All Comments on 'Remember When?'

by Farmers_Son

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betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 3 years ago


I only wish it wouldn't have taken so long. She needed to be trashed way sooner. Fucking cunt.

Five Stars

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 3 years ago

Very well-written. It's another realistic story that doesn't have the incredible highs and lows the BTBAAC Cabal and Anon Army crave. No, Lizzie isn't left a burning hulk, drifting on the tide, but she's got one of those prisons she created herself, when her comfortable, self-made universe suddenly imploded. Also, in a fit of realism, Lizzie had none of the usual excuses, nor did MC crave to know why. As he stated to his cheating wife, he had months to assimilate this and move on! Yes, this story broke with the usual cliché-infested LW writing. You raised the bar for me and other contributors just a bit higher...


Easily a 5/5!!! Keep on 'a keepin' on!!

WetheNorthWetheNorthalmost 3 years ago

For some reason I am stunned.

Never saw it coming quite like that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Anothe empathetic wimp accepting his Cycke status....and leaves with his tail tucked in his retribution to the buddies and her other fuckaroos !! No retribution in the bitch for making him a duck through out the marriage!!!What a load of pathetic wimpy bullshit

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


TajfaTajfaalmost 3 years ago

Very good but no explanation as to why she did it from her.

4 stars.

SystemShockSystemShockalmost 3 years ago

Sorry, not good enough. She literally stole 25 years of his life, using him like a security blanket while she fucked everything with a pulse. Didn't even have the decency to make sure her "flings" were with people they didn't know personally.

See, when you make the situation so over-the-top, the solution/response has to be in the same vein. Otherwise you get something like this, where there is no balance whatsoever and the audience is left feeling cheated(no pun intended). It's just like those BTB stories where a relatively minor infraction is met with hellfire and brimstone. Let the punishment fit the crime. A brief and quiet affair deserves a quick and quiet divorce. And malicious evil like this deserves to be repaid in kind. And rest assured, this is evil. Just because she didn't go all smug Queen Cunt doesn't mean she's not a straight up villain.

PowersworderPowersworderalmost 3 years ago

It's hard to believe he was that oblivious over the years. His girlfriend wanting timeout from their relationship during college was a massive red flag; it was painfully obvious that she was dating other guys during that time. No girl asks for a break in the relationship unless she's after a bit of strange cock.

I also don't get how she had the opportunity to fuck all his friends. I thought they were the "perfect couple" that spent all their time together? That would mean him socialising with his wife and her colleagues, as well as attending all her work parties as a couple, not the husband being left at home all the time while she fucked around.

Then finally we find out that "the perfect couple" have had a dead bedroom for years and she'd also stopped being tactile with him. How can he be so deluded to count that as "years of wedded bliss"?

Oh, and one final point:

"Do I get to occasionally ease my cock into that ass I worship? No, I only get to kiss it now and then."

That statement alone speaks volumes about their relationship and his assertiveness as a man. Why would you ever marry a woman who denied you anything sexually in the bedroom? The fact that he agreed to no sex before marriage, all through their college years together, shows what a pathetic loser he was.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69almost 3 years ago

Sorry but if she has done all the marriage the photos go out to everbody !!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Way to close of what can happen nowadays

The disease of self entitlement and lack of empathy

truest and saddest line:

" Maybe it is part of the new world order, where promises mean nothing, that whatever the individual wants then that is good, no matter who gets hurt in the process."

... shit now I am depressed

jimjam69jimjam69almost 3 years ago

Good writing and well done. The quiet exit, no fanfare, but seems pretty effective. He was a hell of a lot nicer about it than I could be.

SouthdownSouthdownalmost 3 years ago

It was a little bland and disinteresting, Perhaps a few 'awkward' interactions with her boyfriends before the slideshow would have contributed some excitement or gravity to the tale. I think the final revelations were generally too unemotional and more businesslike than personal. It was OK but a bit disappointing given the starting point of his discovery.

Stories like this are always more interesting when 'fleshed-out' a bit and some context added. It is almost like you ran out of ideas and just wanted to get the story finished...

3*** but it could have been 5+ with some attention to detail. Not magic, just OK! Thank You.

misser64misser64almost 3 years ago

Good story, but needed the kids reaction to their mothers betrayal.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

And now, having troubled his own house, he inherits the wind.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapualmost 3 years ago

D-dsy is better late than never. At least at 50 the husband has picks on younger women while the wife won't have the same opportunity in the dating scene.


Though have this urge to know what happened to Lizzie afterwards but hey if this the ending so be it.


Thanks Farmers_son. I am beginning to consider you as one of my fave authors. I can always be assured your story a non-cuck story coz

I hate cucks stories.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsalmost 3 years ago

I never figured out why she allowed pictures of such stuff to be taken.

But really, she’d been screwing around for 25 years, and he never had a clue? No cheating wife is that good unless her husband is dumb as dirt.

SarahwithloveSarahwithlovealmost 3 years ago

Sad. You would have to be a strong person to walk out and never look back; to never have any more contact with the only girl ever in your life. I don't think I would be able to survive something like that. I'm not sure I would even want to. I think he, being a man, was a bit too much in control for such a loss. Men suffer emotional pain so much more than women in divorce, at least it seems that way. All in all, it was a good, quick, heart-breaker..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Why in all these stories do the husbands give the cheater the house? Sell the damn thing and take half or make her buy him out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

What a boring and utterly unbelievable story................There is no way that you wouldnt tell your adult children the whole truth

InfosaugerInfosaugeralmost 3 years ago

If some of the lovers are married, at least the wifes should get a few photos.

And just a 50:50 split? I would have demanded more as he stated he financed a lot of her life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

exit was way too boring. good story otherwise.

WargamerWargameralmost 3 years ago

Yeah, not bad.

I would’ve sent all the photos to family and friends.

Let her explain then why she lost her husband.

She needed to pay for what she did.

Scores 4/5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Really good concept. So so execution. With effort and a much longer story this could have been really great.

Any time someone is cheated on or betrayed it obviously sucks. This was particularly harsh. Since it appears she started screwing around in college this puts it at 30+ years she's been cheating. She forced him to remain a virgin til their wedding day because she was supposedly upholding her chastity vow from church youth group ... Ouch! Two members of his side of the wedding party have been fucking her the duration of the marriage. Other friends have actually witnessed her infidelities and chose to just walk away rather than cluing him in. About as harsh of a cuckolding as I've seen in a story on this site.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcalmost 3 years ago

I loved the writing technique of portraying the story as the preparation of the 25th anniversary celebration and finding the photos. You WERE able to do a solid job of character development through the storytelling of their relationship, well done! 5*

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984almost 3 years ago

Bit to sterile and no real conclusion. It does have a good basis just doesn't feel right.

amygdalaamygdalaalmost 3 years ago

Wow that was hurtful to read. The deceit goes beyond the pale and cut straight to the bone.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsalmost 3 years ago

oldmanbill69 wrote:

"Sorry but if she has done all the marriage the photos go out to everbody !!!"

So, you'd send out the pictures showing everyone that you had been cuckolded over a quarter of a century? You'd send out the pictures showing everybody that had either been knowingly cucked or that you were so fucking stupid that she could cheat on you for 25 years and you never knew? That might not be the best idea in the world.

That's the problem with so many of these stories in which the cheated on husband has the pictures and sends them out to everybody. He's making at least some people think, "Wow, she's one hot chick," others, "Man, what a cuck he is," and still others, a lot of others, wonder, "Was he such a dud in bed that she had to fuck other guys?"

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 3 years ago

I'm confused - First, she's just sometimes going out with a mixed group of friends, then they're on "breaks?"


Why is the supposedly "loving" wife cutting of sex with her husband, then is surprised that he's dumping her ass?


@SystemShock Re: "See, when you make the situation so over-the-top, the solution/response has to be in the same vein. Otherwise you get something like this, where there is no balance whatsoever and the audience is left feeling cheated." - Yes, the presentation had to be played at the "celebration."


BSreaderBSreaderalmost 3 years ago

But he should have gone after the company she worked for they should have all known what was going on. Make the company have special headlines to ward off customers.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

5 stars. But why a 50/50 split? He could and should have made it 80/20, settled privately, under threat of public airing of the pics. Why 80/20? 20 for him, 20 for her, and 20 for each of the kids to be distributed from his new trust in 40-50 years (upon his passing).

Regguy69Regguy69almost 3 years ago

Well written, as usual. Incredibly sad. Your MC was a very likable guy and, with all modesty, sounded much like the guy I believe I am. Those who say he must have known she cheated have never been in a deeply committed relationship. His trust was 100%! Her abuse of that trust is indescribably evil. His reaction to everything was meant to afford himself less public embarrassment. I would have outed all the assholes and gotten DNA test for the kids. The test results would not diminish a fathers love for his children, but would put to rest any lingering doubts. Well done FS!

FireFox59FireFox59almost 3 years ago

Don't like the story much. Truly hard for me to believe she was like this that long and he had no clue. Or that no one ever tipped him off. Which when leads me to wonder why none of his friends ever tipped him off. Surely many knew of her affairs. Maybe he wasn't the great guy he thinks he is and his "friends" enjoyed the wife secrets and her cuckolding him. And before anyone questions me calling him a cuckold look up the definition of cuckold. I give credit to another anon commenter in another story for pointing this out. The Websters Dictionary definition is below.

cuckold noun

cuck·​old | \ ˈkə-kəld , -(ˌ)kōld \

Definition of cuckold

: a man whose wife is unfaithful

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Your writing has improved, meet going.

kirei8kirei8almost 3 years ago

No, after a lifetime ( really, a fucking lifetime ) thinking she was yours and yours alone, you just bow out graciously! Anal! Airtight! Just days ago! Not a chance in hell!

The writing was ok but the plot was dry and unbelievable. Not even women would believe it.

Regguy69Regguy69almost 3 years ago

As previously stated, loved the story. I’m wondering if the “cuckold” tag in this, and similar stories, could be “unknowing cuckold?” Like “cheating wife” instead of “wife.” Makes me wonder how many good stories I have skipped because of the cuckold tag and my aversion to those stupid sick fucks who write willing cuck stories. Just a thought.

demanderdemanderalmost 3 years ago

There are numerous stories about long marriages where the wife constantly cheated. I don't believe them. (I know this is fiction.) I can understand an affair being secret, for a little while. But this story posits that the guy was clueless for more than 25 years, even when she was screwing his good buddies. Someone would have told him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Not a fan of stories like this. All the story seems to do is show case what an unbelievable, clueless, cuck the main character is. For 25 years he had no idea, that she was banging every male friend he had, office coworkers, strippers and probably complete strangers? He had no idea? His kids were probably not even his? And what? He does nothing! Just walks away. Sad and terrible.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesalmost 3 years ago

After twenty five years now she wants to be the best wife ever.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Stupid Legio with his realism hunt again.

Only the confrontation is 'realistic' here. What leads to the breakup is stupidly done.

JRandyJJRandyJalmost 3 years ago

Good read. I would have sent the pics to the world, and the new world order.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 3 years ago

Best revenge is a life well lived. The kids are not going to be seeking her out much. There relationships will never be the same. She’s not a great beauty and since most of the town will know what she is, another devoted guy will be hard to find. All those dudes she has been cheating with won’t want a serious relationship with her since once a cheater always a cheater. I hope he finds a better woman and moves on

LenardSpencerLenardSpenceralmost 3 years ago

Sorry but hearing about how this weak, spineless, doormat dealt with the breakup of his marriage explains part of why she cheated in the first place. Cause he was a weak, spineless... etc. Then, this was an "average" family and normally the only real asset is the family home. He just "gives" the home to his cheating, slut wife. Why? The children are now all adults (over 18). The home should be sold and the dollars split.

Also, the weak idiot doesn't even send out the photos to her friends and family. Or any of the families of her lovers. She gets to spin the whole thing and way she wants. Just ridiculous.

JonDoe315JonDoe315almost 3 years ago

Overall not a bad story for the simple fact that he divorced her. Too bad there was no more dialogue from the cheating spouse.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

No matter the outcome of their final confrontation, the sideshow gets emailed to EVERYONE. He makes a comment about getting some revenge without going to jail and then declines that exact thing? Didn't make sense. And again the bullshit about not telling the truth to grown children. Please someone stop that nonsense.

lbeachamlbeachamalmost 3 years ago

Great story, but I'm so sad, nearly crying as I read this in private. I saw some of myself and my wife of 46 years in the story. I always trusted but verified and I never found any evidence to follow up on. I've let my guard down mostly as we are now almost never apart in our retirement. If I missed anything, I don't want to know now. I never touched another girl/woman after I dated/married her. Life was/is good. Great story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

“Oh, yes, you ask about how Lizzie fared. Well, I don't know and don't really care.”


Yeah….but that means that readers of this story don’t get the catharsis of learning how the bitch fared with her kids….her family…her friends….her fuck buddies. This lack of final resolution for the reader took this story down from a so,I’d 5 to a nice 4.

SkubabillSkubabillalmost 3 years ago

Like many readers I often forget these stories are fiction. The only emotion we saw from Tracy was a little sadness. In reality a situation like this would create a myriad of emotions including, anger, resentment, frustration, envy and disappointment. However, when writing these vignettes the do tend to find there own direction. Farmers_Son has been a favorite of mine since I first one of his stories and I don't think I've ever said this but I think a sequel or follow up by him or an equally talented writer like Vandemonium1 or Hooked1957 may be in order. An excellent five star story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

oldmanbill69 said about 4 hours ago: "Sorry but if she has done all the marriage the photos go out to everbody !!!"

Yep, there's something to be said about 'truth in advertising' as it were. If she has lied about the type of marriage she was living, he should have advertised the truth for the divorce she was getting!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Telling of this story is very dry and unemotional. I suspect this what the MC's personality is like. Going almost a year with little or no emotional and physical contact with his wife as she is spending more and more time at work and away from their home, and saying nothing is indicative of a person who is living a detached life and tends just to accept things as they come. Out with a whimper and not a bang would probably be expected from him. At least he did act.

I gave 4 stars for the writing and plot.

A personal nitpick. I don't understand why the author chose some of the words he used in this story. Words like titillation, abode and denouement. I know what they mean but when used in this story I almost get the feeling that the author has these words in his mind and is looking for a place to use them. For me, more common words would be more appropriate. Their use conjures up for me the scene of a spelling be, and the contestant given one of these words asks "could you use it in a sentence", and of course this author can say "why yes I can".

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I liked it but it could have been so much more. When a cheating wife story leaves out the wife's thoughts, feelings, rationalization, etc. it really leaves a big hole in the entire story.


Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989almost 3 years ago

Well done, a worse fear realized. Secrets from the past are probably most married couples prized possession.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Weak sauce!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Kind of an emotionless story. Finding out that you've been cheated upon your entire 25 year marriage usually evokes a lot more emotion then demonstrated by the main character. He spent last 6 months preparing for his exit..finding a new job far away with a new place to live...prep the to his kids and such. The story didn't sound like husband and wife were very close. She hid her cheating all those years even with his close friends and acquaintances. He hid his plans to divorce her and move away. At least he had the fortitude to walk away from the farce of a marriage and begin again. In the end neither seemed that broken up about it which is telling.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This could have been a very good story, but you deceived the readers. The MC described this as an ideal marriage, so that must be taken as gospel. Then you drop a bomb that they've been on the outs for something like a year - she doesn't even want to sit next to him, no sex for ages, etc.

You also described the wife's request in college as simply to socialize with a mixed-sex group of friends (which shouldn't require "permission"). Later the MC indicated that this was she was actually requesting to date others, or actually breaking up. A lesser misrepresentation, but still significant.

ribnitinribnitinalmost 3 years ago

Why on earth would she take and keep photos of all her trysts? And who took the pictures?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

agree with the other anon. Why give her the house! You will need the cash. Sell it and split.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Mac, I think you protest too much, think you are hiding a cuck! Your right, it is a good story - just for other reasons.

mainer42mainer42almost 3 years ago

one of your best sir no nitpicking here

GamblnluckGamblnluckalmost 3 years ago

Very good story. I gave you 5 stars. I read the comments wondering how he could be clueless. She was obviously not maintaining an ongoing affair. She just had sex when the opportunity presented when the husband was not around. Despite him thinking they did most things together, unless they were joined at the hip she would have ample opportunity to cheat. Over 25 years that could still amount to enough to fill boxes with photographs.

Another commenter said no way would he not tell his adult children the whole truth. He did. He just did not show them the pictures. I'm sure he made them realize this was not just a one time affair but cheating that occurred throughout the marriage. And at least one of them would have wondered about their own paternity.

I would have loved to hear about what he did to any of the other men he could identify. especially the best man and groomsman who screwed his wife over the years. He stated he did not want to go jail but warned they better not let him catch them somewhere or he might reconsider. Were any of them married? Certainly he would show their wives all the incriminating pictures. Mutual friends might not need to see the pictures, but would certainly be told why the marriage had ended.

And despite his threats, his kids are gonna let her know where he wound up and news about how he is doing. At least on occasion. Might be worth a second chapter or maybe not.

muskyboymuskyboyalmost 3 years ago

Poor effort. No explanation of anything or revenge. What about the kids? Cliche fest. 2/5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I've read many of the comments where upon they all think the husband must be an idiot for trusting his wife. Well I can tell you from personal experience that it happens. In my case it was 7 years, not 25, so I guess I wasn't completely clueless. I did however, just walk away. She got the condo and I moved across the country to start over. Best decision I ever made. I'd like to see a follow up to this story to see how the male characte fares with his life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Sadly, a damp squib!

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderheralmost 3 years ago

What a boring and uninspiring story. You need a disclaimer at the beginning saying this is just another lame, overdone, and boring story to bolster my overall story count.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

4 stars! Good story and I enjoyed the lack of whiny dribble of the wife quoting all the cheaters begging phrases. I also liked the no counseling. What could counseling possibly accomplish after a wife had been cheating for more than 25 years? My take on any divorce is first the house always gets sold if there are no lil kids and school involved. Once the kids are gone house sold period and split the money. Moving away is best for the man. New city, new job ,new life and forget the ex wife no need for contact in the future. Date younger women always, they make you feel young and they appreciate your money and experience. Trying to find a woman to trust and marry in America today is like skydiving...but with marriage you have a less than 50% chance of success!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

An interesting premise, but really doesn't deliver.

invisible_bridgesinvisible_bridgesalmost 3 years ago

Absurd premise. Close since childhood, married 25 years, and only now does he discover she's a horrible person. And of course his friends are also horrible : his best man and his groomsmen being photographed fucking his bride at their reception.


This story is in the wrong category : should be in the Humor & Satire one.

abitshyoneabitshyonealmost 3 years ago

no millitary, no video cameras, no special fores. no high tec nerds, this is about as real as it gets , very true to life, im sure most divorces go this way , yes the husband is gutted , his heart ripped out, but life goes on , so he just walked away , ok , a bit of a threat about releasing the photos but nothing else , well written, , thanks for sharing ,

GarySmith69GarySmith69almost 3 years ago

Everyone has to know their limitations. This wife did not, you do wonder why people like her actually get married, beyond having a security blanket. And as always with friends like these you really dont need enemies.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I liked it. Bravo.

BrentJWBrentJWalmost 3 years ago

Good story but hard to believe that she started cheating on him in college, at the hen party, and with his friends through their marriage and he had no clue? No way do that many other people know and not spread the word or can she be that discrete for that long. If I go three days without sex for any reason my suspicion starts working. She may have been fond of him but certainly not love him. Just as well that FS didn’t finish the story. Likely that she lands another hubby and he ends his life lonely.

It really makes me wonder why she married him. She new him her whole life growing up and cheated on him in college. So why settle for him and deny him all of her sexuality that she gave to her lovers? Yes, l know this was fiction, I’ve seen stuff like this happen though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Very good, likely your best. Plausible reality has far more resonance and emotion than absurd discovery and retribution schemes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

For all the evil lying, cheating and fucking around she did, since long before they even got married, she got off very, very easily. I guess, deep down, this husband was secretly a cuck at heart, which makes this disgusting and not the sort of payback a real man would have wanted.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

would liked to hear more of what happened to LIzzie and how she fared out with other men or did they all realize she was just a used up whore and stay away from the slut and what about the children did they still see the whore or did they abandon the slut as well

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

25 years chuck. and he gives her the house and a even split. WTF. just doesn't compute. she never gave him a STD. ? i would have send those pictures to every tom dick and harry she knows esp the kids and her family.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

unfinished story , were the kids his. a must to do a dna test. so she gets off scot free ,no way . this is a bad story

Texican1830Texican1830almost 3 years ago

And then he sent it all to everyone on her contact list, and the wives of everyone she fucked?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Sad. Reminds me of my first marriage. I didn't suspect because she was always reminding me that she would never do that to me, and I was so much in love I believed her. For 30 years. Then she finally found someone who was willing to go for more than a one night stand or occasional fun.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I always wonder why these men are so clueless. FarmersSon always writes the men that way. So a couple, married for that long and the husband never knows what kind of wife he is married to. Seriously? LW is full of these paint by numbers type of stories. Because he divorces the wife in the end, it's gets a better score that it deserves.

Freddog6601Freddog6601almost 3 years ago

Not one of your best. Too many holes. Ok, so the slut gets off without major recriminations, there are her lovers who were let off Scott free.

This is a 2 on my rating scale. It had a lot of potential but just didn’t deliver.

DazzyDDazzyDalmost 3 years ago

He should have taken her around me the world before the show. Great work.

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 3 years ago

He is a dumbass for not dumping her in college and she’s a dumbass for keeping evidence. Matched couple of dumbasses.

iameaseliameaselalmost 3 years ago

Way too over the top. Next time stop and think things through before putting pen to paper (so to speak).

I know the over the top slut thing really works on the knuckle draggers but it literally smacks of a desperate attempt to get the readers angrier at the wife than your writing skills can manage to do.

2 at best for this.

enderlocke77enderlocke77almost 3 years ago

true for this website she "got off easy" in the real world thats pretty much the way it happens.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

According to the pictures, long before her marriage, she was nothing but a whore. She deserves something so physically big, it tears her up and maims her for life. He should get DNA tests for all his kids, and if they aren't his, post it. Tell the wives of the guys she porked, maybe one will give her something to remember her by, hopefully very painful...

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Good enough story for what is was, but she got off entirely too easy. He didn’t even blow up her lover’s lives, and that ruins the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Remember when this site was for “erotic” stories and not some loser writing a fantasy about .. getting divorced?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

OK, if you say so. Makes no sense that he could be married to such a soulless monster and never have a clue. You would think that people who have complete disrespect and contempt for you kind of reveal their true sentiments through their every day interactions? Guess this guy wasn't paying much attention, until someone took a picture for him. Maybe next marriage he might be a bit more involved, and reactive? No sex for months, and he has just now filed for divorce? What a wimp.

Thanks for the effort.

ZalanaZalanaalmost 3 years ago

I caught her cheating, I fucked her up real good, she cried, I am happy.

There a precis for you and all the other misogynist authors on this site, and it is even spelled correctly.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 3 years ago

RR, I wouldn't care if people knew I was a cuckold, as long as it was an UNKNOWING cuckold. It's easy to say that he was dumb not knowing, but SHE'S still a slut. I think being a slut is worse than being dumb.

chytownchytownalmost 3 years ago

***Thanks for sharing.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 3 years ago

I liked it! Her time outs in college should have alerted him, but we were all young and foolish once. There is no saving that marriage. Good confrontation.

Harvey8910Harvey8910almost 3 years ago

i loved the story and gave it 5 stars. Finally Tracy realized that his loving wife was a slut and a whore who had cheated on him before they were married, at the reception after they were married, and for their entire married life. He was right in divorcing her and washing his hands of having to have anything to do with her. Some women are just like that and can never be trusted. Unfortunately, I had a mother like that. I made sure that I did not marry a woman like that and am happy to say that we have been together for over 50 years and we are still a very happy couple. There are good women in the world. You need to be careful and pick a good woman. Just as there are bad men out there, if you find a bad woman, get away from her and start searching for a good woman again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

@zalana why are you so intent on conflating womanhood with cheating? If anyone’s a misogynist here, it’s probably you. Just don’t cheat. Simple.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

No sex and he had no clue? One dumb shit!

Prince020402Prince020402almost 3 years ago

I understand and appreciate that you wanted to keep this short and you made it easy by making it a slam dunk decision to divorce based on her serial cheating (as she inexplicably created and keet photographic evidence) however a far more intriguing and interesting story would be if that aspect didn't happen. Other authors have written on this dilemma.

If there was only evidence of cheating before the marriage and up to and including the Bachelorette party, after pledging chastity, but then been faithful for 25 years, that's a different and much more intriguing storyline. On the one hand, she cheated and then lying about it for 25 years to many is still unforgivable. On the other hand, they had 25 years of a faithful marriage (or did they?). Is 25 years of building a cohesive and loving family worth blowing up because of youthful behavior....or could he ever trust that she was indeed faithful during that time? Many more interesting issues and reactions to that scenario.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


afanoffanlitafanoffanlitalmost 3 years ago

I think that is reality….maybe not the slideshow, but cut and dried cautery. He’s gone through the hard part accepting what a whore he endured.

Pedroone1Pedroone1almost 3 years ago

Great! About time the worm turned, and kicked the cheating slut in her over-used cunt! But I think he let her off lightly!

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