Resurrection! Ch. 02


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"David, I gave that cute beach boy my number—he asked me for it. He is handsome, and smart, and I am interested in getting to know him. So please do not feel guilty if you wish to date Sarah. She is a friend, and I like her too!"

"Well, what makes you think I won't chose the little doll-face over there?"

"I have eyes! Sarah likes you, and I think you like her too! Now kiss me, and go ask her to dance!"

I kissed Julie's cheek, letting my hand fall to her hip to give her a friendly pat on her butt. Then I came up behind Sarah, who was sitting by herself, looking away from the group and out onto the lake.

"Care to dance, Blondie?" I asked her quietly.

She turned, looked up at me and, said, "Mmm, maybe! Right now, I am enjoying the view of the moon on the lake. Beautiful, isn't it?"

I sat down next to her, looking at the lake and said, "Yeah! It is! I have never been here this late, but it does really take on a ... a calmness ... its very appealing."

We sat in silence for several minutes, just looking out onto the lake, then she turns to me and asked,

"That invitation to dance still open?"

I smiled and took her hand, as she rose from the blanket. We slid easily into a soft embrace, and I started to dance her a little away from the crowd. We mostly just swayed gently to the music, turning slowly. Neither of us said a word, and she pulled her hands onto my chest, and laid her cheek between them with a peaceful smile. I slid my arms around her, and we continued to move slowly in each other's arms.

I was beginning to have tender feeling for this tall slender woman. These thoughts were running through my mind, and then she surprised me by lifting her face as she said softly,

"David, I am starting to have feeling for you too!" I smiled down into her luminous face, made more beautiful in the failing rays of the Sun, and quietly asked,

"So, you are a mind reader now?"

"No. I can sense your feelings through your touch. It feels so nice being in your arms, darling!" Then she quickly looked up with a question mark on her face and asked, "It is okay if I call you that?"

"Yes!" is all I said ... quietly ... like a breath. She smiled, and snuggled her cheek back into my chest.

The party was starting to break up, and we ended our dance to say our goodbyes to the two couples. I loaded up the car while Sarah and Julie made their long goodbyes talking to Karen and the other girl, whose name I found out later was Josie. The ride home was quiet, with Julie stretched out in the back seat, and Sarah riding shotgun, but wearing an inscrutable little smile.

Although it was still fairly early, we all decided that the sun and water had taken its toll on us and we were all ready to settle down. Julie said,

"You two take the bedroom, I can stay on the couch." I countered immediately saying,

"The bedroom is for the two of you, and I will be very comfortable out here!"

Too tired to disagree, the girls walked into the bedroom. They stripped just inside the door, letting their clothes staying where they landed, and they crawled into the bed together. I retrieved a pair of shorts from my overnight bag, and settled on the couch wearing only those, with a light blanket over.

I lay there, just listening to my two little dollies chat back and forth, with their door partially open. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but just the sound was soothing to me. If they were talking about me, I was too tired to care. Their conversation ceased, but other little noises told me that they found each other's lips and breasts ... and possibly other places as well. I fell asleep!

I was awakened sometime later by the aroma of someone's sweet breath, and a kiss softly placed on my lips. My eyes fluttered open, and I saw Julie's pretty face and dark green eyes smiling down at me. She was completely naked!

"Hi David!" she said in a whisper, "Come join us!"

Only half awake, I stumbled off the couch, and followed her without question. Sarah was awake as well, and I was starting to wonder what these two little monsters had cooked up together. Sarah looked at my shorts and said,

"You won't need those, David!"

Julie, still next to me, reached over hand pulled my shorts down far enough for me to step out of. She said,

"We are just going to continue our skinny-dipping, except without the water!" both girls giggled wildly. I was still nearly asleep, and I think I said,

"Oh, okay!"

I tumbled into the bed with Sarah, and Julie crawled in behind me. I was hugged, kissed and fondled, and it felt wonderful, but I was almost too tired to enjoy any of it. I was facing Sarah, and she cuddle up as close as she possibly could, and she whispered as her lips brushed against mine,

"Julie and I didn't want you to be lonely out there. David, there will be no sex tonight but almost everything else goes. You look tired, so just let Julie and me play with you okay, darling?"

"Uh, yeah, okay!"

The did too! They played with every part of me, took turns stroking me, and I slid their hands over every inch of me, and even felt a tiny finger teasing my little hole! After that, it just felt soothing and I was almost asleep. Sometime later, I felt someone give me a slow and methodical blow-job, and I came in her mouth—never found out which one did it, but I suspected it was Julie.

I think that at one point later, I had my lips on Sarah's and whispered "I love you!" to her, but couldn't tell if it was reality or a dream. I awoke to the morning light streaming in and was laying on my back uncovered with my unit pointing skyward at three-quarter staff. I could hear the girls in the kitchen, laughing and giggling as the worked on breakfast—I could smell coffee, so I put two and two together on that!

After breakfast, Julie had to be somewhere, and left Sarah and me by ourselves. After the door slammed behind her, it was quiet. I walked toward Sarah, and we slid our arms around each other gently. She laid her head on my chest, and we stood there, just being together. She pulled back from me looked at me and said,

"David, I want to be your girl!"

"You already are, honey! Remember last night when we both said 'I love you' to each other without saying a word?"

"Yes, but I want you exclusively, even from Julie! David, I am about to become an engineer, and will face State boards for certification, and beginning my career, and I want to have you in my corner. I fell in love with you when you picked up that silly little book in the café. You smiled at me and my heart melted, but I was afraid to show it.

I want us to find out what our connection is the Michael and Claire Stevenson. They are us and we are they—we even used their names with each other when we first met. I want us to find out who they were, what they loved about each other, and what they thought about things."

"I agree that finding out about Michael and Claire is necessary, and might even bring us closer together. After all we carry their names in ours. I love you Sarah, and want you with me as we both face whatever life holds in store for us."

"Oh, David..."

That was all she could get out before she choked up. She was too emotional, so she turned and went in to shower and to regain her composure.

I finished dressing, and put on some music, and Sarah came out she was dressed in a pair of white shorts, and a light grey sweater with her hands tucked inside the sleeves like mittens. She walked over to me put, her arms around my neck, kissed me on the neck and said to me,

"I want today to be just us honey, no one else. I know we both have school work to catch up on, but not today. No friends, no phones, just us. David I want you to read to me, and then I want you to make love to me!"

I smiled into her face, and said, "I'll get the book, and you get us some wine!"

"Okay!" she sniffled, and wiped her nose with her sleeve-covered wrist. She looked so sweet that my heart melted watching her pad into the kitchen. This brilliant woman with an incandescent intellect is going to just be my little girl today.

I was on the couch, and she brought a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses. I poured us each a glass. We clinked glasses, and I said,

"Sarah, are we going to take on life together after today?"

With her blue eyes wide with child-like wonder, and in a soft voice she said,

"Yes David!"

"And work together to find out about Michael and Claire?"

"Uh huh!" She said with a soft smile.

She cuddled up to me on the couch, and I opened the book. Her smile turned into a musical giggle, when she heard the familiar first line,

"About thirty years ago Miss Maria Ward, of Huntingdon, with only seven thousand pounds, had the good luck to captivate Sir Thomas Bertram, of Mansfield Park..."

The End (or, maybe just the beginning?)

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

You'd darn well better finish this story.

GrandPaMGrandPaMover 7 years ago
You are crafting something unusual...

but beautiful. A tale that can tell is of a love spanning lifetimes.

You're doing a very nice job so far. Keep it going. 5*.

I wonder about their respective families - both the old Michael and Claire's families, and their new incarnations' families. Certainly their old families could answer a great many questions for them - assuming they are still around.

The only other issue I'm having with your story is the combination of the ease with which they are naked around each other (all 3 of them, I mean) and yet there is so relatively little sex and no jealousy. I can't quite make that compute, even given the mystery that connects them. However, it wasn't quite far enough a stretch to completely break my suspension of disbelief, but that suspension is under some strain on this point. Perhaps I'm just missing some explanatory dialog or culturally-related touch-points across the decades (both between their old selves and their newer selves, and/or between my age and the author's) or something.

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