Rob and Mickey


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"Why is it important for you to know?"

"Oh come on Rob. It is Rob, right? You aren't wearing some other guys shirt?"

I nodded a yes and she went on.

"I find my mother making passionate love with a guy my age and I'm not going to be curious? Besides, I don't want there to be any secrets between us when we start dating."

"When we start dating?"

"Oh yeah. A guy my age so hot my mother snaps him up? I just have to find out the attraction."

"No missy; I don't think so. Your mother would come after me with a sharp knife and do some serious cutting on a certain portion of my anatomy."

"I seriously doubt that. Look; two things here are certain. I'm going to dog you until I know why you and mom gave it up and I'm going to be in your face until you break down and date me. So what say we just get it over with now?"

I looked at her and decided that it wouldn't be worth the aggravation so I told her the story of how I'd gotten together with her mother and why it had ended.

"So now you know that it was your fault that your mom and I no longer see each other."

"That is just so much bull. That was years and years ago and Brian and I were too young to know what was going on. Besides, at the time we didn't know that dad was the one who caused the divorce because he got caught cheating. All we knew at the time was that mom kicked him out and we were pissed at her because of it. But we got over it. I wondered why she stopped dating. I didn't know it was because of me and my brother."

"I don't know anything about all that. All I know is that your mother was dead set against you finding out about us."

"Okay then, that's out of the way so now all we have to do is work on the dating part."

"Not going to happen. It would be just too damned awkward dating my ex-lover's daughter. I parted friends with your mother and I want to keep it that way."

"She doesn't have to know."

"She would eventually find out."

"Why? She has never met or even seen half the guys I've dated."

"That's because you are in school away from here. Here she would eventually see us somewhere. I've run across her a dozen times since we ended things. Restaurants, the movies, twice in a gas station and a couple of times at Safeway. No, dating would not be a good idea."

"We can get around that. On nights we dated I can always ask her what her plans for the evening are and then we just don't go near any place she is going to be."

"Hasn't it entered your mind that I don't want to date you because I have a girlfriend?"

"No and it doesn't matter and that's the long and short of it. Might as well get used to the idea because I'm going to dog you until it happens."

"All I can say is dog away girl, but it isn't going to happen."

I picked up my check from where the waitress had placed it, stood up and headed for the cash register. I paid, got in my car and headed on home. As I drove I hoped that Jessica wasn't serious about haunting me. She looked so much like her mother that it was damned hard to say no to her, but I was sure that Alicia would not be pleased in the least if I hooked up with her daughter.

When I pulled up and parked at the apartment I found out that Jessica had meant it when she said that she was going to dog me. When I got out of the car a Honda Civic pulled up next to me. I recognized the car. It was Alicia's. The window rolled down and Jessica said:

"Now I not only know where you work I know where you live. Ready to give up yet?"

"No, but I'll tell you what you can do. Tell your mom what you want to do and if she calls me and tells me that she has no objections I'll take you out. Have a good night" I said and then I went inside my apartment.

Jessica's showing up at my apartment should have shown me that that she was serious, but for some reason I didn't think that she would really follow through. That notion took flight the next day when I got off work and found her sitting on the fender of my car. As I walked up she said:

"Hi Rob. Where are we going tonight?"

"We aren't going anywhere."

"Sure we are. Even if it isn't together in the same vehicle we will be together wherever you go because I'm going to follow along behind you. Get used to it Rob. I'm going to be your shadow until you give me what I want."

"Why aren't you in school?"

"End of term break. I have two weeks off and I'm going to spend them following you until you date me."

"I told you what you need to do to get me to date you and so far she hasn't called me."

I got in the car and headed off. I decided on Bob's Big Boy for dinner and I was no sooner seated than Jessica joined me.

"This is a waste of money Rob. I'm a pretty good cook and we could be at your place and I could be fixing us a very good dinner."

I was just ready to tell her to go away and leave me alone when I saw Bev, Nancy and Mickey sitting at a table on the other side of the room and all three were looking at me and Jessica. Bev had an amused look, Nancy looked down cast, but the look on Mick's face made me smile. She was pissed at seeing me with another girl. Whether she was upset because I could so easily replace her or because she still had feelings for me I didn't know, but the look did make me smile. Jessica saw the smile and said:

"The idea of me cooking for you appeals to you?"

When she said that it occurred to me that I could use her to help me accomplish a couple of things. Being seen with her would put a stop to Nancy's trying to make us a couple. The other thing was that since she was on term break it stood to reason that Mickey was also on break and she would be around. Being seen with Jessica would provoke more of those nasty looks and pissing off Mick was high on the list of things I liked doing.

The decision made I took one of Jessica's hands in mine and said, "If you can promise me that your mother will never know I'll consider it."

"No problem. Like I told you the other day I'll find out what her plans are and we will just make sure that we go in the opposite direction."

I didn't want to appear to be in a hurry especially after emphatically saying no up to that point so I just said:

"I'll think on it, but on it, but it won't be tonight because I have all ready made other plans."

"Tomorrow night then?"

I thought of the party that Earl was having the next night and I knew -- or at least hoped -- that Mickey and Nancy would both be there so I said:

"Okay, tomorrow it is."

We ordered and as we ate we went over the logistics. I couldn't pick her up at home for obvious reasons so we arranged for her to meet me in my apartment parking lot at six-thirty.

The entire time we sat there I kept glancing out of the corner of my eye at the table where Mickey was sitting and every time she was shooting daggers our way and it caused me to smile inside.


Earl's party was a blast. There were lots of kids from my class there, among them Rich, Bev, Nancy and Mickey. Jessica and I danced and in an unplanned moment about two hours into the party I was in a slow dance with her and she kissed me and as I felt her tongue flick into my mouth I saw both Mickey and Nancy watching. The look on Mick's face made the night for me.

At one point while Jessica was using the bathroom Bev came up to me and asked:

"What happened to the older girlfriend?"

"I didn't have an older girlfriend Bev. She was just a woman that I helped and she bought me dinner a couple of times to thank me."

"Bull crap buddy; I know you too well for you to be able to lie to me. Besides, I had a long talk with her at our barbecue and while she never admitted it she didn't deny it either when I asked her. You do know that it destroyed Mickey to see the two of you together right? And this one you are with tonight has her wound up also. She looks familiar. She from around here?"

"No and I don't believe that garbage about what my being seen with other girls is doing to Michelle. She didn't have any trouble replacing me when she went to Cartersville or went away to school. If I meant anything to her it wouldn't have been that easy for her to replace me."

"You are wrong on that Rob; she does love you and I know because I am her closest confidant. I'm not saying that she isn't a little mixed up where her priorities are concerned, but she does love you. She honestly expected you to be there for her even after she got married to some other guy for financial reasons."

"Tough shit Bev, but I'm not made that way. I'm not the kind of guy who can be some woman's sex toy behind her husband's back. She had a choice. She could be an auto mechanic's wife or the wife of some guy with money and she didn't choose the auto mechanic."

Jessica walked up and said, "Am I interrupting?"

"No sweetie, Bev just wanted to know where I found you."

"And what kind of outrageous lie did you tell her?"

"Just that I turned around one evening and you were there and that I haven't been able to get rid of you."

"That's pretty close to the truth at least the you can't get rid of me part."

"So is there some romantic story behind your meeting" Bev asked.

"Not really. I met him when he helped my mother move from our old house to her new condo."

I saw Bev's face as she made the connection.

"You are Alicia's daughter?"

"You know my mom?"

"She was at a barbecue at my place one Sunday."

Bev gave me a look that said, plain as day, "Mother AND daughter? You dog you."

The evening's entertainment, at least for me, wasn't over yet. I took a bathroom break and when I came out Michelle was standing in the hallway. She put a hand in the middle of my chest and tried to push me back into the bedroom as she said:

"We need to talk Rob."

I spun around and pushed her into the bathroom as I said, "No we don't Michelle. I'm just a lowly car mechanic who is never going to amount to anything and I have no business having anything to do with upwardly mobile people like you" and I headed back to the party.

I danced a few more dances with Jessica and then Bev grabbed me and said, "My turn." As we danced she asked:

"What did you do to Mickey? She ran out of here crying."

"And somehow it is my fault?"

"She was fine until you showed up here with your new girlfriend."

I told her what happened at the bathroom and she said, "Why are you being so mean to her Rob?"

"Oh come on Bev; you more than anybody knows how she fucked over me."

"Your skirts aren't all that clean Rob."

"True, but I didn't start until I found out what she was doing when she went out of town and you know that. I don't owe her anything Bev. She made her position clear to me and so I said "Fuck it" and I have moved on."

"She loves you Rob and you could at least talk to her."

"No way Bev. I've heard all from her that I can stand."

At that point Jessica came up and said, "May I cut in? I'd like one more dance before we have to leave."

Bev gave up her place in my arms and Jessica moved in.

"On more dance before we leave?"

"I could tell from your facial expression that you were not liking whatever you were talking about so I thought I'd come to your rescue. What was it anyway?"

I told her and she said, "You want me to tell her I'm not giving you up so she can stop wasting her time?"

"You aren't giving me up? Did I miss something somewhere along the way? Maybe the part where I somehow became yours?"

"Just offering to help baby cakes; just trying to help. She isn't the only one here that wants you. I was talking to Nancy. I know her from church school and she was asking if we had anything going and I told her I was working on it and I swear the girl almost cried. When did you first realize that you had this magical power over us girls?"

I just shrugged. We finished the dance and then made our way around saying our goodbyes. Rich told me to call him in the morning and I said I would.

When we got to my place I started to walk her to her car and she said:

"Aren't you going to ask me in?"

I spent a quick two seconds thinking about it and decided that it would come to no good so I said:

"I don't think so."

"Why not? Afraid for your virtue?"

"Look Jess; I had a great thing going with your mother and it would be too damned awkward."

"You want me to stop dogging you? Take me inside, give me a cup of coffee and listen to me. After you hear what I have to say if you tell me to leave I'll go away and leave you alone."

When she put it that way I thought "Why not? What do I have to lose?"

She took a seat on the couch while I fired up the coffee maker. While waiting for it to start dripping I went and sat down with Jessica. She looked at me and said:

"Truth time. I'm not a virgin and I haven't been for some time. I'm not a slut, but I've been with maybe ten or so guys that I've made it with. I like sex and I enjoyed it with all of the guys I've been with. When I walked into the house the night I saw you guys she was screaming and begging. She had two orgasms in the time I watched and I could tell she was having the time of her life. She was never that way with my dad.

"The thing is that none of the guys I did it with ever made me act the way my mom acted with you. Ever since I saw you and mom I've been asking myself why no guy I've been with has made me scream. Was it because they didn't know what they were doing or is it me? Was I not capable of feeling what my mom felt? Then you were gone and mom was dating some guy she works with. When I saw you at Denny's and knowing mom was seeing another guy I decided that I'd take a shot at you. If I could get you to go out with me I could eventually get you into bed and see if maybe you could make me feel the way you made my mom feel.

"It could be that mom is super sensitive and easy to light up, but then again maybe it is you. I want to find out. How about it Rob? One night and regardless of how it turns out I'm out of your life."

I sat there looking at her and digesting her story. I was under no illusion that I was a super stud. The one thing I had going for me was that I believed in foreplay. My partner and I were usually fired up and ready when we got down to it because of everything we did leading up to it. I did of course wonder if I could give Jessica what she wanted, but I really didn't think that it was me that got her mother going. If anything it was because she was getting it after going so long without. I did have to admit that I was curious enough to want to try.

"One night and that's it?"

"That's it."

"Okay, but it won't be tonight."

I explained my theory of building up to it and said, "There is a party tomorrow at Sylvia Larson's. Meet me here at 6:30 and we will see what happens.


It was turning out to be the usual thing. We got to the party and sure enough Mickey, Nancy, Bev and Rich were there. At least this time both Mickey and Nancy had dates, but even so they spent a lot of time watching me and Jess. There were a few other guys there that Jess knew and she asked me if I would mind if she danced with them and I said no. Hey, maybe one of them would say or do something that would cause her to stop messing around with me.

While she was dancing with one of them and I was sipping a beer watching Mickey came up to me and asked:

"Are you ever going to talk to me again?"

"Why? What's to say? You pretty much covered everything the last time we had a talk. I didn't like what I heard then so why would I like hearing it again? No thanks Mick; talking to you leaves me feeling bad and I don't need that."

The music ended and Jess left her partner and headed my way. "Here comes my date. Got to go" and I walked away from Michelle.

For the rest of the evening I said no whenever some guy wanted to dance with Jess. She asked why the sudden change of heart. "I told you my theory of foreplay right? Well dancing is part of it so from this point on we will be working on building up heat."

A bit of a change when only an hour ago I was thinking that maybe one of the guys she was dancing with might get something going with her, but Mickey was watching and I felt a crying need to wind her up.

My dances with Jess from then on were slow and sensual. I molded myself to her and we rubbed. My cock into her and her tits into me. My hands stroked her body and she ran her hand over the bulge in my pants. After a while she said:

"I see what you mean. I'm ready to do you right here on the floor with everyone watching."

A quick image of that with Mickey standing there watching shot through me and my cock twitched. At the time it was pressed into Jess and she felt the twitch and giggled.

"Oh ho; the idea excites you. Want to do it? I will you know."

"You are evil."

"And you are going to love it."

Bev and Rich walked up to us and Bev said, "You two need to get a room."

Jess laughed and said, "I'm working on it."

Rich just looked at me and gave me a bemused smile as Bev said, "Barbecue at our place Sunday?"

"I wouldn't miss it" Jess said.

As Rich and Bev walked away I said, "I thought that tonight was the end. You said no matter how it turned out you would be out of my life. So why did you commit us to Sunday?"

"In the first place what I said was that IF you wanted me gone after tonight I would leave you alone. I plan on making your night so good you won't want me gone. In the second place I didn't commit us. I said I wouldn't miss it, but I'm betting that we end up going together."

I just shook my head.

When we left the party she slid over next to me and her hand went to my zipper. "We know what is going to happen when we get to your place so no reason that it can't start now."

DESC+++++ She begs, screams, orgasms, long night ^#

I woke to sounds from the kitchen. I found Jess at the stove.

"You don't have much here, but I did find some eggs and cheese so I'm making cheese omelets and you have bread for toast. You should be hungry after last night"

I was and I wolfed down what she made as she ate and watched me. When the food was gone she said:

"I need a shower. You want to scrub my back? And maybe my front?"


She rolled up on an elbow and looked at me. "Okay lover; it is decision time. Do I stay or do I go?"

"The truth of the matter is that from the standpoint of being nothing but bed buddies I would say stay, but other than that it would be a waste of both of our times. I like you and can see being friends, but there is no spark there Jess. Other than on a sexual plane there is nothing going for us."

"Ouch! That's pretty cold."

"Sorry Jess, but you deserve to know where you stand where I'm concerned."

"Okay then, friends it is. Friends with benefits right? At least till I go back to school?"

What the hell I thought, why not. If I stayed with Jess until she went back to school that would give Mickey more chances to see us together and since Bev told me that it pissed Mick off to see me with another girl I'd milk it for all it was worth.

"Okay. Until you go back to school."

"Goodie! I guess we are going to Bev's barbecue together after all. Now, what are we going to do for the rest of the day?"

"Not what we did last night and this morning or you'll have to take me to the hospital."

"Phooey; you're no fun."

We took in a movie that afternoon and went roller skating that evening. The night however was a repeat of the previous night and it was a very exhausted Rob who fell asleep around one in the morning.


Knowing Bev as well as I did I knew what I was going to find when Jess and I got to her place for the barbecue and sure enough Mickey was there with some guy and Nancy and her date showed up about ten minutes after Jess and I got there.

"Why do you do this to me" I asked Bev and Rich when I got them alone. Rich just shrugged and pointed at Bev and she said, "Because I know, even if you don't, that you and Mickey belong together. And if I can't make it happen the second best girl for you would be Nancy."