Rock and Roll All Nite


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"I was surprised to see you at the Kiss show. You don't look the type that likes them," she said.

"And you do, I suppose?" I answered sharply. Granted, I had short hair and didn't give off the rocker vibe, but she was the picture of conformists. In the eighties she'd have been called a yuppie.

"Touché," she answered. "How did you get into them?"

I smiled and debated whether I should tell her, "I don't know," I finally said. "I guess I heard 'Nothing to Lose' and liked it enough to buy their first album."

She laughed, "Of course you'd like the song about anal sex."

I shrugged my shoulders, "How about you?"

"I thought the album cover was cool. Four faces in makeup, offering no clue as to the kind of music they made. I figured it was worth a shot and I loved it."

"The asshole didn't like them, huh?" I asked.

"No, he's a Led Zeppelin guy. No one is as good as his blessed Zep." She frowned then and looked away.

"I'm sorry, Jody. I didn't mean to bring up a sore subject."

She forced a smile and handed me another beer. "It's okay. He thought he could push me around and I would just take it. I won't take shit from a man again."

I nodded and handed her another smore.

"John, are you dating anyone?"

I almost choked on my sip of Schlitt's.

"Uh, no."

"Would you let me take you to dinner tomorrow to complete my apology?"

"Are you asking me out on a date, mama?" I asked smoothly with a smirk. She was a fox and if I could get past her being a bitch, I would love to get inside her bell bottoms.

She straightened up in her chair and pulled back her shoulders, before saying, "Yep."

She smiled, and I said, "Sure, but are you sure you'll be okay with me being a plumber?"

"Yeah. I know you're nothing like my bastard stepdad. I'm fine with it."

I offered up my beer for a toast. "To a fresh start."

She tapped my beer with hers in a toast, and asked, "Could I have another smore?" I laughed and put a marshmallow on a hanger for her.

"You'll have to come over more often so I can teach you how to make a proper smore."

She smiled. I loved that smile.


She rang my doorbell the next night and I was shocked at the sight of her. She was stunning. Her curly hair was hanging down and she had on a sexy dress that showed off her shapely figure.

"You're amazing," I said, meaning to say she looked amazing.

She laughed and said, "Play your cards right, buster, and you might find that out."

She walked in past me and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Yeah," I said, "let me get my keys."

"Oh, no, buster. You're not taking me out to dinner in that work van. I'll drive."

I laughed and said, "Okay, but are you sure you just don't want to be embarrassed being seen in a plumber's van?"

"John," she said with a serious glare, "you being a plumber is not embarrassing for me. Don't ever think that. My issue with you being a plumber was related to my step-father, not the job, we talked about that."

"Okay. I was only kidding," I said as I grabbed my burgundy sport coat. It was corduroy and had elbow patches. I thought it was a snazzy look.

"Where are we going to dinner?" I asked.

"House of Hughes," she said. I was excited about that. It was a nice steakhouse where I'd never been.

I got a pleasant view of her legs as she drove, and I tried to not get caught checking her out. With her past issues, I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. I was excited and nervous about the date. I knew we started off on the wrong foot, but she was apologetic for that, and since we made nice, I enjoyed the time we spent together. And I did say she was a fox, right?

"John," she asked as we pulled into the parking lot, "you're not going to go all caveman on me and try to pay for this are you?"

I smiled, "Nope. I'm all up on women's lib. You can even open your own doors and pull out your own chair."

She slapped my shoulder playfully, and smiled, "Oh, no, big guy. You have to be a gentleman. Chivalry is not dead."

I was surprised when she took my hand in hers as we walked to the restaurant. She seemed to be comfortable with me, so I wasn't going to do anything to mess that up. I gladly accepted her hand and smiled at her to acknowledge it.

Dinner was uneventful but delicious. We had no trouble making small talk and enjoying ourselves. I was shocked she was the same person who was so cold to me when we met.


After dinner, we pulled into her garage and she asked demurely, "Would you like to come in for a drink or something?"

I smirked and asked, "Or something?"

She smiled as she looked at the ground. It was a cute shy act. I stepped closer to her and lifted her chin, "What if my idea of 'or something' is different from yours?"

"I think it might be fun to find out," she purred, "but I think they are pretty close."

"Okay, how about if we go to my place. I'll start a fire, open a couple of beers, and we can explore 'or something.'

Her eyes lit up and she took my hand before leading me towards my house. Her hand was warm in the chilly air, and I could feel her anxious energy. I hadn't thought that she would want to take me to bed, but I wasn't going to put up a fight. I was going to mess with her though. I couldn't resist.

I took her coat and said, "Give me a minute to get the fireplace going. Would you like a beer?"

"Yes, please," she answered as she walked into the living room. I noticed a bit more sway in her lovely hips as she walked away.

Once the fire was going, I stood and went to my hall closet. I found what I was looking for and sat in front of the fire.

"What's this?" she asked.

"What do you mean? It's Monopoly. I did say I wanted to do 'or something' didn't I? Oh! Your idea of 'or something' is different than mine, isn't it?"

The look on her face was priceless. She recovered from her shock and said, "If you open that box, I will throw it into the fire. Get over here and kiss me."

Not wanting to watch my favorite game go up in flames, I slid it to the side and leaned in to give her the kiss she asked for. As far as first kisses go, it was an all-time great. She tasted like mint, with a hint of Stroh's, and it was wonderful. Her lips were firmer than I imagined, but her touch was soft. She wasn't an aggressive kisser, and that surprised me as everything she'd done up to that point was aggressive.

She changed in a moment and broke through my lips with her tongue, reaching out for mine. I loved how she didn't jam it in and try to reach my throat. She was going for romantic, so I pulled her into an embrace and hugged her tightly.

She broke the kiss and looked at me with those doe eyes. "John, this isn't a one-night thing for you, is it?"

I kissed her cheek and said, "Look, I don't know where this is going. I've come around on my opinion of you and I like you a lot. Everything tonight has been at your pace. The date, the 'or something,' even the kissing. I'm perfectly fine slowing down and not going all the way tonight."

She looked at the fire and said, "I was afraid you wouldn't want to see me again if we didn't--you know."

I laughed. "Man, you've really dated some assholes, haven't you? I'm sorry, to break this to you, but I'm not like the other assholes you've been dating. I like you. You're a fox, you like good music, you drink like a guy, and you've got a stable job. If you want to slow down and see where this goes, I'm good with that. If you want to take me right here on the floor and jump my bones, I'm good with that too. But tomorrow, I'll take you out to breakfast and we'll plan our next date, either way."

"I like you too, John. Thank you for being so--you. Can we just cuddle on the couch and watch the fire for a while?"

"I can do one better." I slid over and reached behind the couch, where I had a large bean bag chair.

"That'll work," she giggled and curled into me on the bag.


Jody stirred and woke me as I lay uncomfortably, half on the floor, half on the bean bag chair.

She said, "I don't think I've slept that well in ages."

I laughed, "Easy for you to say. You had my comfortable body to lay on. I was on the floor." I wished I'd have listened to her and sat on the couch.

She kissed me and I didn't care about her morning breath.

"How about you go home and get ready, while I get ready here, and I'll take you to breakfast?" I suggested.

"Sounds good to me," she said, stretching her back.

A few moments later, I kissed her at the door and watched her walk safely across the street to her home. She waved as she opened the front door and I got chills from the cool blast of air that hit me before I closed my door. Maybe, it wasn't the cool air? Maybe, it was her? Was I falling for her?


A few weeks later, I was cutting my grass after work. The weather was warmer, and spring was in full bloom. The sunset was getting later as Memorial Day approached, and it was time to prepare for summer. I'd been dating Jody once a week or so, and I was falling for her as she turned out to be a great girl along with her beauty. I was in a great mood that day because I heard Kiss was in the studio making a new album. What could be better than my life at that moment?

I thought about the previous night and my date with Jody. She was quiet, but we had a good time going to a movie. I wanted to see Star Wars, but I settled for Smokey and the Bandit to appease her. She was very adamant that we do not see Star Wars. I guessed she wasn't into Sci-fi movies, but I didn't care enough to argue about it. We held hands during the movie and spent a few minutes kissing during the previews.

I watched Jody's house, anxious to see her when she got home from work, but she didn't get home by her usual time, and I had finished with my lawn work. I put the mower away and heard my phone ring. I answered hoping it was Jody, but it was my buddy Chris.

"Let's go see Star Wars tonight," he suggested.

I looked across the street and still didn't see any sign of Jody being home, so I agreed to go.

The theater was packed. It was a newer theater that was a big upgrade over the other one in town that showed only one movie at a time. The newer one had six screens showing six different movies. The biggest drawback was the line for the box office. There were only two windows for the six movies, so lines got a bit long, especially for new releases.

As Chris and I were moving through the line like snails, he was scoping it out for good-looking girls. You can imagine my surprise when he pointed out a great looking girl about ten people behind us in line wearing a Kiss T-shirt.

My stomach dropped and I said, "I'm not in the mood for the movie anymore. I'm gonna split."

I ignored his protests and walked towards Jody and the guy she was with, it happened to be the same direction as the parking lot.

"Nice shirt," I said as I walked by. She was so engrossed in the conversation with her date, she didn't realize I walked up to her. She certainly knew when she heard my voice, she started yelling at me to wait.

Like a coward, I took off and jogged towards my van.

I looked in my side mirror as I backed out of the parking spot and saw her running and waving me down. I ignored her again and only paid enough attention so as not to hit her with my van as I backed up as she approached.

I didn't understand why she didn't tell me she was seeing another guy. I also didn't understand why I was so upset about it. We weren't going steady. We'd only been on a couple of dates. I guess I expected honesty. Would she have told me about him if I asked? She asked me if I was dating anyone before asking me out, why didn't she tell me she was?

It couldn't have been spur of the moment either. I expected, based on the times of the shows, she was in line for Star Wars just as we were. That would explain why she didn't want to see it the previous night with me. She already knew she was going to see it with the other guy and didn't want to see it twice or didn't want him to know she saw it with me.

I still didn't understand why I was so upset when I pulled onto my driveway. I wondered if she was having sex with him. We hadn't gone all the way yet, but I was expecting it to be soon. Would I have to compete with another guy in the bedroom as well? I didn't think I wanted to do that.

She was a completely different person than when we met, well, since the concert. I really liked her and wanted to develop a nice relationship with her. I didn't realize I was competing with another guy and wish she would have told me. The more I thought about it, I came to understand that my issue was with her not being upfront with me. Her other guy would've been a good topic for small talk at one of our dates.

I started a fire in the pit and brought out the fixings for my smores. After a couple of hours and a six pack of beer, I heard a car pull up in front of my house and a door close. I figured it was Chris wanting to know what was up with me leaving the movie.

I heard the steps behind me and said, "Chair's in the garage, beer's in the cooler," without turning around.

"Thanks," Jody said and walked to the garage.

I shook my head and said, "Date was a dud, huh?"

She stopped but didn't say anything before continuing to the garage. I watched as she grabbed the lawn chair and walked towards me with purpose. Without making eye contact, she opened the chair and plopped into it, placing her hands in front of the fire to warm them.

"He asked me out last month," she said.

"So," was my brilliant response.

"So, what are you pissed about?"

"I suppose I'm not happy that you didn't tell me I had competition. It's not that I mind exactly. Well, that's not true, I'd rather you were all mine, but we've only been out on a couple dates. I understand you wanting to play the field."

"I don't want to play the field, John. I only went out with him because I forgot we had a date set. He knew the movie was coming out and wanted to see it with me. He set it up a month in advance. If I'd have remembered I'd have cancelled it, but when he reminded me at work, I felt stuck. You don't have any competition. I'm sorry I didn't cancel the date."

I laughed. "You see, Jody. I think you just lied to me. I think you knew you were seeing Star Wars with him tonight when we were out yesterday. That's why you wanted us to see the other movie so badly."

"Don't be a jerk. It was yesterday when he reminded me," she chided.

"Then why didn't you mention it last night? Why hide it from me? I noticed you didn't come home after work today. You didn't want me to see him picking you up right?"

"John, I'm not going to argue about this. I told him I'd see the movie with him, and I did. You're the one who's freaking out over it."

"I know."

"You're overreacting."

I sighed, "Yes, I am."

"Why? You have to understand..."

"Because I want you to myself, damn it!" I yelled, cutting her off.

She looked at me shocked.

"Can't you see, Jody? I want you to myself. I don't want to be a once-a-week guy for you. I want you every day. I don't want to fight for you. I want you to tell me I don't have to."

I took a deep breath and calmed down, "I hoped you felt the same, but I know it's too soon. I'm sorry."

With her mouth agape, she stared at me.

I stood and threw another log on the fire. She still hadn't said anything when I sat back down.



"I love you," she said, and she looked so scared. Damn, those doe eyes.

"I've never said this to anyone before, but I love you too. Why couldn't you have just said something to me about him. I might have understood as long as it was just the movie."

"Would you though?" She asked.

I sighed, "No, I would've sat behind you at the show."

She laughed, "John, my love, from this moment on, it's just you and me, okay?"

I smiled, "Okay."

"Besides," she said, "Jack's not the one getting lucky tonight."

My head snapped over to her.

She nodded, "Mm, hm. You told me you loved me too."

I laughed, "Shit! I'd have said that on our first date if I knew."

She frowned, "It would've been a lie."

"I was kidding," I begged. "I was honest with you when I said I didn't mind taking it slow."

"I know. That's how I knew you're the great guy I hoped you were."

I took her hand, "Jody, would you like to see my bedroom?"

"God, yes!"

I laughed and put the fire out. As we were walking to the house, I stopped her and asked, "This isn't a one-night-stand for you is it?"

She punched me hard in the chest. "Only if you suck in the sack."

I laughed and we made our way to my bed.


I'm not sure how we made it to the bedroom. Along the way, we shed all of our clothes and kissed as if our lips never separated. Her pale white skin was soft and silky, and I couldn't stop touching her. As we entered my bedroom, it was as if a switch went off and it was no longer exploratory. The passion exploded.

She dropped to her kneed and took my hard shaft in her hand, "John, may I kiss him?" She asked. What was I supposed to say, no?

I chuckled and said, "Sure, why not?"

She licked me from the base to the tip and began to kiss and lick my glans. I loved how she spent extra attention on the frenulum, and it felt like nothing I'd felt before. When she started to take me into her mouth, she paused and wiggled her tongue. I almost lost consciousness with the sensation. I swear I saw colors in the dark room as a chill ran across my body.

She looked up at me at the same moment I looked down at her and after that moment, we never broke eye contact.

Her hands roamed over my butt and legs and ultimately ended up stroking my balls. Her mouth never stopped, and I was close to coming.

"Jody, I'm close," I warned, and she backed off immediately.

"Sorry, big boy. I like to suck it, but I don't like the stuff in my mouth."

I lifted her up gently, "Jody, you can suck it all you want. If coming in your mouth is the price, then I'll be glad to pay it."

She slapped my shoulder playfully, and said, "So are you one of those guys that don't like to eat pussy?"

"You mean gay? Nope, not me," I led her to the bed and spread her legs.

I could smell her arousal and it drove me crazy. I wanted to dive in and do my best Eric Edwards impression on her pussy, but I resisted and took my time.

She had the cutest moan and I wanted to hear more of it. I began to crave it as I licked her neck and ear lobes. She didn't have the biggest breasts in the world, imagine a red-head version of Linda Ronstadt, but her nipples were long and made for nibbling.

She shrieked as I lightly bit as I sucked. "Easy, big boy."

"Mm, hm," I moaned without stopping sucking. She loved that, as she threw her head back and moaned again.

I felt for ticklish spots along her stomach and sides as I kissed my way down but was disappointed when I found none. When I hit the start of her bush, I couldn't hold back anymore, my patience was gone, I had to dive in.

She shrieked when my tongue hit her clit. Her salty lips were swollen as I licked my way around and finally ended up at her entrance. She was dripping wet and bucked when I pushed two fingers into her tight tunnel.

"Oh, John," she sighed.

I returned to her clit and smiled when she helped by spreading her lips for me. My fingers were still busy inside her and my other hand was cupping her soft butt.

"John, don't stop, lover. Oh, God! Oh, fuck!"

She thrashed in the bed and almost threw me off her, but like a rodeo cowboy, I hung on for dear life, added a third finger, and ate her through her powerful orgasm.

When she came down, her legs were quivering. "John, I..."

"Shush. I forgot to tell you I don't like it when you finish in my mouth."

Yeah, she slapped the top of my head. I thought it was funny.

She asked, "Do you always ruin the moment?"