Resurrection! Ch. 02


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"David, I am sorry about your, um condition, but I just want a warm body tonight. I promise to help you out with that ... sometime soon!"

"It's alright, you are worth waiting for ... and this is very nice! Very nice!"

We fell asleep that way, with my arms around her warm, naked form, and my erect cock started pressing into her a little. I got into a kind of off tempo rhythm of breathing with her, since her breaths were shorter and shallower than mine. She moaned softly as my hands casually explored her hips and legs. When they wandered up to her breasts, she pushed them back down to her stomach, saying in a half-asleep voice, "Not yet, sweetie!"

I tested her sleepiness by giving her a very gentle pat on her buttocks, and she giggled without waking. In a dreamy sleepy voice, she said,

"Stop it David. Physical abuse is not allowed tonight!" and I had to laugh at her off-center sense of humor. I kissed her on the shoulder.

I awoke in the morning light, to the smell of coffee. I was alone, lying on my back with the tip of my cock having slipped out of the fly of my shorts a little. Just trying to stretch its way toward the sunlight, I guess! I idly let my finger trace across the underside of it, and it grew with little throbs, filling with blood. It felt nice!

"Breakfast, David!" I heard a sing-song female voice say from the kitchen. I rose quickly, tucked myself into my briefs, and walked out into the kitchen with a noticeable bulge. She was in the kitchen wearing a soft light sweater, and nothing else. It covered her cute little butt, but just barely. I walked up behind her as she was finishing up at the stove, put my arms around her and settled my cock in her crack.

"David! Behave!" She said with a giggle, but didn't correct me.

I kissed her on the neck where it meets her shoulder, and moved to a stool at the counter. She turned and handed me a cup of coffee. Her coffee was dark, and hot, and rich tasting—just the way I like it!

She stood next to the counter and was very pretty in the morning light, with her semi-tousled blond locks. The rounded mounds as her breasts gave her sweater a very attractive shape, and a little of her soft blonde triangle peeked out at the bottom hem. My eyes watched as her thighs slid against each other, and then they traced down her long slender legs.

"Baby, you have to put something on, or we are going to be horizontal very soon!" I said studying her legs, from that amazing triangle to her pretty toes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, David! What a tease I'm being, but this is how I dress in the morning! I love the freedom, and the air moving across my little ... um, pussycat!" (Embarrassed giggle!)

"Not complainin' honey!" I said with a lascivious smile.

When she disappeared into her room to don a pair of crisp white short shorts, I quickly slid into my jeans. We sat and had our breakfast, some coffee, and pleasant conversation. I was beginning to think that it would be very pleasant to wake up to her every morning. Just an idle thought, though ... I thought the same thing about Julie.

So now, I had her little butt so nicely filling out those tight shorts to look at, along with the gentle sway of her breasts with no bra under her sweater. I am a happy man right now! She looked over at me with a questioning smile and says,

"David, what?"

"Um, nuthin'" I said

"Are you having impure thoughts about your sweet and innocent, young female companion?"

"Not saying!"

She walked over and straddled my lap as I sat on the stool, she put one hand around my shoulder and used the other one to comb her fingers through my hair. I had my hands firmly on her ass cheeks as she pulled her shoulders back and pressed her breasts into me. She opened her lips pressing them into mine. Hers lightly massaged mine, and then she pressed them into me. She slid her tongue between my lips, just enough to tease my tongue into massaging hers back.

This brilliant and beautiful young girl has perfected the art of kissing, likely more as a product of her way, than from a practice ... she is just naturally sexy!

We kissed for a while, before we decided we had things to do today. I patted her on her behind before she rose, and she gave me a half-heartedly disapproving smile. She stripped off her sweater, and was starting on lowering her shorts as she disappeared into the bathroom for a shower.

My poor little unit has had promises made to it last night and this morning that haven't been kept yet, so I will have to take a cold shower when it's my turn.

I had the foresight to put an overnight bag in my car before I left yesterday, and ran out while she was in the shower to get it. I came back in (using her key) just in time to see her quickly padding down the hallway wearing just a bath towel wrapped around her body just above her breasts, but not quite covering her little butt.

She reached her destination and closed the door all too soon as far as I was concerned! I took the opportunity to grab a shower, but she came into the bathroom while I was there to dry and fix her hair. She didn't bother me, or even look my way. I finished, wrapped a large towel around me, kissed her in her shoulder and left to dress.

She dressed also, in a pair of jeans with a print blouse hanging out, and white sneakers. While she was dressing I called Diane, to check on the microfiche. She said that she had them as I could come at any time. I told her,

"I have a research assistant coming with me."

"Oh! A female one?"

"Afraid so!"

"Oh! Well, okay! See you soon David!" she said and hung up.

Sarah and I arrived at the guard desk an hour later, and waited for Diane. Five minutes later the elevator dinged, and she strode out to the front, and a pretty white skirt, and lavender V-neck sweater, that showed her impressive assets to best advantage. She looked very pretty, likely in consideration of the competition I brought along with me ... Sarah!

I made the appropriate intros, and Diane led us down to the file room and a couple of microfiche readers. Diane had a container with several dozens of the little film sheets with dates along the top edge. She had another project to do today, so she left us on our own with the usual prescription,

"Just behave yourselves!" and then she added with a smile, "Call me when you are ready to leave, okay darlings?"

"Thanks, Diane. We appreciate all your help" I said.

'You're welcome, David darling. Call if you need me!" She smiled and was out the door. I was waiting for it, and sure enough, Sarah asked,

"David darling? Really? What did you two do down here yesterday, 'David darling'?"

"C'mon, Sarah, nothing! That is just her way! She's a flirt!"

"Well, I guess I will believe you 'David darling'! at least for now!" then she rolled her eyes at me. When I thought she was out of earshot, I muttered, but in my softer outside voice,

"Jealous, much?"

"I heard that and ... don't flatter yourself, 'David darling'!" She said with attitude!

There were two machines to use, but we both hunched over one, with her sitting at the machine, and me staring at the screen over her shoulder. We started with newspapers dated a week before Sarah's birthdate and going back. It turns out that Sarah and I were born on the same day, with her older, but by just a few hours.

We joked about being fraternal twins, and maybe we were actually brother and sister in a previous life. She said firmly, "We better not be!" I agreed! I wanted to be with her too much!

We had to look through both the front sections and the metro sections of each paper, and it was taking some time initially to get used the using the machine, and navigating around the sixty newspaper pages per individual film sheet. The images on the screen were a little grainy, but we didn't have much trouble reading the text, although the pictures were more difficult.

We found several accidental deaths, by checking the news pages and the obits. After a while our eyes were getting bleary, and she suggested a lunch break.

"Okay, I'll call Diane to get us checked out and back in later."

"David, you may invite her along if you wish ... it's okay!"

So I invited Diane out on our lunch break, and she accepted with a cheerful voice,

"Oh, yes. That would be nice, David. I'll be right down!"

She was happy to be doing anything with me, even if it meant that another girl was along for the ride. I decided that however this tuned out, I would call Diane and invite her out on a righteous date; flowers, dinner, movie, for all of her help.

Actually, she and Sarah got along quite well, and chatted each other up during the meal. We walked the two and a half blocks from her downtown building to the restaurant, and each ordered something light. Sarah and I had club sandwiches, and Diane a light salad. She must have felt self-conscious ordering the salad since she is carrying a couple of extra pounds,

"Have to keep my girlish figure, you know!" as she wiggled her butt in her seat.

Diane was very attractive, and carrying perhaps ten extra pounds, but it did little to spoil her womanly figure, from what I could see. She seemed to be quite intelligent, and had a dream of becoming a journalist—that was her major in college. So we had writing in common, and we talked about that a little back and forth.

Sarah liked her too, and they got on quite well, but I think Sarah sensed my attraction to this pretty newspaper woman, and I would likely hear something about that from her later. We explained a little more about what we were trying to find, and Diane was very interested. She asked if she might help us in our search, and both Sarah and I answered her at the same time ... but in different ways.

Sarah said, "Thanks but no!"

And I said, "Yes, that'll be great!" then Sarah quickly reversed herself and said,

"You help would be greatly appreciated!"

"Oh, good! I love having a puzzle to solve!" she said with excitement.

Back at the file room after lunch, Diane operated the fiche reader, sitting in front of the screen, and Sarah and I looked over her shoulder. But I got a look from Sarah whenever she thought that I was looking down Diane's sweater and into her black lace bra. I guess I did a time or two, but most of Sarah's looks were false accusations.

But between the three of us, we were not able to come up with much. It is surprising how many accidental deaths there were in a large metropolis like this; cars, trains, slips, falls, and the like. Sarah was at another reader, to double our efforts, and I came over to assist her, leaving Diane to follow the trail she was on.

I worked side-by-side with Sarah for hours, but with our eyes going crazy staring at the images on the screen, I suggested we hang it up for today, and have dinner. Sarah rose from her chair and whispered to me,

"Why don't you ask Diane out to dinner tonight! I know she would love it, and she has been so much help to us!"

"Well, how about—"

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine tonight. I'll ... um ... finish off P&P so you can read Mansfield Park to me later. Have a nice time with her tonight, and call me in the morning." I walked back to Diane,

"Sarah and I are going to hang it up for today, and um, I was wondering if you might like to have dinner with me tonight."

Oh yes, that would be lovely! I have a couple more hours here, so let's say seven?"

"Seven is good. Give me your address, and it's a date!"

She smiled and took another business card from her purse and wrote the address of her apartment on the back. She escorted us out to the guard to sign out, and I drove Sarah home. I walked her to the front of her building, and she turned, put her arms around my neck, and pressed her lips into mine. She pulled back, looked into my eyes and said,

"Don't have too much fun tonight!"

I smiled and said, "I'll call you tomorrow. Give my regards to the Bennet's, the Bingley's ... and Mr. Darcy!" she giggled musically and said,

"Bye David, you nut!"

I walked back to the car still reeling from that amazing kiss! She liked me! I knew it!

Diane's apartment was very nice; tastefully and expensively furnished and decorated. She also has quite a substantial collection of books in a bedroom she uses as her den/office. She was listening to some Vivaldi, when I arrived.

She was just about ready, and after a further five minutes, she came out dressed in a pretty electric blue dress, which complemented her natural beauty up top, and her body right down to her matching heels.

"Wow!" I said as she came out.

"Why thank you David. I-I wanted to look nice for you." She gave a little twirl with a girlish giggle, "you look handsome in that sports coat darling!"

She walked over and kissed me. She smelled and tasted so good, I was happy to be with her. I escorted her out to my car, and opened the door for her. As I rounded the back of the car I noticed that she reached over and pushed my door open for me. We went to dinner at a very nice place, and she caught the eye of every male as we walked in. I ordered a very nice wine to start, and it went well with our entrees.

Toward the end of our meal, she asked, "David, can you take me dancing tonight?"

"Well, it has been a very busy day, so maybe we should cut it short tonight! Well, I guess we could ... for a few dances. It's only fair to let you show off your sexy dress!"

"Sexy? Really? D-Do you really think so, David?"

"Absolutely! Let's go!"

This turned out to be a good call, since it gave me the opportunity to have this pretty woman in my arms. She was aglow at the club, and had a hard time sitting still. When offers came from other men, she looked to me, and I gave her an approving nod.

I noticed that she kept them at bay, during those dances, but allowed me to hold her tighter, as she pushed her full and firm bosom into me. A few times she looked up at me, I could tell she wanted me to kiss her, and I did. My heart pounded as I held her in my arms and kissed her sweetly as we danced to the slower numbers.

She was a good dancer, and I was a joy to partner with her during the livelier tunes. She looked happy. She knew that I was not for her, long-term, but was happy with my attentions to her. A time or two, I slid my hand down over her butt, and gave her an affectionate little squeeze.

I drove her home, and told her that it was getting late and I had to get home. She said,

"Alright David, but at least, come in for a little while, I can put on some music and we can ... well, we'll just see! I promise to get you home early darling!"

"Okay, you're on."

She opened a bottle of wine, pouring us both a glass. She put on some soft jazz, and we danced to it, but it was more of a 'make-out session than a dance. She allowed me to fondle her, as we danced, and made out on the couch afterward.

She let me massage her breasts, and opened her shapely legs a little as my hand found its way up under her dress, and onto her silky thighs above her stockings. She moaned softly as I massaged her legs, and then her pussy over her thin bikini panties. She softly whispered, "Oh, David!" and kissed me more ardently.

We were starting to get way too heated up, and I knew that she would have let me fuck her, but it was late and we were getting way too far past what I was comfortable doing with her, as I remembered Sarah's sweet kiss from earlier. I broke away, and said,

"Baby, I have to get home. I would love to stay, but who knows what tomorrow will bring for us." She was clearly disappointed, buy straightened up a little, smiled sweetly and said,

"David, thank you for the nice dinner, the dancing, and the chance to spend some time with you." She thought for a couple of seconds and added, "and thank Sarah for letting you ask me out." With another brief pause she said,

"She likes you David! All of her body language when she is around you says that! She would be very good for you, and you two belong together!" I kissed her goodbye and drove home.

I got up early and leaning against the kitchen counter, called Sarah to see what time she wanted to leave for the newspaper. I told her that I would pick her up in half an hour or so.

Sarah was ready when I got there, and waiting on the front steps of her apartment building. She looked pretty as usual, and seemed to be more energetic than I was ... I was going to need her energy today. When we arrived at the newspaper building, Diane was already in the lobby waiting, and we continued our work.

On the way down to the file room Sarah asked, "Well, did everyone except me have a nice time last night?"

Diane answered Sarah's obviously sarcastic rhetorical question, "David was a perfect gentleman last night. And, I thank you honey for borrowing him to me. We just went out to dinner, a little dancing, and had a glass of wine at my place afterward. For some reason, he seemed to be in a hurry to leave!" then Diane whispered to her loud enough for me to hear,

"He is all yours, darling."

"Mine? Humph! what would I do with him!" She said trying to be dismissive and nonchalant.

But I noticed a very self-satisfied little smile on her face when she turned to continue on, ahead of us. Diane noticed it too, and gave me a wink.

"Well, who needs a grumpy skinny little blonde anyway!" I said with a smile, obviously teasing her back.

"Come children, let's not quarrel!" Diane laughed.

We got back to work, and the three of us manned the fiche readers, pouring through old newspapers. Sarah was searching obits, and Diane and I were looking through stories trying to focus on accidental deaths, since something told us, that was where we needed to look.

After nearly an hour of searching and reading, Sarah yelled out,

"I think I have something here! A young couple was killed in a car accident just the day before David and I were born, just hours apart."

Diane and I looked over her shoulder, and I read the story,

"Michael and Claire Stevenson. Married three years, and perished in a horrific auto accident during a severe storm late last evening, just south of the cape." Diane look at the date and found that paper. She searched through it and found a ten-column-inch story on page two of the metro section.

As we read the story, I had an idea. "Let me call Julie to see when she was born."

"Julie, hi this is David. This might sound like a weird question, but what is your birth date, including year?"

I almost dropped the phone when her answer was the same day and year that Sarah and I were born. Her time of birth was nearly the same as Sarah's, about an hour or so before mine. I asked her,

"Honey, we are down at the newspaper building on Fifth and Grand. Can you come down here and meet with us?"

"Who is 'we'?"

"Sarah and me. Go to the front desk, and a woman named Diane will meet you there."

"Okay, David! I'll leave now, but it will take be about half an hour to get there."

"Okay, see you in a little bit."

"Can you give me a clue what this is about?"

"It's easier to explain down here!"

"Okay David!"

Waiting for Julie, Diane showed us how to print out hard copies from the newspapers. We printed three copies, of the accident story, the obits, and the birth announcements for that next day. The guard called Diane about half an hour later, and she left to escort Julie down to where we were.

Julie and Diane came into the file room, she looked very concerned, not knowing what was up. She looked past Sarah to me, and asked,

"David, honey what is this all about?"

I gave her the bottom line first, "Sit down honey." She plopped into a chair in front of me looking at me intently. "It seems that you, Sarah and I have had a previous life. I mean it isn't us, but we are connected to events that happened on a very rainy night a little over twenty-one years ago. Three young people perished in an auto accident, and the three of us were born the very next day just hours apart."