Rhonda Rousey's Repercussions

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Learning to lose.
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Ronda Rousey nervously adjusted the painting in her large hall one more time. It's wasn't squint but it gave her something to do and wasted another five seconds of this time that was passing so slowly. The 29 year old glanced up at her ornate hanging clock (paid for by one of her early UFC victories) and groaned as she saw the second hand hit exactly for eight o'clock and then heard a vehicle crunch up the gravel drive in front of her home. She had known the bitch wouldn't be late this time. She cursed under her breath and dropped slowly to her knees as she heard footsteps ascending her steps at the door. Her bare knees complained at the cold marble of the hallway and the rest of her naked body turned to goose flesh at the draught that she felt at this level as she began to crawl toward the door. She cursed again as the thick leather dog collar and chain got in her way as she moved and she flicked the chain up and onto her bare back, wincing as the cold metal landed.

She hated this. Why couldn't she have won? Failing that what had she been so fucking confident of winning that she had kept up her little game of making 'private' side bets with her opponents.

It had been such thrilling fun previously, with stipulations and forfeits agreed before the fights she had enjoyed her losing opponents demeaning and humiliating themselves for her amusement after despatching them in the octagon. And Holly Holm had taken the bet as well, she had to really, otherwise you were giving your opponent a mental advantage, admitting that you weren't certain you would win. And with it being such a high profile fight with so much at stake Ronda had upped the stakes accordingly.

And then she had lost. Humiliatingly, comprehensively, publicly she had lost to her older opponent that she had been running down in the build up.

Ronda could have just not done the forfeit. Legally there was nothing to it, same as those other losers didn't have to do their forfeits for Ronda. But they had. And she would. If it got out that she hadn't kept her word, that her word was worth nothing then she might as well give up the game. And maybe there was a part of her that felt she should do it as punishment for losing to drive her on to win the next time. No, there was nothing forcing her to do this but herself, didn't mean she liked crawling towards the door like a dog and opening it on her knees submissively as Holm stood at the threshold waiting.

"Well, would you look at that! Seems the bitch is house trained! Who'd have thought it! Good to see you've found your proper position in life Ronda, and you'll be used to being at my feet won't you?"

The reference to her knockout in the octagon probably hurt and embarrassed Ronda more than her coming five forfeits would. Five? Yes, that was the deal Rhonda, as Champion, had supplied five things the loser of the bout would have to do (or have done to her) one month after the fight. Both women had agreed to the forfeits and given their word to honouring them. Now was the time to do so, it burned Ronda that for the first time since she had done it she was on the wrong end of it. And it surely felt like the wrong end, knowing what was coming up on top of kneeling here submissively before the woman who had dominated her in a live fight on PPV, for a proud warrior like Rousey it was very damaging to her self worth and psyche.


Knowing what was coming and given her position near the ground Ronda could not help but sneak a peek at her conqueror's footwear. Holly Holm was wearing a really slutty pair of high heeled black shoes.

"We might as well get started bitch, lick them all over!"

So this then was Ronda's final moment of truth. She guessed she could still shove Holly out the door, lock it and forget all about this but her competitive spirit would not allow her, she would never be able to look herself or any of her rivals in the face again. Besides, even just kneeling here naked wearing the dog collar as per the bet was symbol enough - she would do it, she would do it all.

And so Ronda Rousey leaned forward, extended her tongue and began to lick tentatively at her rival's patent leather shoes. Timidly running her tongue around the toe area and up the sides. Holly stood over her fighting (and losing) to hide the mockery in her voice.

"That's it doggy you clean them all the way round, I want the soles done next and finally the heels, you'll take them down your whore throat like all those cock's you sucked to get where you are!"

Ronda bristled at that comment but did not deviate from her forfeit. Waiting as Holly lifted her foot to lick at the underside of the shoes then taking the long heel in her mouth and sucking on it. Ronda felt so weak and pathetic kneeling there doing that and in that moment got a further insight into how the many women she had humiliated had felt while she had demeaned them. Strangely though, Ronda felt a little aroused by it all. Maybe it was the loss of control, maybe it was the humiliation but something about this was slowly turning her on.

Holly then slowly drew her heel from Ronda's lips and kicked off her shoes so she was in her bare feet.

"Open up now champ! Oops, sorry you're not champ any more are you bitch?"

With that insult given Ronda opened her mouth and Holly pushed her left foot right in, fitting all five toes in there.

"Seems quite natural Ronda, after all you're used to my feet being around your unguarded face aren't you? Loser!"

The words stung Ronda but she continued to suck on her opponent's toes, there followed a change of foot before Holly rested the sole of her foot on Ronda's face and used her big toe and the next one in to tweak at Ronda's nose and further humiliate her.


When Holly finally tired of seeing her rival suck on her feet (and it took a while) she grabbed Ronda's leash and walked her through her mansion towards a sitting room for the second of Ronda's own suggested forfeits (of course she had envisaged doing all these things to Holly).

Holly donned a condescending adult speaking to a naughty child type voice as she sat herself in a hardbacked chair.

"Now you've been a very naughty girl haven't you Ronda? Haven't you!?"

There was a hesitation as Ronda considered telling the older woman to go fuck herself and get the fuck out of her chair and her house. But she did no such thing, instead she rose on shaking legs ( and not just because she had been on her knees for so long) and allowed Holly to grab the leash and use it to pull Ronda forward and neatly over Holly's knees in perfect position for a good, hard spanking.

When Ronda had suggested this forfeit she had imagined how humiliating it would be for the older woman to be spanked and treated like a naughty child by her well now it was her that was finding out. It was humiliating in the extreme and she was almost crying with frustration as Holly slapped her arse cheeks again and again bringing up a warm sensation on her pale skin.

Bizarrely though, that sensation was more than a little pleasurable, certainly in a physical sense. It really didn't particularly hurt her and if there was any doubt of her arousal before during the foot worship by now there was none and lying as she was there was no way for her rival not to recognise that fact.

"Oh. My. God! You are getting off on this! You fucking dirty bitch! Jeez look at you you're soaking!"

These comments and the truth behind them quickly turned Ronda's facial cheeks the same colour as her ass cheeks, which continued to be stung by more and more spanks. Holly made Ronda count down the last ten, pausing a different amount of time before each one landed. After the hundredth and last spank Ronda rolled off her foe's knee and instinctively rubbed at her red ass and pouted a look that Holly couldn't help but laugh at.


With Ronda already on her knees in a submissive position blonde Holly demanded she put her hands behind her back for the next forfeit to begin and once Ronda had acquiesced Holly delved into her handbag to produce a nice, thick black marker pen. This was something Holly has especially been looking forward to doing.

Ronda flinched as the pen came at her face but she held her place as Holly scrawled in thick capital letters the word "LOSER" right across Ronda Rousey's forehead. Holly laughed and wished more than ever the rules of this little bet allowed public proof, she dreamed of a picture of Ronda like this making the internet but she too would keep their sportswoman's agreement. Still the look on Ronda's face as she knelt there was nearly as satisfying.

Holly then scribed "PROPERTY OF HOLLY HOLM" on Ronda's butt cheeks before writing the rather more crude "SLUT" on Ronda's left tit and "BITCH" on her right one.

"Lie on your front bitch" demanded Holly and though it stuck in her throat, Ronda reluctantly obeyed and Holly spent the next few minutes writing what felt like a short story all along the length of Ronda's back. And when Ronda asked what she had written Holly just smirked and said she could try to work it out once they were done.

The last bit of writing saw Holly write the words "GLASS JAW" along the length of Ronda's jaw, much to her annoyance.


Then they come to the Main Event of the evening. Ronda knows how Holly must be feeling right then. The power, the dominance, the adrenaline running through her body, it's enlightening in a way to know how the many losers Ronda has taken felt before the denouement. And Ronda had used her strap on on many of her opponents of the MMA world, it was her thing, it was the one constant she always wrote into her match forfeits. Holly bent down to grasp the leash and used it to pull Ronda back to a kneeling, submissive position.

"I bet you're looking forward to this part aren't you bitch? I bet that explains why you're so wet, doesn't it? Probably even explains why you were such a pathetic little pussy in the fight, because secretly you want me to fuck you don't you? Deep down, despite all your foul mouth rhetoric before the fight you dreamed of being like this, submitting to me, letting me fuck you in all your dirty holes with this!"

Ronda knew there was no reasonable response she could give so kept her eyes firmly on the carpet of her living room until Holly tugged on the leash and demanded that she be led to the nearest bedroom. Holly stopped as she walked in to admire the full length reflection in the bedroom mirror of her strutting in whilst Ronda crawled before her like a broken, house trained dog (covered in writing!).

Once there Ronda knelt and watched her rival strip off, revealing her lithe, athletic body before rummaging in her bag and this time pulling out a large, black dildo and a strap on harness.

Ronda stared at the fake cock, it looked similar to her own one, perhaps a little larger. It was hard for Ronda not to think back to her own times on the other end of a strap on, fucking the various women she had easily beaten, this final humiliation often too much for them, seeing them break and beg her. She had enjoyed that, had thrived on the power and dominance but now she was on the other end and she gave an involuntary shiver as Holly finished tightening the harness and straps and rubbed her jutting out plastic phallus as if it were a real cock. She pointed it at Ronda's face and snapped.

"Up on the bed face down bitch, this is going in your ass first!"

Holly was going for the money shot first, the winning blow, Ronda knew as well as anyone that once you had fucked a girl in her ass she was your bitch, sexually and otherwise. She might pretend otherwise but both women knew it. Yet still Ronda rose to her feet and laid herself down across the width of her luxurious bed, facing her delectable ass right at Holly.

"Why don't you just help me out Ronda? Just reach back there and pull those sweet cheeks part for me, give me easy access as it were."

You would have had to surgically remove the grin from Holly Holm's face as Ronda meekly did as she was told and reached back with her arms and pulled her ass cheeks in opposing directions. She enjoyed this visage for a few moments then stepped forward and pressed her hard, black cock into the waiting, tight, dark hole. Ronda grunted at the invasion and tensed up but this was by no means the first phallic object Ronda Rousey had taken in the ass so she was more than capable of taking it, indeed the worst part was who was adorning the cock as Holly, once fully inside Ronda, leaned forward, grabbed her hair and whispered goaded sweet nothings in Ronda's ear before properly starting up a hard rhythm of pounding into her.

She buggered her like that for over fifteen minutes before pulling out and then using the leash to pull Ronda around and presenting the strap on to her lips with the demand to "clean it bitch".

There is a part of Ronda that just wants this over as soon as possible and it's this part that controls what she does next, she opens her lips slowly and allows Holly to ease the tip of the strap on, fresh from Ronda's own asshole, into her mouth. Once in Holly gleefully face fucked her opponent, knowing this must be humiliating as fuck for a proud warrior like Ronda.


Holly's fun comes to an end by producing a pair of scissors. Ronda is still on her knees trying, unsuccessfully, to spit the taste of her own ass out of her mouth. Ideally, Ronda would have made the stipulation that of shaving the loser bald, that would have been so much more humiliating. But that just wasn't viable, a new, shorter haircut could be explained away but a bald pate might have raised too many questions. Turns out Ronda's has been helped, very slightly, by this.

Not that this thought cheered her any as Holly stood over her, slowly slid the open blade of the scissors into her light brown fringe then slowly brought the two blades together and Ronda felt and saw a long clump of her hair slowly floated down her face and to the floor. From there Holly snipped and clipped unevenly around Ronda's head, finishing off snipping a couple of clumps from on top. A glance in the hand mirror Holly so helpfully provided once she was finished confirmed what Ronda had known, she looked fucking stupid.

"Well thanks Ronda honey, sure has been fun. See ya all soon. Oh and by the way, that writing on your back? I just wrote out the forfeits for our re-match, after all I get to set them this time because I am the Champion!"

And that fact more than any other was the most humiliating to Ronda Rousey.

Once Holly had departed, a large clump of Ronda's hair in zip lock bag as a souvenir Ronda spent the next half hour fruitlessly trying to work out what Holly had scrawled on her back, using a couple of mirrors. She made out the first stipulation eventually (LOSER TO LICK AND KISS WINNERS ASS) but for the rest it was too smudged and she just picked out certain words (BUKAKKE, PISS, PIERCING, TATTOO) which meant that Ronda had a while to wait to find out the full implications of what Holly was proposing.

One way or another she absolutely had to win this re-match, didn't she?...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
PART 2!!!

Please can you do a part 2 of this and many more chapters if you could.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Agreed with the last comment, another story following Rhonda's fall from Grace would be perfect. Especially the cyborg aspect. And can't forgot good ole tate

wildpwildpalmost 7 years ago

Please write more involving the other female UFC fighters. What if a Brazilian like Nunes beat Tate or if Correia and CyBorg team up and humiliate Rousey

sethcp3sethcp3over 7 years ago
please continue

Would love to see part 2

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Part 2?

Any plans for a part 2 with the upcoming fight against Amanda Nunes coming up?

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