Rider Ch. 18-21


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I was quite happy to do as she'd said, but when her breasts began swaying as she started moving up and down I felt sure she hadn't meant I should remain completely inert, so I reached up for them.

Then I had a few minutes of truly profound physical pleasure. The steady rise and fall of her clinging pussy sent a continual flow of exciting thrills through my entire body. But adding to those was the way my fingers and hands tingled from the feel of the silky firmness of her breasts filling them. And even though she had closed her eyes, I could tell from the look on her beautiful face that regardless of whatever she was feeling herself she was doing her very best to give me as much of that pleasure as she could.

So in one way I was disappointed when I felt the first, all too familiar signs of my approaching orgasm, felt the increasing tension in my body, felt my balls tightening, felt the muscles in my stomach and thighs flexing.

Mandy must have felt the change in my reactions too, and perhaps until then she had been holding herself back, waiting for those signs. Her eyes opened, wide, they were dark and misty, but as she stared down at me I also saw a look in them I hadn't seen before. 'Now come! I want to watch you come!' she said in a low, almost growling voice as she began riding me even more slowly, but also even more determinedly.

As it began my eyes automatically clamped shut, but I knew hers weren't, knew she was watching the grimacing contortions on my face as the pressure inside me rose higher and higher. Then I could no longer control the rest of me, I felt my hips jerking upwards, thrusting my cock higher, deeper inside her. Then felt the searing, jetting force of my semen being pumped even deeper.

Mandy maintained her slow, but fiercely determined movements right through to the end of my climax, but then, although she must have known she couldn't expect any more from me, instead of slowing and stopping, she increased their speed.

Although still dizzy from the explosive strength of my climax I opened my eyes, and found myself staring up into hers. There was a tight smile of satisfaction on her face and through clenched teeth and staccato gasps for breath she said. 'That - was - fantastic!' - 'Better than I'd - imagined.' - 'Now, just a few - more.'

And, with my still virtually fully engorged cock trapped inside her pounding pussy I could do little more than watch until just a short time later she also reached hers.

'That was great!' she said with excited enthusiasm when we had both regained some control of ourselves and were lying side by side. 'I'm so glad I was able to hang on long enough to be able to watch you have yours. I could see how strong it was for you. I mean I can always feel that, but being able to watch you all the way through it somehow made it even better. I don't know why, but it was.'

'I know what you mean, it's the same for me. Seeing the look on a woman's face as she climaxes is something special.'

'Oh I'm glad you feel that way too Rob. I thought it might be another of my little perversions.' she added with a giggle.

'I've told you before, what you think, is not a perversion. And enjoying somebody else achieve the ultimate physical pleasure is certainly not perverted.'

'You're always so reassuring about these things, thank you.' she said, rolling herself over on top of me and then kissing me.

In spite of the massive climax I'd just had the feel of supple body pressing against mine was stirring and I held her close, letting my hands roam all over it as I returned her kiss. 'Mmm that's nice.' she whispered when my hands continued caressing her after we had broken for a breath of air.

'For me too.' I replied, enjoying the feel of the silky warmth of her skin as my fingers continued trailing over her.


'Of course. There's nothing like the feel of a woman's body. Your skin is so soft, so smooth. And of course the curvy bits are especially nice.' I added as my fingers slipped down into the valley between the cheeks of her bottom.

She giggled, then rolled off me and stretched out on her back. 'Well if you really like touching me, go ahead, it's all yours.' she said throatily as she closed her eyes and relaxed.

The offer was too good to refuse and I have no idea just how long I spent kneeling beside her and caressing her, from time to time rolling her over so I could explore every inch of her lovely body. And although at first I had no intention of doing any more than just that, caressing her with almost feather-light strokes, in time I could see she was reacting just a little more strongly to my touch. So, very, very slowly I began focussing my caresses, easing her legs sufficiently far apart so I could reach her pussy with one hand, while continuing to use the other on various other parts, especially her breasts and still stiffly swollen nipples.

I took her to one, relatively small climax, then, not giving her time to recover, rolled her over and lifted her sufficiently to get my arm up beneath her, and began to work her towards another that way.

And it was only while I was doing that that I realised just how strongly I had been reacting to what I was doing. Obviously I had been enjoying caressing her. The sight and feel of gorgeous body was wonderful, as was the freedom I had to touch her where and how I liked. But although I was fully aware of the perhaps aesthetic pleasure the situation was giving me, until I happened to glance down at myself I really hadn't realised just how powerfully my own body had been reacting physically.

My cock was erect again, and just seeing it like that seemed to suddenly make me conscious of the swirling mix of feelings going on inside me.

In just a day or so I was going to be starting on what I hoped would be a long and happy new phase of my life, with Ros, a woman I was sure I had fallen in love with. This time with Mandy had been meant to be just a chance for us to say good-bye to each other. Yet at that moment Ros, the things we had already done, and all the even more wonderful things I hoped we would do, might just as well have been happening to two completely different people. At that moment there was only this young, stunningly beautiful, and eagerly enthusiastic, girl's body. And my cock. My seemingly tireless, and all too demanding cock.

When I thought about it later the only explanation I could come up with was that it was in fact connected to a completely different part of my brain to all my other feelings. Perhaps hard-wired into the oldest, most primitive sections. Responding to just the most primal instincts. Untouched by our higher intellectual and emotional processes.

Whatever the actual explanation, at that moment all I could think about was plunging it back into Mandy's ever-welcoming pussy. Experiencing just once more the sheer bliss of its clinging tightness. Hearing her cries of delighted release. Unleashing the pressure I could feel already rising inside myself.

So I did just that, getting down off the bed and shifting her so she was kneeling on its edge, then replacing the fingers that had continued stroking her clitoris as I'd moved us around, with my cock-head. 'Oh yes Rob, do it again, please!' she said in a muffled voice as she reached back between her legs and guided it into her pussy.

And I did, as I had wanted to, thrilling at the feel of her clinging tightness, aware of her cries of escalating delight, but most of the time simply wallowing in the blissful enjoyment that filled me as my cock pushed back and forth.

For some time it seemed as though I'd be able to stand there fucking her all night long. My cock felt as though it had tapped into some virtually inexhaustible force buried deep inside me. Its action powered by, and my rhythm keeping time with the steady pulsing throb that seemed to be energising it.

I have no idea how many times Mandy actually climaxed. I know she had several, but after the first couple she seemed to be gripped by a continuous, rolling orgasm that had peaks of more extreme intensity, but which never really came to a finale.

And although in one part of my brain I was pleased that she was experiencing that degree of enjoyment, the part of me that was actually driving me on seemed disassociated from all that. What was happening to her, and even how I felt about it, was totally irrelevant. All that mattered was my cock, what it was doing, and then, in time achieving its real purpose.

So I powered on, thrusting deep, oblivious to Mandy's gasps, moans and cries, oblivious to my own deeper, more guttural grunts, oblivious to everything but the force driving me, and the resulting thrills that coursed through my entire body.

But of course nothing lasts forever, and no force is completely inexhaustible. Eventually I felt the pressure inside me mounting, felt the ache in my balls increasing, felt whatever it was that had been driving me urging me to thrust faster and even deeper.

But what actually pulled me completely back out of my reverie was Mandy's louder, much shriller cry. 'Oh! Oh shit! Oh thank God, you're finally going to come!'

And then I felt what she already had, felt my entire body tensing, muscles flexing, and my cock throbbing even more strongly. Then I also felt my balls tightening as they rose hard up against its base, felt the breath-taking rush of excitement, and then a few all too short moments later, with a deafening roar, I exploded.

And that time I knew for certain I pumped everything I had into her. After the first, blinding jolt I looked down, watching my red raw cock pistoning back and forth as it spouted load after churning load of semen. There was so much that after the first few massive blasts I saw some oozing back out from between her gripping pussy-lips, then being beaten into a froth by my still relentlessly pounding cock.

When it was over, when I was utterly drained, I stood there, gripping her hips for support as I gulped down lungfuls of air and my body trembled and shook from head to foot.

Mandy had fallen forwards, her head buried in the bed-clothes, so I couldn't hear what she said, and didn't have the strength to ask her to repeat it. I just hung on to her as I fought to regain some sort of control of myself. Then, perhaps understanding how I felt at that moment, she lifted and turned her head. 'I asked you what brought that on.' she said in a croaky voice.

'You did!' Was all I managed to answer.

Neither of us had the strength or energy to move for several minutes, but my heart gradually stopped racing, breathing became easier and I felt I was regaining at least some control of myself. So when Mandy finally pulled herself forward off me with a squelching, plopping sound, I was able to let go of her without actually collapsing. I sat down on the side of the bed and she wriggled herself around to hug me.

'I was beginning to think you were never going to stop.' she said in a still husky voice. 'It was incredible, but I was starting to get a bit sore.' she admitted.

'Sorry about that Mandy. I really don't know what got into me that time.'

'Well I loved what you'd got into me.' she replied with a giggle, then added. 'But I think you'd better get me a towel, I'm making an awful mess here and if I move again it'll get even worse.'

I managed to push myself up and totter to the bath-room for a towel, and took the opportunity to give myself a quick wipe down before returning to her. Although utterly exhausted and totally sated I still couldn't help enjoying watching her do the same to herself, for some reason recalling the time, which at that moment seemed so very long ago, when I watched her taking a pee. Realising just how strangely exciting those moments of sheer intimacy could be. And in spite of what Mandy and I had just shared, as I watched her, looking forward to sharing those with Ros.

We had spent so much time making love and fucking that Mandy had to leave quite soon after that, giving me an enormous hug and an even more passionate kiss before we left the room and headed down for the car. 'Thanks for everything Rob. I know you've enjoyed it as much as I have, but you have taught me so much in the process, stuff I might never have learned otherwise. So you'll always be someone special in my memory.'

'As you will certainly be in mine Mandy.' I replied before giving her a kiss as strong as the one she'd given me.'

'And maybe I'll get up to see the two of you some time.'

'If you do you can be sure of a very warm welcome, from both of us.' I replied with a grin.

'Oh good, so in that case perhaps 'au revoir', not 'good-bye', is the appropriate thing to say.'


Chapter 21

Homeward Bound

Having dropped Mandy off as close to her home as I could I drove slowly, and in some ways, sadly, back to the motel. But having freshened myself up I went down to the restaurant for a meal and found that just the sight of Ros bustling around quickly restored my somewhat flagging spirits.

Of course she could see from the expression on my face that I'd seen Mandy and seemed pleased when I told her that she'd said she was really hoping she would see both of us sometime in the near future. Ros seemed even happier when I also said that otherwise that was the last time I'd see Mandy, and then although I did everything I could to persuade her to change her mind about not seeing me until the Saturday morning, she was quite uncompromising.

'I've already told you how much I have to organise Rob. Anyway, after the last week or two I should think you'd be glad to have twenty-four hours or so without any female company. Give you a chance to recharge your batteries, so to speak.' she added with a grin before hurrying away to organise my dinner.

In a sense I supposed she was right, apart from, and perhaps even more disconcerting than the almost ridiculous amount of sex I'd had in less than two weeks, my emotions had been pulled this way and that. A time in which they could settle down a bit might not be such a bad thing.

So I spent a day doing nothing much at all, staying in bed until late, going down to the beach for a swim, taking a last drive around the town and surrounding countryside, and even having a short nap late in the afternoon.

The dining room was busy that evening and so Ros had hardly any time for anything but a chance to fix a time for me to pick her up the following morning. But although the conversation was brief, I could tell from the expression on her face and the look in her eyes just how excited she was. And when I went back up to my room to pack my own few things I found myself experiencing a very similar sense of genuinely excited anticipation.

So perhaps it's not surprising that I slept fitfully that night, being woken a couple of times by the strength of the dreams I was having. The first was the stranger of the two, because in it I was being suffocated, by an enormous collection of breasts. They were of an amazing variety of totally disembodied sizes and shapes, some quite beautiful, others no more than great masses of pillowy flesh. And they were piled all over me, pressing me down, almost crushing me, making breathing virtually impossible.

I woke in a cold sweat, gripped by a classic example of the night terrors, my heart pounding and with a sense of having escaped just in the nick of time from some dreadful event.

The second woke me much later, in fact when my eyes opened and I looked around me I could see through the window that the sky was just faintly tinged with pre-dawn light. And although far from being scary, as the previous one had been, the effect on me was just as strong. I had a raging erection. The covering sheet looked as though it was being held up by a tent pole, and I could feel the unmistakable sense of urgent need that follows a period of intense arousal.

The dream had been a virtual repeat of the fantasy I'd had with Mandy, during the time we'd spent at my aunt's house, when I'd fantasised about being her stallion, about having her riding me.

Even as I pushed myself upright the dream came rushing back, the beach, the sound of the breaking surf, the weight of her pressing down on me.

And I remembered the sound of her voice as she'd painted the picture in my head, not only describing the scene, but also telling me how much she was enjoying the feeling of having my cock up inside her pussy. Remembered how wet and open she'd been, the feel of her knees gripping me as she drove herself right down the full length of the shaft.

I had been totally helpless, I was nothing but a body with a cock, or rather, a body that was both horse and saddle. And a saddle with a conveniently shaped pommel.

She was riding me along the beach towards a far off headland, riding at a canter, her knees gripping me, her body keeping time with the rhythm of my hooves, and her tightly controlled rises and falls squeezing my cock, making the rapidly accumulating semen churn.

After some time she had given me my head, leaning forward as she urged me on as I raced for the headland. I had so much strength and power she'd felt virtually weightless and I galloped faster and faster, apart from my goal, conscious of only the throbbing heat coming from that part of me that was ramming deep inside her with each stride.

I'd seen the headland coming closer and closer, felt a massive surge of power coursing through my body and, with a sense of rapidly mounting excitement, knew I was soon going to achieve my goal, and please my mistress.

But whereas in my fantasy I'd heard a gull-like screeching, then exploded, in reality it was the noise in my head that woke me, leaving me dangling on the brink of a climax.

I mentally shook myself free of the grip the dream had had on me, but that made no difference to the thing beneath the sheets, it was still throbbingly engorged, and just the feel of the lightly grazing sheet was making it quiver and jerk.

I had three choices; I could do my best to ignore it and try to simply force myself back to sleep, I could get up and take a cold shower, or I could get rid of it in a more mundane way. I chose the last, recalling the most exciting parts of the dream as I masturbated, then, totally ignoring the mess I had added to the stains Mandy and I had already made on the sheets, fell asleep again.

Perhaps that briefly disturbing episode cleared away any guilty demons that might have been lurking in the back of my mind. Certainly I slept much more soundly for the next couple of hours, and when I reawoke felt fully refreshed, and excited, but in a completely different sort of way.

Having showered and packed my stuff in the car I went down for breakfast, then checked out and drove around to Ros's house. She was almost ready, actually in the process of checking the last few things before closing it up, so within another fifteen minutes or so we were ready for off.

'You'll have to excuse the less than seductive clothes, I opted for practical instead.' she said, indicating the blouse and skirt she had on.

But I couldn't see a single thing wrong with what she was wearing. The blouse was sufficiently close fitting to show off the size and shape of her magnificent breasts, and although the skirt was pretty ordinary it seemed to me that in certain circumstances the line of buttons down the front could prove to be extremely practical.

'And speaking of clothes, you do realise there's one promise I never got to keep.' she said as she closed the front door.

'What's that?' I said, taking her hand and heading for the car.

'The lingerie show, you never got to see it.'

So much had happened, and happened so quickly that I had honestly forgotten all about the things she had bought at Moira's, and even the expensive negligee set I'd purchased had slipped from my mind. But the mere mention of those things instantly brought back the memory of how she'd looked in the black silk teddy, and sparked images of her wearing some of the others.