Resurrection! Ch. 01


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My little brat of a wife, smiled at all of her admirers, and even invited them to sit with her until I arrived. That was her way of keeping me on my toes, and not taking her for granted. I was a baseball player in high school, and college, and quite athletic at six-foot-one, I was able to scare all six or seven of them off, when I did arrive with drinks for the two of us.

"Tell all your little buddies it's time to go, sweetheart!" I would say, and she would answer,

"Aw, can't I keep one or two of them?"

Mostly the guys knew that she was kidding, but once in a while she would attract one or two that watched her every move, and were in the water when she was, and at the clubs we frequented throughout the week. She even allowed a dance or two with some of them, after looking to me for permission, but they were easily dealt with, if they got too insistent, or too amorous.

Mostly we spent our time together, and avoided tours and the like, preferring to rent bikes or scooters, or taking a car tour of our own design. She wanted to go sailing, so we did join a crew for a day's tour. She had a blast becoming a sailor! But I stayed close to her to ward off the men on the tour.

Life was good with this brilliant and beautiful woman, and I considered myself a very lucky man. Most of my male friends also told me that, as a warning I suppose, that if I didn't treat her right, they we be there to step in. A couple of them hovered around her at parties, and gatherings, but she was quite adept at keeping them at arm's length.

We had eyes just for each other, and quickly became each other's lovers and best friends. I suppose the term 'soul mate' is a bit over used, but we were ... something like that! We told each other everything! Well, I told her everything, but women—most women—have to have their secrets ... secrets they keep stored deep inside the cockles and folds of their hearts.

Our lives consisted of our work, and some quiet, intimate moments we kept very private from our friends. I loved reading to her, and she loved listening to the sound my mellow baritone voice as I read to her. She would always cuddle up with me, wearing her favorite over-sized sweater, with her hands clutching her cuffs like mittens.

But she always wore bikini panties peeking out the bottom, cut low enough to cover just the lower part of her mons. I found that her sliding her long lovely tapered legs together as I read to her, was a major distraction—as was her nearly uncovered mons. Sometimes, she would straddle me, with her arms around my neck with her cheek next to mine, while I read the book over her shoulder. After two bites on my earlobe I knew that she was distracted, and ready for something else; reading time was over!

She would free my cock from my jeans, push her panties off to the side, and let me fuck her right there. A couple of times she insisted that I keep reading as she slowly slid herself down onto me. It was pure torture as she moved her little bottom around with me inside her, sporting a wicked smile and whispering to me to continue reading. Claire is a sweet, sweet woman, but she has a dark and devious side too.

This usually ended quickly with my throwing the book aside, saying "Screw this!!!" and laying her down on the couch, giving it to her seriously and properly. I usually teased her with sexy banter about what she wanted, and how she wanted it! Claire was never shy about answering me, using very direct and sexy language. If she wanted to be fucked, she would tell me to fuck her!

She loved making sweet gentle love for hours, and we mostly did that, but she also just wanted to be fucked hard and fast at other times ... times like this! She was full of giggles as we played, and kissed, and fondled, and made love! I had had a few girls before her, but she was far and away the sexiest and best lover; no one else ever came close!

Thank God she is a one-man girl, or I would have big trouble, since every guy I know would give their left nut, to be with Claire if that became possible! She selected me! I passed all her tests for personality, sense of humor, companionability, and sex. When she gave me that definitive nod accepting my ring, the thought of any other man for her was impossible!

But that doesn't mean she can't tease me about it from time to time, just to keep me on my toes, and she occasionally does. On the beach in Hawaii, she allowed them to gather just to play with my mind; she would have decked any of them that tried to touch her though!

We took a special weekend trip after three years, just to be alone together, and had a wonderful time on the cape. Our last day was an outing in which we explored as much of the area as we could, ending in a late dinner at a very historic inn. We looked across the candle-lit table at each other, as we clinked wine glasses filled halfway with a golden California Riesling. She noticed that I had a strange uneasy look on my face, as I shuddered a little.

"Michael, what's the matter?" she asked in a soft velvety voice.

"Mmm, nothing sweetheart, just felt a sudden chill. Just the cold night air from the cape, I guess." I said.

But I knew that wasn't it ... didn't really know what it was, and I don't think she bought it! She tried to lighten my mood by saying,

"I want to thank you for a wonderful weekend, Michael. Getting away like this was so wonderful, and a very pleasant break from the nerds at the plant continuously trying to look down my blouse."

"Yes, but you have to admit, it is a very pleasant view!" I countered, rising a little in my chair to peek down the front of her silk blouse showing a little cleavage."

"Michael, stop! You're as bad as they are!" she laughed warmly at my silly gesture.

"Well, I now have more respect for them, being able to appreciate true beauty!"

"Can we stop talking about my tits, please?" She complained. Then she quickly changed the subject, adding,

"Michael, I want to make love to you one more time before we leave this lovely little inn."

"But we are all packed, and ready to go Claire—we both have work in the morning!"

"I know, but this sweet wine and candle-lit atmosphere is doing something to me!" She lowered her eyes, then slowly raised them, as she said in almost a whisper, "It is making me very, very horny, Michael!"

Then she blushed, coloring her face very beautifully, framed in this light by her golden hair. Her blue eyes sparkled with the candles flickering in them. Her beauty was so overwhelming, I said softly,

"Alright darling! Let's go."

We did make love! She was half undressed by the time I got the door to our room open; undoing the buttons of her blouse, and the side-zip of her slender pencil skirt. As we tumbled inside, I barely had time to close the door as she was pulling at my clothes, trying to undo my pants, and pushing my shirt up over my head.

She was naked, and I was nearly so, even before we had time to close the door. I kicked it shut and we made love on the floor, with her moaning and clawing at me like some lovely blonde, blue-eyed panther.

Well, we really didn't make love ... we fucked! She was so hot that it made me harder than I had been in a long while, as I thrust into her with long even strokes.

"Is this what you want little girl? Is it? Tell me what you want baby!"

"Oh yes, Michael, I want it! I want to be fucked! Fuck me hard, darling!"

This type of sexual banter continued for the short time we coupled until we both came in grunting, groaning, spasming orgasms. I could feel it all the way down to my toes! We lay there for I don't know how long, just sweating, breathing hard, and feeling the other's heart beating against our chests. When we had breath enough, with both laughed hard! Still breathing hard, she said,

"Michael ... you are ... a bad, bad ... boy!"

"Mmm, flattery will get you ... well, shit honey ... you already got it!"

"Oh Michael, you are too easy, I may have to call the steward in to see if he can give me what I need!"

"Whore!" I said laughing.

"Wimp!" she called me immediately, laughing with her eyes flashing. "Where's that phone? Maybe I can get someone in here to service me ... properly!" She said teasing me.

She was still laughing as I picked her up in my arms, and carried her into the overstuffed bed, piled high with comforters and quilts. I thought she would disappear as the bedding fluffed around her, but she remained of top of it all. I looked down to see the most beautiful expression of pure love on her face. Tears welled up in her lovely, liquid blue eyes and my heart skipped a beat, beholding all this beauty.

"Michael, make love to me! Slowly!"

Without responding, I slid into the bed and we made sweet love for about two hours. We showered for the last time in that antiquated mechanism they call a shower, and dressed quietly ... wordlessly, in our travel clothes. Then she broke the silence looking at the clock,

"Oh, Michael, it is so late! Do you think we should stay the night and leave in the morning?"

"No, we can make it ... it's only a two-hour drive, and we will be in our own bed. We can sleep in a little if you'd like, and I will make you breakfast in the morning. If you are a good girl—and I mean a very good girl—I will serve it to you in bed!"

"Mmm, sounds wonderful, and ... I will be a very good girl for you Michael. I love you!"

"I love you too, sweetheart" I answered softly.

Then just to continue her tease, "So that's a no, on calling the steward in then?" Then she giggled herself silly, and I shook my head at my beautiful, crazy bride.

With that, we packed the car and headed home. While we were making love, a storm had come up, and it had just started to rain as we finished throwing our stuff in the car. By the time we were on the highway home, it was pouring about as hard as it possible could ... our poor windshield wipers were no match for the downpour.

The approaching headlights and retreating tail lights formed a colorful mass of white and red round spots in my vision as I tried to see the lane lines.

"Oh, Michael! Maybe we should pull over for a while. Just until it lets up a little!"

"Yeah, maybe you're right honey. Look for a place, a little road house or something and we will wait it out." We drove through the night in silence.

The oncoming car appeared out of nowhere, heading straight toward us in our lane. In real time, it was only about one or two seconds. I didn't even have time to brake, and the other driver didn't either. Whether it was a drunk driver, or someone who simply lost track of the center line, rounding that curve, I never knew.

As it approached, time was sliced for me in a succession of micro-seconds, from the time the driver veered into our path, to that sickening metallic crunch that destroyed the front ends of our two cars. I saw the lights approach, I even saw that the approaching car was blue, and was driven by a young woman with the most horrific expression of terror on her face. And in the background during those many micro-seconds I heard Claire utter the last word she would say in life, as she screamed, "MICHAEL!!!" and then was silent.

I knew that my chest was crushed by the steering wheel, and there was little hope for me. Unable to breathe, I looked over to see just a mass of blood-matted blond hair that used to be my beloved darling wife. She was gone—killed instantly! I remember being pulled from the car after what seemed like hours of men using hydraulic equipment to free us.

They pulled me free, and I wanted to cry for my sweet Claire, but I had no breath and no tears would come, just the intense pain from what felt like a two-ton weight on my chest. I could barely see through the blood streaming down into my eyes, I saw a stretcher completely covered with a white sheet; there was a tuft of blood-stained blonde hair peeking out the top.

I was crying for Claire inside, and I was beyond consoling. I could feel my life force draining from me. Red, and blue lights flashing, and voices started to fade into a noisy blur.

I saw faces, and lights—God, I saw lights—as people ministered to my injuries, but I knew deep inside that it was too late for me. Before I passed out from the intense pain, I saw another stretcher with the bloodied and broken body of a young woman—couldn't have been much older than twenty with dark brown hair, and wearing a blue print dress imprinted with little flower designs. They pulled her from a crumpled blue car, and were in the process of covering her completely with a white cloth. She was dead!

I distinctly remember the intense pain of being pulled from my vehicle and pushed into another one—an ambulance I was guessing. There was a young medic over me placing an oxygen mask over my broken face. She was young, and she seemed to be more scared than I was as she inserted an IV in my arm.

The look on her face told me that it was over for me. She knew it, and I knew it! I felt every bump in the road as I struggled to breathe, and couldn't. And then I started to fade into darkness. The flashing lights, the voices, that pretty and terrified young EMT we gone ... silenced! And then ... and then...

I was in another place. It was white ... everything was white and very bright—didn't seem like a hospital though. I was not even aware of wearing anything or not, and I felt no pain. Then I saw her, the pretty young brunette from the little blue car. She looked at me with a strange apologetic expression, and then was momentarily lost in the crowd.

I sensed a familiar presence and looked over to see Claire standing beside me. She smiled but said nothing. We were walking ...everyone was walking! It seemed like millions of us but the forms were too indistinct to make out individuals. We were walking as if out of some ghostly instinct toward a brighter area.

Then people started to be divided up into several portals. Most were gently guided by beings dressed in purest white, through brilliantly lit portals. While some others were pulled roughly off through a darker portal to the side, by beings dressed in red, who were screaming at them ... pushing them ... beating them!

Claire and I were pushed into a particular brightly lit portal off to the other side with what seemed like some specially selected people, and I noticed that the little brunette was also pushed through our portal. After entering there, Claire and the little brunette were pulled one way, and I another other way as if separating us by sex. Then...

Part 02: David's story.

I was sitting in the library at the university trying to study, but momentarily distracted by a pretty little brunette with the darkest, greenest, emerald eyes I had ever seen. She was busy pouring over a textbook, and chewing on the end of her pencil. She seemed to be grimly determined to master whatever she was studying.

She must have sensed that she herself was being studied, because she lifted her eyes and look directly at me. I, of course, looked away quickly and she returned to her studies. I had a chapter in my book I had to get through, and returned to my studying. After a while, I noticed her get up and start to gather her materials into her backpack. I closed my book, sticking my note papers in the page where I left my reading, and timed my departure so that I was able to open the door for this pretty girl.

She smiled matter-of-factly, and passed in front of me through the door. I got a whiff of the very pleasant perfumed lotion she was wearing—girls do not actually wear perfume anymore; they use skin lotions after showering. Before she could get too far away, I said,

"I think in these circumstances; it is the boy's task to carry the girl's books for her."

She turned with a quizzical look on her face, but smiled, slipped her bag off her shoulder and handed it to me. I hooked it onto my unoccupied shoulder as she said,

"They are all yours handsome! I'm a little hungry from all the studying, how about buying me lunch? The Bookworm is just around the corner." She was pressing her luck, but I said,

"You're on, um..."

"Julie! My name is Julie!"

"Hello Julie, I'm David. Or when I misbehave, to my mother I am David Michael Hayes!"

"David are you a bad boy? Should I not associate with you?" she asked with a musical laugh.

"Yes ... and no!" I said answering both of her questions.

"Well, thank you for the warning David, I will watch my step around you!"

She was very sweet, and we continued our very pleasant but mindless banter as we walked along. When I asked her what she was studying with such a grimly determined look on her face she said,

"Accounting. I don't want to be an accountant though. My Father has an import-export business, and wanted me to start at the bottom after I graduate. He wanted me to have a business degree, and accounting is the language of business, isn't it?"

"Um, I guess so. I am an English major, and hoping to be an editor—I love books!"

"Oh, how nice, you will have to read one to me sometime. I love that!" She said with a smile as we approached the café.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a slender blonde carrying a bunch of precariously balanced books, one of which slipped from the stack. The familiar burnt orange dust cover, told me that she was in old Professor Langford's ethics class.

Julie and I continued into the café and found a quiet booth in the corner. We were talking congenially, when the pretty blonde plopped into the booth across the aisle from us, and her little tome again slid off her stack of books, and plummeted to the floor.

I reached down and picked it up, and as she was reaching out also to take it from me. I said to her,

"Professor Langford would be very unforgiving if you lost this!"

She pulled back, and gave me a strange look when I said that! Then she gave me a curt half-smile as she reached out again and took her book from my hand. She said,

"Thank you ... Michael!"

"David! It's David actually, and you are welcome..."

"Sarah! My name is Sarah. Sorry for calling you Michael, it was just a name that popped into my mind when I looked at you, David." she said politely, but not warmly.

She pulled out another book and started reading it (looked like a mathematics textbook), waiting for a waitress to take her order. I turned back to Julie, who was watching this scene with great interest, and gave me a pretty smile saying,

"David, that was so nice of you!"

"Nah, damsel in distress, and all that ... crap ... you know!" I said in a casual self-effacing manner. I looked back the blonde thinking to myself, "Do I look like a Michael? It's my middle name not my first name. Ah, I must look like someone she knows with that name!"

We continued with our mid-day treat, consisting a burger and a beer for each of us and an order of fries to share. At one point, listening to Julie talk, I was staring at her not aware that I was doing it. She noticed, stopped talking and asked,

"What, David?"

"Oh nothing. It would be too much like a pickup line to say that I thought you looked familiar."

"Well, you have picked me up David, and I am all yours for (pressing the button on her iPhone) ... another fifteen minutes, then I have to go."

We finished our meal, and as we got up to leave after I left enough for the meal and a tip, I looked down at the pretty blonde, and said,

"Good luck with your ethics class Claire!" Then I stopped, turned back, and said, "I'm sorry, it was Sarah, wasn't it?"

In a very even, icy, tone she said flatly, "Claire was my Grandmother's name, and it is my middle name actually. Did I tell you that?"

I was troubled by meeting this girl but just shrugged, smiled, and said, "Well Sarah, good luck with your um, whatever!"