Sacred Ice Bucket Quest


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"Ready to wash the funk off," Kiko asked.

"Yeah... but the memory will remain..."

"Tell me about it," Angela said grabbing a towel and leaving Kiko and I alone.

"Ummm..." we said together and laughed.

"Lunch," I asked.

"I am starved." She said.

"Great sex does that."

"So, the three of us then," Kiko offered.

"Great! As long as I can spend some more time with you," I told her feeling a bond beyond just the sex and hoping she did too.

"Good we agree on that..." she began and actually blushed.

This must be the sober quieter Kiko I was speaking to; I liked it. I showered and put my clothes back on and the three of us headed back to my room so I could change into some clean clothes and tell my friends I was alive and very okay. The room was as I had left it so I quietly snuck in, changed and left a note about my location. I grabbed my wallet and cell phone for good measure just in case they called looking for me. Then arm in arm the three of us made for the elevator and the outside world.

Friends with Benefits:

The three of us sat around the glass topped table in the outside courtyard of the restaurant. I ordered a lot of food and ended up eating only half of it gotta love leftovers. We made small talk and there was an eerie silence from time to time.

"So what brought you lovely ladies to the hotel last night?" I asked.

"Cancer celebration," offered Angela.

"Huh... I don't understand," I said.

"Angela found a lump in her left breast and had it checked out."

"It was benign... there's nothing scarier than breast cancer!"

"So we decided that kind of news deserved a girl's night out."

"Okay... that I understand... my mom died of lung cancer so I get the massive sense of relief," I shared.

"Oh... I am so sorry to hear that!" Kiko said squeezing my hand.

"How old," Angela asked.

"She was 56."

"No... I meant you, how old when she passed?" Angela asked.


"So not that long ago," Kiko said.

"It's been a little over three years now."

Another awkward moment of silence crept into the conversation so I took a long draw on my soda before speaking again.

"So Kiko what are you studying here in dear old Arkham?"

"I am a student at Miskatonic University for language and archaeology."

"Wow... do you have Professor Pickman for 'The Study of Esoteric Runes and Cuneiform'?"

"No but I take that next semester..."

"I student teach in a few classes at dear old M.U." I told her.

"Which classes?" Angela asked.

"I help out in Sanskrit 101, Aramaic 201 and an advanced pottery class."

"Pottery," Angela asked.

"Yeah... to better understand clay artifacts it is good to get your hands dirty and go through the process that they did all those years ago."

"You sound so passionate about it Matt," Kiko said.

"My father told me about the King Tut train that ran through the country way back and how it thrilled him and I guess it just sort of caught on."

"Is your dad still...??? I am sorry..." Angela began.

"Oh that old fart, he's as healthy as a horse."

"So what does your father do for a living?" Kiko asked getting caught up in the conversation.

"He teaches too... at Miskatonic... Professor of Metallurgy, Archaeology and History; triple PHD and working on his fourth but he's taking his time with that one."

"What's your last name Matt?" Angela asked holding her breath.

"Atwood... my father is Kevin Atwood."

"I have had your dad in a couple of classes... he's..."

"Brilliant... I know."

"So when you finish your degree are you going to try and teach at Miskatonic?"

"Yeah... I am working with my dad actually to finish this degree. He is teaching me sword making... he took a sabbatical when mom died and trained under a sword smith in Japan actually to learn the art of the Samurai. He only returned to teaching last semester."

"But sword craft takes years..." Kiko trailed off.

"Told you he is brilliant," I said smiling.

"How did he convince... wait who taught him how to forge a samurai?"

"Family name is Masmune he said."

"What?" The color drained out of Kiko's face. "But Master Masmune doesn't just take an American apprentice and not for so short a period of time."

"I forgot to mention my father is very charismatic."

"As is his son," Kiko smiled with just the hint of a blush. "Are you the only one he is currently teaching?"

"No, I am the only one he will teach and when I have a son he will be the only one I ever teach."

"I see... smart, charming and honorable... "Kiko murmured.

"Perfect to bring home to mom," Angela added with a smirk.

I felt my own cheeks burn when that was said. I returned my attention to my food and nibbled at it when my phone rang.

"Sorry, it's probably the guys wondering where I am."

"Understandable we were just about to visit the ladies room anyway."

They got up and I heard the barking sound of my best friend and soon to be groom over the phone's speaker.

"Where the hell are you?"

"Restaurant not far from the hotel..."

"...we are late checking out and..."

"...I took care of it."


"I paid for another day so relax, take your time and enjoy the gorgeous day."


"You got lucky last night didn't you?"

"Yeah, I did."

"You're out doing lunch with her."


"Actually.... actually what?"

"Having lunch with... them."


I could hear the uproar in the background as the others chimed in.

"Ask him how many is them?" chimed in Mike Shea another close friend.

"I heard him... two."


Uproar in the background that was followed by cheers and whistles.

"You dog!! Fucker... selfish fucker!!!" and other similar cries of foul could be heard as well.

"You guys were all passed out, hell when I came in to change you were still asleep."

"Mark that off your bucket list dude," the bachelor said with a smile in his voice.

"That and a few other things," I couldn't help but rub their noses in it just a little.

More cries of foul and worse could be heard as the girls returned and sat back down.

"Your friends," Kiko asked.

"Yeah," I said still on the phone.

"Put us on speaker dude!" came a voice in the background.

"No I am NOT putting your guys on speaker."

"Do it," said Angela.

"Huh?" I said.

"What?" said Kiko.

"I wanna mess with their heads... oh come on I grew up with three older brothers I know exactly what's going on here."

"They asked... I wasn't bragging..." I tried.

"You should," Angela said. "Now put them on speaker for me."

Shrugging I pressed the button and set the phone down in front of Angela.

"Hello boys!" Angela purred and through the cacophony of voices came shouts of...

"Hey beautiful! She sounds so hot!!"

"You guys really missed a show last night..." she lowered her voice and brought the phone up to her mouth so the other patrons didn't hear what she said next. "He made Kiko come like six, no seven times... then when he was done with me I must of come eight or nine times including feeling him shoot a load deep in my tight little ass!"

"Angela!!" Kiko blurted out in shock.

"Well he did." Angela said matter of factly.

"True... but you don't have t share that with perfect strangers."

"I bet if I wanted none of them would be strangers for long..." Again came the chorus of male voices begging for her attention but she shut them all down. "But after fucking Matt... I don't know if any man could satisfy me like he did."

I rolled my eyes and heard the good natured laughs from my friends. They may be horn dogs but they respected what a girl had to say.

"Point taken," came Mike's stoic voice. "Catch ya later Matt!!" Click.

"You have an evil streak you know that?" I told Angela.

"Yes... yes I do and an eager body whenever you need it."

"Angela!!" Again Kiko blurted out her name and blushed feverishly.

"We do share everything don't we?"


"And we have had some great times haven't we?"


"And if you two get serious you know I'll back out right?"


"So until then..."

"He will be having the time of his life."


As Time Goes By:

I held Kiko in my arms as we danced at my friend's wedding and she snuggled close; I could feel her heart beating in time with mine. Her eyes were closed and she let me guide her safely through the other dancers with perfect trust... perfect trust... that really defined our relationship.

True we were still a triangle with me in the middle. Oh Angela would go off and find some boy toy to screw for a few weeks but then inevitably she would return to my bed at all hours of the morning sometimes drunk and horny other times in tears.

Sex with Angela was always rough and tumble there was never any real intimacy attached to it. Since quite often it was sex outdoors that appealed to her most or better still sex in public places. I could sometimes make her happy by taking her to a park and bending her over a tree or bridge... you get the idea.

But it was the chance of getting caught that really got her pussy soaked. She is just as likely to sneak under a table with a table cloth and give me head at a nice restaurant as say oh I don't know breathe. And she swallows each and every time which is a huge factor in her favor, she loves the taste of my cum. The first time she did her 'Houdini' as she called it, was at a five star place owned by a friend of my father. I had to explain to the waiter that she had a touch of the flu and was in the ladies room all the while she was deep-throating me from under the table. I had long since learned how to act 'normal' while Angela did her thing. Of course 'Houdini' was always followed up by a fierce grudge fuck on the hood of my car. I would be ramming my cock into her while I scolded her for her bad behavior and she loved me for it.

Now road head has always been a passion of mine and only Angela is comfortable and eager to perform it so that has always been one of our things. She even let me put a collar on her and lead her around a Sci-Fi convention as my pet Orion slave girl. Green body paint everywhere; I could only imagine the maid who cleaned up after our love fest leaving emerald crime scene outlines over sheets, walls and the tub. That year we came in third in the costume contest and I received over twenty phone numbers tucked between Angela's tits. I still get emails from time to time from eager fans of mine and hers.

On the other side of the sex life coin was Kiko. When we hooked up alone it was pure intimacy and sex was really making love. There were very passionate moments but there were also tender moments that Angela and I would never share. As time wore on and Christmas break got closer and closer the three of us rarely hooked up together it was either or. Fall gave way to winter and my annual trip to Arizona was all planned and I went to my dad to see if he minded a third person coming along this year. I was shocked and thrilled when he said Kiko's name I think he knew where Angela fell into the mix, he was a genius after all. We had been going meteorite hunting for fifteen years now and it had been one of the things that helped me get over mom's passing. I went digging even while he was over in Japan learning the art of sword making. I videotaped each adventure so we could relive it when he got home. I remember moth balling the house in Arkham and heading off with mom, dad and me to travel all over the place. Some kids spent their Christmas' opening presents; I spent mine digging up meteorites, or rafting down the Amazon or Sun Dancing with the Sioux. My dad had friends everywhere and I often wondered what normal was because my childhood was anything but. Kiko was anything but. She was an amazing woman who had a great mind, body and wicked sense of humor. She was not afraid to push the boundaries but it just wasn't as often as Angela and I guess that made it all the more precious to me.


The furniture was covered in sheets earmarked for just this occasion and the security company was called to do regular drive bys to keep an eye on the old house while we were gone. Our next door neighbor, Mrs. Rainer, would be picking up our mail as she had for all of these years.

"It's the least I can do," she would always say and this year was no different. "It's nice to see that Matthew has such a beautiful girlfriend."

Kiko and I both blushed but my dad, as always, never missed a beat.

"Oh she is more that gorgeous she is brilliant as well one of my best students in the last twelve years or so."

Kiko went way past blush and reached crimson in mere heartbeats.

"Sensei Atwood-san you are too kind." I knew she was extremely nervous when she mixed her Japanese and English that way.

"Told you he was a charmer," I whispered in Kiko's ear.

"Yes you did."

"No whispering..." my dad said smiling, "and Kiko you can call me Kevin while we are on vacation, well that or dad your choice."

"Okay Kevin," she said softly still uncomfortable with the name but it was better than dad.

"I think we are ready to go," I added to move things along.

"That we are, let's go kids."

We were off heading west and south for the great meteorite hunt! Dad had purchased the latest and most option filled SUV that his car dealer had on the lot. Funny how that happened... every year that we had been going cross country dad purchased a new vehicle and every year that particular vehicle was available down to the very last detail. He said it was coincidence but I knew better, he ordered this year's SUV months in advance with the option of trading in his 'old' one for the newer model. I believe it was his Christmas present to himself and the family.

We all took shifts driving and Kiko was thrilled at the way the vehicle handled and the satellite radio was a god send on those lonely patches of America where there were no normal radio stations to be had. While she thought we slept she would dial in some classic Japanese music and would softly sing along. She had hidden another talent of hers an amazing singing voice. After her third night driving we called her on the fact that we were asleep and blushing she switched to one of my rock n' roll stations and the three of us joined in on singing 'Don't Stop Believing.'

"You young lady have been holding out on us," my father mocked scolded her once the song had ended.


"You are an amazing singer!" My father and I both told her. Blushing she smiled but remained silent.

"We need to get her on American Idol or something," My father offered but Kiko shook her head vehemently.

"I don't do audiences!" she was almost crying now.

"Hey... hey it's okay we were just joking." I told her and touched her shoulder.

"I am sorry Kiko I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," my father apologized faster than I have ever seen in my entire life.

He must realize how serious the relationship has become and didn't want to jeopardize things. We drove in silence until Kiko was ready to have me take over. She pulled the SUV over somewhere in the middle of god's country or what our GPS told us was southern Missouri. We would have been further but road conditions due to massive snow amounts had slowed us in some spots to a crawl. Kiko and I swapped places as my father snoozed away in the back. I buckled up and started driving but Kiko only knelt on her seat facing backwards and looking to make sure dad was really asleep. His soft snoring came in a rhythmic pattern and once she was sure she turned around and looked at me with an evil glint in her eye. In the predawn light she positioned herself so that her face was over my quickly growing erection.

"I know that Angela gives you road head... I don't want you to feel she is the only one willing to pleasure you like that."

Kiko slowly unzipped me and deftly freed me from my boxer-briefs. She gripped the shaft with one hand and reached in and cupped my balls with the other. Slowly she lowered her mouth over the head of my cock and breathed on me.

"You want this?"

"You know I do."

"Tell me Matt... what do you want from me."

"I want to feel your lips wrapped around my cock..."

" Matt, tell me what you WANT!"

"Oh god baby I want to come down your throat!"

"Mmmm that's what I want too."

She took the head of my dick into her mouth and began to lick and suckle and by god Angela had never turned me on the way Kiko did. It took all my effort to keep the vehicle on the road. Soon she was lowering her head and more and more of my length slipped into her warm wet mouth. She started humming sending jolts of pleasure through me and it took everything not to lose it right then and there. She freed her hand that had been teasing my balls and licked that index finger before returning it to teasing me below. Kiko took the slick index finger and began to tease my anus and once this was begun her head was bobbing up and down the entire length as she deep-throated me.

"Oh god baby I don't know how long I can last..." I whispered.

"Doesn't matter..." she said taking a brief break from pleasuring me, "this is for you after all."

She returned to taking all of me down her throat and as she felt my cock begin to swell her index finger stopped moving and was positioned to enter my ass. Kiko licked and sucked harder than ever her cheeks caved in as she applied more pressure and when I could take it no longer she rammed her finger deep into me and I nearly crashed the SUV as the most powerful orgasm I have ever had crashed over me. I managed to keep the vehicle on the road and was thankful for two things. One... my father didn't wake up and two... there were no cops to see my erratic behavior on the road. Kiko true as always swallowed every drop of cum and licked and sucked me clean and dry.

"Damn girl what you do to me!"

"Good... can't wait until I feel your iron hard cock in my virgin ass."


"I have been thinking and there are things I am not giving to the man... I mean..."

"I love you too Kiko."

"Oh Matt!"

In another spontaneous moment she once more lowered her mouth onto my cock that had gotten almost painfully hard upon hearing 'virgin' 'ass'. Kiko sucked me off in frenzy of mouth, tongue and fist. She pumped the shaft in long quick strokes while her mouth and tongue worked the tip. She was eager for another taste of cum from her lover and she meant to get it before dad woke up. But...

"Hey that's not fair..." my dad's voice drifted up from the back. "Waking up and seeing a beautiful woman giving road head out in the middle of nowhere."


"Would you rather I sat back and just watched?"

"Yes," Kiko chimed in.

In all my years a woman has never said something to shut my dad up until that moment and by the gods he closed his mouth and was silent. Kiko never let up her assault on my cock and with some difficulty I finally came knowing that my dad was watching the entire scene.

"Delicious," Kiko crooned after once more licking and sucking me dry.

"Hell of a show young lady!" My dad chimed in.

"Damn you two!" I cursed.

"Busted!" they said in unison.

"What?" I said stunned.

"Kiko and I talked while you were asleep the other night."

"And your father and I agreed if the three of us are going to be sharing the same house that..."

"...whoa... sharing... you evil little minx you!"

"I asked your father how he felt about our relationship."

"I told her you would be a fool to let her get away."

"Then I told him how loud I got when having sex."

"You told him that?"

"Yes, he was going to find out at some point."

"So we decided upon an experiment."

"Experiment? Oh dear god!"

"So to show him how loud I got I masturbated for him."

"And I tell you she didn't hold back... so I've decided to move your bedroom to the one on the far side of the house."