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They began jilling off in relative sync. Dawn went on goosing and pinching her boobs one by one, as Maureen crooked her arm around its nearer breast, drew both tits close, and smoothed her paw over them.

"Penny smirks, with a defiant chuckle, and says—

"'I can be where I please, muchas gracias.'"

Maureen let her head slide back in the seat. "My god, Dawn, you should be a writer."

"Aw, thanks. I've dabbled, but it's just a hobby. Back to the story. Now April's getting intimidated. She still can't find her glasses, so she spins her chair around, and stands up. Penny, aggressively but only semi-roughly, grabs her by her hair."

Whoa. Maureen's nipples hardened, feeling the twinge in her clit indicating it wasn't far behind.

"April gasps, but before she can say anything, Penny swoops in, and lays a monster kiss on her."

Maur breathed in through the nose, closing her eyes. "Damn."

"April squeaks, and tries to fight her away at first. But Penny takes her by the collar of her shirt with the other hand. April demands to know what the hell she's doing. But she's being kissed, so it only comes out as a muffle."

Dawn was gaining on her in the stimulation race. She stretched back and out on her couch, making sure her voice continued to carry through the speakerphone. Her cunt oozed sticky, silky autolube, which she smeared over her drier spots.

"So..." The narratress started breathing heavily. "So, try as April does to resist, Penny forces her tongue inside her mouth, and also forces her to let herself succumb. And April starts going weak in the legs."

"What a coincidence," Maur mouthed, feeling blood abandon her own gams. Her feet(sies) warmed, toes curling inside her shoes. Dawn raised her legs and feet in the air, and flexed them thoroughly. Both pussies were exquisitely fingered.

" April can buckle to the floor, Penny pulls her outta the recep area, still burning her lips. She drags and wrestles her down the hall, and April powerlessly lets her. Now th—...that they're in motion, Penny has to pause between kisses just to breathe."

Speaking of which... thought Dawn. Her cunt unclenched to allow her digits. She pushed two in, and the lust intensified. Maur ran her fingertips down her slit to the perineum, enjoyed the tainted tingle, and caressed back up. Warmth infused her likewise.

"So, eventually, Penny finds a door, and throws it open. The knob bangs the wall. April's so dizzy she's about to faint as Penny lets go of her, but then she grabs her again—by the boobies—pulls her inside, and slams the door. Even though there's no one else there."

This is getting pretty friggin' good, thought Maur, unhooding her clit.

"And...and inside this office there's a big...generous-size couch," Dawn dynamically intoned. "With pillows on either end. So—well, first, though, Penny seizes April, by the hem of her shirt, and yanks it straight up and over her head, and flings it. But, to her surprise—" Gasp. "That naughty April didn't wear underwear today!"

Maureen grinned, eyes wide shut. Dawn paused for another surging burst of pleasure.

"April cries out, and throws her arms over her sweet, curvy naked boobs. Penny counters by grabbing her skirt and whipping it down. No panties either. Her womanhood's exposed! April, too embarrassed to speak, turns red, and tries to cover herself."

Maureen's brain redirected hot rushing blood to her nethers, flooding her pussy and clit. The latter began to swell erect.

"Penny looks her up and down, and gives her an evil smirk. Her next words are..."

She stopped for another desperate breath.

"...'Easy, access.'"

The charmed Maur could almost swear she came a little.

"April's guard down, Penny takes her by the arms, and flings her on the couch."

"Get 'er, girl."

"'At's right." Pant. "Whew! So before April even has time to regain herself or react, Penny hops in the couch on top of her."

"Yesssssss..." Maur felt her fingers collect moisture from her now very wet pussy.

"S—..." Dawn was having a harder and harder time getting the story out the more blazed up she got.

"...See, this is why I usually keep this story in my head!"

Maureen chuckled. "It's...oh,'s cool, Dawn. I've literally got all night."

"Well, uh...hee hee hee...tell ya what. I cum first, I'll finish the story for you. You cum first, I'll shut up awhile and finish myself off."

Eyes still closed, Maur grinned.

"Or I could talk dirty to you."

"MMMMmmm...Mama like."

"'Kay then; next time, I'll tell you a smutty story. 'Course, I may have to read it right out of a book."

Dawn didn't know how far along Maureen was, but her cunt was absolutely drenched. She jilled off like a madwoman. Unbeknownst, Maur was close behind. This fantasy story of Dawn's was working quite the spell on her as well. Which reminded Dawn: she guessed she'd better get back on with it. Or try. She waited for her libido's tach to slam to zero and start revving again, and took a breath.

"So April's so overwhelmed, she doesn't know what to do. She tries to push Penny off her, but Penny pins her arms. She smothers the whimpering, intimidated, perfect-breasted naked young girl with hot, breathy kisses of fire. And talk about being helpless; April's blind without her glasses. She can't even see what's happening to her. Penny knows this, and exploits it. Next thing she does is push April's wrists together, curl her fingers around 'em both and holds her down with one hand, so she can use the other to touch April in more spots, and April can't do anything about it."

"Holy hell," Maureen assessed, her coochie now also drenched wet. "You sure you're not just reading this??"

Dawn laughed. "You can be forgiven for thinking that.

"So, Penny...heh. I'll throw this in just for you, Maur. Penny says something wicked to her in Spanish."

"In a seductive and smoking hot tone of voice, of course."

"Of course." Dawn felt frankly proud of herself for being able to balance her libidinous lust and her faculties to tell this story. She had a feeling, however, that wouldn't be lasting too much longer. Both women jammed digits into their pussies, at slightly varying speeds, as sweat materialized through their pores. For logical reasons, Dawn's ran more rampantly than Maureen's, but it didn't mean Maur was not also ragingly horny. The devastating Madrid beauty Penny Cruz was centered in her mind's eye, ruthlessly forcing herself on the (usually bespectacled) April. While Dawn had provided her with a description, Maureen didn't know exactly what April looked like...or Dawn, for that matter. She did, on the other hand, possess a keen imagination, and knew what she liked. It was a bracing 25° outside the shelter of her 1994 Chevy Lumina, Maur had already removed her jacket and mittens, and she was nonetheless continuing to burn up. She began dropping 'f'-, 's'- and less explosive profanity bombs.

"Speakin' my language, sister," Dawn panted, wiping her forehead. "Sweet god, this feels incredible..."

Maur stated that though it felt odd to be so vigorously scratching off to a stranger over the phone, they weren't exactly strangers anymore. They'd been on the line together for going on seventeen hours. She then pleaded with Dawn to keep telling the story.

", the sight-impaired, totally nude April can't see a thing, but it doesn't matter anymore, what with her eyeballs rolling back in her head. Penny Frenches the hell out of her, reaches back with her free hand, and grabs April's pussy."

Maureen's head flew straight back, whapping the headrest. Her own pussy rumbled and quaked. She couldn't take much more.

"April lets out a huge squeal..."

Maur heard a raspily murmured expletive.

"...And...a-and in between kisses, April begs her...but she doesn't know anymore if she wants Penny to leave her alone or keep going. So she just says, 'Please...please...PLEASE!'"

Dawn didn't know how much she could withstand herself. She found herself wanting the story to be finished so she could gnaw and suck her tits. Not unlike April, she was decently endowed in the booby department. While unsure of Maur's mammary preferences, Dawn enjoyed all shapes and sizes of breasts. Whereas pussies were tastier, and could do a few more intriguing things. They couldn't produce milk, though they could be exquisitely milked for all the love one woman could hold. Dawn simply couldn't help wishing that the g-spot was a bit more easily accessible. She dug in deeper, curling her digits upwards, straining to get at it.

"And...and, Penny starts rubbing her harder and harder, faster and faster...rougher and rougher...till April turns gets wet...all the hell over Penny's fingers."

Maureen was on fire. Her legs shook and kicked uncontrollably. Her head whipped to and fro, banging repeatedly on the rest. She couldn't help wondering if she was noticeable. Cars continued to whiz by, at decreasing frequency. Maur knew—and was terrified—she could be spotted or approached by anyone passing by right now. But at the same time, the excitement of this danger only lit her up. She was being a bad, bad girl. And she liked it. Dawn may not have been behaving as naughty, but she was about to lose it too.

"And, thi—...GOD ALMIGHTY...this-this is usually where I just let it keep going like that till April and I both cum!" she intoned.

"Dul—...OHHHHH, holy hell...duly noted."

They began exchanging moans.


"Yeeeeessss...say my name while you finger yourself, Maur. I love it."

Maur grinned through her impending throes.

"I was just gonna tell you to keep jilling off for me...and tell me when you're gonna cum."

Dawn threw her head straight back. "FFFFFFUUU—...I...I think you just brought me to the edge!"

"Oh too! I feel it! I'm about to cum my pants and I don't even care!"

"Cum for me, Maur! Cum for Penny, cum for April! Cum for Juniper! Cum for Pittsburgh! Cum for me, I'll cum for you!"

Dawn had officially exceeded the amount of times Maureen could hear the word "cum" until forced to do just so. The Pennsylvania girl had just pressed the metaphorical ejector seat button in her car. She blasted off, howling to the moon, careening through the orgasmic dimension, at the speed of climactic light. She barely even heard Dawn anymore. But had she been paying attention, she'd have heard an ascending series of "Yes! Yes! YES! YES!!" followed by a few more swear bombs, and an accompanying scream of torrid, blazing ecstasy. And had she been there in Dawn's apartment with her, she'd have seen her phone playmate dig in, hit her g-spot, burst like a broken pipe...and squirt like a loose geyser. She sprayed cum all over the edge of her sofa and floor.

Maureen, meanwhile, indeed orgasmed herself. Like never before. They had achieved a mutual phone sex cumfest, almost pulling it off—pun intended—at the same time. As predicted, she spewed clean through the crotch of her trousers. And didn't give a hoot.

Some minutes later, the smoke cleared. Breathing returned to normal. And Maur was feeling quite relieved she'd packed extra pants.

"...Whew!" a giddy Maureen giggled. "Well, uh...that was fun, wasn't it?"

"Oh, 'fun' doesn't aspire to describing it. I'll tell you, Maur...normally, after a mother-effer like that, I'd be ready to drop dead asleep. But I drank so much damn coffee today, I don't think I could lose consciousness if someone clonked me on the head with a hammer."

"I know..." Maur giggled again. "I pumped myself full of Red Bull. I'm not snoozing anytime soon either."

"You sound giggly."

"I know!" Maureen reiterated. "I feel like a new girl! I feel I'm half my age again! My gosh, Dawn...I can't believe I'm saying this, but, I...I feel so...happy! I feel like, turned my whole day around!"

"Awww, dunno how good it feels to hear that. I hope you won't find it too hard to believe when I tell you that you have absolutely made my day too."

"I can see how you'd think that, the way I was whining and moaning when I first called you. Geez, what a crybaby I was being. And I love the way you talk, Dawn. It really does sound like someone's reading me a book."

"I take that as a compliment it is...I've always fancied myself a pretty, witty chicky. That's pretty, comma, witty, that is."

"Well, uh...gee. Y'know, they're not expecting me tomorrow till about noonish. I gave myself some extra time, 'cause I wasn't sure if I'd feel the need to nap in the car. But even without the Bull, I'd feel too excited to sleep just 'cause I'm talking to you. And 'cause we just pleasured ourselves to each other over the phone! I've never done that before!"

"First time for almost everything."

"Hee hee hee...hey Dawn?"


Maur stifled a guffaw.

"My windows're steamy. And I'll never be able to watch Vanilla Sky the same way again."

"Ha! Classic."

Gasp. "...Whoa!"

"What? What?"

"Dawn...something amazing just happened!"

"WHAT?? Tell me!"

"...I looked up, and, the...the sky just turned white! Bright white! It's snowing! It just became an actual vanilla sky!"

"Wow! You're in a Midwestern winter wonderland!"

"...I can't believe it! It got just light outside! Almost like the sun came out! I can see stuff! Th—Dawn, this is crazy! I've never seen anything like it! It's opposite of pitch-black! Oh, Dawn, I wish you could see this! It's...stunning."

"I don't doubt it, Maur. Wish I was there too. But with clothes on."

Maureen felt a bittersweet tug at her heartstrings.

"...I wish you were here too. I wish I could hold your hand and we could watch this together."

"You heart-melter, you."

"...I, uh...have a feeling I'm still not gonna need my car's heater for a bit. I'll get going again after a while and fix the climate control then. And now I can look forward to what happens in three and a half more weeks."

"And that'll be?"

"Isn't it obvious? Three and a half weeks from now...April'll be here. Wink wink."


94: From Liberty And Union To Gold And Silver

Sunday, March 9th, 2003, 6:49 a.m. Mountain / 8:49 a.m. Eastern

"I won the spelling bee in seventh grade."

"No kidding! Congrats, Maur! What was the winning word?"

"Oocyte. Female cell that turns into one of our ova. If the double-'o' at the beginning doesn't trip you up, the 'c-y' probably will."

"As a spelling bee know-it-none, I will take your word for it."

"Then I entered it in eighth grade, and got myself knocked out on a way simpler one I really should've known. I won't say what that word was, but afterwards the 'a'-hole kids were like, 'Ha ha, you didn't win!' Made me so mad at the time I wanted to pop 'em. But y'know, that only would've landed me in bigger trouble. And that's just want jerk-off bullies want: the satisfaction of knowing they've gotten your goat and a rise outta you. Not that they got punished for giving me crap, of course."

"Aw, forget 'em; they're not worth your time. Always bigger fish to fry, m'friend. Always bigger."

"Yeah. The sun's coming up. It's dawn, Dawn. And still flurrying."

"And we have been chatting on the phone for twenty-, four, hours."

"That's incredible. Literally. I can't bring my mind to give credence or credit to it."

"Well, believe it; it's happening. ...Hey Maur?"


"If I tell you my fondest wish, will you tell me yours?"



Hmm...little hesitation there, but all right. "Cool. Very well then, here's mine. It's an oldie but goodie, and about as unoriginal as you can possibly get, but here goes. This is legit. I wish, for a lifetime, with all my heart...that I could fly."

"Ahhh, yes; that is pretty much the 'oldiest' but 'goodiest.' I'll see if I can find that old toothpaste tube for ya."

"Ha! Honest to goodness, Maur. Ever since I grasped the concept as a little girl, that's been my greatest desire. Well, actually, lemme qualify that: it's my greatest unattainable desire. My family all watched the magic special when David Copperfield did it, and I've never been more jealous of another human being in my life. Even though they used wires. And claimed they didn't. But it really always was my dream. I daydreamt it, night-dreamt it, took my share of airplane trips...I even thought about going into astronomy for a while. But zero gravity'd kill me. My tummy's too sensitive. Any time I throw up even a little bit, I cry like an infant. T.m.i.?"

"No, no...that's not t.m.i. It's j.e.i. Everyone hates that. It's horrible."

"It is. A'right, you're up. G'ahead."

Gasp. "Ooh, look at that! I think that's the Montana state line sign coming up!"

"Oh, that's wonderful. ...Well, c'mon now, Maur, what's your fondest wish?"

"Say, Dawn, did I ever tell you that literally every time I've gone to the IHOP since I was little I've ordered something different?"



"I get the feeling you're trying to change the subject. Come on now. You said you'd tell me your fondest wish if I told you mine. And I told you mine. You have to tell me yours now. You know how curious I am, and you know I'm not gonna let up. Now c'mon, give."

Sigh. "All right...believe it or not, what I've always wanted more than anything in the world be unconditionally loved."

"...Okay...but, mean that doesn't come from your family?"

"Honestly...not quite to such a degree as you might think. Sibling rivalry's real, Dawn. At least in Montana's Coale household. I won't lie to you and say Helena and I didn't fight for Mom and Dad's attention and affection. We did. And guess who won, virtually every time..." Sigh. "It hurt, Dawn. It hurt so day, I started to just not feel loved anymore. I know realistically, deep down, that we were equal, the two of us, have no idea how painfully easy it is to compute that Helena's their favorite. By a lightyear."

"...Oh my gosh, Maureen, you're crying."

"I am. I...I knew this'd be heartbreaking for me to talk about, but I thought I should be honest. Even if it cost me a thousand tears."

"...Aw, hell, now I'm crying too!"

"But, I really actually feel like I can trust you now, Dawn. I feel like I've taken a piece of you into my heart. And my libido."

"HA! Comic relief! Thanks, Maur, I needed that."

"Seriously, though, family aside, I told you about my relationship woes...God knows they didn't love me. Tend to blame myself."

"Don't you dare blame yourself. I won't let you do that. Takes both the two to make the relationship or break it. And just between us, Maureen, I say this as a tried and true lesbian who's been badly hurt before...women can be real meanies."

"Mm...true. But mean's a human emotion. Everyone has the capacity to be mean.

"...Oh! There's the sign. 'Welcome to Montana.' I'm home."

"Oh, that's great, hon. Won't be long now."

"Aaaaaaand, I just remembered, I don't know exactly how to get to Helena's house once I get off 94. Guess I still have to call OnStar."

"Oh, sweetie, I can help you! I can look up the directions and guide you to the house with Mapquest."

"...Seriously, you can do that?"