Risking it All in Vegas


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"Lost souls," I replied as my right hand rested on her bare thigh, "Two people who have shared experience defying common sense and rationale for something more elusive...."

Cyn drew her face closer to mine, her breath fresh against my lips, "Like it was meant to be that they find each other? Maybe fate correcting mistakes they had both made?"

"Yes," I nodded, our noses almost touching, "Like it was meant to be."

"All the mistrust and pain fading away under the promise of a single kiss?" Cyn whispered as her nose grazed mine, her eyes looking deep into mine.

"They both risk it all," I breathed as our lips began to press together, "Just to see if their hearts are right."

"A single weekend of passion..."

"And lust," her fingers grazed my cheek as we met in a deep, passionate kiss.



Time seemed to stand still, frozen like it had been captured in a black and white photograph taped onto a blank black page to be remembered in ageless beauty. My words had been so bold, teasing him with sexual innuendos interweaved with comments that I knew only he could appreciate. But as his lips claimed mine, I was helpless beneath the power of our attraction, of my need for him.

I could feel my lips tremble, parting naturally beneath his as my fingers naturally grazed his cheek, sliding reflexively to the nape of his neck as if I held on, this moment would last forever. His hand slid higher up my thigh, over my hip and to my waist where he drew me in closer as our tongues collided for the first time.

To say the kiss was explosive would be an understatement.

I wasn't sure if the thundering in my ears was from the rush of blood that seemed to sweep over me like an approaching typhoon or if it was the beating of Martin's own heart that I could feel through the molding of his lips to mine. Either way, the sound was soothing ... intoxicating.

My whole body was on fire for him and more than anything I wanted to take his hand, give him an alluring smile and lead him into the bedroom ... a bold move since he had just walked in the door all of five minutes ago. But instead, I simply drew back slowly, my lips nibbling on his teasingly before looking at his face. I could see the outright lust and hunger shining brightly in his eyes and the way his lips were still slightly parted as if hinging on my next move.

"Wow," he breathed, a grin crossing his face and reaching his eyes. "Just wow."

I smiled the kind of sultry smile only a woman can, knowing that she has the full attention of a man at hand. "My sentiments exactly," I said in a soft voice.

I could see the surprise in his eyes, almost disappointment as I stood to my feet and his gaze raked down my form again, taking in every detail. I couldn't help but smile, blushing softly even though his appreciative gaze empowered me.

"Where are you going?" he asked, and I could hear in his voice the disappointment.

I simply smiled, bending forward a bit to take his large hands in mine, gently pulling until he stood up with me. He smiled and glanced involuntarily towards the bedroom and in that instant I knew what he was thinking. Lacing my fingers with his, I smiled a sultry smile, leaning close to press my lips to his once more before backing toward the door leading out to the hallway with a promising smile, one hand reaching out for my electronic key on the table.

"I want to show you something," I whispered in a soft husky caress, biting back a soft chuckle at his incredulous look. But being the gentleman I knew he would be, despite the hard bulge I could see straining between his legs, trapped behind the confines of the jeans that he filled out nicely, his fingers tightened on mine and he willingly followed me out of the room.

Once in the elevator, I could feel his fingers gently stroke mine and even before I looked at him, I could feel his gaze on me. Turning my head with a smile, I said, "You look great, Martin. I'm glad you came."

He smiled at me, lifting my hand to his lips where he pressed a soft kiss, his eyes locked with mine. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world," he breathed.

That did it.

I stepped back into his arms and he must have known it was coming because we were suddenly locked in a heated, passionate embrace. It was a bit more raw and sensual than the one had been in the room. Our tongues tangled and I could feel his hands on my ass, squeezing as he pulled me against his length. My own hands roamed his back, wishing that it was bare skin instead of cotton material, a soft moan materializing into his mouth. Good lord, we were going to be on fire by the time we got back up into our room tonight.

But then again, that was the whole idea.

I think we would have wound up against the mirrored wall in the elevator, going at it like a couple of over-sexed teenagers if the door hadn't suddenly slid open. We parted quickly, our breaths coming in a little shallow as another couple and their small child entered. I couldn't help but blush softly as I saw Martin's grin appear again, wider this time out of amusement. Being the gentleman he was, he nodded to the man before we all kind of faced the door, watching the floors fly by on the way to the lobby. I kept sneaking glances to him only to catch his gaze on me that made my heart flutter faster beneath my breasts.

Good lord, he was driving me nuts! I was supposed to be the one teasing him!

As the door slid open, I felt him reach for my hand again and my fingers interlocked with his naturally. My hand seemed to fit into his perfectly ... like they had been made to fit one another. We stepped out together and like an eager schoolgirl, I tugged gently on his hand and led him towards the lobby.

"Come on," I said in a soft but excited voice. "You have to see this."

I could hear his chuckle as he let me lead him into the expanse of the lobby and as I stopped, he looked around some like he didn't quite get it and then at me. "Yeah, this is great," he said, his eyebrows furrowing some as he looked around. I could tell he was trying to find what it was that I wanted to show him.

Laughing, I leaned against his side, my hand sliding up his arm to wrap my arms more around his arm as I slowly looked up, my gaze urging him to do the same. "Look up, silly," I teased.

I could hear his intake of breath as his eyes finally saw the hand-blown glass sculpture that I had admired earlier this evening and we just stood there for a moment. I sighed contentedly as my cheek pressed to his strong shoulder. I could feel that he appreciated it as much as I did. We just stood there, taking it in and I was glad that he had the appreciative nature to just enjoy the shift of lights in the hand-blown glass and the intricacy of its detail.

"It's beautiful," he said somewhat in a soft, awed voice. And then looking at me, laughter dancing in his eyes, added, "I wonder why I didn't notice it before."

I laughed, my gaze meeting his. "Yeah, I wonder ..."

He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to my lips and then in typical male fashion, whispered, "So can we go back up to the room now?"

God, I loved his sense of humor. "No," I grinned, glancing over to one of the clocks on the wall. "There's more."

"Now how did I know that was coming?" he joked as my fingers locked with his again and he followed me. I could feel his eyes on my ass and I couldn't help but blush a bit, sneaking a glance to him.

"Enjoying the view?" I teased.

"Absolutely," he said in a clear strong voice, his grin breath-taking.

We stepped outside of the hotel and there, before us, stood Lake Bellagio. It was renowned for its fountains and water show and I wanted him to experience it. I remember the first time I had ever seen it. It had moved me to tears.

Gently tugging on his hand, we moved to the marble statuette walls that came about breast high for me and I glanced at my watch, knowing it was about to start. For now, the fountains were gently flowing much like you would expect any other large fountain to do. We settled up against the wall and leaned forward some. I could feel Martin's arm snake around my waist as he pulled me closer.

"This is nice," he said, glancing around but I could tell that he had other things on his mind.

"Mmm hmm," I murmured, nestling into the crook of his right arm as I breathlessly waited for the show to start. It would be any minute. I didn't want to forewarn him of what was going to happen. I just wanted him to experience it.

I could feel him start some as the music suddenly began, loud and strong. The lights in the fountain went dark and I grinned, my heart pounding wildly in my chest. I was excited to see the show again and even more excited to see what Martin's reaction would be to it. He glanced at me questioningly but I simply stared out at the water with a smile on my face.

But true to the man I knew him to be, he simply held me closer and watched.

The soft strands of Celine Dion's voice began to float on the air and my heart began to thump more erratically. How perfect! I couldn't have planned for a more perfect song as Martin and I stood transfixed watching the water before us come to life. The played out as though on cue from fate...

'The whispers in the morning of lovers sleeping tight are rolling like thunder now as I look in your eyes. I hold on to your body and feel each move you make. Your voice is warm and tender, a love that I could not forsake.'

I inhaled slowly, my body relaxing against Martin's as I felt his arm tighten around me, his eyes wide as the half-acre lake in front of our hotel leapt to life with an explosion of sound and spray.

'Cause I am your lady and you are my man. Whenever you reach for me, I'll do all that I can.'

Celine's aria of love lifted up to the sky as the waters before us feinted and flirted, wiggled and swayed, beckoned and broke to the music of her song like diamonds dancing before us. Martin shifted, his strong arm pulling me to stand before him. As I leaned back against him, the back of my head against his shoulder, his arms tightened around me and I smiled to feel his lips press a soft tender kiss to my temple.

'Lost is how I'm feeling, lying in your arms when the world outside's too much to take. That all ends when I'm with you.'

Why was I feeling that Celine was singing straight to my heart as jets of water raced across the water? They gathered in speed with each passing much like my heart beating tenfold within my breast. I could hear the "ahhs" and "oohs" of the people around us and even though I could feel Martin's heartbeat against my back match the rhythm of my own, he stood quietly, enraptured with the spectacle of water, light and music before us.

'We're heading for something, somewhere I've never been. Sometimes I am frightened but I'm ready to learn of the power of love.'

As the final notes of Celine's haunting voice faded and the last jets erupted, I could feel Martin turning me slowly to look in his eyes. A shimmering curtain of mist hung over the lake, like a backdrop to our kiss as the applause erupted around us.



There are certain instances some people describe as a "perfect moment." These occurrences are often rare and even when they do happen the actual authenticity is up for debate, perfection being such a relative term. For myself, the only "perfect moment" I had known prior to arriving in Vegas was seeing my son born. That had been a moment filled with every conceivable emotion save for hate and anger, and it was truly a turning point in my life.

Time seems to slow down and the world pauses just long enough to recognize how important a certain act, birth, look or simple word truly is. As the water cascaded down from the air in a sparkling mist that was cool to the skin I experienced my second "perfect moment." The music was appropriately romantic and the crowd oblivious to the scene unfolding before them. I turned her to me, the motion fluid and far beyond my own skill to execute.

Cyn looked up at me, and while every encounter prior had been wonderful and equally better than the last, there was something final and binding in the look we shared. It wasn't overly dramatic or the sort of moment that grand orchestras build up to for a sweeping romantic theme and suggestive adagio. It was simple and uncomplicated, as we were ourselves. Her lips were curved into a small smile that spoke volumes, relaying her fears and hopes, all the dreams and passion she had poured into her writing while suffering the charade that was her marriage.

I breathed deep, misty water from the lake swirling and looping in the air as though alive with its own energy. Without so much as a thought or hesitation I cupped my hands to her face, my fingers spread out and palms firm against her soft skin. I could smell that sensual fragrance again and the heat of her breath, fresh and inviting. When our lips met together, it was a kiss that surpassed all the others not just in terms of physical expression or wanton arousal, but also in mutual admiration and respect.

Her tongue rolled against mine in a comforting and electric slide, her lips sealed to mine as the crowd around us applauded the display of waterworks. As my heart pounded and my cock grew hard again against her body, our arms wrapped around each other in a tight embrace, the sound of thundering hands was for us. I smiled against her lips and suckled on her tongue for a moment.

"Why don't you two get a room?" a voice said from behind.

I turned and saw a rather portly black haired woman with beady eyes glaring at me.

I replied, "We already have a room."

"Well, do you mind?" she motioned to the three equally plump children standing at her side, "Take it somewhere else?"

"We're sorry," Cyn smiled, her Texan drawl adding an authentic dash of honest country goodness.

"You know," I said to the heavy lady as we passed her, "Kissing is great. You should try it sometime."

"Take a hike," she waved me off, looking repulsed. I wondered how a woman with three children could be so offended at kissing? Wasn't kissing an essential part of having sex?

"Glad to," I smiled generously as Cyn led me away.

As we walked through the giant lobby, Cyn looked at me and said, "Looking for a fight were you?"

"Oh come on," I laughed and held her hand, our fingers interlaced together. "She was just looking for something to complain about."

"I suppose," Cyn leaned her head against my shoulder.

"Besides," I said, "It's good to see a happy couple kissing. Inspires other people to kiss."

"And we're a couple now?" she asked me, not looking up but smiling broadly.

"Well," I looked thoughtfully at the floor, "We're a couple here at the very least."

"Yes," she nodded and squeezed my hand, "We are."

My body was aching for her now. I was desperate to kiss her again, but this time to continue my journey down her neck and to her shoulders, slowly working that green halter-top off her torso. My mouth was watering at the idea of cupping her large breasts in my hands and feeling their weight, their silky texture and the hard nubs of her nipples. The idea of licking and kissing her there was damn near intoxicating as my cock created more and more of a problem for me as we walked.

"People are looking at me," I said as we strolled to the elevator. An old man reading a paper at the far end of the lobby eyed me for a moment, his eyes casually glancing down to my bulge and then back to his paper, a look of embarrassed amusement on his face.

"Are they?" Cyn looked down at my crotch and then commented, "I can see why."

"Well," I shrugged, "What should we do about it?"

She pressed the button for the elevator, "I have a thought."

"Do you?"

"Yeah," she grinned and pulled me inside the elevator, "But I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

The elevator doors closed and her hand fell to my crotch as she whispered, "I have to show you."



I heard his breath catch in his throat as my palm pushed against the hardness trapped, rather uncomfortably I would assume, in his jeans. I wanted him and as he reflexively pushed me against the mirrored wall of the elevator as it quickly ascended back to our own piece of heaven, I knew it was suddenly upon us. We had built up to this for a while now; first through e-mails, then instant messaging, a few suggestive phone calls and now today. I had hoped to string it along a bit longer but now that he was here, all thoughts of playing were suddenly dashed from my thoughts. I just wanted to feel his hands and lips on me and, in turn, I wanted to explore every inch of his body.

My hands were all over him as our tongues clashed together, growing in intensity as our passions began to soar. The straps to my halter-top were already halfway down my arms as my head fell back, his lips trailing over the sensitive flesh of my neck and bared shoulders. I was quickly turning into liquid fire beneath every stroke of his hand, every sweep of his tongue, every hot breath that washed over me in a ragged whisper.

As the elevators slid upon to our floor, we half stumbled, half ran out into the hallway, moving down the corridor entangled in each other's embrace. Our tongues collided, hands trying to feel through binding layers of clothes until we stood panting before our hotel room door. My legs felt like jelly as I fumbled with the electronic key as Martin's hands slid around me, grasping me by the upper thighs as he suddenly pulled me back hard against him. I could feel the outline of his thick cock rigid against my ass.

I couldn't hold onto the card and it slipped from my fingers as a groan erupted from my lips, long lashes fluttered closed. I could feel his hard, strong fingers pushing against my slick cunt through the protection of my blue jean shorts. I could hear his soft growl in my ear as I gasped for breath.

"Wh-what are you doing to me?" I managed to whisper through parted lips, between my quick intakes of breath.

"Preparing you for what's to come," he growled low in my ear.

That was enough to send a sizzling shockwave straight down between my legs until my clit throbbed like it had its own heartbeat, thudding wildly between the swollen folds of my sex. I stooped down to pick up the card that had fallen onto the floor in front of the door, my darkened gaze glancing up at him. The look in his eyes was enough to drive me into a lustful frenzy and I couldn't help but trail my hand back up his leg and press hard against his crotch as I lifted back up with the key in hand.

"I'm more than prepared," I whispered, rubbing him through his jeans. "And by the looks of it, so are you."

His smile sent a shiver down my spine as he reached to pluck the card from my hands and inserted it into the electronic lock, the door clicking as it disengaged and then he pushed it open as his lips claimed mine again. All I could do was hold on, lost in his kiss as he guided me through the open door and into our room, the door gliding shut behind us.

He tossed the key and god only knows where it landed. His hands were everywhere all at once and I could feel myself falling into something more than lust. He touched me, in every way, unlike anyone I had ever known before. It wasn't just my body responding to him and the overwhelming power he seemed to weld over me, but my heart responded as well and I knew that once we had crossed this thin line that still remained somewhat in tact, it would cost more for me than just my marriage vows. My heart teetered on the edge of falling right into his hands.

Pulling back from him slowly, our breaths coming in quick pants, I managed to look at him for a moment, my hand coming up slowly to caress his handsome face. I know it sounded stupid and somewhat foolish after the build-up we had already gone through, but I had to know.