Risking it All in Vegas


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I wanted him.

I wanted to experience the passion he had stirred in me first hand. I wanted to feel his arms locked around me in a wanton embrace. I wanted to feel the rush of his breath on my exposed skin. I wanted to get lost in the dizzying affect of his lips on mine. And as I finally reached for my bags, pulling them from the rotating carousel, it became crystal clear ... I not only wanted it, I needed it. I needed him and this brief moment of happiness that was suddenly before me.

I felt my smile growing like a gentle cooling mist of rain on a smoldering summer day. I choked back a sob as it washed over me, growing with intensity. I wasn't going to let this opportunity pass me by because I might never have it again. Pulling my bags clear of the packed crowd in the baggage claim area, I quickly found the exit where the shuttle to my hotel was supposed to be waiting.

Dear god, I had forgotten how hot it was here. Even more so than Texas! But the minute I walked out of the door, I was suddenly hit with a blast of heat that only compared to the opening of my oven door after it had been preheating. I fully expected to suddenly start sweating and my carefully groomed hair that hung in loose waves around my shoulders would be gone! But I quickly remembered that the heat in Las Vegas was dry heat, unlike the humidity that accompanied the heat in Texas. My hair actually would keep its curl better in the desert (the only REAL good thing about living in the desert obviously!). By the time I was settled in the shuttle that would take me to the Bellagio hotel, I needed water but I had a strong suspicion it wasn't just because of the heat.

As the shuttle rolled away from the airport I knew that I had crossed a fine line that couldn't be erased. I had traveled over countless miles to meet a man that had, in a short amount of time, touched me more deeply, more profoundly than my husband of 17 years. And for the first time since agreeing to meet, I knew that I had done it for no other reason than to see if I could really have a chance at passion and quite possibly ... love.


To my surprise, Vegas was everything it had been cracked up to be in the movies and on television. The bright lights, casinos and mixed bag of people were almost overwhelming as my cab rolled down the street. I had no idea where I was, let alone what landmarks I was looking at. I was floored by the huge glass hotels and the elaborate fountains and the non-stop glittering lights. For a brief moment, I saw my awestruck face in the reflection of the glass window. I looked about as out of place as I felt here.

I leaned back in my seat, my duffel bag resting on the relatively clean cover next to me as my cabbie navigated the route to the hotel. He was like a Mississippi River boat captain, a stalwart blue collar worker who instead of only memorizing his small section of the river had gone ahead and committed it all to memory. The ride was smooth enough, but my body was pulsing with energy as the twilight of a smoldering Nevada night blanketed the sky in bold orange and purple hues. Ahead, I could see the hotel approaching us and I knew the moment was at hand.

The cab pulled up and I stepped into a new world, my overnight bag in one hand and a dozen roses in the other. The flowers seemed like such a stroke of genius at the time of purchase, a perfect way to let Cyn know my intentions all the while promoting the elegance of a true gentleman. Now, as I stood there looking more like a blockheaded football player trying to woo that perfect intellectual woman I worried if she would think I was being heavy handed? My self-doubt nagged me, playing out a reality more akin to King Kong romancing Fay Wray.

The glass doors slid open and I paused to let an older couple pass me. The wrinkled old man turned to me nodding a thank you, his myopic little eyes magnified to the power of ten behind those coke bottle lenses. I smiled back, his honest grin somehow alleviating my worries. I took a deep breath and stepped inside, my boots heavy against the carpet of the expansive lobby.

At the front desk, I gave the manager my name and after a few moments I found that Cyn had already checked in to our room. I smiled at the polite blonde woman behind the front desk as she handed me my passkey and gave me the room number, 2902. I walked away to the elevator as I straightened my black t-shirt out and adjusted my loose-fitting jeans. I kept my hair shaved close so worrying about a cowlick was pointless. Besides, I hadn't worried about cowlicks in a long time. My hair started falling out at age nineteen. The shaved look was more to keep my sanity than anything else.

The elevator opened and I stepped inside.

My mind was like a slide show of possibilities, with each mental click and shuffle a new still from the impending encounter flashed on the back of my eyes. I knew our conversations would be fantastic and I was excited to discuss literature with some one who actually liked books and stories. I could see images of us sitting at the small table in our room, notes and papers spread out for our collaboration. I could also see us losing interest fast in the work and beginning to touch each other like nervous virgins on a very seminal evening.

My cock began to harden in my jeans as the elevator opened and I stepped out onto the twenty-ninth floor. Slinging the strap of my bag over my shoulder I walked down the corridor, looking at the doors as my heart jackhammered relentlessly in my rib cage. It all felt so surreal, so bizarre as time seemed to slow down. My eyes fell on the door with the identification plate reading "2902" and I planted my feet firmly in front of it. I held the passkey in my free hand and looked at the metal electronic lock.

'You could turn back now,' my mind said, erring on the side of caution, 'What you're about to do is wrong, wrong, wrong...'

I sighed and actually replied to the little voice, 'Maybe it is, okay? But I need this. I haven't felt this happy since before I got married. Don't I deserve at least a little happiness?'

'Think about this,' the voice chimed, 'it's an awfully big risk...'

'I married a woman who enjoys belittling me and trying to control every aspect of my life from when I take a shit to when I leave the house,' I frowned, 'I'm taking a risk no matter what...'

'Once you go inside, it's all over my friend.'

I thought of my ridiculous situation at home and everything that had gone wrong since the ring had been slipped on my finger. I thought of all that I had tried to forgive and forget, everything that I had sacrificed to be with my wife. I thought of her admitting to her wrongs and swearing they would never happen again, from the mockery to the slapping. I thought of how no more than a week later, it all would start up again. And then I thought of how stupid I was for letting it all happen. I replied, 'It should have been over a long time ago.'

Instead of inserting the passkey, I knocked on the door.

"A long time ago," I repeated out loud.

I could live with a lifetime of fighting and enduring my wife's outrageous eccentricities for the sake of my two children. I could carry the burden of all that for them if the need be but before I shackled myself down, I needed to know what it was like to actually be wanted for who I was.

I thought of her eyes again and felt myself empowered. Cyn had been such a source of strength and peace before and after we began talking. She was the shatter point to my life now, and I was beyond trying to tell myself that this meeting was anything less than life altering. And I so desperately wanted her.

Even if it was just for one night.

The handle clicked, the lock disengaging as the door opened.



I had time to explore the Bellagio and took full advantage of it.

I was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Martin wasn't due until later this evening and if I just sat around in the room waiting for him, I'd go nuts! I had only walked through the Bellagio once before and that was a couple of years ago. I remember being overwhelmed at its magnificence, at its opulent beauty. Not much had changed.

Being a five-diamond hotel, the lobby was breath taking at the very least. There was a huge glass sculpture overhead, shaped like extraordinary flowers that seemed to cascade downwards around me as I slowly strolled beneath it. The way the light played perfectly through the glass was enough to make me stop for a moment and get lost in its beauty. I managed to tear myself away from the glass masterpiece and ventured out into the conservatory and botanical gardens. It was definitely a feast for the senses and I was overwhelmed by the intricate details that seemed to bloom right before my very eyes. I couldn't take it all in, the beauty of this place ... even the walkways that weaved through the rows upon rows of exotic plants and flowers seemed to weave a glorious tapestry that gave rest to my soul.

I spent a good amount of time here, letting my mind wander to Martin and his impending arrival. The longer I stayed here, the more I settled into my decision, the calmer I became about seeing him. It was going to be okay. No, it was going to be more than okay. It was going to be perfect.

I glanced down at my watch. The time was drawing near and I wanted to change. A soothing hot bath would do wonders for my well being and my confidence. Taking one last glance around the magnificent gardens, I smiled and reluctantly moved away, making a mental note to bring Martin here tomorrow so we could just get lost in its fragrance, texture and array of colors. I knew he would appreciate its beauty. He was that type of man ... deep, thoughtful, literate and appreciative of the world around him.

Slipping my electronic key into the door, I heard the familiar click and pressed down on the handle as I pushed open the door. I couldn't help but smile as I stepped in again through the small foyer, my gaze drifting momentarily to the small powder room set off the right as I walked through and then set my electronic key card onto the table immediately to the right. Taking a deep breath, I quickly strode through the living room to the windows beyond and pulled back the draperies with a quick *snap*, the fading light of the desert horizon pouring into the room. I stood there a moment to gaze down at the dancing water show going on beneath in Lake Bellagio, a soft smile curling upwards on my lips. We would have a fantastic view from our room at night and I felt the energy of excitement building up within me.

He was almost here.

I moved through the living room and into the bedroom, blue gaze shifting to the large ornate king-sized bed that seemed to whisper my name and I felt a flutter in my belly that seemed to settle between my jean-clad thighs, building to a sweet pulsing heat.

'Please, oh please, let me be everything that he wants', my soul seemed to whisper and I moved to the draperies in the bedroom to pull them apart as well. Lights were turning on outside, illuminating the city like I remembered; brilliant, bright colors that seemed to fascinate and draw you into their intoxicating trance.

'The city that never sleeps,' I thought.

I could see why the name was so well deserved.

I would have liked to linger in the steaming, whirling splendors of the tub as my body leaned back in surrender to the massaging fingers of water that slid over my body. I relaxed in the swirling water scented with jasmine that wafted over me like a soothing caress. But I was running out of time and I wanted to be ready. Dragging my refreshed body out of the water, I quickly toweled off and reached for my bottle of scented body lotion that I just couldn't do without.

Propping one dainty foot upon the rim of the tub, I quickly and efficiently applied the cream into soft, smooth legs and feet, working upwards to my thighs as fingers kneaded and rubbed it in and then more applied to the rest of my highly-charged flesh; the curve of my ass and backside, twisting and turning to not miss a spot ... my shoulders and arms, working it into my elbows and between slender fingers ... over my hips and across my belly that seemed to tremble in anticipation of his touch ... up beneath my full breasts, cupping them in my hands as my mind began to wander.

Glancing to the clock, I could feel my heart suddenly lurch up into my throat. 'Hurry!' the little voice in me prompted me into motion and I carefully but quickly applied just enough make-up to enhance my features and released my long hair from the clip that had held it up during my soak in the tub. I carefully brushed through the strands, amazing still at how the curl had stayed, thankful for the dry heat as I fluffed it with my fingers. Wiggling into black satin bikini panties beneath button down Daisy Duke jean shorts, I quickly adorned the matching bra and shrugged on a green-jeweled halter-top and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"Not too bad, Cyn," I reassured myself.

And then it came ... the knock I had been anticipating. Somehow I knew he wouldn't just walk in. My fingers clenched on the edge of the bathroom countertop as I saw my own eyes widen.

"Breathe ... just breathe," I whispered, quickly dabbing a hint of perfume behind my ears and on my inner wrists before I moved out of the bathroom and towards the door.

Putting my best smile on and taking a breath to relax my body stance, I reached for the handle, pressing down as the lock clicked, giving way. I could feel my breathing come in a bit quicker as I pulled the door open.

This was it.

There was no turning back.



The door opened and there she stood. As beautiful as the picture had been, it did her no justice. The eyes I had become so enamored with were brilliant, luminescent sapphires sparkling atop her pearled scleras. Her skin was alabaster and glowing in the low lamp light of our room. Her hair had been perfected in auburn curves and waves, burning brightly against the shadows of the entrance as we exchanged our first look in the flesh. Her perfect lips curved into a full, genuine smile as she leaned against the door.

"Hi," she said softly.

My eyes betrayed me, following the contours of her slender neck and to the seams of her sparkling green halter-top. My cock was ready to mutiny with my eyes as the undeniable curve of her breasts created an iridescent shadow across her stomach. Toned, creamy legs fluidly displayed themselves from the bottoms of her daisy dukes. I wondered if she was even aware of how beautiful she was. But then, the truly beautiful ones never know that they are.

I found myself muted as my brain searched for a suave response, "These," I handed her the roses awkwardly, "These are for you."

Her eyebrows rose up slightly as she looked down at them, "Oh, thank you."

I stood there, smiling like an idiot and nodding, "You're welcome."

A long expectant silence passed between us.

She smelled them and then looked at me after a moment, "Would you like to come in?"

"Yes that would be delightful," I said and mentally slapped myself on the forehead for such a smooth remark, "Yes, of course."

'Delightful?' I thought miserably, 'You jack ass...'

We laughed nervously and I stepped inside the lush room, finally seeing where our hard earned money had gone. It was beautiful, a perfect setting for our meeting. I wandered around in the room for a moment and squinted, noticing there was no bed, only furniture. I said, "There's no bed!"

Cyn smiled and motioned her thumb at the door to my right, "The bedroom is in there."

"I knew that," I shrugged and put my bag on the plush couch (a piece of furniture that probably cost the equivalent of one of my paychecks) admitting, "The classiest place I've ever been was the Holiday Inn in Woodland, what can I say?"

I opened my arms to her and prayed she would accept the hug offered. She immediately slipped her hands around my waist and I was suddenly lost in an embrace that was beyond friendship or simple collaborative respect. Our bodies meshed together as we held each other tight, her chin on my shoulder and the most alluring fragrance I had ever smelled caressing my nose. It was the perfect embrace.

And then she broke the hug and I did something rash. Maybe it was the mood of the atmosphere in the room or the fact that she was everything I had hoped for and more. No matter what the motive, I leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. It wasn't a searing kiss of passion or a deep French kiss but rather a kiss of appreciation and gratitude. Instead of pulling away, she placed her hands on my forearms and returned the gesture.

"I figured I would chance a slap," I smiled against her lips.

"If it had been anyone else..." she replied and then placed the flowers on the small dining table.

"You look amazing," I looked her over again, my eyes hungry and obvious, "I mean, wow."

She turned away a little and blushed. She looked at me from behind that modest acceptance of my praise, which might have been over the top. But in truth, how could my comments be anything other than that?

"Thank you," she said.

I walked over to the couch, feeling more and more relaxed by the minute. We sat together on the sofa as the city of sin kicked into gear and the nightlife was realized. I looked down again at her breasts and fought the urge to stare. They looked so perfectly soft and inviting. Part of me wanted to reach out and grab her. I wanted to pull her to me and kiss her and touch her in the way our fantasies played out.

"So," she smiled, "What should we write about?"

"Well," I leaned back and tried my best to present my body in a sexy fashion by stretching my arms out spreading my legs slightly. I figured it would either catch her attention or make her laugh. No matter what, she would smile at least. Her smile was so sexy. I said, "We'd been talking about a story involving two people like us who meet for the first time at a hotel..."

"Like we are right now?" she asked knowingly.

"Yeah," I said, unable to hide my smile, "But you know, we're here to just write our story..."

The words sounded ridiculously hollow even to my own ears. We both knew why we had come here, and writing was the last thing on our minds. All I could think about was kissing her and touching that skin, tasting it and running my tongue along her curves. The story was about two people who met through their mutual love of writing and found a mutual sexual attraction. Art might have imitated life, but in that room at that very moment life was imitating art.

"Yes we are," she nodded and scooted closer to me, her legs crossed and looking irresistible. God, what was the fragrance? She said, "Though, I see neither of us brought a laptop to work on..."

"Pen and paper?" I said dumbly, "Work with our hands, so to speak?"

She laughed and then, with a suggestive twist, said, "I work great with my hands."

"Then we should brainstorm," I kept the thin veil of pretense alive as I unconsciously scooted closer to her, my hand and arm draped across the back of the couch and inching closer to hers, "You know, research the subject."

"Research?" Cyn tilted her head and cocked a brow. That was like the falling of a silent gate, sealing my fate. She licked her lips and asked, "What kind of research?"

"Well," I looked at her and suddenly felt very sure of myself, "Obviously, our two protagonists are meeting to have an affair."

"Yes they are," Cyn nodded as my knee touched hers. My heart was on the verge of exploding as our hands touched and she ran her thumb over my index fingers in a sensual tease.

"And like us," I said, "They're both very attracted to one another..."

"Kindred spirits maybe?" Cyn offered as our legs pressed together and our faces came to no more than a foot apart.