Robert & Alexis Pt. 04


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"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear the terrible news. Especially happening here at the resort." He said, sounding genuine.

"Thank you," I responded, trying to look disappointed, which wasn't that hard to do.

"Despite the most unfortunate of news, I'm afraid you can no longer stay here at the resort as a guest, due to one of the agreements you've violated with the resort."

I just stared at the hospitality manager, expressionless. I had trouble registering what he just said.

"Wait, what? What are you talking about? What agreement?"

The other guy with him conjured up an iPad from behind his back, handing it to him to which the hospitality manager used, tapping the screen a few times, followed by a few swipes.

"Is this your signature, Mr. Knapman?"

He turned the screen towards me where I saw part of a contract with what looks like my signature. It took another second for me to remember I did sign an agreement with the travel agent.

"Yes, but...," I started.

"As you can see, Mr. Knapman," Manu interrupted, flipping the screen back towards him and swiped the screen a few times before flipping the screen back to me, "here, it states you AND your wife have agreed to be guests at the resort for six days and six nights."

He highlighted a few sentences for me to focus on and read.

"Right, but...," I started again.

"Any changes to the original arrangement is in violation of the terms you have agreed. In which case, you must vacate the resort."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This has to be some kind of joke. For a moment, I thought I was actually dreaming.

"Wait, wait, wait. There has to be some kind of mistake. That, that can't be right," I protested.

"I'm afraid it is, Mr. Knapman. It's all on here in the agreement you've signed. Now, you will have until 12 pm to vacate the room. We do have options-"

"Wait, wait, wait! This is insane! You just can't kick me out! I paid for this room! I still have two more days!"

"Yes, well, I'm afraid, Mr. Knapman, under the circumstances you forfeit any kind of refund due to said violation of the terms."

"Are you fucking kidding me?! So not only are you kicking me out earlier but you're not giving me my money back? Who does that?!"

"Sir, please, calm down. There's no need for language like that. We will you assist you in any way of departing the resort..."

"Can't I just get another room?" I pleaded.

"I'm afraid it doesn't work like that, Mr. Knapman. This resort is fully booked until the next cycle next week."

"All the rooms in this big fucking resort is full? Are you fucking kidding me? There isn't one room available?" I yelled.

"No, sir. And please, watch your language."

I had to bite my tongue from spewing any more angry words. I took a few seconds to calm down.

"So what am I supposed to do? Where am I supposed to go? I'm not from around here, and the ship I came in on won't be here for another couple days. What do I do until then?"

"The nearest hotel is 50 miles away. We can call you a transportation serv-"

"50 miles?! Are you serious? That's not gonna work for me! My wife is here and I'm not going to be away from her!"

"Once again, according to our records, Mr. Knapman, you are no longer married. You said so yourself. We no longer have anyone who goes by 'Mrs. Knapman,' here at the resort."

I was so upset I had forgotten the dilemma I was in. This was truly becoming a nightmare wrapped in hell.

"Listen, there has to be a way for me to stay here until the ship comes back so I can go home. It's just for a couple days. I mean, c'mon, gimme a break."

I was hoping by the time the ship comes back, Alan will have his marriage with Alexis annulled so she could be married to me again before we go back home.

"I understand the predicament you're in, Mr. Knapman, but-"

"All my things are here. And so is my w-,...I mean...ex-wife's things," I said. It was both painful and awkward to refer Alexis as my ex-wife. I didnt think I would end up calling her that during our honeymoon.

"Ah, I see. Since Mrs. McCarthy is still a guest at the resort we can transfer all her belongings to her suite."

This brought very little comfort to me. Especially him referring to her as "Mrs. McCarthy." How was she able to stay here with Alan? I'm sure Alan did not plan on Alexis and I getting divorced only to end up marrying her.

The hospitality manager had to have thought the situation was bizarre. I guess he thinks it's not his business or just doesn't care. At least Alexis won't have to worry what's going to happen to her things.

"As for your belongings, Mr. Knapman, what we can do is hold onto them for you until you figure out what it is you want to do next."

"So, you have no problem holding my things but you have a problem when it comes to keeping me here?"

"On the contrary, Mr. Knapman. You see, we're not allowed to hold any personal property that does not belong to a guest at the resort. So as you can see, I am going out of my way, by not following the resort's guidelines, to assure your things are taken care of."

"Oh yeah, no, that's excellent customer service on your part," I said sarcastically.

"Nevertheless, Mr. Knapman, you do have very little time to gather your belongings and vacate the room. I can send over some help if you need it. You're more than welcome to continue taking advantage of the resort's accommodations."

I was still fuming when I heard this, but it meant that I can hang around the resort. I can still be near Alexis while I figure out what I have to do next.

What do I do next?


I fiddled with my wedding ring as I took another swig of my third beer. I spun it in circles, watching it twirl until it slowed and rested on the bar's counter.

Like the last time, there wasn't that many people at the bar. Especially since it's still pretty early in the day. I'm lucky the bars are open 24/7, because I wouldn't have known where else to go.

I managed to pack my things, and Alexis', in under an hour, finishing earlier than expected. Looking back at it, I don't know why I finished so quickly. I could've taken my time and left at the deadline.

Couple bell hops for the resort transferred Alexis' things to Alan's suite while another two took mines away, assuring me it will be kept safe and I could go to the front desk to retrieve it when I'm ready.

The only thing I brought with me was my backpack full of spare clothes and laptop.

When I closed the door behind me, I had no idea where I was going. I figured now was as good as time as any to drink my sorrows away.

After I finished my third beer, I switched over to whiskey. I needed something stronger to dull the pain.

I kept repeating everything that has happened over and over again. What could I have done differently? Did I brought this on myself? Does Alexis still love me?

Even though I felt shitty after everything I had done, I still found solace that Alexis was happy about the situation. Well, almost happy.

The only reason she was angry with me was because I started showing my true feelings about the whole thing. I did promise to be honest with her and tell her how I felt about her and Alan. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Was it out of fear? Stubbornness? Maybe a bit of both.

If she ever found out the real situation, I'm afraid it would be the final nail in the coffin that would end our relationship for good. I'm not ready to lose her. Not like this. I know Alan thinks I don't deserve her, but I won't give him the satisfaction.

I had to chuckle at that. He's been getting some satisfaction one way or another.

What kind of man takes pleasure being with another man's wife while the husband is fully aware? He has to be sick in the head, right?

Alan is Alexis' husband now. Remember?

I know that. But she doesn't love him. This is temporary. All in "good fun."

And what happens if he falls in love with her? What then?

That's not going to happen.

How do you know?

I tried drowning out the little voice in my head with whiskey.

I downed three of those strong drinks within 10 minutes. As more alcohol coursed through my system, I became more miserable. It's as if all my horrible feelings have amplified.

I guess I may have looked like a hot mess because someone who was sitting at the bar too noticed me.

"Trying to drown your sorrows in a glass or two," the man chuckled. "Been there."

I looked over to see who was talking to me. He's an older man. Maybe in his late 50s or early 60s with grey hair. He had a kind look about him. Like a grandfather ready to drop some very helpful life advice.

But I wasn't in the mood.

I returned my attention to my almost empty glass, without responding to his statement.

"That's okay. I know that feeling. If it makes you feel any better, that feeling will go away eventually."

I still didn't say anything. I just sighed deeply and took another small sip from my drink.

From my peripheral, I can see him moving. He got up from his seat and walked over to me, pulling a chair two seats away to sit down.

I closed my eyes in annoyance, already wondering what I have to say or do to get him to fuck off.

"Ya know, something tells me you haven't talked about whatever's bothering you with anyone. And I think," he says, getting comfortable in the seat, "what better way to share your troubles than with a complete stranger. That way, you'll never see them again."

I peered over at him to see him stick his hand out to me.


Reluctantly, I shook his hand.


"Nice to meet you, Robert." He gave me a firm hand shake. Pretty strong for a geezer. "Now, then, what's on your mind son?"

I looked away, feeling very agitated. I didn't want to have to tell this guy to go away, but I really wasn't in the mood. Yet, I still had trouble finding the words.

"I know, I know. Normally I wouldn't bother you, but after only two of these," he raised and slightly shook his glass of alcohol, "I can be a bit impulsive."

I only responded with an approving grunt.

"And I have this strange need to help others in trouble. Wife says it'll probably get me killed one of these days," he chuckled. "I bet that'll make her finally happy."

I didn't respond to his morbid joke.

"So tell me, son, what's the matter with you?"

"Look, sir...," I started.

"Uh uh. I said my name's Eddie. You only call old men, 'sir'," he joked.

I rolled my eyes as he laughed.

"Right. Look, Eddie, I don't want to be rude but, I don't think you can help me. So...," I trailed off, hoping it would be enough to get the message across.

Instead, Eddie smirked.

"You might actually be surpised. I've been through a lot in my 64 years on this earth. Looking forward to 64 more years of new experiences. If God wills it."

Great. He's probably Christian. Definitely won't relate. I'll probably scare him off. Wait a minute.

"Well, if you must know then, I was on my honeymoon with my wife until I 'persuaded' her to sleep with another man. Multiple times now."

I drank the last of my drink as I waited for him to call me a derogatory term before running away.

"Is that all? There must be more to it. Otherwise you wouldn't be feeling this shitty. Was that your idea? Or hers?"

What the hell? Was this guy for real? Is he some kind of weirdo?

I looked at him quizzically. Assessing him closely. Which was hard to do being a little intoxicated.

He didn't look like weirdo or a freak. He looked like anyone else.

"I don't understand why everyone gives me that look. People think I've been this old my whole life. Especially you kids these days," he laughed.

"Sorry, I...just didn't think anyone would...," I trailed off.

"What? Understand? Ha!" He scoffed. "I may know more that you. Maybe I can surprise you."

What does he mean?

I looked at him still.

"You mean...?"

"Oh, yes. I've dabbled a little with what you're going through." Eddie said, taking another sip from his drink.

"Wait, wait, wait. I don't think you heard what I said." I started.

"No, I heard you. I used to let other men sleep with my wife too," he said clearly.

I couldn't believe what he said. There are actual husbands who let their wives sleep with other men? It's fucking crazy!

"Why, why would you do that?" I asked, incredulously.

"Oh, we don't do it anymore. But back in the day, we dabbled in the arts of swinging," he chuckled.

I know "swinging" meant both sides gets to sleep with other people. Which is not the case with me.

"I'm not swinging. I mean, we're not swinging. It's just...her," I had a hard time saying.

"Ah, I see. You're a cuckold. Kudos to you, son. Not many husbands are brave enough to go down that road," the man named Eddie said, raising his glass to me before finishing his drink.

I wanted to correct him how I didn't want this in the first place. But then I thought, is that really true? I can't ignore the fact that I mastubated like crazy watching Alexis and Alan have sex. The thought of having a secret fetish I was unaware of started gnawing at me.

"How...," I stopped, waiting for the bartender to pass us before I continued, "How did you know it was something you wanted?" I whispered. "I mean, how were you able to let another man sleep with your wife? How did you deal with it? Did you have any regrets? What did she say? Did you even think you would-."

"Whoa, easy there, son! Sounds like you haven't been in the lifestyle that long. Hmm." Eddie looked at me seriously this time.

After studying me for several seconds, he glanced at his watch.

"Hey, Roy?" Eddie called for the bartender, holding up his empty glass. "Let me bother you for two more of these, and send it over to our table, yeah?" he asked.

"Sure thing, Eddie," the bartender replied.

"Come along, boy," Eddie said, getting up. "I think you and I need to have a talk."

I got up to follow him, not sure what exactly to expect from this guy I just met.

Eddie picked a booth from the bar that was far from anyone who could hear us. As soon as we sat, he began to tell me most of his "sexual endeavors," as he calls it.

I was surprised that a total stranger was opening up to me about their sexual past. I found myself fascinated as I listened to everything Eddie had to say.

He's been married to his wife, Helena, for over 30 years.

He met Helena at a business startup convention where they hit it off instantly. It was love at first sight. He showed me two pictures of her on his phone. One now and one when he met her. She actually looked good in both pictures. The picture where she's young reminded me of Audrey Hepburn. She really was pretty.

Not to say she wasn't pretty now. She looked good in the recent picture of her. She didn't look bad for her age. Her auburn hair was replaced with white and she had very little wrinkle in her face. I noticed she never did lose her sharp gaze. Her brown eyes were definitely her best feature.

Yet it's hard to imagine a woman like her willing to try anything kinky. She could be the face of the conservative dream. I guess you really can't judge a book by its cover.

"Yes, sir. My pride and joy. Can't imagine my life without her," he said.

"So you had no problem with her sleeping with other men?" I asked.

"Oh, that came later. It was just the two of us, I wanna say...12 years? That sounds about right. It was around that time our sex life was anything but existent. We didn't mind it at first. I think she could've gone the rest of her life without ever having sex again with me. But don't get me wrong. It wasn't because of my lack of performance in the bedroom. No sir," Eddie laughed.

"So why did you decide to do it?" I asked.

"I brought it up first. I told her that we could spice up our sex life if she wanted to. She gave me the cold shoulder at first but I wore her down in no time. We started off small. Bondage. It scared her at first. But that fear turned to excitement. The thrill of being helpless and vulnerable turned her into a different woman. After the first time, we practiced bondage for a month straight!"

Thanks to the picture of his wife when she was young, it wasn't that hard for me to envision her tied to a bed, naked and defenseless. It would've been a sight to see in person. Someone who looks so innocent can do something so kinky got me a little hard. It might've been the booze.

"After bondage, we decided to swing. It still surprises me to this day how quickly she took to it. I guess the thrill of being with another man besides your husband made her really hot and bothered."

"So you've slept with other women? After you married Helena I mean?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. I've had my fair share being with insatiable married women. It was quite a ride."

"And how did she like it?"

"She took it just fine. Helena had her fair share of sleeping with other men as well. And by 'fair share' I don't mean as much as me."

"What does that mean?"

"During that phase of our lives, she had only been with 3 men. While I, on the other hand...Hmm? Now that I think about it, I'm not sure how many I've been with."

It amazed me how this guy had been with so many women while married to a beauty like Helena. I would never do that to Alexis. I think.

"Why not so much on her end?"

"It wasn't really her thing at first. There were only a few who she really connected with. It bothered me at first but something about seeing her have a sexual relationship with another man while being married to me was very erotic."

Is there really something about watching your wife with someone else, sexually? Why is it a thing? I'm afraid how much I would grow to love it.

"And that didn't bother you at all?"

"Like I said, in the beginning, it did. But then after seeing her with the first guy, I couldn't help but feel excited. Does that sound familiar?"

I didn't say anything. I must've looked a little embarrassed because Eddie chuckled when I didn't say anything.

My thoughts went back to the first night I saw Alexis with Alan. I remember masturbating to them without even realizing. There was no denying what I saw got me really aroused. I knew it shouldn't have. But I couldn't help it. Ever since then, I was in denial.

Eddie took a sip of his drink before continuing.

"I went in thinking we were just going to do one-night stands with different people. It was just sex. But Helena took it a little further. It did frighten me a little bit. But that fear was a huge factor in my arousal."

"How so?"

"It's like being an addict. You know what you're doing is very risky but, my God, you can't help but get off on the thrill."

Is that what this is? A thrill? Is that what I'm experiencing?

"Weren't you afraid of losing Helena?" I asked him.

"Not at all. I trusted Helena and she trusted me. We still do to this day. We both understood what we were getting ourselves into. Truth be told, I never thought she would go for it."

"Why not?"

"She never did anything this crazy before. The only reason she went along was because of me. If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't have done any of it. That's why it's so important for any couple to be completely honest with each other with everything."

Even though I know what he's talking about, it didn't make me feel better. I hated how I couldn't be honest with Alexis.

In my defense, Alan has been blackmailing me to follow his messed up plan. Now that I've passed a point of no return, how do I tell Alexis everything without risk losing her?

"You still seem troubled, Robert? What exactly happened?"

I didn't know exactly how to tell him everything without telling him everything. If that makes any sense. A little advice definitely can't hurt right about now.