All Comments on 'Renaissance Faire Ch. 05'

by jmmj5

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LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 4 years ago
Bravo ! Bravo ! A Full Measure of Bel Canto Writing Unhindered & Unfettered by Inane Installment. .

Time to say goodbye la la laaa. I especially admired the Mars Venus nature of the closing dialogue where Debbie semi-believes her rationale and tries to get over ' one more time ' on her husband. That didn't happen. Mother in Law is still at large from karma and there's a couple subplots yet to play out . I just don't see how the author tops this day's literary high note.

Ergo the obvious score

Full Marks *****

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago
still to long

Divorce the slut, move on with your life. she has two choice, she'll be dumped by rich or he'll pass her around like a snack pack after using her like the worthless slut she is.

eightytuneseightytunesover 4 years ago
Too much MOM influence

Using her body for a promotion, Debbie lost a good man. Kate is the better woman, someone a man would be proud to have as his mate, who has her head on straight. Debbie's mother will suffer the same fate = divorce. Carl somehow didn't stop his wife from promoting betrayal. But Debbie will have a lifetime of regret when the divorce is final, and she used her body and not her brains to get *recognized* for a position.

TajfaTajfaover 4 years ago

Loving this except it's always sad to see what had been a good relationship fall apart. He has the usual ready made replacement and no doubt the wife will get dumped on when the bastard has had his fill. Both have to suffer the consequences. 5 stars for eliciting an emotional reaction to the story.

PowersworderPowersworderover 4 years ago

Nice. About time he kicked the whore to the kerb.

I would have had her served at the opera though, just to really embarass the self-centred slut.

tdert1tdert1over 4 years ago

All these pages to get to this point and the extremely light on the details of having her served in a hotel???

cfwolf58cfwolf58over 4 years ago
At least this wasn't a one page chapter, take the time and finish it, instead of dragging out for ever...

As stated above, good writing but dragging on and on and on.

Imoverit41Imoverit41over 4 years ago
WOW! That was fast.

Did not expect the divorce papers being served, but knew she was going to be watched. I'm glad that the confrontation was not the crazy fighting as in most other stories as it would not fit the characters. With Carl onboard as well as the prenuptial, it doesn't appear that there is much to fight over in a division of material assets. Nice!

Now for Richard and Sheila... I don't see Rob looking for any type of revenge on Debbie or Richard. Rob doesn't operate that way and is for sure the better man. However, I am sure that Lady Karma is on a fast plane to that happy little university town to dispense her justice. It was quite fortuitous for Ann, Jane, Rob and Kate to meet up and talk during intermission. It sounds like the University President has gotten himself an invitation to Lady Karma's party as well! With President Greer being a megalomaniac, and hiring a bimbo for an assistant, he is sure to get caught with his hand or todger in her cookie jar. After the dust settles, Harry would make a great President and Jane could take over as Dean. I Doubt that Richard will be remaining as department head of Renaissance studies and I think Debbie, due to the scandal will not get her assistant professorship. Lady Karma will sort all of that out (Kerosene!).

From the lack of an explosive confrontation between Rob and Debbie, and the blowback that is sure to follow for Sheila, Richard, President Greer and his bimbo, it looks like a super liberal's dream. A kinder, more gentle and politically correct apocalypse. The only player that will brush her hair back and walk away unscathed from the experience will be the bimbo. Nice!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

Okay, I realize that it's part of the job description for wives in LW, but er lack of self-awareness is astounding!

"Debbie was stunned that the conversation had blown up that quickly. What rumors was he hearing about her and Richard?" - She was stunned? What rumors? Is she for real?

She SUPPOSEDLY only fucked Richard because she was jealous, yet she was already wearing the g-string.

Debbie tells Kate to keep HER hands off of Rob? Let's see, Debbie's already been "inappropriate" with Richard, has given him a blow job, broken a date with Rob to go with Richard, apparently planning on fucking him, and is planning a month-long fuck-fest in Italy with Richard, yet thinks that KATE should keep her hands off Rob? LOL!

"despite my husband showing up unexpectedly and embarrassing me with that tramp on his arm." - Of course, it never occurred to her how she embarrassed her husband by showing up with another man on her arm.

If her getting the position was dependent on fucking him, that's classic sexual harassment. In any case, a faithful wife tells a creep like that to shove the job up his ass.

Hey, I'll accept that she didn't WANT to sleep with Richard, but she was more than willing to in order to get the job.

Not to beat a dead horse, but there was no real reason for chapter 4 to not simply be the beginning of this chapter.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

@eightytunes Re: "Too much MOM influence" - Carl tried to stop his wife from promoting betrayal, I believe that after that she spoke to Debbie in private.

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989over 4 years ago

He is so nice, he even had her served without causing a ripple. I think it would have felt better if he had gone with the server and handed her a her suitcase. Good job.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 4 years ago
Probably not at the opera

Needed to catch her in the act. Nice pic in that hotel robe. Kate much better choice in every way.

Bit of a stretch she would bang Richie after the fiasco at the opera but good story

Danger09Danger09over 4 years ago
Why are you dragging this story out?

I really don't understand why you're dragging this story out. We all knew she was going to start fucking him to get the job by any means. 5 chapters of going around and around. He's fighting for the marriage and she just doesn't care. The only thing that matters is the job. He's allowed her to get away with so much. My husband would've threw my ass out of the house when he heard about the dry humping. No way he would've stayed in the background while I get romanced by another man. I'm just ready for this to be over with. It scares me when an author drags a story out. It usually means they're setting the stage for reconciliation. I hope not. Debbie hasn't been a wife since chapter 1. She already gave him a blowjob. What is rob waiting on?

FatStratFatStratover 4 years ago
Maybe this should be in the romance section.

This is reading more like the romance between Rob and Kate, not a cheating wife tale. Again, Rob does not confront Debbie with what he knows about the night of the Christmas Party. He could even have tricked her into telling him more than he already knew. At that point, she would have to stop. He never did confront her about the times that he saw her walking out of the Library arm-in-arm with Richard.

He told her at the start, that he would do anything to save the marriage, even move if that is what he had to do. Did he set up a surprise appointment with a real-estate agent (or even put a For Sale sign on the front lawn) to shock Debbie back to reality? No.

So why is this a romance? Because his character is acting in the manner that Kate would want him to act, not in the manner that is in his character.

I suppose that soon we while find out why one of the tags in this story is "metallurgy".

silentsoundsilentsoundover 4 years ago
Great reading!

I can't wait for retribution. This is delicious though it almost felt a little too casual at the end.

Debbie seems disconnected from reality somewhat?

On a side note, I have had my curiosity aroused about just how much Kate was promiscuous with her dates.

From previous chapters, it looked like it wasn't often that she indulged in getting laid.

I don't see that she did anything wrong anyway because she couldn't have the one she wanted.

I also wonder if the scheming elders of this story will ever feel remorse or the sting for interfering in a beautiful match between Rob and Kate?

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 4 years ago
This has become kind of stupid.... like the wife

This was a good chapter and it finally moved the story along... but in order to do so the author had the wife become incredibly stupid shallow and naive.

She complains about Kate and her soon to be ex husband and what it looks like to others but she thinks her and Richard at the opera is 100% ok? That is just too ridiculous to be believed.

It's one thing to make a defense saying its not the same but to be totally unable to grasp how it MIGHT appear to others.... THAT right there is grounds for divorce

njlaurennjlaurenover 4 years ago

While somewhat boilerplate (the ambitious wife,the woman friend there for him), he at least has set up a massive BTB. If the president knew that Debbie was married he would be in deep shit, Rob would have a massive lawsuit for sexual harassment, given that Richard was a textbook case of someone in power using that to get sex, the research trip to Italy and Debbie's own words would damn the school,he would be thrown under the bus. Even if Debbie was willing, wouldn't matter. Debbie likely,though,will end up okay, given that she would be seen as a victim, likely she would get a teaching position as part compensation.

I still would have liked this to end up with Rob and Debbie together but her actions have made that impossible. If Debbie really loved Rob she would have filed a complaint against Richard after resigning from the school, with a good lawyer they would have found out Richard's reputation and it would have been a slam dunk.

phill1cphill1cover 4 years ago
So, this was good...

I was impressed with the emotion I felt at reading the confrontation.

That said, afterward, I felt empty because the premise that some person would allow another person to romance their spouse for months is incredibly unrealistic.

management91399management91399over 4 years ago

Enjoying this very much so far, two places where there is a disconnect is Debbie seems convinced she has to give him a blow job in order to secure a teaching assignment at a college. Her belief in her own ability and intelligence is so low that she decides to do this in order to advance her career? Maybe it's time to take this school and Richard to the cleaners for sexual harassment. I get that her mother wants her with an academic and not a blue collar guy but any sane mother would be horrified if their daughter had to suck some dude off just to get a teaching position. That and it seemed the post Opera hotel room was dropped in too fast, might have been better having a few paragraphs setting that that up, either Richard or Debbie. Still enjoyable storym, I do find it a cliche' that every one of these injured husbands instantly finds a woman either during his problems or immediately after his serving for divorce and her legs instantly spring open and she lands on the cheated husbands dick.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

@Schwanze1 - She was wearing the robe when she came home, not sure if she was wearing it when the pic was taken!

MichaelFitzgeraldMichaelFitzgeraldover 4 years ago

We string ourselves along. We say to ourselves that we can do something that we know we should not do. It'll be okay. No one will notice. I can eat that cake and not get fat. One more beer won't hurt. The cops won't notice. I always make it home. Failing yourself takes time. So, the pacing on this story is about right.

I think the criticism directed at Rob is unfair. Two people who have their own lives and careers meet and marry. They still have personal goals and the trick is to help each other pursue them. Rob gives his wife room to do that. Debbie abuses that leeway badly and ignores or lies to Rob when he challenges her. Room just ran out and he filled a divorce petition. Nothing odd or wrong in any of that, and certainly nothing unrealistic in how Rob reacted.

Ambition is a bitch and wants to be fed all the time. So Debbie's goal is to become an art-world big shot. And she'll fuck and suck to get there. She won't be the first or last one to do that. You've written this as a comedy (there's going to be a happy ending). Rob's the straight man and Debbie's the punch line. Nice job of setting all that up. I agree that it's time to move the Rob/Kate story line along. It's the set-up for the punchline so efficiency matters. What I'm hanging around to see (and I think most readers want to know) is how far and hard Debbie falls. God knows, she has it coming. Will she merely be a loser in love, brokenhearted and sad? Or humiliated and a laughingstock? It is in our nature to laugh at misfortune just so long as it befalls someone else so feel free to go over the top.

No matter how it turns out, thanks for this well written story.

eightytuneseightytunesover 4 years ago
The Fire Proven it was Criminal

It would be satisfying (to Rob), to find out Richard had set the fire. Richards's motive would be to have a slut (Debbie) who he would control, and his ego of taking her away from Rob. But the investigation would turn up the evidence and then DEBBIE now realizes she lost everything: lost her husband, and fittingly, she loses her teaching position. Justice served.

oneoldmanoneoldmanover 4 years ago

I'm thoroughly enjoying this story and hope you can keep it going for a few more chapters. I' m HOOKED!

bruce22bruce22over 4 years ago
Well executed

I'll pass would be my reply if I was holding the cards he has. Above all even though she is saying differently she showed no respect for her marriage or her husband.

KalimaxosKalimaxosover 4 years ago
4 stars

The wife thinks the cheater doesn't get the job after-all.

I say she does, but there is a price (of some sort) she has to pay for it.

Let's see what happens.

Sadly there are plenty of entitled self indulgent people of both sexes in this world that stoop to this. She is not the first or last woman to screw her way to a job position or a promotion. Married or single.

Again, its easy to ditch her since there are no children in the picture.

YouamiYouamiover 4 years ago

For God's sake, post the next chapter!!! I have an idea where this train wreck of a marriage will end up...but please keep this going!

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Let the cheating bitch go and go for Kate. Don't forget to fuck Richard over while you're taking care of things. Carl can handle Shelia.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

njlauren, it's Debbie who has a sexual harassment suit, not Rob.

FatStratFatStratover 4 years ago
Mother's pearls.

Why is it that in all these stories where the wife goes on a date or whatever against the husband's wishes, the husband never asks for his wife to remove her rings? He was more concerned about her wearing his mothers pearls than their wedding rings.

He could have removed his ring as well.

It was too obvious that he gave up on his marriage already that he didn't want to shock her back to reality. Note that he could also have lifted his wife's dress himself to do a panty-check before she left.

FatStratFatStratover 4 years ago
Opera scenario

I'm not digging the whole opera scenario. How could he really force her to go when she already had tickets to go with her husband? What would the dialogue be like?

"You have to come with me!"

"Rob and I already have tickets"

"Tell your husband that you would rather go with me, at the President's request."

"Rob will use our tickets and he will drive me to and from the opera."

"You will make up some kind of excuse to dump him after the opera finishes."

"Rob will destroy you"

"I have lawyers, he will go to jail"

"It won't do you very much good; all that would be left of you would be a head and a bag of internal organs, he hates you that much.


See, it wouldn't happen.

Also, why didn't any of the opera-goers sush Richard when he was talking all the time during the opera? Why didn't Jane? There must be some couth opera-goers, even in a smaller town.

Also Jane was a little too honest about her relationship with her husband, for no real good reason.

It was also a little too coincidental that Kate had box seats, with one of them being still available.

Anyway, I am hoping that the fun comes during the last two chapters since we probably know how the romance is going to end.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

While I guess I might notice if my wife's only g-string was missing, in general I'm not familiar with every piece of underwear she has!

Redo1984Redo1984over 4 years ago
Loved the confrontation with the pearls/panties.

I was worried he was going to wait for more shit to happen before he took his stand.

Worried for naught! Will it end like it does in real life. The professor dumps her because it’s a messy situation now and doesn’t want her full time.

meucimeuciover 4 years ago

I am so glad that the story took this turn it was time he caught on or should I say "up". Now things should get real interesting. Looking back his MOM knew this is how things would end up. I think even her own father knew to. I also believe her mother helped push her in that direction I will be curious to see if her father don't see it that way to. We might get to see 2 divorces maybe they can use the same lawyer and get a discount. Again I think your writing has been great so far the only complaint I would have is just the length of the chapters just wish they were longer.

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy60over 4 years ago
So predictable

You just knew where this "train wreck" was going before it got there, I always pull for the wife or husband to pull their head out. This series is an epic failure.

InfiniteCycleInfiniteCycleover 4 years ago
LonesomeBoy60, you are delusional.

This is liovng wives.

Either she was going to fail, or make him a cuck.

This is not Romance. If it were, then there might be a chance that they'd pull through together.

I hope you weren't holding your breath, waiting for them to live happily ever after... this being a long story, you'd be lucky to be alive.

...and it's not even finished yet.

Rob's done nothing wrong, but stand by his morals, and not been a fool. Debbie... well, she's failed on both those fronts.

Looking forward to the rest of this story.

MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago
I like predictable

I am thoroughly enjoying this series. Glad that Rob actually has a spine!!! Do not take her cheating slut ass back!!! Kate will make ALL his dreams come true; and be faithful doing it!!!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Predictable and Realistic.

How many women get told to pull their head in and stop flirting and do it before it goes too far? The answer is most women. Debbie is a cunt and she deserves a cunt like Richie, the cunt pair are made for eachother.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I little to feeble . Actually discussing with someone elses booty call. I suppose the title technically makes it ok.

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With a few exceptions, I tend to write longer stories, but that’s just my nature, I think. I’m going to try to tighten that up in the future. I know that means fewer people will read them, but I know that going in. Also, I tend to write what I know. I’ve spent a lot of time i...