I dressed in just a long and loose-fitting cotton dress in a modestly quiet green, only indoor sandals to go with it. I'd washed my hair but dispensed with both makeup and jewellery, feeling more comfortable and more at home without them.

Dr. Newton and Natasha arrived together, though not surprisingly in separate cars. They had both dressed to fit the occasion. Natasha wore a checked cotton shirt and nicely fitting denim jeans which would have not have been out of place at a country music gathering, while Dr. Newton wore a short-sleeved denim shirt and dark cotton slacks. I was most agreeably surprised at being presented with what looked to be fine bottle of Pinot Blanc from Alsace and a bouquet of white roses. What lovely guests.

I introduced myself as Margaret, insisting on the use of first names all round, and learning that the doctor's name was Eric.

I was quite taken with Natasha, she looked to be in her late twenties and had an easy, unassuming manner which I'm sure very effectively put all the patients at their ease. She wasn't very tall, hardly more than my 5' 5" and smallish build, almost a slimmer version of me, rather as I was at her age although perhaps leaner and fitter than I had been and dark haired whereas I had been blonde. She was also somewhat androgynous with hips narrower than her shoulders, and that was accentuated by her short but stylish coif and small breasts. I wondered if she, like me, was braless this evening.

Over supper we engaged in easy conversation, mainly to get to know each other, before adjourning to the sitting room and its soft easy chairs. I'd already set wine glasses on the coffee table. Eric did the honours with the Pinot Blanc.

Now we were relaxed in each other's company, it seemed right to talk about the matter in hand. I was grateful when Eric turned to the subject which I'd been unsure of how to broach.

"Margaret, I already told Natasha about your request and we talked about it enough to realise we are of the same mind about it being improper for me to do the deed. At least to do it myself. It doesn't make any real difference that it is in your home instead of my clinic. But Natasha does not have the same constraint regarding a licence to practice medicine, and does not have any professional relationship with you - in fact she has only just met you. So there is no question of betraying any medical trust, the way it would if I were to perform, what's the proper term ... penile-anal penetration on you. In other words, to fuck you in the ass. Isn't that how you put it, Natasha?"