Sacred Ice Bucket Quest


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"Well I am glad that is settled..."

" you're not upset?" Kiko asked.

"You diddled your pussy in full view of my dad..."

"...diddled... interesting term but accurate."

"I... I don't know what to say," I moaned but then realized they had once more mind fucked me.

"Oh fuck you two!" I hollered as they broke out in tears.

"Son... I am sorry I woke up while you two were... while she was giving... I mean... fuck it I am going back to sleep wake me when we get to the next truck stop!"

"You have really gotten to my dad," I told Kiko.

"Yes I have!"

"I have never seen another woman besides my mom rattle his cage like you do."

"He needs it."

"You really think so?"

"Besides having another love interest he needs someone to give him some good natured shit from time to time."

"And you discovered this how?"

"My uncle is just like him. He had the love of his life and lost her suddenly and it tore him apart. He drowned his life in work and it wasn't until I set him up with a friend's mom that his life returned to some sort of normalcy."

"So do you know any other hot Japanese MILFs to hook my dad up with?"

"Yes I do... but it wouldn't be a perfect stranger."

"What do you mean?"

"My uncle is Akira Masmune..."

"No fucking way!"

"Yes and his one and only daughter happened to be Mariko Masmune..."

"Mariko..." my father's voice drifted up from the back seat.

"Damn! That explains why he left so quickly..." now my brain was in overdrive. "Wait! That night at the hotel?"

"Pure... unadulterated... chance... I swear."

"Oh I believe you... I wasn't even supposed to stay the night at the hotel I had plans for the next day. So what happened to Mariko?"

"She has been pining away for your father ever since."

"She has!" Now my dad was wide awake and sitting up.

"A single word from you and she would leave it all behind, her words not mine." Kiko said.

"I don't know... I couldn't let her do that..."

"And she couldn't let you leave your life behind either."

My dad broke out into tears and I pulled the SUV over.

"Dad!" I looked him straight in the eye. "If you need to go back I'll understand don't let me stand in the way of your happiness, in case that's what it was I mean..."

"I felt so guilty, it being so close to your mom's passing and..." he paused to catch his breath. " started out so innocently but grew so quickly into something more. I left out of guilt but I can see that was wrong plus I wasn't sure how you would react to your mother being replaced."

"No one can replace mom, but if she makes you happy... you know mom wouldn't want you to be alone the rest of your life."

"I know where your keen intellect came from," my dad told me. "I can also see where that big heart of yours comes from too. I should go... like... now. We need to make a detour."

I have never seen my dad so excited it was like he was twenty years younger and it looked good on him.

"Kiko can you contact Mariko and tell her that he's going to on his way?"

"Already have..." she said with a wicked smile.

"What?" Dad and I said as one voice.

"Come on... woman's intuition. I have been in touch since Matt and I got together. I wouldn't have otherwise you understand."

Dad nodded and smiled as we googled the nearest international airport and while I was pulling into the next truck stop to stretch legs, get more soda and snacks; dad was booking a flight to Japan and Kiko and I were deciding on how to spend our Christmas vacation. We decided on a road trip with no apparent destination just drive and enjoy. Dad decided on St. Louis and called our neighbor for a favor; she was to overnight his passport to a hotel near the airport and there we would stay and say our goodbyes once the passport had arrived and his flight plans finalized. We traveled north and followed the highway dotted with small towns and strip malls all along its scenic route.

"Stop!" Kiko cried out two hours into our four hour journey.

I quickly but carefully pulled over the SUV while she got out and almost ran to a dilapidated corrugated steel outbuilding. The faded rusting sign said 'Meteorites and Other Oddities.' When I read meteorites I knew she was thinking we might not actually reach Arizona and go digging so why not pick up a memento en route. My dad was grateful for the chance to stretch his legs and feel the winter air both chill and invigorate him.

A bell rung as Kiko pushed open the reluctant door that had swelled and warped over many seasons. The interior appeared much as I expected it to, assorted tables of wood, plastic and metal covered with ancient boxes of wood, cardboard and plastic. The boxes were filled with all manner of crap but it was the northern wall that was dedicated to rocks, geodes and yes even supposed meteorites. Arrow straight Kiko headed over to examine to twelve or so shallow boxes marked meteorites. Like a kid in a candy store she picked up and handled every last one until with a near yelp of joy she held up a potato shaped rock whose surface was pot marked and cratered. I imagine it was her whoop of joy that brought the owner from the back of the building. He was of indeterminate age with a long dirty blonde beard that fell to his flat belly. He was tall with long blonde hair and the most amazing blue eyes I had ever seen on any human being. Dressed in a tattered black shirt and equally faded jeans but no shoes. He approached with a smile revealing a full set of teeth that surprised me given his disheveled appearance.

"How are you doing today?" He asked as he approached Kiko.

"Great! I was wondering how much for the rock here?" She asked smiling her killer smile.

"The 'rock' is a meteorite my grandpa discovered not far from here and is the oldest in my collection. But for such a pretty young thing as yourself... a thousand dollars should cover it."

"A thousand dollars," I croaked.

"I'll give you six hundred..." Kiko began and the bartering started.

I am thinking he was unaccustomed to someone as shrewd as Kiko entering this fine shit hole he called a business.

"Nine fifty."

"Hmm..." pause for dramatic effect, "six fifty."

"That is a real and documented meteorite you are holding their missy."

"You have the paperwork?"

"Of course."

"Who identified it?"

"A professor from St. Louis University drove all the way down in '58 when it was found."

"1958... sounds about right... show me the paperwork and I'll give you eight hundred and not a penny more."

The owner smiled and reached up and passed Kiko to a picture frame hanging on the wall and handed it to her. Kiko scanned the framed document carefully.

"It was his first one so he had it framed all nice like."

"Paperwork is genuine... so?"

"Eight hundred?"

"It has been sitting here a long time..."

"I know and I can use the money so... alright missy you got yourself a deal!"

"You take plastic?" Kiko asked just before my dad stepped up and shook the owner's hand.

"Consider this an engagement present to the two of you," he said looking over his shoulder first at Kiko and then me, "If that's okay?"

I looked at the pure joy on Kiko's face and I nodded. If it made her happy I was thrilled. My father followed the owner to the back while Kiko and I went outside and looked at her find under direct sunlight. The rock had a queer marbling to the surface as if it wasn't composed of iron as most meteorites were but of some other element.

"Heck of a find Kiko."

"You have no idea..." and she left that thought unexplained as she started at the object in her hands with a kind of eerie worship.

Her expression reminded me of the last time I got a rare coin for my collection and nearly drooled over the thing before safely tucking it away in my safety deposit box. That rare roman coin had been a gift from my father as well how wonderfully interesting. My dad came out smiling his 'all is well with the universe' grin and I called out 'shotgun' but Kiko seemed a million miles away.

Rock of Ages:

The passport was waiting for us, apparently our neighbor had sent it same day postage to ensure its timely arrival. I reminded myself that she deserved a big fat kiss and a homemade batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies when we got back to Arkham. My mom had passed down her recipe to me before she died and it had been a hit with the neighbors at each and every block party that we had attended over the years. Kiko and I got our own room and dad was two floors up and on the opposite side of the hotel. The lady who assigned our rooms was a bit baffled until my father told her that I was his son and Kiko the recent addition to our family and that there would be some celebrating he didn't want to overhear. The young girl blushed, smiled and handed over the room keys with a wink to me. I grabbed our luggage while dad headed up to his room and it was agreed we would shower, change and meet in the dining room in an hour or so. I believed the 'or so' was for our benefit. Dad and I reached the elevator just as the door opened but we had to hold the elevator for Kiko as she was not directly behind us.

"What...?" I began to ask but Kiko cut me off.

" service." She said smiling.

Now I was wondering what sort of treats the hotel had that Kiko had ordered for our room. Champagne? I just didn't know and that made me wonder all the more. The third floor arrived and Kiko and I exited and as the door closed my father was all smiles.

"He is very happy for us... for you." Kiko said as we hunted down our room.

"Yes he is... isn't he?"

"So am I."

"Me too... I have never been happier."

"Good... now let's find our room so you can fuck me silly before dinner."

We didn't actually run through the hotel's hallways but damn it was close. I actually dropped the key card to our room and when Kiko bent over to get it I nearly attacked her right then and there. I grabbed her ass cheeks and gave them a healthy squeeze and she moaned as she barely managed to get the door opened.

Shower sex is the best! Kiko was bent over and pushing her hips backward driving me deeper as I thrust into her from behind.

"Oh gods baby fuck my pussy!"

I gripped her ass cheeks harder and rammed my hips forward hard enough for her to lose her footing for a scary moment but that only slowed us down for a moment. She threw her head back and howled as she came and I caught her lips with mine and kissed her deep and hungrily as I continued pounding her pussy. I broke our kiss and nipped at her neck as she ground her body against mine.

"Fuck Matt you fill me up so much!"

"And that tight little pussy of yours squeezes me so nice!"

I came twice and I lost count of her orgasms after four. Amazingly we were only ten minutes late but my father was patient, understanding and grinning his evil grin. The waiter brought the bottle of champagne over and soon toasts were flying as my dad gathered up his courage. Something was bothering him but it was a good thing that much I could tell.

"Son," he never called me son this was definitely serious, "I want you to have something that is near and dear to my heart to show how happy I am at this fine relationship you are in."

He passed a small black velvet box to me and I picked it up my hands shaking guessing at what it might hold. With a soft creak the lid opened and there glittering in platinum and gems was my mother's anniversary ring. Dad had it made for mom on their twentieth anniversary shortly before she died. I had forgotten how lovely and delicate the ring was. It was an elegant thing for an elegant lady. Kiko saw it and tears welled up in her eyes.

"It's beautiful!" Kiko said while she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"You don't have to give it tonight... when the time is right..." my father said with fresh tears in his eyes.

I looked at Kiko and she nodded and I closed the box. We would wait until further down the road to make sure that our feelings weren't just lust. This was far too special a gift to be handed out arbitrarily and I loved her all the more for wanting to wait.

"I must have done something right in raising you son, you are wise beyond your years and have great taste in women."

We toasted over that one I did have great taste in women. We ordered dinner and while we waited for our food we drank, talked and looked forward to the future. I wondered if dad would return with a bride or would he stay there with her. Either way he would be happy and that thrilled more than words could ever express. I imagined my dad teaching at a Japanese university enlightening minds there as he had here.

"I just realized something," I said.

"What's that son?"

"If you decide to move to Japan... I am going to have to visit so you can finish teaching me the art of sword making."

"That would definitely be a good reason to visit eh?"

"Maybe as a wedding gift Master Masmune would take you as an apprentice as well?"

"Would you be willing to drop everything here for that Matt?" Kiko asked.

"Not everything," I said squeezing her hand. "Course I will have to learn to speak Japanese."

"I can teach you all the naughty things to say to me in bed to start off with."

"Here's to a better education," my dad raised his glass.

Glasses clinked and more champagne was brought to our table and sooner than later Kiko and I made our way to our room. I called down to the front desk for a wakeup call so we could drive dad to the airport. Kiko looked at the digital clock on the bedside and grinned wickedly then moments later came a soft knock at the door.

"Answer the door Matt," Kiko said grinning wider still.

Curious and eager I walked over, opened the door and my mouth dropped at who stood in the open doorway. It was the curvaceous brunette who had been working at the front desk and she was dressed in only a hotel robe and was holding a bottle of champagne.

"Can I cum in?" she moaned.

I looked back at Kiko and she nodded and the girl closed the door behind her.

"Matt, lover, have a seat on the edge of the bed," Kiko whispered.

I did as I was told.

"Summer, why don't you go stand in front of Matt for me," Kiko directed.

The girl named Summer walked and her body screamed 'I need to be fucked'. Summer licked her lips as Kiko took the champagne and set it on the end table. Then Kiko moved to stand behind Summer who was just a little taller than her. Kiko reached around and undid the belt to the robe and let it fall open to reveal a truly lovely body. I looked Summer up and down and liked what I saw; she had large firm tits with puffy nipples and a flat muscular stomach just above a freshly shaved pussy that was as bald as a newborn. I could seem in the dim light that Summer was soaked with need and was primed and ready for a fierce fucking. Kiko cupped Summer's tits and began to rub and knead the firm flesh.

"You like lover?" Kiko moaned.


"Good... now Summer be a good girl and get on your knees you know why?"

"Yes I do... I get to suck his cock don't I?"

"For a starter yes...while you suck him off I am going to undress him and myself then while you ride his long... thick...cock... I am going to ride his face so he can eat me out how does that sound?"


I stood up and Summer undid my belt and let my pants fall to the floor my cock was there waiting for her. Kiko had demanded I wear no underwear to dinner and now I knew why. Naughty minx! Summer slowly wrapped two hands around the shaft of my cock and began to make twisting stroking motions. If I wasn't rock hard before I was after a minute of that. Then she let go of one hand and lowered her mouth to the head and began to flicker her tongue over it teasingly.

Kiko had moved behind me and was kneeling on the bed unbuttoning my shirt and slowly taking it off of me.

"She's a wonderful cocksucker Matt I asked her."

"She definitely knows her was around pleasing man flesh."

"She also swallows in case you can't help yourself."

"Mmm that is tempting but..."

"...stop lover this night is about you not us just remember that. We had us in the shower."

"You like to spoil me don't you?"

"Every chance I get," Kiko said and then addressed Summer. "Be a good girl and show Matt here your complete lack of a gag reflex."

Summer moved her head forward in a slow motion sword swallowing maneuver that left me breathless.

"Summer likes it when you grab her head and throat fuck her don't you dear?"

"MmmmmHmmmmm!!!" The vibrations of her response shot through me and the last of him inhibitions fell away.

I grabbed Summer by the hair on either side of her head and started to fuck her throat as Kiko had suggested. Summer kept humming all the while as her tongue worked the shaft and tip as they came in range. I began to pant and I felt Kiko's tits against my back and she pressed herself close to me sensing my imminent climax.

"Fuck her throat! Shoot your load so she can swallow ever last drop!" Kiko's hot breath on my ear was maddening.

"Unnn unnn unnn..." I moaned as I drove my cock as deep as it would go down Summer's throat and she never let out even a whimper of pain.

"I bet her pussy feels even better!" Kiko whispered to me.

That broke my self-control and with one last vicious thrust I ground my cock against her chin and shot a huge amount down Summer's throat and damn if she didn't miss a drop. Summer sat back and licked her lips again and told me how good my cum tasted.

"Are you ready to lie down and be ravaged by two women lover?" Kiko said biting an earlobe. "I want to feel your tongue on my clit baby."

"And I want to feel you as deep as you can be inside my pussy."

Kiko moved to the head of our bed and I positioned myself in the middle of the bed. Kiko and Summer moved so that I could pleasure them; Kiko slowly lowered her soaked sex to my face while Summer positioned herself over my iron hard flesh and once lined up she dropped down without hesitation so hungry was she to be filled.

"Oh my god," Summer cried out as she began to ride me.

"Mmm his tongue feels wonderful on my clit..." Kiko moaned.

I just laid there and enjoyed all the pleasure of Summer's tight pussy as she drove her hips down onto me. She cried out over and over again as she impaled her cunt on my cock. Meanwhile Kiko's muffled cries came to my ears as I licked her delicate pussy lips and suckled her sensitive clit. I knew from past experience it wouldn't be long before Kiko the orgasm queen would be bucking and screaming. Summer was moving faster now and I could hear her moans getting more excited as she skewered herself over and over again.

Kiko was on her hands and knees with Summer behind her eating her out. I was behind Summer hammering away at her pussy with my cock eager to feel her pussy spasm around my cock. Kiko was working on her fourth or was it her fifth orgasm, I had lost count. Summer was racing headlong towards one hell of a second climax as was I. I had my hands on her hips and ramming my dick into her as hard as I could. My balls were slapping her clit and that was sending little spasms through her like tiny shockwaves pushing her headlong into a sensual tsunami. Kiko had a death grip on Summer's head and was crying out as she came. Then she fell onto her back panting and grinning like the cat that ate the canary.

"Damn I needed that," Kiko purred.

"OH I AM SO CLOSE," Summer groaned.

I pulled back until only the head of my cock remained paused and then slammed my cock into her. She had to clamp her hand over her mouth to stifle the scream that issued from it. Her pussy grabbed me so tight I couldn't move. I was trapped inside of her. Summer convulsed as she climaxed. Her back arched and her entire body shook as she came.

"God damn girl," I said as I watched her.