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"Goodnight, my love," Josh whispered in Mike's ear. Mike mumbled goodnight as he was already drifting off.

Mike woke with a jerk, hearing his alarm blaring. He reached up above his head to the clock on the desk and smacked the off mechanism. He then felt the warm body behind him. He turned and Josh kissed him.

"Good morning, lover," Josh said with a smile.

"Good morning," Mike said as he got out of bed. He grabbed his robe and headed out to the hall and toward the restroom. Josh followed soon after. Mike was relieving himself at a urinal when Josh came in. Josh stood next to him and sighed as he let loose his bladder. Josh farted loudly and they both laughed.

"Mike, d..," he stopped short of using an endearment as Mike shot him a look of warning. "Sorry. Do you want to meet for lunch today?"

"Um, I don't know. I should have a break before our Writing class, but don't count on anything. If I don't see you, I'll meet you in class. Save me a seat, huh?"

"Sure thing."

They showered side by side in the open bay showers. Josh resisted the urge to help out his love. They dried and pulled on their robes. Josh led the way back to the room. Mike gasped at the time. It was already six thirty and he still had to find his classroom. He threw on some clothes, threw his book into his briefcase and headed out the door.

"Hey," Josh said with a small frown, walking towards the door quickly. Mike turned and Josh planted a hard kiss on his lips. "See you later."

"Yeah." Mike said with a little irritation at the delay. He then nearly ran out of the building. Josh dressed, grabbed his books, and headed to the English department.

Josh arrived at the cafeteria at 12:15 and was disappointed not to see Mike there. Josh got his food and found a table. He pulled out his World History book and began to read the day's homework. At 12:45, he packed his book, dropped off his dishes and headed to back to the English department for his writing class. As he arrived at the doors to the English building, Mike came running up.

"Hey," Mike said out of breath.

"Hey," Josh said, with disappointment in his voice.

"Class ran way long. The professor is a real windbag. I can't wait to get out on the field." Mike said.

"So, you didn't get anything to eat?" Josh's disappointment turned to concern.

"Nope," Mike said. "Good thing you got me these." He pulled out the bag of candy, half empty.

"Well," Josh said, "dinner will be on me. How about the buffet?"

"I wish I could, but I have a ton of homework for Sports already. I was thinking about grabbing a sandwich from vending."

"Yuck." Josh said, scrunching his nose. "I'll bring something then."

"Okay," Mike said as they entered the classroom. They got seats together and sat down for the day's offering.

Mike hustled back to the dorms. Now he had nearly three hours of homework to do. Josh's load wasn't so hectic, so he headed to the Union center, partly to let Mike get some work done, partly to relax. He lost three straight games of pool to three eager players. He then headed back to the dorms. He looked at his watch and decided that he would stop and get something from the cafeteria to take back to the room. It was Oriental Food Night. He ordered a bit of General Tsao's Chicken for Mike and Sweet and Sour Pork to share. For himself he ordered two orders of Shrimp Chow Mein. He grabbed a couple of drinks also. He balanced it all back to the dorm. He kicked at the door and Mike opened. Mike took some of the boxes from Josh.

"General Tsao's for you." Josh said as they opened the boxes, "and some S&S to share."

"What you get?" Mike looked over.

"Just Chow Mein."

"Wimp." Mike said teasingly.

"Whatever," Josh shot back, stuffing a big fork full into his mouth. "How's the work coming?"

"Not as hard as I thought it would be." Mike said as he stuffed his own mouth full. They ate in relative silence, with the exemption of the slurping and chewing. Mike flipped on his stereo and they both relaxed as they ate.

"That was good, thanks," Mike said as he threw away the box. "The cafeteria here is so much better than in high school."

Josh just nodded as he was still eating. Mike turned back to his work. Josh cleared his mouth and asked, "How much more do you have?"

"One more page of Sports, then I have to write those two paragraphs for Writing."

"Yeah, well I guess I better get busy," Josh said as he took the last bite of Sweet and Sour. "My work isn't very time consuming, but I don't want to stay up too late either."

Mike didn't answer. He was already engrossed in his work.

Two hours later, Mike closed his laptop and stretched. He looked over to Josh. Josh's head was down on the desk and he had fallen asleep.

"Josh," Mike said as he stood, "Josh, wake up." he lightly shook Josh's shoulder. Josh raised his head and turned to Mike.

"Huh?" Josh said squinting.

"You fell asleep doing your homework." Mike said.

"Damn," Josh said, coming awake quickly, "now I'll be up late. Did you get yours done?"

"Yup," Mike said with a grin, "I'm going to turn in now. Don't be too long, huh?"

Josh went back to his work. Mike pulled off his clothes and climbed into his bed. He was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Sometime later, he felt Josh slide into the bed with him. Mike copied his friend's position from the night before and soon fell asleep together.

Mike had set his alarm a little early for the morning. He crawled over his friend. Josh stirred.

"What time is it, love?" Josh said groggily.

"Four thirty."

"What the f..? Why so early?"

"I want to go running this morning. I have all sit-down classes today and I don't want to fall asleep in them."

"So come back to bed then."

"This will wake me more."

Josh reached out and took a hold of Mike's penis and slowly stroked it.

"This will work too," Josh said.

"Maybe, but not this morning." Mike said, pulling away. Mike pulled on his clothes, leaned down and kissed Josh. "Goodbye. Don't forget your 6:30."

"Yeah, whatever." Josh turned over and fell back asleep. Mike grabbed his bags and headed for the track.

About seven o'clock, Mike's phone beeped. Josh had sent him a message.

Mike keyed in his reply. <12:30. class until 12:15 meet you in café>

came the reply.

Mike finished his third class at 12:15 and headed quickly to the cafeteria. Josh was there with a plate ready. It was a grilled cheese sandwich with fries and punch. Josh had already finished his hamburger and coke.

"Hi, l..." Josh stopped himself and looked around. He leaned in and whispered, "Hi, love."

Mike shot him a look, but softened when he realized that Josh was trying really hard.

"How was your lunch?" Mike asked as he picked up the jam for his sandwich.

"Wasn't your mom's, but it was okay." Josh said, stealing one of Mike's fries.

Mike swatted Josh's hand. He ate quickly and looked at his watch.

"What else you got today?" Mike asked between bites.

"Only Physics at three. I'm going to the library to finish last night's work and get a head start on the new work."

"Good," Mike said as he finished off his fries. "I have to get to my English class. See you at the room."

"Yeah, I'll be there about six. How 'bout meeting me here after my class?" Josh said as Mike started to leave.

"Yeah, okay," Mike said quickly.

Josh shook his head. "That guy's going to wear out quickly."

Six twenty and Mike hadn't arrived yet. Josh was just about to go and get his dinner when his phone beeped.

It was Mike.

Josh dialed Mike's number.

"Hey," Mike said, cheerily. "I thought you said that you finished about six."

"Yeah..." Josh said with a little irritation, "I'm waiting for you here in the cafeteria."

"Oh," Mike said lost in his forgetfulness. "Oh yeah. Sorry. I'll be there in a sec."

"Whatever," Josh said as he thumbed off his phone. "Jerk," he said.

Mike came running in as Josh sat down with his tray.

"Sorry, man, I totally spaced it. What's for sup?" Mike said with a smile.

"Pork cutlet and mashers," Josh said deadpan.

"Hey, what's eatin' you?" Mike said, sitting down in front of his friend.

"I don't know. I just was hoping that you would remember dinner with me, I guess."

Mike looked hard into his friend's face. He saw something there that he hadn't realized before. He took Josh's hand and waited until he looked up.

"Josh, we need to talk. But not right here. I'll go get my dinner and then we will either go for a walk or something. Okay?" Mike tried to look upbeat, but Josh wasn't taking. Josh just shrugged.

Mike got a couple of quick items from the refrigerator and sat down across from Josh. Josh had finished and was thumbing through one of his textbooks.

'At least he hasn't left,' Mike thought to himself.

Mike ate his yogurt, vegetable mix and fruit cup. He then took hold of Josh's hand again.

"Ready to go, bud," Mike said pulling on Josh's hand to help him up. Josh let his friend help him up. Josh tried to keep a hold of Mike's hand, but Mike wouldn't keep it. Josh huffed a little but stayed near his friend.

"Let's leave our books at the front desk at the dorm so we don't have to carry them with us," Mike said, trying to keep the conversation light. "By the way, did you get your homework done?"

Josh just nodded when Mike finally looked at him.

"Good. I don't have much tonight and it won't take very long."

After leaving their bags, Mike guided Josh onto the trail that went around the campus. They walked without talking for nearly a mile. Mike then motioned to a picnic table in a wooded section near the south end of the campus.

"So, Josh, what's up?" Mike said, talking seriously.

Josh's eyes well up. He dropped his head onto his arm on the table. Mike put out his hand and tussled Josh's hair.

"Josh, dear," Mike said softly, moving his head close to Josh's ear, "you have put more emotion into our relationship than I have, haven't you?"

Josh nodded his head. He raised his face; tears streamed down from his eyes.

"After I confessed my love for you and you reacted, well, compliant, I thought maybe you and I were a couple. And I miss you when you're gone."

Mike looked hard into his friend's eyes and saw the desire there.

"Josh, dear," Mike said, trying hard not to sound too endearing, "I do love you, but not as you love me. I thought that you understood that. I don't mind being with you. I don't mind sleeping with you. I think it is kind of neat to have someone there to hold. But I am not going to be monogamous, with a male or female. I have yet to have sex with any girls here. As a matter of fact, the sex you and I have had is the only sex other than my fist that I have had since graduation."

Mike held firm to Josh's hand. "Now, if you can accept that our relationship is going to be a strong friendship with benefits, then I am all for it. If not, well then maybe one of us needs to find a new room. I don't want to find a new room or roommate. I want to stay with you. Do you understand my position?"

Josh wiped his eyes and nodded. "I'm sorry, love. I put way more into this than I should have. I was just hoping that you would begin to feel the same way I do." He smiled and squeezed Mike's hand. Mike returned the squeeze. Mike looked around, found no one and leaned over toward Josh. Josh met him with soft lips and they kissed quickly.

"Okay, then, I assume that we can remain roommates and friends." Mike said as he stood.

"Friends with benefits," Josh added with a laugh.

"Yeah, with benefits," Mike said with a smile. Josh squeezed Mike's hand again and let it go.

Back in the room, Josh sat at his desk, reading up on his next day's class while Mike did his homework. Mike's head kept drifting down, showing he was having trouble staying awake. Josh moved to his friend, spun his chair around and quickly undid Mike's pants. Mike didn't protest the distraction and helped wiggle out of his pants. He then pulled his shirt off and leaned back while Josh slowly stroked his penis. Josh smiled and lowered his head to Mike's lap, taking all of Mike's penis into his mouth. Mike gasped as Josh sucked him down deep. Josh then began to bob his head, pressing his tongue hard against the sensitive part of the penis. Mike moaned with delight and then began to pant. Mike put his hands on Josh's head as Josh cupped Mike's balls with one of his hands. Mike's hips began to react and soon, Josh sensed Mike's penis swell. Mike thrust up hard, spewing a large wad into his friend's mouth. Josh moaned, sucked, and swallowed each wad shot by Mike. He continued to suck out all Mike would give him until Mike's penis shrank again.

"Thanks, dear," Mike said, winking at Josh, "that woke me right up."

"I thought it might," Josh said smiling up at his partner, "but don't be too much longer."

"I won't," Mike said, tussling his friend's hair. Mike then leaned down, and kissed Josh. Josh shuddered and blushed. Mike turned back to his work.

Twenty minutes later, Mike slammed his book shut and announced that he was done.

"Hurray," Josh said, raising his arms above his head.

"Now, let's get to bed," Mike said, taking Josh by the hand, helping him undress and settling into bed. Josh lay behind Mike. Josh's penis was rock hard.

"Oh, dear," Mike said playfully, "I guess someone hasn't gotten off yet tonight. Tell you what, why don't you dry fuck me from behind."

Josh shivered as his friend moved onto the bed, snuggling his ass against Josh's hardness. Mike reached behind himself and took a hold of Josh's hard member and guided it between his legs. Josh shuddered again as Mike squeezed his legs tight around his friend's rod. Josh began to move back and forth, and Mike countered. Shortly, Josh began to pant and moan. He thrust harder and harder until he finally growled and thrust hard. The first wad shot clear across the bed and onto the floor. The next one, on the sheets and finally the rest dribbled out onto Mike's leg. Mike sighed, and Josh squeezed tight to him, leaving his softening member between his friend's legs. They soon passed into deep sleep together.

The next few days and weeks were hectic. Mike's schedule hit full swing and Josh's schedule settled into its mundane way. Josh realized that this would be how their relationship would continue and didn't mope any longer. But he still pined from time to time when Mike got really busy and forgot about his friend. They still slept together at night, but their fun time grew less and less.

Josh would leave little 'friendship notes' around the room for Mike. Mike just chuckled, but he kept each one of them in a drawer of his desk.

Mike finally had sex with a girl nearly three weeks after school had started. He had met her on the trail one morning and they went out to dinner that night. After dinner they walked down a spur of the campus trail that led through the woods behind the campus. A mile or so up the trail, she pulled him into a clearing hidden from the trail. She kissed him and reached her hand into his pants, stroking him until he was hard. He didn't resist and put his hands into her shirt to feel her firm breasts. They then discarded all their clothes. She moved to a fallen log and leaned up against it with her legs wide open. He took the hint and moved to her, rubbing his penis against her hardened clitoris and across her wet hole. She moaned as she pulled him to her, locking her lips to his. He slid his penis into her wetness, and she gasped as he thrust hard up into her. She sighed and sagged against him. He began a slow, but steady stroke, pulling out each time. She finally got impatient and thrust her hips to him. He gave in and thrust fast and hard into her. He growled and she moaned loudly as they hit their mutual orgasms. She held him tight until his penis slipped from her dripping hole. She kissed him lightly. He stood, helped her dress, and then dressed himself. They kissed lightly again, and Mike escorted her to her dorm building.

When Mike arrived back at his room, Josh was doing his homework. Mike sighed as he sat down. Josh spun around and looked at his friend.

"You had sex," Josh said with a knowing smile.

Mike just nodded. Josh kept smiling as he moved to his friend and kissed him lightly.

"I assume that it was good," Josh said, sinking to his knees in front of his friend. Mike just nodded again as Josh opened Mike's pants and pulled out his penis. Mike's member grew quickly, and Josh sniffed at it.

"Oh, she was sweet one," Josh leaned forward and licked Mike from balls to tip. "Oh, yeah, she was sweet."

Mike moaned and pushed up with his hips, showing that he was rearing to go. Josh took Mike's member into his mouth with one quick slurp and quickly began to suck, lick and bob. Mike didn't last very long. He thrust hard after only a minute or two, filling Josh's mouth with his seed. Josh sucked out all that Mike had to offer and all of the girl's sweet juices from Mike's flesh.

"God, Josh," Mike said, panting, "you're damn good at that. How did you learn that?"

Josh blushed and turned away.

"Sorry, dear," Mike said, running his finger around Josh's ear.

"No," Josh said turning back, "it's alright. Confession time, but let's get comfortable together."

Josh stood and took off his clothes, getting ready for bed. Mike took the cue and followed Josh's lead. They moved to the bed. Mike got in first and pushed his back to the wall. He held the blanket up to let Josh into the bed with him. Josh snuggled in, putting an arm over the waist of his lover.

"Comfy?" Mike asked quietly. Josh nodded and leaned into Mike for a kiss. He pulled back and looked into Mike's eye.

"Okay," Josh said, his face red as a beet. "Well, I learned that"

Mike gasped, "No fuckin' way."

Josh nodded. "She didn't actually do it to me. But she taught me with vegetables and one of her dildos. Her favorite thing was to ply herself with a dildo and then give it to me to suck on. It was the only way I was ever going to taste her. Anyway, as a graduation gift (graduating from her school of Magnum Cum Lotta") she told me she had a special treat. She had brought home one of her boy-toys. She got him all worked up with her breasts and teasing ass. She told him that she wanted him to be blindfolded during their foreplay. He was so struck with her that he would go walking naked through the Catholic Church if she asked him to. So, she blindfolded him and then quickly tied his arms behind him. He complained for a good two minutes. She motioned me out of her closet, and I knew what to do. I kissed his member and then licked him from balls to tip. I then opened wide and sank down to the hilt in one full push. The boy gasped and thrust with his hips. I took him well, as my sister had taught me. I then began to bob my head. His tip slid easily into my throat with each thrust down. I felt his member grow and the boy growled and thrust his hips forward. I sank down full and sucked hard. The boy growled again and shot again. I pulled back then and began to suck out all that he had. He ejaculated three more times into my mouth. It was my first taste of another male's come. It wasn't the best in the world, but at the moment I didn't care.

"Anyway, when he shrank, I quickly and quietly left to my own room. A few minutes later I heard my sister cry out with her orgasm. A few minutes after that, she knocked on my door. She stepped in wearing her robe, which she let hang loose after she entered.

She asked how I liked what I did, and I told her it was great. She smiled and kissed me on the cheek. She then left me to stroke myself to sleep.

"Wow," Mike said watching his lover, "that's incredible. Have you had many more dicks since, I mean besides mine?"