Rider Ch. 06-09


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Hers hit her suddenly and I'd never seen a woman respond so dramatically. One moment, although riding me at a full gallop, she still had a degree of control, the next, she gave a sudden shriek and, as though needing my semen to quench the raging fire inside, began pounding herself down on to me.

I felt the strength of her cunt"s spasming contractions as she frenziedly rammed herself up and down my towering cock, and realised from the mounting excitement I was feeling that I was also finally approaching my own climax.

Then the dam that had been holding back the still growing volume inside my balls gave way. Not just cracking, but totally disintegrating in one single instant. The enormous mass of semen surged up through me, increasing its speed and pressure as it scalded its way up through my cock and then pumped with a series of excruciating jolts, deep into Mandy's furnace like sex.

We were like wild things. Heaving, grunting, shuddering together as her orgasm continued and my cock spat load after load up into her spasming body. Again and again I thrust upwards. Each time ramming it deeper. Each explosive burst accompanied by a deep grunt of satisfaction from me and a shrill cry of pleasure from Mandy.

Even when I was utterly drained of every single drop I continued thrusting, less powerfully but still driven by the pressure she had built up inside me. But eventually of course our sweat-coated bodies slowed, our gasping breaths only just drowning out the sound of our wildly beating hearts and, having pulled Mandy down to lie on top of me we lay like that until we had recovered a little.


Chapter 7

Making Plans

Some time later I felt her stir. "That was absolutely the most wonderfully exciting sex I've ever experienced Mandy. It was even better than it was in my fantasy." I whispered.

"I can't believe that was me!" she said in a low, almost frightened voice. "I can't believe the things that went on inside my head, let alone what I actually felt."

"You must tell me about that. But before we talk about it we'd better get up, your set-up was perfect, but it's not exactly comfortable."

"Oh of course, how silly of me! You poor thing!" she exclaimed as she lifted herself upright. Then as she lifted herself off me and my cock finally slipped out of her pussy, the squelching plop was followed by a gush of our mingled juices that ran down over my thighs.

"That's why I covered the cushions with a towel." she said with a shy giggle as she bent and began to clean me up. "I guessed there'd be a bit of a mess, but not as much as this."

"I think most of it's mine." I admitted. "I don't think I've ever come as powerfully as that."

"That's nice to know." she said, stopping what she was doing to give me a gentle kiss on the lips before finishing wiping my legs. "That's the best I can do for now, you'd better get up, so we can check the cushions. Don't want to leave any clues as to what's been going on, do we."

Luckily the towel had caught the lot and having put the cushions and books back where Mandy had found them we gathered up our clothes and headed for the bath-room to finish cleaning the quickly drying mess off ourselves.

"I think I'd better put my school things back on, you don't mind do you?" she asked as I dried myself.

"Mind? Why should I mind?"

"Well they're not exactly glamorous."

"Maybe not glamorous, but I found them very sexy this morning, or have you already forgotten what happened up on the hill?"

"Of course not. I remember every second of what's happened today, and I'm going to remember it forever. And probably use the memories to get myself off many, many times after you've gone back home." she added slightly despondently.

"Hey come on, don't get gloomy. Finish dressing then let's go and see if we can find something to drink. She usually kept a bit of brandy around, for Christmas, birthdays and medicinal purposes, as she used to say."

We found an opened bottle in the sideboard in the living room and having poured us each a small drink we sat on the settee and slowly sipped them.

"That's better!" I said as I felt the spirit giving me a kick-start. "Now you can tell me what was going through your head."

"I'm not sure I really want to tell you Rob."

"Why on earth not?"

"It's all been a bit overwhelming, and I suppose I'm also a bit embarrassed to admit to some of the things."

"Hey, come on! That's a bit like what you said to me earlier, when I was reluctant to talk to you about Ros. We've done the most intimate thing it's possible for two people to do, there's no need to be embarrassed with each other."

"But there's a big difference between what we do and what we think. I mean I've never hit anyone, but I've certainly thought about doing it. And some of the thoughts I've had, I mean about sex, well. Well they've been pretty wild!"

"We all have those kind of thoughts. There's nothing peculiar about having them."

"I just find it a bit difficult to talk about them."

"O.K. we'll forget about the really wild ones, just tell me about what you were thinking about me then."

"That's much easier. I was mainly thinking about two things, your cock and your reactions.

I kept a picture in my mind of how it looked, you know, when I'd made it really big, actually, "enormous" is a better word." she added after a brief pause. "Then, when I had it all inside me I kept recalling that picture, trying to imagine I could watch it, you know as I was riding you, watch it going high up inside me." Again she paused and from the slightly dreamy look in her eyes I guessed she was re-living those exciting experiences.

She took a longer sip of her drink, then continued. "And while all that was going on I was watching your face and body, seeing your reactions to what was happening. It felt good, I found I was able to gauge pretty well what stage you were at, and found I was able to slow things down. I got a real kick out of finding I could do that." she added shyly.

"That gave you a sense of, well, of power?"

"Yes, power! That's exactly what it was! Is that bad, or kinky?"

"No of course not." I answered with a grin. "It's very similar to the feeling you mentioned when you were talking about riding Champ. Power over something or somebody is only bad when it's misused.

I told you that my fantasy was in some ways based on the feeling that I was power-less, being ridden, my reactions completely dependent on yours, under your control, under your power. So your feelings were exactly right, my fantasy depended on you feeling that way. It wouldn't have been anywhere near as good, my climax nowhere near as powerful if you hadn't felt like that."

"Yes, I see. That makes me feel a lot better. And it certainly was spectacular. That moment before you actually came, it was, well it was as though your entire body was concentrated on just that. Every muscle, every ounce of energy, everything focussed on just one thing. It looked and felt as though at that moment nothing mattered but how much, and how powerfully you could shoot it up into me."

"That's exactly how it was for me too." I told her, but as she took another sip of her drink I could see from the expression on her face that there was something else going through her mind.

"There's something else, isn't there?"

She looked deep into my eyes, as though seeking reassurance that what she was going to say next was all right. "Go on, you can tell me." I said in an encouraging tone.

"All right - but don't blame me if you think this is weird. At one stage, just after I'd found I could sort of control how things were going, well, I had these other thoughts, and that was all pure fantasy."

"Go on." I urged in a low voice.

"We were on the beach, on Champ, together." Again she paused, then the next few words simply tumbled out. "I was using you as a saddle."

"I don't quite follow that, tell me what you mean Mandy. In what way were you using me as a saddle?"

She took yet another sip from the rapidly emptying glass, took a deep breath and, with her eyes fixed on the floor ahead of her, finally explained.

"As I said, we're on this beach, it's not far from here, it's usually too rough for swimming and there's rarely any decent fish there so most of the time it's deserted. I take Champ down there sometimes, he loves galloping through the edge of the surf. That's what we're doing, his hooves are sending great sprays of water up over me."

Again she paused for a moment and then, having drained the glass, continued. "I always take the saddle off before we do that, the salt water wrecks the leather, and anyway, I like the feel of him without it, it makes me feel sexy." she admitted in a much lower tone.

"But this time, you're, well you're below me, somehow, I don't know how but, strapped to his back. And we're both naked, your cock is up inside me, it's even bigger than it was, and it's buried right up, deep inside my pussy.

So, as Champ gallops through the surf I'm, well I'm actually fucking you!

Can I have another drink please?" she added with a rush and as she turned back to face me I saw that her cheeks had become almost flame-red.

"Of course you can. But calm down." I said as I slipped my arm around her shoulder, pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about." Adding as I stood to refill both our glasses. "That's a wonderful fantasy, absolutely wonderful."


"Yes really."

"You're not, well, offended - by me imagining you in that sort of situation?"

"Of course not. In one way it's actually quite flattering. I mean at least it's me that you're fucking, rather than Champ."

"Champ?" she exclaimed with an absolutely panic-stricken look.

"Yes of course. The two of you are very close, you're obviously very proud and very fond of him. Why wouldn't you fantasise about him? I mean not just about winning prizes together, but sexually too."

"You wouldn't think that too horrible?"

"Mandy, there are two sorts of fantasies, neither sort is horrible. There are fantasies that are possible, usually unlikely, but at least possible. Like fantasising about a local hero, or a pop star, something like that. I thought my fantasy about you, riding me, was like that, but that one came true, usually they don't.

Then there are the other sort, they're real fantasies, and most people really wouldn't want them to come about. They're stranger, kinkier if you like, much more private. I have a few that I keep buried most of the time, they just sort of pop back up into my head every now and then.

A sexual fantasy about Champ would come into that category. I doubt you would really want to be fucked by horse, any more than any woman wants to be raped, but many women have quite healthy fantasies about that happening to them. There's absolutely nothing unusual, or, to use your word, horrible about those fantasies."

As I spoke the look on her face had changed from one of panic to one of understanding.

"Thank heavens!" she said after letting out a sigh of sheer relief. "Thanks for explaining - I've been so worried about some of the thoughts I've had."

"About Champ?"

"Yes, and a few other things too. Things that I don't want to talk about." she added quickly.

"You don't have to talk about any of those things, as I said, those fantasies are usually best kept private. The others you can share, if you want to, and only when you're really, really sure of the other person's attitudes and responses. As you could be of mine about the one involving me, because you should have been able to see it actually complemented my own fantasy of you.

If we'd known each other longer, you might have been able to make what happened earlier even more fantastic than it actually was."


"By talking to me while we were doing it. Telling me about your fantasy while I had my cock inside you. Try to imagine what that might have done for me."

"I don't see how it could have been any better than it was."

"Maybe not - but you never know what's possible until you try it."

"Next time then."

"What do you mean?"

The familiar cheeky grin reappeared, then she answered. "I've got another one involving you. I'll have to pick the right time of course, then we'll see what happens when I tell you."

"Now that's something for me to really look forward to. But, apart from Saturday evening, how are we going to get to see each other, it's not exactly easy for you - and I'm sure your parents will get suspicious if you seem to be suddenly spending so much time with your friend, Sandra."

"I know, I've been thinking about that. I wish I was older, finished with school. Today has been marvellous, even better than I thought it could be, but, I just wish we could somehow have a whole day, I mean a day and a night together.

I'd love to go to sleep in your arms, feel your cock tucked up inside me, then be woken during the night by you making love to me.

And then wake you up in the morning by fucking you!" she added enthusiastically.

"Sounds perfect, but I don't see how we could manage it."

"As I said, to get Saturday evening organised I'll have to tell Sandra about you, so I'll see if she can come up with any ideas about how I could manage it. She's much better at that sort of thing - she can be really devious when she sets her mind to it."

"She sounds like a handy friend to have."

"She is and as we've been friends all our lives she knows just about everything about me - and I know as much about her of course. So we trust each other completely."

"I wouldn't have thought there'd be that much to know, you haven't had that much time, or opportunity to develop what's called a murky past."

"Oh most of it is pretty childish stuff, but there are a few things we wouldn't want anyone else to know."

"Like what?"

"Like, what we've done with which boys for instance."

"Aah, I see. So she's not a virgin either."

"God no! Until now she's been far more adventurous than I have." she grinned and added. "But I've caught up, and well and truly passed her now!"

We sat and talked about her earlier experiences for quite a while, then realised that time had caught up with us and that she'd have to be getting home. As we took our glasses through to the kitchen she suddenly stopped, looked down at herself and said. "Oh shit! I forgot, I'll have to get changed again."

"Why, into what?"

"I'm supposed to have been to a dance class, I never change after those, I just put a coat over the top and go home like that. Shan't be a minute."

I washed and dried the glasses and put away the various things we'd used, shoving the semen stiffened towel down at the bottom of the pile in the linen cupboard and double-checking that there was no trace that I'd had company in the house. Then, having left the box of my unwanted old things in the hall-way I took the few I did want to keep out to the car and then went looking for her.

She was in the living-room and I was just in time to catch sight of her as she was about to slip into her coat, I wished I'd been a few minutes earlier and had a chance to see her actually getting into her dance gear. I should have guessed what it was but I hadn't and even after the punishment my cock had taken during the day the sight of her lithe curves, apparently poured into a body-hugging set of pastel coloured leotards and tights set my heart racing and my blood pounding.

"Wow!" I exclaimed as I stood in the door-way, mouth gaping and eyes bulging.

"You like?" she asked, pulling the mac open and posing herself for me.

"In a way it's just as well you forgot about them earlier, if you'd had those on a while ago we might not have got you back home on time."

"That good?"

"More than good Mandy. You look fantastic!"

"I must remember that, keep these handy, in case you get a bit jaded sometime, need a bit of encouragement. If you know what I mean."

"I know what you mean and the way you look, would, to use your word, encourage a saint.

But, I suppose you'd better cover yourself up, before I lose my sense of responsibility, if we're not to spoil having other times together I have to get you back on time. It's back on the floor of the car for you. Should I drop you off at the place I picked you up or take you all the way home?"

She checked her watch. "I'm getting a bit late so I think you'd better take me closer, I'll show you where I think it'll be safe."

After a final, quick kiss I let her out and closed the door behind me as she hid herself in the back of the car and a few minutes later, after she'd shown me where to stop, she whispered good-bye, slipped out and I watched her walk quickly away.


Chapter 8

Her Speciality

As it was still only late afternoon and I had nothing else planned, I decided to have a bit of a nap before dinner, give my body a couple of hours to recuperate from the demands Mandy and I had made on it during the day. I must have gone straight off and then slept like a log because the next thing I knew was the sound of the insistent buzzing of the alarm I'd luckily set before lying down. Either I must have badly needed the sleep or I had a metabolism that thrived on sex, because after a shower, a drink and a change of clothes I found I was feeling really great, and famished, so I went down for dinner.

The dining room was far busier than it had been the previous evening but even so, as I made my way to one of the still vacant tables Ros looked up and gave me a smile and a wink.

"A bit hectic tonight." she said when she came over a few minutes later. "A coach party." Even though my body had enjoyed far more than its ration of sex for the day I couldn't help my eyes drifting down to linger on the way her uniform bulged, and picturing the sensational globes of flesh that were causing that.

"Pardon?" I said, tearing my eyes away when I realised she'd asked me a question.

"I asked if you would you like to have a drink first, or would you rather look at the menu straight away?"

"I already know what I"d really like." I said with a grin, quickly adding. "Though I suppose for now I"ll have to make do with what"s on the printed menu. And, yes, a beer would be nice. But don"t worry about me, I'm in no rush."

"That's another reason I like you. And there's no charge for looking." she answered quietly, giving me a knowing smile. Then in her normal voice. "One beer coming up, sir."

She returned with the beer and a menu and as she handed them over quietly asked if I was seeing our friend later and if so was I going to ask her about what we'd discussed, then arched her eye-brows questioningly as I gave her my equally quiet answer.

"She can't get away, but I've already got the answer."

Just then someone in the large group called for service and with a helpless shrug she turned away and got on with her work. For the next hour or so she was literally run off her feet, so although she was able to make sure my meal wasn't delayed, she had absolutely no chance to stop to talk and even after most of the coach party had gone to their rooms some of the men stayed on for a few more drinks so when she brought my coffee I said. "We won't get a chance to talk here, can you pop up for a while when you've finished?"

"Sure, but I'll be dead on my feet by then."

"I'll massage them for you."



"You're on!" she said with a smile, adding enigmatically as she responded to yet another call from the drinkers. "Anyway, I should think that'll be about all you can manage too, your day must have been rather exhausting."

I could see I wasn't going to really get another chance to speak to her so finished my coffee and, catching her eye as I left, indicated I'd see her later, up in my room. Her mysterious reference to my exhausting day kept me wondering, did she know something or was she just guessing? Had someone actually seen Mandy and I together some time during the day? If so, how had Ros got to hear about it? Was this an example of the power of the town's gossip grape-vine? If it was and I wanted to continue enjoying the rest of my holiday as much as I had in the last two or three days, then I'd need to be very, very careful.