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"Then to your west, there was the Light Watch clan. Their eyes have adjusted to the darkest of conditions due to the blessings from the Raven. They gather the most precious jewels but their most precious resource of all is the blue mushrooms that grow along the floor. They have unique healing properties. Even if the people are a little....strange due to the Raven's Mark."

He placed the goblet by me and sat down beside me. Even though I was angry only moments ago, he had a charisma about him. I had to hear it through. No matter what he had to say, I had to have my answers.

"Then we have your clan; the Granulen. The most methodical of hunters and brilliant tacticians. With you in the middle, your relationship with the other tribes is paramount and you supply the rest of the tribes with your spoils from the hunt."

He smiled. "The diversity of nature is reflected in the Gods you worship and when all of the clans were united, I was king during celebrations. When the people drank wine and eat nature's bounties, I would celebrate too."

The smile turned into a somber frown. The confident pose that he had from before flattened like squeezing the liquid out of a wineskin. His hand moved closer to mine. "Then the Gods began to devise a plan. A cruel one that worked through my followers. A thousand years ago, the Gods gave visions to the tribe's Whisperers of knives concealed behind backs and hushed words in private rooms. Mistrust slowly spread throughout the tribes like poison."

I kept quiet. His story, as ridiculous, followed the history of the tribes. We had been at war for different reasons since I had been born and the chieftain had made sure we knew of our history.

"Like the Raven," I whispered and looked away. Part of me felt a tinge of guilt. If this really was Knin, then I would have been part of his downfall.

He nodded.

"The celebrations began to stop. No one wanted to celebrate with war and bloodshed. Goddesses and Gods that were once forgotten because of their brutality came into the spotlight. Speaking of which..."

He turned around and pulled his robe up his leg. The long, winding "birthmark" made its way up his leg.

"The Raven stole my throne out from under me and gave me THIS! The bitch was not kind about the mark either..."


"What?! She cut me, Willith! How should I be towards her? Grateful for the humbling experience?"

I shook my head and he sighed.

"I'm...sorry for blowing up. It has been a long, long time before I caught a break."

He adjusted his posture. "I used the last of my magic to survive. I healed my wound and went into hiding. It was the only way to save myself from the Gods. They had worshippers looking for me. The Whisperers were too busy talking to other Gods to busy themselves with me."

He thumbed behind him at the two assistants. They both gave sheepish waves. "I ran into these two a long, long time ago. The chief found me about one hundred years ago and...that was that."

There was a long pause between us. Where do I even begin?

"I'm...sorry that I have been worshiping the person who sliced up your leg."

He chuckled. "It has been a strange position to be in. Your commitment to me is worth more than a scar."

His hand moved to mine but I recoiled and pulled it away. "How do I know that you are telling the truth?"

He stood up off of the altar and stepped away. "You have always been skeptical."

When I gave him another glare, he quickly added, "Which is what I like about you. Very well..."

He beckoned to the assistants close by. Each of them walked forward and stood on either side of Halcyon. They looked at him as if waiting for some form of signal but their master gave them nothing. He stared into me and a shiver moved down my spine. The environment, once bustling with life and so loud and vibrant, grew silent. I did not know if the environment itself was going quiet out of respect or out of fear.

There was a small gust of wind that blew through and the tree leaves sounded deafening in the silence. Halcyon opened his arms as if he was welcoming me into his embrace. I could see each muscle in all of its glory and the small sheen of sweat that was across the top of his body.

"Watch closely."

I did as I was told.

A subtle golden stream started from the edge of my vision and slithered along the ground. It was some sort of energy. The energy cut up through the altar and up along my spine. I felt it filling my core. The anger and confusion that I had was washed away for an instant before it departed and left my body as if rejecting me as a potential vessel. It moved on towards its intended target. Halcyon smiled as I looked on in wonder.

Halcyon's body started to change. His legs and toes were the first. His toes started to bind and form into hard keratin before darkening. Fur sprouted up along his legs which grew in muscle; pumped full with extra blood. His thighs and calves increased in size and stature. They were pumped full of nutrients and oxygen. It was as terrifying as it was alluring.

"Hmmmph....this is my true....ughhh....form!"

I was speechless. He was turning into something mystical. I had read about what kind of creature Knin was but to witness such a spectacle took my breath away. There was nothing I could do. What would screaming accomplish? The fur that formed along his thighs traveled up into his groin area. I could see it poof up past the loincloth and there was another expansion; his genitals increased in size. Although his balls were already big, they rounded in the cloth and his shaft thickened inside of its cloth prison. Instead of growling in pain at the change, Halcyon had to wipe drool from his changing mouth.

"Do you enjoy watching, Willith? I know that this form is...nnnngh...monstrous to you but it is who I truly am..." he said with a joking tone to his voice.

His chest expanded. Although he had pecs they turned much more round. When they flexed, there was obvious muscle. Fine hair sprouted to cover them before the gold mist traveled to his abs. The carved muscle he had rounded to more of a gut and hair formed over that as well. His navel increased to accommodate the change.

My eyes could not leave his endowment as it swayed between his legs. I was struck by how it wobbled even when he was flaccid. There was a low moan from him when his mouth and nose officially expanded; a small, more animalistic nose fit for a goat appearing at the end. His nails started to darken as they filled with keratin and his hands were huge. The brown hair that was on his legs spread up along his arms and a large, bushy beard puffed out along his chin.

With one final moan, Halcyon's arms expanded in size like the muscle was filled with new found vitality. The golden mist entered into the various groups and with each new bit of magic entering, Halcyon's body grew larger. His pits had a new smattering of brown hair which dripped with sweat. His back was now doubled in size and hair formed along the back. His rump was covered in brown fur and a small poof of a tail was right along the bone. It wagged excitedly with each new growth of his body.

He looked far more bearish in his new form than his lean human one. Like someone who had a bit too much wine and bread. He smiled at my stunned look as the ends of his ears rounded and his eyes turned to a dark forest green. He walked forward to me, his loincloth ripping and I could not move.

He outstretched an arm, his grin looking more primal and bestial. The hand was towards mine and I looked up at him with a mixture of awe and terror. Never in my life have I seen someone change into such a beast. He was unlike anything I had ever seen before and my mind was still trying to process it.

"O-oh...I forgot..."

He closed his beast-like eyes for a moment as if deep in thought and two curvy horns exploded out of the top of his head. He gave a sigh and rotated his head as if testing the protrusions.

" that's more like it."

He was fully changed now. Halcyon was no longer himself but something entirely different. He was a satyr; a beast bred by magic that came from deep inside the earth. A magic that had been around since the creation of the planet was the only thing that could have led to his change. He looked so different from my love but he still smelled like him. He still smelled like juniper berries and campfire smoke.

It was no doubt in my mind that the man that I had been with was Halcyon and he was also Knin. They were one of the same and there was hardly any separation. The satyr stepped towards me and he was now flanked by two leaner but still respectively bulky satyrs. Their horns were curly like Knin's and their fur had a light tinge to it. They were younger and their bodies reflected their youth. Knin gestured to both of his sides. Each of the satyrs stepped forward and Knin wrapped his arms around them like they were his sons. Knin's fangs, white as snow, showed in the light of the forest.

"The one around my left arm is Resimir and the other is Yinith. Both have been avid worshippers of mine. The tribes that they were from were irrelevant since they have been next to me for an uncountable amount of time."

Yinith stepped forward towards me and outstretched his hand as if this was something natural. It was clear he was the dark-haired human from before. He had a grin on his face while the other one seemed to almost be shy now. Unlike Knin, they were completely naked and exposed. Yinith's cock wobbled between his legs, almost fully hard and leaking down towards the ground and it was hard for me to tear my eyes when it jumped and throbbed.

"Sorry for tying you up, but this would be difficult to explain..."

I frowned and let his hand float in front of me.

"Well, I am now talking to mythical beasts so try me." Both Resimir and Knin watched closely. Knin's previous smile faltered and he looked on like a father judging his sons. I did not know if this was Knin's harem or if he had children.

Yinith's arm fell to his side.

"Well, we can only perform the ritual if you finish the sacred wineskin with fluid made from winter berries....and painted with Knin's symbol," Yinith said as if he was reading from a spell book.

"You had me tied up so you could fill me with wine and paint my body?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "Halcyon..."

The large satyr answered my call and looked almost as if he had swallowed something sour. I noticed his ears had changed into the ears of a goat. The points were gone and they were the soft, fluffy ears akin to the animal. They flopped downward in submission as he walked forward.



He came to the altar and sat beside me. I could feel the heat radiating off of him. I had to tell him how I felt; I had to stay strong.

"Why did you do this? Why did you lie to me and pretend to be something you aren't for all these years?"

He winced and his dark green eyes looked me over before shamefully looking away. "I' wasn't that..."

I waited for him to find the right words. The hooves he had swayed. He bit his lip and looked back at me.

"Look at me, love. I'm not human. Can you say in all seriousness that you would accept me? That you would conditionally join me in my quest for relevance? I am a god, Willith. The earth used to bend to my will...."

He looked at my expression but I gave him no wiggle room. Perhaps he did have a point but I did not want to be influenced by his careful words. He could have given a speech about being a castaway god thousands of times to other people who came his way. Or at least to Yinith and Resimir.

"Are you using me for your own gain?"

He looked like he was going to be sick. "N-no! I would never."

I clicked my tongue.

"The times we made love were the happiest moments of my life, Willith. Your laugh and smile fill me with such joy. You are so careful with my creatures and you do not make them suffer when you must eat. You cook with such care and you-"

I held up my hand.

"And what about Yinnith and Resimir? Where do I fall among them?" I interjected.

The two satyrs chuckled.

"He only pines after you," Resimir spoke up and crossed his arms over his muscular frame. His ears flopped low even though he was not directly embarrassed.

"You are all he ever talks about. We swear upon our lives that we have never laid with our Master," Yinnith said with a broad, charming smile. "You are his one and only and what he is trying to say is he wants to spend his eternity with you."

"But he has been too shy to say it," Resimir whispered sheepishly.

Knin was blushing. His demeanor from before was replaced by a more child-like innocence. I looked at Knin and could still see the human in him. He seemed strangely vulnerable.

My eyes moved from Resimir to Yinnith and they stared back. There was an awkward pause until Knin spoke.

"They are right. I haven't felt aspirations like I have now. I was so worried you would reject me because of what I am that I did not consider your own humanity, Willith," Knin began and put his right hand on my thigh.

I shrugged. "I guess you did have a reason to worry. After all, you are a God."

There was a look of visible relief from Knin. His body relaxed and his ears perked up. The little tail he had flicked happily behind him. "Of course. I did not go out of my way to hurt you..."

"And what about your father? What would you do if I...accepted this?"

Knin thought about the question longer than I anticipated. "The whole reason I am doing this is so that your tribe can stop the feuding. Even though there is no war now, the Gods have their plans. You can be assured of that."

"And your father?"

"If I continue to have people join my ranks with as much loyalty as you, my magic will come to me fully recharged. I might even be able to get rid of this scar!" he exclaimed, his small tail wagging behind him.

I looked for any lies but he held his composure with that gentle smile.

"I don't necessarily have a reason to doubt you. It is strange to be talking to a God, though. I can see why you were hesitant."

I chose my words carefully. I was still mulling over what choices I had. I was deep in concentration, my brow furrowing as I thought over my various choices. I looked at each of the three satyrs standing in front of me. Just moments ago, they were human and familiar but now they were something between human and beast. I faced my love and made sure to look right into his eyes. Even though they had their place among the heavens, he still felt so human.

"So, what happens now?" I asked. I know the phrase was forward, but I needed to know. Was I going to be one of them and what did my future look like with Knin? The path that I had before me was nothing I ever thought I would experience.

"You can either accept me as your mate..."

I gulped. Gods were not known to be fair and death was given swiftly without a second thought. What good does it do to rationalize with someone who was immortal? I steeled myself for the other option.

"...or you can walk away."

My eyes widened. He took note of my expression.


"Just....that is not what I expected," I mumbled. "I find it hard to believe I am able to just walk away from this."

He gave a wistful smile. "You act as if I am something to fear. I have lived among your tribe for years but kept shifting my appearance. Before then, I was a humble farmer and worked for Yinnith..."

He motioned over to Yinnith.

"Hell of workhorse, too," Yinnith added with a goofy smirk. "Our crops would not have grown if it was not for his wisdom. Course, expected from a God."

Knin nodded. "My humility grew among the quiet Resimir. He has the stature of any scholar but a heart of gold. Being the son of a pelter was not something I would actively seek at the height of my power but it gained me a friend and teacher."

Resimir bowed. "If it wasn't for you, our shop would have closed, Master. My family may be gone, but their legacy and teachings live in you."

"Thank you, my friend."

He turned back to me. "You can accept me as your companion and your lover and we can spread my influence. I will get back into the Heavens and you will rule by my side for all eternity. The chief would live a happy, fulfilled life before coming to my side for aiding me when I needed help and you'll be by my side forever."


"Or...we go our separate ways. Well, kind of. It will be hard to forget you, Willith. You are beautiful, charming, handsome, and... ," Knin realized he was about to keep going and cleared his throat. "Umm, you can still worship me, though. I wouldn't mind..."

He blushed.

"Give me a moment to think..." I chuckled.

I had never considered myself to be charismatic enough to woo the Gods but here was one telling me I would be granted eternal life among my love.


"Willith?" Knin said and scooted closer. His hand moved up along my leg and towards my hand.

I let the conversation stand for just a moment. I had a thousand thoughts going through my head with one of them thinking about the ridiculousness of it all. The wonder of it also came to mind. No other mortal was offered such a tantalizing vision. There was a fantastical opulence to it all. To ascend to the heavens like the strongest of warriors...


Everyone leaned in closer. The apprentices craned their necks towards me and their little ears flicked as they turned their heads to be able to hear. I was no longer concerned about my naked form and the anger at being tied up seemed almost foolish. There was a deep need to join my love. Something that I could not quite explain. Inside of my heart, the same ancient magic that created the world around me, beat in rhythm. It pulsed through my veins and arteries and up along my arms. It surged like the tides of the sea and filled me like an empty vessel. It started at my toys and worked upward. Before I knew it, my muscles were beginning to expand. The makeshift drawings that they made on my chest and abs hummed with sacred energies. They acted as anchors for the magic, like sunlight being focused to a single point.

It was a rush that I had never experienced. I leaned into the magic and Knin watched with half-hidden amusement. He leaned forward and his lips brushed mine. There were no words that needed to be shared; it was clear where my place was now. The apprentices shared knowing glances and decided to take their leave out of the small cove. Before they could leave, Knin's eyes flicked towards them.

"You two should stay. We need more focus on us..."

The strong and quiet Yinnith shuffled on his hooves for a moment. "Are you sure that is alright? We do not wish to interrupt you..."

I gave a yell as the magic flared up in my cheekbones and along my jawline. There was a bright light before the magic fell back into my body and weaved itself back inside me. They stepped backwards. Knin chuckled and shook his head.

"He'll need your support, too."

Resimir smirked as he watched me, his eyes eating up my changing body with visible curiosity. His cock wobbled between his legs as he looked me over but he did not reach out to touch me.

"Reminds me of our first time, Yinnith."

A wistful smile crossed Yinnith's features. "It does. I remember it so vividly.

Their cocks started to stir between their legs. Once hanging limp over their balls, the flesh started to become turgid and firm. Yinnith and Resimir looked at one another and took long, full breaths.

The golden tendrils of magic started to wrap around them and along their legs like vines. The two could feel the power beginning to seep into their own bodies. With the covenant between Knin and I becoming set, Resimir and Yinnith could feel their collective energies growing densier with each change.