Rider Ch. 06-09


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Having poured myself a drink I tried to watch a bit of TV but found the combination of my concern about what Ros had said, my still very vivid memories of the unbelievably exciting times I'd shared with Mandy, and the occasional thought of what might yet be in store with one or the other, or both of them, meant that I spent most of the time simply staring quite blankly at the screen. But I wasn't too absorbed in my thoughts to miss the tap on the door an hour or so later and hurried across the room to let Ros in.

"Shit, what a bunch of louts they've turned out to be!" she sputtered angrily as I closed the door behind her. "I hope the boss doesn't take any more bookings from the bloke who organised this package. Can you believe it, I actually had to slap one guy! A couple of his mates moved their chairs to trap me while he got his hand under my skirt and he just kept heading upwards, even after I told him to stop, he was absolutely determined to get all the way. Until I belted him." she added with a grin.

"That's disgraceful Ros, if I was the boss I'd tell him to find somewhere else to sleep, he could try his luck with the other pigs, at the nearest farm.

But I'm really in no position to condemn or criticise him too much. They are great legs Ros and I'll happily testify as to the quality of what he was after a sample of, I mean, I couldn't resist the temptation."

"Ah, but the difference is in the way you go about getting what you're after." she responded as she sank into the nearest chair. "Now, I hope you've left some for me, I need a drink, a large one please."

Having poured us both one, I sat opposite her and gave her time to relax, watching her unwind as she let off steam about the unreasonable expectations and demands the group had made on her, pouring her a second drink long before I had got through my first, and at the same time enjoying the occasional flash of thigh she gave me as she crossed and re-crossed her unquestionably shapely legs.

When I thought she'd finally got the stress of the evening off her more than fulsome chest, I raised the question of the puzzling comment she'd made to me much earlier.

"I've been curious about something you said when I came in to eat, Ros."

"What was that?"

"You said something about me not being able to manage much action this evening, having had what you described as an, exhausting day. What did you mean by that?"

She smiled, took another, smaller sip of what was left of her drink and then paused before she answered. "Well haven't you? That is, had an exhausting day?"

"Busy, yes. I'm a bit tired, sure. But why would you think that? Why, exhausting?"

"I could be wrong of course. Maybe you're even fitter than I thought. That would be really nice! Or maybe she's easily satisfied - which somehow, I doubt."


"Mandy of course."


"You spent the day with her, didn't you?"

"How, er. Oh shit, no wonder I hate small towns! Not that it matters, but just how did you find out? Who told you?"

"Nobody sweetie, nobody. At least, so far as I know, I'm the only one that knows." She paused, drained her glass and added. "How? Because I saw you, I was there, at your aunt's place I mean. I came looking for you. Of course I didn't know Mandy was going to be there with you."

"You saw us through the window! Didn't you?" I replied, for some odd reason suddenly remembering the movement, the movement I'd caught out of the corner of my eye just as Mandy had started her long and exciting ride.

"That's right, I got soaked to the skin, and nothing else, unlike your friend, who, from even the little I saw, seemed to be doing very well for herself."

"Hey, be fair! You knew I was seeing Mandy, you even fancy her yourself, you encouraged me!"

Ros pulled herself up out of the chair, moved a little unsteadily across the space between us and then knelt in front of me, resting her arms on my knees as she smiled up at me. "I'm not upset, silly. Sure I was pissed off at the time. You would be too if you thought you were going to enjoy yourself with someone who you know has something really special, then all you get is an eyeful of someone else getting it, while all you get is, soaking wet."

"Fair enough. Let's forget it then. At least I got an answer for you."

"So you said earlier. You could have put me out of my misery right then. Said she wasn't interested. Instead I've been virtually assaulted by a bunch of creeps, all the time really knowing what the answer is. That was a mean trick Rob."

"Mean? I didn't invite those louts here. Anyway, if you must know, she likes the idea."

"You're pulling my leg?"

"I'll do something else with your leg, in a little while. No, I'm not pulling it, she likes the idea. She's even worked out when she can join us. But that's dependent on what you're doing Saturday evening."

"Saturday? She can be here Saturday?"


"I'll be here, you can bet your life on it! Oh you clever, clever man!" she exclaimed excitedly, lifting herself, grabbing my head and pulling it down so she could clamp her lips to mine.

After several, long breath-taking seconds she released me and stood. "You said something about a foot massage, were you serious?"

"Yes, I'd be happy to do that for you."

"Great! After being run off my feet by that bunch downstairs I could certainly go for that. I'll just pop into the bath-room for a minute and get out of these panty-hose too." She was half way there when she stopped. "Ooops! I nearly forgot." she said as she took something out of her handbag, then headed for the bath-room again.

She was gone for a bit longer than I'd expected and when she came out again I noticed that as well as having taken off her stockings, she'd removed most of her make-up and had pulled the bottom edge of her blouse up out of her skirt. She returned to the chair opposite and taking a pillow from the bed I settled myself down on the floor in front of her.

Waiting until she was sure I was comfortable, she lifted one foot and rested the heel on the palm of my hand, giving me a warm smile as I closed my fingers around it. But although I was conscious of holding her foot, at that moment my mind was really elsewhere. With her leg elevated I had a tantalising view of the soft inner curve of her lower thigh, and was immediately reminded me of how they'd felt the previous evening, when I'd had both of them wrapped tightly around my head.

But with a mental shake I returned to the immediate reality and as I began the massage she gave a loud sigh and slid a little lower in the chair, the lines of tension on her face disappearing. After several minutes of massaging that foot I picked up the other and began to give it the same treatment, my eyes flicking up every now and then, to watch the increasingly relaxed expression on her face and to steal lingering glimpses of what I could see up under the hem of her skirt.

The fact that I could actually see so little in some ways made it all the more stimulating, leaving what I couldn't see to be filled in by my vivid imagination. What was really a fairly mundane situation became one filled with erotic overtones - and, somewhat to my surprise, I became aware of a slowly growing feeling of heaviness between my legs.

I spent perhaps fifteen or twenty minutes massaging both feet in turn and only stopped when she pulled herself back up higher in the chair and said. "That's wonderful Rob, I can't tell you how much better that's made me feel. But although I think I could take hours of having it done to me, you must be getting awfully cramped in that position." Then, as I unwound my legs and got up, she caught sight of something and she added. "Oh! Is that what I think it is?"

She was staring at my crotch and when I looked down I saw why, there was a distinct bulge, in spite of the day's activity it had responded to the situation even more strongly than I'd thought.

"What a nice compliment." she said, giving me a smile. "I'm just sorry that I'm really too pooped, and still just a little bit tender from last night's activities, to take proper advantage of it Rob." Then giving me a long slow wink she added. "But, trust Ros, I won't leave you hung-up. Like the good girl-guide I used to be, I came prepared."

As she spoke she undid the buttons down the front of her blouse and slipped it off her shoulders, and I felt my eyes bulging as I stared at the display she uncovered. Instead of a bra she was wearing something I can only describe as a harness, made almost entirely of thin straps of some sort of very soft leather. It left her breasts virtually bare but held them close together, their full inner curves actually pressing against each other.

"What is that?" I asked, unable to tear my eyes away from the awesome effect it created.

"It's to help with my speciality." she answered with a grin. "You'll find a small tube in my handbag Rob, would you get it for me please."

While I rummaged through the things in her bag she moved forward in the chair until she was sitting on the very edge, then having pulled her skirt up to mid-thigh, spread her knees wide apart and held her hand out for the tube. She squeezed a small amount out then smoothed it over the inner curves of both breasts and down into the deep valley between them.

"It's body oil, quite safe. Now, get your things off and come here, let me relieve some of that pressure for you."

The touch of her oil coated hand had started to make both nipples stiffen and as I undid my trousers I stared at the sight of her glistening breasts, feeling my cock throbbing as it hardened. I couldn"t wait to feel what it would be like to slide my cock up that luscious valley and once stripped I stepped eagerly forward, my cock jerking even higher in anticipation.

Her position on the edge of the chair brought her to exactly the right height and as I moved between her legs she slipped her lightly oiled hand over my cock-head. Then, curling her fingers around the shaft she slid them down to the base and having coated it with a thin film, slid them up and down its length. The slickness of her fingers and the deftness of her touch quickly brought it up to full size and as she saw its strong response she looked up, smiled and said. "Looks like you both fancy the idea of my little speciality. I thought you would."

Then, leaning forward and cupping both breasts she lifted them slightly, widening the entrance to the valley between the two firm globes of creamy flesh. Not needing to be told what to do next, I found the opening with the tip and with a gentle forward thrust, pushed the rest of my cock up the length of the warm, oil coated channel.

The sensation was electrifying!

Ros looked up, watching my reactions and as I began to slowly thrust backwards and forwards she must have seen a change in the expression on my face. "Is that good?" she asked unnecessarily.

"Unbelievable Ros, quite unbelievable!"

The way her breasts were held together by the halter provided more than enough stimulation during each forward thrust but as she picked up the rhythm of my movements Ros increased the thrills I was feeling by using her hands to press them even closer as I withdrew. The sensations were indescribable and I heard myself groaning as the level of my excitement escalated higher and higher.

I realised that as my cock responded, got bigger, the friction between it and her enfolding breasts was increasing, in fact there was a sort of snowball effect going on. The friction made my cock bigger, hotter - the growing mass increased the friction - which in turn produced even stronger stimulation. Looking down I saw that my cock-head had turned a dark, glossy purple as it became more bloated. And from the sharp, bruising feeling I got each time my balls bumped against the underside of her breasts, I could tell they were filling, had already become much more swollen.

From the dreamy expression on her face it seemed that Ros was getting her own form of pleasure from the feel of what I was doing, enhancing that by using fingers and thumbs to pinch and tweak the darkly jutting spikes her nipples had turned into. Sensing that I was watching, her eyes opened lazily.

"Aah that feels lovely! And I can tell how good it is for you, the look on your face says it all, not to mention how much bigger and harder you've got." she added, giving her breasts an extra firm push together, squashing, almost trapping the rigid length in the narrowed valley.

Controlling the low moan that rose in my throat I managed to gasp out. "I can't tell you how good it feels for me Ros. Even better than I'd imagined it would."

"You've been thinking about my offer then?"

"Of course."

"That's nice to know, especially as you've had other things on your mind since then - and on your cock too!" she added with a throaty laugh as she finally released the pressure that had held me in its delightful grip.

After a few more minutes of sheer bliss the intensity of my reactions must have increased so much that she could tell what was happening, and said. "From the feel of things you're getting close now Rob, you're going to come quite soon, aren't you?"

"I think so." I muttered as I felt the first actual signs of the rising surge.

"When you do, I'd like you to try to make sure most of it stays on my face." adding as she grinned up at me. "All that lovely rich protein is great for the skin. That's why I took most of my make-up off."

I didn"t really need much more stimulation to reach my climax, but seeing her look of anticipation as her eyes watched my over-bloated cock-head sliding in and out of the narrow cleft between her breasts, and the realisation that she actually wanted me to spew semen across her face, was incredibly exciting. And, as if that wasn't enough, just then she began to urge me on even more, slipping one hand down between my legs, curling her fingers around my tightly aching balls, rolling and squeezing them.

In reaction to that combination I felt my forward thrusts getting more vigorous, I was no longer using the warm slickness of the channel to just produce unusually electrifying thrills, I was fucking her breasts.

And it only took a few more thrusts to finish me off. The churning mass inside suddenly felt as though it had reached boiling point and, as every muscle tensed for the critical thrust, I felt the start of the unstoppable surge, then the heady rush as the accumulated semen seared up through me.

The first load was truly explosive, as I lunged forward, ramming my balls hard up against the base of her breasts, it spewed out, splattering itself in a sticky line that ran up across her chin, nose, cheeks and eyes.

"Aaah yes, that's lovely! Come on, don't stop." she cried excitedly. "Give me more! Let it all come!" she added, urging successive gouts from me by rhythmically squeezing my balls with one hand and pushing her breasts together with the other.

I couldn't have stopped if I'd wanted to, thrusting mindlessly, grunting at the intensity of what I was feeling as it continued pumping up from deep inside me, and then, as she'd asked, squirting all over her face.

As the pressure inside me finally dropped she used her fingers to expertly milk the last few spurts out and only when she was absolutely certain she'd got it all, relaxed her grip and allowed my cock to slip out of that lush valley. Then as I eased back from between her legs I watched her use both hands to smooth the gobs of still sticky semen evenly over her face. Even the final drops that had dripped down on to her chest weren't wasted, when satisfied that her face was coated she smeared those over her breasts.

"Mmm, nice and thick, and plenty of it too." she mumbled between half closed lips. "But I shouldn't talk for a while, I have to let it set, then wait while it does it's magic. O.K.?"

"Sure. I suppose you won't want another drink for a bit either?"

"Not for the moment thanks Rob, later."

Leaving her to her unusual beauty treatment and after taking another lingering look at the amazing display her breasts continued to make, I went into the bath-room to clean myself up. As I sponged the mix of oil and semen off I stared into the mirror, asking myself for the umpteenth time that week just how I'd got so lucky. I didn't have any illusions about myself, I was moderately good-looking, took reasonable care of myself and had always prided myself on being a considerate lover, but I was certainly no film or pop star. Yet, in the space of a few days, in a very small country town, I'd been virtually taken by storm by two of the sexiest, and apparently most insatiable women I'd ever met.

What made it even more amazing was that I hadn't had to go on the prowl or make a special effort at chatting either of them up. In both cases each of them had in effect made the first move, I'd only had to pick up on the cue I'd been given. 'If I knew what the secret was I could make a fortune.' I thought to myself.

When I went back into the other room I found her lying back in the chair with her eyes closed. In that position her stunning breasts were even more dramatically displayed and I couldn't help remembering the incredible sensations they had only just given me. Having topped-up our glasses I went and sat down opposite her, looking at the translucent film of dried semen covering both them and her face. And as I sat there I found myself wondering just how many men had contributed to her beauty treatment, how many cocks she'd emptied that way. Imagining a procession of them, large and small, thick and thin, one after another, all pumping their gooey loads over her.

Not long after that image faded she stirred, opened her eyes and got up out of the chair. "That's long enough. I'll only be a minute, then we can talk about Saturday." she said as she once again took herself off to the bath-room.

When she returned I was disappointed to see that she'd put her blouse back on, but then thought that even if she had provided that stimulus, I very much doubted I'd be able to find the energy to respond again and decided it wasn't such a bad idea to reduce the temptation.

"So, what do you think of my speciality?" she asked as she sat down and picked up her drink.

"Fantastic Ros, quite fantastic! And to be honest, I'm absolutely amazed I reacted as strongly as I did."

"After your hectic day you mean?"


"How many times did you do it?"

"Three, I think. I wasn't really counting at the time."

She chuckled and replied. "That's understandable, but only three times! That shouldn't have been a problem for a strong, fit young man like you Rob."

As it wasn't the appropriate time to explain that it wasn't so much the number of times but rather, the intensity of each of the massively draining climaxes I'd experienced with Mandy, I said no more, changing the subject to what was going to happen, rather than what had already happened. Ros had to work in the restaurant on Saturday evening of course and although I wasn't sure what time Mandy would arrive we figured it would be best if we organised a meal, for the two of us, in my room.

"That might also keep the pair of you out of mischief before I can get away." she said with a grin. "Can't have you exhausting yourselves before I get a chance to join in. Do you know what time she has to leave us?"

"No. Until she's talked it through with her friend Sandra I really don't know anything other than she'll be here."

"Oh well, we'll just have to see what happens. Exciting though isn't it!"

"It certainly is." I replied, wondering if Ros had any idea just how exciting the thought of having both of them together was for me.

"I'm not sure what I find most exciting, whether it's the thought of she and I doing it to each other, or whether it's the thought of watching you doing it to her."