Rider Ch. 18-21


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'That's true, though it didn't seem important at the time.' I replied, squeezing her hand tightly. 'As I remember it we were far too busy with other things. Anyway, now I have all that still to look forward to.'

She chuckled. 'I think I'll spread the excitement a bit, let you see them one at a time rather than all in one go.' she said as I opened the car door for her, then turned and added. 'But do you realise you haven't given me a kiss yet this morning?'

'Too many other things to think about.' I murmured as I took her in my arms, then we stood there exchanging kisses that would have been more appropriate in a bed-room than on a public foot-path.

'Ah yes, that's more like the man I know.' she said a little breathlessly when we finally let each other go. 'I was beginning to think the events of the last two weeks had exhausted your ardour.'

'Far from it.' I replied as I watched her skirt riding half way up her thighs as she slipped into the car. 'Although I admit I have surprised myself, I've found that rather than diminishing my capacity, the unusual amount of activity seems to have actually boosted it.'

'Maybe it's like the way an athlete benefits from some extra rigorous training. I'll just have to see if I can keep you in top form.' she added with a grin as I got in beside her.

'You'll have a more than willing subject, coach.' I answered as we took off.

We had a choice of two routes, one via the main highway, which would have taken us three hours or so, plus whatever delays the traffic caused, the other by secondary roads, which I estimated would take us about four hours. But as we had all day, the weather was superb, and neither of us fancied sitting in the inevitable hold-ups, we opted for the latter, starting out on the road we had taken the unforgettable day I had gone shopping with her.

As we made our way out of town, Ros fell strangely quiet, and I imagined she was experiencing somewhat mixed feelings. Perhaps having a few pangs of regret at leaving her home and friends, wondering if what she was doing was actually the right thing. But once clear of the last few houses she picked up, her natural exuberance pushing away any lingering sense of doubt.

'Tell me how things went Thursday evening Rob, but you can leave out all the messy bits.' she added with a grin.

I gave her a heavily censored account of the time Mandy and I had had together, including the bit she had said about how she hoped to get up to see us some time.

'That could be fun, couldn't it. But I hope she doesn't make it too soon.'

'Why's that?'

'Because I want you all to myself for a good long time, silly!' she replied, reaching across and squeezing my leg. 'Now, I need to pop into Moira's, just for a minute, she's got something ready for me to pick-up. You don't mind making a small diversion do you Rob?'

'Of course not darling, we've got all day.'

'Mmm, I like the sound of that, I mean 'darling'. You can call me that as often as you like.' she said, giving my leg another squeeze.

'Well that's what you are to me Ros.' I replied, reaching across to also squeeze hers.

'That's nice too, it's a pity you can't drive with one hand.' she said with a cheeky grin as she shifted around in her seat.

'I seem to remember us having a rather similar conversation the last time we were on this section of road.'

'Oh of course! And now I come to think of it that's another promise I didn't keep.'

'What was that?'

'Don't tell me you've forgotten. I seem to remember that you got a bit stirred up along here, but as I couldn't do anything about it at the time I sort of promised we'd stop for a 'quickie' beside the road on the way back again.'

The memory flashed back, I even remembered how she'd looked, and what she'd been wearing,. 'Of course I've not forgotten.' I said, then just prove it, described the skirt and blouse she'd had on that day. 'And how could forget the day the woman I'm in love with flashed herself at me.' I added.

'Clever man. And very nicely put darling. What I remember best is feeling how excited you'd got.' she replied, moving her hand further up my thigh and reaching down between my legs.

Even though the strength of it had not been intrusive, ever since the kiss on the foot-path I'd been partially aroused. Recounting the time Mandy and I had spent together had provided some additional excitement, as had her reminder about the promised lingerie show. Then, being reminded of what had happened the previous time we'd driven along this stretch of road just added that much more. So although by no means fully erect my cock was already thickly swollen, and as Ros pressed her hand down against it I felt it responding, strongly.

'Well, well, what do we have here?' she said, a puzzled look crossing her face. 'Oh of course, it's Mr Dependable.' she added, turning her head and grinning at me. 'And it feels as though he thinks he's been neglected for too long.' she said in a lower voice as she felt the sudden surge the pressure of her hand brought on. 'Should I leave you alone Rob?'

'No, I like you touching me. Just don't get too enthusiastic, that's all.'

'I can relate to that, I love it when you touch me too. As I said, it's a pity you can't drive with one hand.'

'And who says I can't.' I replied, reaching for her leg again. 'And if you undid just a couple more of those buttons I could touch skin, not fabric.' I added.

'Maybe this wasn't such a silly choice of skirt after all.' she said, doing as I'd suggested, then edging herself a little closer to me, and sliding forward in her seat.

Aah yes, that's much better.' she said softly as her hand returned to my crotch and I reached across her arm and slipped my fingers down over the curve of her thigh. 'Much, much better.' she added as we began slowly squeezing and stroking each other.

Being a secondary road there was very little traffic to worry about, but although Ros was able to continue what she was doing for me, from time to time I needed both hands to negotiate bends. But after each I returned to stroking her and so we drove on, not saying anything, but both simply enjoying the drive, and what we were doing to each other.

After some little time she broke the silence. 'I think you'd better get used to us doing this, apart from being able to tell from your reaction that you like it, there's the lovely warm, squirmy feeling it gives me.'

'It's nice to know the feelings are shared.' I replied, moving my hand a little further up her leg. 'Now you already know where my pleasure is centred, but just where is this squirmy feeling you're getting?'

'You're heading in the right direction.' she said in a much softer voice as my fingers inched higher.

By then, although restricted by both my clothes and driving position, what her hand and fingers had been doing had got my cock hard and close to full stretch. But even so, as my fingers slipped over the much silkier skin between her upper thighs I felt still more blood pumping into it. And then, when I felt the pronounced bulge in her panties, and my fingers slid down to find they were already quite wet, it gave another, even stronger surge.

I didn't know if her breathy sigh was in response to my reaction, or to the feel of my fingers pressing against her pussy, and at that moment didn't really care which it was. Right then I already had more than enough to deal with. Ros and I had been together for only an hour or so and there we were, driving along a country road with my hand on her sopping pussy, and hers around my straining cock. If that was what life with her was going to be like I just hoped I had the stamina to take the constant excitement.

But in spite of the tension we had created for each other we were both sensible enough not to take things too far, as Ros said when my fingers found the swollen ridge of her clit. 'No darling, we don't want to end our first day together in separate beds, in hospital. Just tease me, don't please me.' she added with a low chuckle.

And so that's what we did, held each other at that delightful level of arousal where we were both experiencing a constant stream of pleasure, but neither was being pushed up to the next, more demanding level.

We were lucky, as we approached Moira's shop I spotted a free space immediately outside, so parked and then sat waiting while Ros went in to pick up her parcel. She was gone for a little longer than I had anticipated but then of course I realised she was saying good-bye to someone who had been intimately close. But then when she did reappear she confused me by beckoning me to get out of the car.

'What's wrong?' I asked as I locked it behind me.

'Nothing at all. You did say we were in no rush, didn't you?' she replied with a broad grin, dangling something from the hand not clutching her package.

'Yes, we've all day.' I replied, at first quite unable to make out what she was holding. Then it hit me, they were keys, they must be Moira's keys to her flat!

'I thought we might get rid of some of the head of steam we both seem to have built up, make us more relaxed for the rest of trip. What do you reckon?'

'I reckon you're a genius, and Moira's an angel.' I answered, slipping my arm around her waist and hugging her tight.

We hurried up the stairs like a pair of over-sexed teen-agers but when we reached the top she turned and said. 'Give me a minute Rob, after all that stimulation in the car I just need to freshen up a bit.'

'No, please don't.' I said, holding her back and pulling her into my arms. 'I love the scent of you when you're aroused Ros. It's very, very sexy.' I added, then kissed her, hard.

At that stage neither wanted to let go of the other so we waddled into the spare room, locked together in some sort of ungainly dance, kissing and fumbling with whatever part of the other's body we could reach. Then tried, quite unsuccessfully to strip each other while still doing all that.

Realising it was a totally futile effort we finally split apart, watching impatiently as each bit of clothing came off until we were both completely naked.

Even while she was undressing I again realised just how lucky I was. Mandy's body was undoubtedly stunningly beautiful, but when it came to sheer voluptuous sexuality, none I had seen could compare with Ros. And although it had been exciting showing an enthusiastic young girl some of the ways love-making could be made even better, sharing those experiences with a mature and experienced woman was infinitely more satisfying, in every way.

So when we stood for a moment, just looking at each other, I felt my heart swell almost as much as my cock had already done. And the combination of what I felt for her emotionally, and what the sight of her nakedness did for those more carnal parts of me, made me want to do everything humanly possible to please her.

'I wish I could put into words how I feel when I just look at you darling.' I said with a catch in my voice. 'There's so much love welling up inside me I feel as though I'm going to burst.'

'I can see that.' she said with a grin as she looked down at my crotch. 'But that looks more like lust than love Rob.' she added throatily.

'Oh I'm not denying the lust, there's plenty of that, but there is love too Ros.' I said.

'And I feel the same way about you Rob, you can be sure of that. But right now I think the other emotions are in control of me.' she said as her hand reached for the quiveringly vertical length of my cock.

Even though her fingers closed lightly around it, the contrast between their coolness and its heat was so strong I couldn't suppress an excited gasp as a powerful surge ripped up my spine.

'And by the feel of that, they're in control of you too.' she said huskily as she tugged me towards the bed.

Pausing only to strip the covers off it she lay down and reached up with arms. 'Come here my darling.' she said softly, moving her legs apart so I could kneel between them.

In spite of the immediate appeal of her invitation I hesitated for a moment before accepting it, looking down at the picture she made. It really was quite literally breath-taking. Her magnificent breasts, rising and falling with each shallow breath, their nipples, already provocatively swollen. Her gently rounded stomach, then the line of her waist, hips and thighs, and her shapely legs. But of course the centre of my attention was the dark, crinkly triangle of hair, and the moistly pouting slit I could see peeping out from just beneath it.

I felt my cock throbbing with an even stronger beat as I stared down at her, and then saw there was just one more thing I could do to make what we were about to do even better for us both.

Pulling the pillow out from underneath her head I told her to lift her hips for a moment, then wedged it underneath her bottom, arching her upwards, before getting up and kneeling between her legs.

In that position, and because she was already so wet, when I pushed into her I was immediately able to get really deep, and Ros gave a long, low moan of delight as I slowly drove forward. 'Ooh yeesss! Oh that's wonderful darling!' she sighed, smiling happily up at me as I paused for a moment. 'Now deeper, I want every bit of you inside me Rob.'

I did exactly what she'd asked me to do, using a single, much stronger thrust that buried it right up to the hilt. 'Oooh shit!' she gasped. 'That's so good! Now fuck me, please, just fuck me!'

Again I did as she'd asked me to, stretching her wide open as I began powering in and out, and, because her body was arched up towards me, each forward thrust drove the head into the furthest depths of her cunt.

I was surprised to find that in spite of how wet she already was, perhaps because of the angle of her body, her pussy was still remarkably tight, and each time I thrust into her I felt an intense surge of sparking pleasure shoot up my spine. But in spite of the strength of that, and my already powerful need, I somehow managed to restrain myself from simply fucking her mindlessly, giving Ros time to work towards her climax.

So, because I was to some extent controlling myself I not only had the physical thrills, but also those coming from being able to watch her steadily mounting excitement. The way her nipples turned to even more stiffly swollen spikes, the slowly deepening and spreading flush on her face and neck, the misting glaze that darkened her eyes.

And as well as all that there were the sounds of her rising pleasure. Her words of endearment interspersed with gasps, moans and sobbing cries of delight and excitement.

Seeing and hearing just how much pleasure I was giving her only made me want to give her even more, and I realised that by just altering my position I might be able to do just that. So, moving my hands up and placing them on either side of her head I braced, and lifted myself higher, knowing that by altering the angle I could get my cock even deeper, and more importantly, that as the shaft moved back and forth it would rub against her clitoris.

Her reaction was instantaneous. 'Oh yes darling! That's fantastic!' she exclaimed.

The strain on my arms, shoulders and toes was strong, but the effect I was having on Ros was even stronger and it took only a couple of dozen or so of those much more powerful strokes to take her to the brink. 'Oh yes darling! Now faster!' She cried, her body straining higher. 'Oh fuck me! Fuck me harder! she shrieked a few moments later, lifting her legs and wrapping them around my waist, urging me to thrust even harder and deeper, then her eyes rolled up until I could see little more than their whites, and she began to climax.

And that was more than enough to trigger my own, I gave a loud grunt as I felt my balls tightening and as the flood started to well up from somewhere deep inside began thrusting even faster.

A few seconds later the rushing surge hit me, the intensity of the thrills blocking out everything except the knowledge that each time I thrust down into her my cock spat another excruciatingly powerful jolt of semen.

'Oh Rob, I can feel that!' she gasped as her own orgasm rolled on. 'I can feel it pumping into me!'

When we were both done I lowered myself down on to her, and between gasps for breath, we kissed, each giving the other plenty of time to come down from the amazing heights we had shared.

But even as that process was going on I was experiencing feelings similar to those I had before we had got into bed, realising how lucky I was to have found such a beautiful, sexually adventurous woman. A woman who professed as much love for me as I had found myself feeling for her. And, just as I had then, I found myself wanting to demonstrate how I felt, wanted to do everything I could to please her.

So, when our racing hearts had slowed to a more normal pace I lifted myself a little, kissing her once more, then, instead of just getting up or rolling over off her, I moved down and began kissing her breasts, licking and circling her still jutting nipples.

'That's very nice, but I'm not sure it's such a good idea darling.' she said, only half-heartedly trying to push my head away.

'Oh I think it is.' I replied before getting up on to my knees so I could add my fingers to what my mouth and tongue were doing.

And within a few of minutes I was proved right, even if she had been able to control the breathy sighs she began to make, her stiffening nipples and squirming body would have told me just how much she was enjoying my caresses. And then I suddenly remembered what she had said about how sensitive her breasts could be, and for a moment I wondered if I'd be able to do for her what I had for Mandy, actually get her off by just stimulating them. But in spite of how much pleasure I was getting from fondling those, there was a still more enticing part of her.

So I lay a trail of kisses down over her stomach as I eased myself backwards, then, because her hips were still being arched upwards by the pillow, was able to look down at her pussy.

Its outer lips were still puffy and swollen from our love-making, the overflow of her lubricating juices making them glisten, a mixture of those plus some of my semen just starting to slowly trickle back out.

In its own way it was even more beautiful than any other single part of her, and I was sure that at that moment the best way I could please Ros was to show her how much I loved it. 'It's such an adorable pussy.' I said softly. 'And I'm sure it would like a little more attention, a little cosseting, a little more pampering.' I added as I eased even further back, and then pushed one hand under her bottom as I bent low.

'Oh no Rob, not now! You don't want to...' she said before her gasp of surprise and delight cut her off as my tongue slid between her pussy-lips and she felt me start gently probing and sucking her.

From the tone in her voice and the tension I felt in her body I guessed that what I was doing was not only unexpected but in some ways foreign to her experience, and it gave me a kick to think I might be doing something unusual for her. But it wasn't long before that tension was replaced by one with a completely different origin, and when I thought the time was right I slipped my tongue higher, to her clitoris.

'Oh Rob! Rob darling!' she cried, reaching down to grab my head and pull me closer as she arched herself higher, and I began lightly flicking it.

Hearing that, I intensified what I was doing, locking two fingers together and sliding them into her pussy, then as I increased the speed of my tongue, began pushing them in and out of her.

She must have already been close to climaxing because within a few seconds she was writhing and screeching as she began a long, rolling orgasm, that it seemed would continue for as long as I was able to keep the stimulus going.