Resurrection! Ch. 01


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"Then I would say to meet with her. If for no other reason to see if she, or something she says might spark a memory; particularly one you didn't think you had. If after meeting with her the two of you want to meet with me, I would be happy to help you figure out what is going on." He rose, shook my hand and said, "Go with God, David!"

"Thanks Doc."

I was more confused than ever after that meeting, and since Julie was busy this week with a research paper, and we won't see each other, it seemed like a good time to meet with this Sarah, or whomever. So I called Sarah.


"Hi, um Sarah ... this is David. You know shortstop on the baseball team, I helped you with your books one day."

"Oh yes, how are you doing with your injury David?" a soft sexy voice said.

"I'm fine, it still hurts a little. Um, Sarah, is it possible to meet for coffee or something?"

"Yes, in fact, if you are available, how about you come over for dinner at my place tonight? It is quiet here, and we can talk a little ... I think we need to talk, David!"

"At your dorm room?"

"No, that was actually the room of a friend of mine, I have an apartment off campus. I'll text you the address. How about seven?"

"Seven will work, do you want me to bring something?"

"Mmm, maybe a nice bottle of wine ... something light and white!"

"Alright, Sarah, see you at seven ... and thanks!"

"Alright, David!"

Something light and white! I will have to ask at the store what they recommend. I selected a Pinot Blanc, a light flavored white that will not compete with savory dishes ... at least according to the counter girl who wrote her phone number on the receipt with a cute smile. So I was set, except for some flowers, and selected a half-dozen yellow roses, with that stuff they come with ... uh, baby's breath.

I was pressing her apartment call button at about seven-oh-two.

"Hello David, come up to number 104." The squawk box said, and I entered at the buzzer.

The door opened as I approached it, and Sarah stood in the doorway with a nice smile.

"Oh, roses, thank you David, I'll put them in water right away, can you open the wine and make yourself at home?"

She looked pretty in a pair of tight jeans, low heels, and a thin soft V-neck sweater, that showed her soft cleavage. I uncorked the wine and left it on the counter, as she was finishing up on some chicken stir fry. I helped her cut up some veggies to add to the wok-pan, and it felt nice being close to her.

She slowly turned, and gave me a sweet smile, and said, "Thank you Michael, can you pour us some of the wine?"

"David! My name is David!" She dropped her hands to the counter top, turned and looked at me apologetically,

"Oh, I'm so sorry, of course it's David! You must look like a 'Michael' to me!" she gave me a pretty smile.

"Well, you are not far off, my middle name is Michael!" I laughed as I poured her a glass, then poured myself one, and we clinked glasses and both said, "Salud!"

I couldn't explain why I wasn't more uncomfortable being with her, but it was like we were old friends. We worked closely together to prepare ourselves a meal, casually touching, bumping into each other, but it seemed so familiar ... to both of us!

She was so attractive that I didn't question it. She asked me to dish up the rice from the cooker, and she spooned the chicken and veggies over it. With the wine, it made a fine meal.

Her apartment was not luxurious, by any stretch, but was nicely furnished, with a lot of books, which I liked to see. We talked casually as we ate, mostly about classes, especially Dr. Langford's class, and her penchant for losing her little textbook. We laughed about that, and she apologized for being so gruff when we met.

"I am really a very warm person David, but it takes most people a while to get past my direct manner. I am an engineer—or will be soon, and am a very pragmatic person."

"Well, I hope I am not out of bounds telling you that you look lovely tonight!" I said.

"You're not ... and thank you!" she smiled with a slight blush.

Sarah and I were getting to know each other quite well, but we both knew that we had things to talk about ... serious things! After the meal, I helped her to clean up in the kitchen a little, and at one point we found ourselves face to face. For just a several seconds, all activity in the universe was suspended and the earth stopped in its tracks as we both looked deep into each other's eyes. She was the first to look away and said,

"Let me finish up in here, why don't you bring some wine into the living room, we will be more comfortable there."

My heart was still beating hard from our brief intimacy, trying to process it, but I did as she asked. She settled on the end of the couch, I sat in the matching chair near her. She started out by saying,

"I keep wanting to call you Michael, and I don't know why. It's almost as if we have known each other before. And tonight, since we are strangers, we should be at least a little ill at ease, and we're not." She said.

"Yeah, you're right! Being with you tonight I felt like we were old friends, um, the way we worked together. Look, I don't know why I called you Claire when we first met, the name just popped into my head. And at the baseball game, the sight of you took away my attention, and after my chest injury, I looked at you and had a flash of a ... a memory ... or something, it was just a quick image."

"Well, maybe we knew each other in a previous time or lifetime or something!" She was kidding, but I looked at her when she said that. I told her,

"I talked to my minister Dr. Simpkins this morning about that very thing ... not about us um, together, but about finding someone from a previous time. He said that we could talk to him about it if we wished."

"Oh, David, I'm not sure I believe in that kind of stuff! I told you, I'm a 'show me' kind of girl! But, there are just too many coincidences between us. I really want to know why ... if there is a answer!"

"We need to know who Michael and Claire were, and how David and Sarah fit in!" I said.

"And, what about that pretty dark-haired girl you have been seeing ... Julie?"

"I don't know, but I have a feeling I can't shake, that she fits into this somehow too!" I put my hand on her arm, looked at her and said, "Sarah, when I saw the two of you together, that's when I had that horrific vision ... like an terrible accident or something ... but it was very brief!"

"Oh David this is so all so eerie. Stay with me ... tonight ... can you?"

"Okay. I'll make you breakfast in the morning." Then with a smile I joked, "if you are a good girl, and I mean a very good girl, I'll serve it to you in bed!"

When I said that, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands, then she said,

"Oh, David! You said that to me before, I know it! You said it to me just that way ... word for word! It's like the remark about Dr. Langford's class! I know I heard you or someone say that to me before! Oh David what's going on!"

She was shaking like a leaf. I quickly poured her a full glass of some of the Pinot, and she gulped it down.

"David, you can sleep here on my couch. It is quite comfortable, or so I am told!"

"Okay, if you really don't mind. But let's do something to take our minds off of this ... I can um, read something to you. I like reading, and Julie says that always calms her!"

"Yes, David, that would be so lovely! You pick something."

I looked over her books and selected something. I settled on the couch next to her, and poured us both another glass. She leaned up against me holding her glass, with her slender denim-covered legs stretched out on the couch, and her back up against me. I started to read to her right from page one:

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."

"Oh Michael, you have picked my favorite book of all ... I love Jane Austin! Just think, Elizabeth Bennett, and that tall handsome Mr. Darcy! Read more ... please!"

"Am I going to be interrupted again? And the name is David!"

"Oh, sorry! No, I won't interrupt David! Please continue!"

I continued with my reading:

However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be, on his first entering the neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some, one or other of their daughters."

"My dear Mr. Bennett," said his lady to him one day, "have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?"

I continued with the whole saga of the Bennett family; mother, father, and their five semi-beautiful unmarried daughters. I looked down at the lady leaning up against me on the couch. She had her eyes closed but was smiling and listening to every word. I smiled with my view down into the 'V" of her sweater watching her pretty breasts rise and fall with her breathing.

I continued on with chapter one, but somewhere in the middle of chapter two, I started to hear soft snoring coming from Sarah, and just read to myself for a while.

I became tired by the end of chapter four, and set the book aside, I carefully carried Sarah into her bedroom. I set her onto her bed and removed her jeans, and leaving her in sweater and panties then I slid her as best I could under the covers. I looked back at her, smiled, closed her door, turned off all the lights, and settled on the couch. She had set out a small blanket and pillow for me earlier.

I had trouble sleeping, with images running through my head, that didn't understand. What was it I was seeing? Maybe just a jumbled up dream, I saw Julie behind the wheel of her car, but I saw that just recently as she drove away the day we met. I did fall asleep eventually, and was awakened in the morning by the smell of ... coffee!

As it turned out, she was up before me, and made breakfast for me! I got up, pulled on my jeans, and she was in the kitchen dressed in a sweater and blue jeans again. I came into the kitchen, and she poured me a cup of coffee, as she asked me,

"Michael, did you take my jeans off last night? I don't remember getting into bed."

"Well, yeah, but just so you would be more comfortable. I had my eyes closed the whole time!"

"Well, thank you David! And thank you for keeping your eyes closed ... but if you did happen to see anything ... I am not all that modest!"

"Oh! So, next time I can look? Can I take pictures?" I asked, teasing her. She laughed,

"David! Drink your coffee before you end up wearing it!" We both laughed. I liked her sense of humor.

I helped her get breakfast on the table, and she didn't even flinch with I affectionately slid my hand around her waist reaching for the salt and pepper. We sat at her kitchen counter, ate, laughed, continued to tease each other, and had a nice time. All of our cares from the previous night seemed to have vanished ... at least for the time being.

As Sarah cleaned up in the kitchen, I called Dr. Simpkins, and he made time to see us at eleven this morning, two hours from now. Then with Sarah's permission, I used her shower, and redressed in what I had, then she showered and dressed in a crisp blouse to wear with her jeans, and low pumps. She had her long blonde hair pulled back into a pony tail; a hairstyle I always found attractive on young women.

She came out of the bedroom thusly dressed, and for some reason, she slid her arms around me and gave me a hug. I looked at her, and gave her a kiss ... just a quick peck! She smiled and said,

"Mmm, David you are a good kisser. If I find out nothing more about you ... I know that!"

"Thanks, we should go." I said.

~ ~ ~

[Continued in Chapter Two]

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