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I immediately saw the illogicality of that last remark but remained silent rather than interrupt her flow.

"When I was on the bed, instead of fucking me straight away he spent a long time getting me ready, kissing, sucking my tits and working his fingers up inside me. Jerome is a bit like you love because he's very good with his tongue but he didn't use his between my legs. Eventually he put his cock in me, just a bit at a time. It hurt terribly at the start but the pain gradually got less. I tried really hard to please him and by the time he finished I was sure I must have passed but the moment he pulled out Jerome snapped his fingers and Obi appeared from nowhere."

Jen gave a little shiver as she remembered but continued, "I assumed he was there to take me home but I was still completely naked and felt very embarrassed. Jerome put his Kimono back on and then told me that I had to give Obi a good time for the next hour. By the time my new boss had left the room Obi had ripped his uniform off and was coming towards me, eager to start fucking. Jerome must have squirted gallons of cum up inside me but this didn't deter Obi at all. He had a large cock as well without being anywhere close to Jerome's in size. The funny thing was that after a few minutes, his appearance didn't bother me at all."

"Did Jerome make you cum?" I needed to know because the answer was important to me. Somewhere I had read that prostitutes got very little physical pleasure from their activities and on that basis had convinced myself that if my wife only engaged in mechanical acts then I would be able to handle it a whole lot better.

"Yes, they both did, lots of times," my wife told me with total lack of guile.

"When Obi left, Jerome came back in and said that I had passed his test. I smiled a bit smugly and said that I knew he had enjoyed having me. Then Jerome told me that Obi had been the test, saying he needed to know if I would obey orders and fuck a man I had just met and was very unlikely to fancy. He said, 'I watched the whole thing and although he really is a horrible specimen, you didn't hold back at all. I think you may be a natural.' I said that I thought Jerome had been the test but he said, "You won't believe how many classy married women offer themselves to me so you being willing to open your legs wouldn't have proved anything'."

"The mirror must have been two way," I guessed out loud.

Jen nodded. "I realised that too and I had a nasty thought and asked Jerome if Obi was watching while he was fucking me. Jerome just laughed and said that usually watching was the only treat Obi got."

We ate the meal I had prepared and then I had the set up at the club described to me. All the girls usually worked four nights with three nights off. Jen's nights were to be Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, with the last two being the busiest times. Some part time girls helped out at weekends, covering demand on Friday and Saturday then taking over completely on the Sunday to give all the regular girls a night off. The part timers were single mothers, young wives earning pin money and the odd university student. It seems there a lot university volunteers but very few were selected because they had so much opportunity to screw around away from the club.

Concluding her run down my wife told me, "We do four tricks a night and get £50 for each one so working four nights should earn me £800m but Jerome says to only bank on £500 per week. Darling that means that in forty weeks from now at the most, Chloe's debt will be paid off and we can return to our real life. That's less than a year and I might clear the amount that's owed even sooner."

At that moment forty weeks seemed like a lifetime but before I could speak Jen added excitedly, "I've already been credited with £50 for doing Obi but I don't get paid for Jerome because he says I should regard fucking him as a privilege. "

That last remark inhibited me from asking further questions and for the rest of the evening, although never far from my mind, neither of us mentioned how she had spent her afternoon. However, when in bed Jen started behaving in a way that usually indicated willingness for sex but, for the first time ever, I failed to take advantage. My problem was that I invariably started off by giving oral and couldn't face the thought of my tongue touching where the cum of the two black men had been only a few hours before.

I had not realised that my wife would be starting her new career immediately so was shocked when, just before I left for work on Monday, she gave me an unusually long kiss and said. "See you tomorrow sweetheart." At six o'clock that evening she would be checking in at the club at around the time I arrived back home and I would not see her again until after 3 a.m. when she finished working a nine hour shift on her back. Concentration was not my strong point at work that day and the long evening spent alone was perpetual torment.

Jen crept in to bed without waking me while it was still dark and she was fast asleep when I got up to go to work. Although desperate for an update I hadn't the heart to wake her and spent another day producing sub standard furniture. That evening before giving specifics about her activities she told me the pattern that every day would follow. The time between six and nine was for getting ready and relaxing and then the next three hours were paid for by one punter and followed an escort pattern. This started at the in-club restaurant after which the male had at least two hours for sexual pleasure. These liaisons were booked in advance with the girls fully dressed at the start. After midnight it switched to a bordello format, with the girls wearing only bra and panties sitting about in a lounging area until a client came in and selected them. These sessions were limited to an hour and each girl hoped to clock up three before the end of the night.

"I began with a very nice older guy and I couldn't have had a better start," Jen said in answer to my query. "He told me that his wife died two years ago after a long and happy marriage. Feelings of guilt stopped him beginning a new relationship so he got rid of his sexual frustrations by paying for sex every couple of months. He could only manage it once but we talked a lot and I made sure he got value for his money. He was a decent guy and I'd certainly like to fuck him again. The next three tricks were completely different. The blokes I went with were all part of the same stag party and they queued up for me because I was the new girl. All three were boisterous, drunk and never stopped humping. I couldn't believe that screwing could be so bloody exhausting."

That night in bed, although she had slept into the afternoon, it was obvious that my wife was still very tired so being my caring chivalrous self I never tried for sex of any kind, even though I had managed to acquire a raging erection. I had great difficulty finding sleep so, with my wife slumbering peacefully beside me, I worked on sorting out my mind. None of her encounters had particularly distressed me and in fact her experience had been more in accord with how I had imagined whoring would be.

My work was satisfactory during the next two days and Thursday night I heard about Jen's second night at the club and it seemed to have been worse that the first. "My three hour guy was a self satisfied, selfish, overweight jerk. He'd got a faithful wife and kids at home but seemed to think he had bought me body and soul. There was nothing wrong with the next three but neither was there anything to recommend them. The point is that I've now fucked eight different guys for money and haven't had one sodding orgasm," Jen concluded ruefully.

I had decided that there was no reason that I always had to start sex with oral so I made a move for intercourse straight away, only to be knocked back for the first time in my marriage. "Look at it my way," Jen said, "You construct furniture every day but I don't see you making any at home during weekends. Well I now fuck men for a living and I think I'm entitled to a day off as well."

Friday and Saturday Jen worked two nights in succession but as I was at home on Saturdays I hoped to spend time with her during the day. In the event, immediately after leaving her bed just before lunchtime she started getting ready to be collected by taxi at 2 p.m. She explained that Jerome was keen that his girls remained free of infections so on Saturday afternoons all his sex workers, including part timers, were medically checked.

I was a bit surprised because I had fondly imagined that condoms would be mandatory but that was far from the case. Club members had to provide a monthly certificate of sexual health so only members guests needed to wear protection and then only if they were unable to produce results from a recent test. "I do prefer bareback," Jen admitted. "With condoms the lubrication gets messy and my cunt starts to feel sore a lot quicker."

When we were finally able to talk late on Sunday I knew without asking that Jen had enjoyed her last two days more than the first. Starting the conversion Jen volunteered that the other girls had told her that the end of the week was always better than the start. They had also said that she would find the job far more fun when she had picked up a few regulars that she liked doing it with. "It's true, because a couple of the guys I screwed gave me real pleasure and both of them want to go with me again," my wife said happily."

In bed, although Jen was still in a good mood I was afraid of being rejected again but she broached the subject of sex saying, "I was a bit selfish the other night because I wasn't thinking about the state you must be in. You can have me if you want but do try to last as long as you can because I can't be bothered with the stop go routine."

I still had a mental block about giving oral but this was not my main worry. I knew that I needed to prolong foreplay because intercourse under those conditions was likely to be of very short duration.

Another consideration was that Jen had bathed for over two hours so any trace of other men would have been washed away. So I dived between her legs, only to find that the special flavour I enjoyed so much had also disappeared in the bath water. Even so I was preoccupied with thoughts of the eighteen cocks that had been there since I last licked her.

When I tried to fuck, my fears were realised, my hair trigger undoubtedly worsened by images of those dozen and a half rampant organs. My wife consoled me saying we could try again in a little while. While passing the time she said that the girls had taught her some sexual tricks. The main one was to deal with guys who went on too long and was a way to make them cum before they were ready. Jen laughed and said, "I very much doubt if I will ever need to use that one on you my love."

I immediately benefited from another of the little trade secrets. This was for clients who shot off too soon and was designed to keep them in a state of excitement for their remaining time so that they wouldn't feel short changed. By licking and stroking my dick together with lots of sexual talk, Jen soon got me stiff again and somehow held me at the point of ejaculation for a long time before letting me cum. It felt truly fantastic.

The next three weeks followed the same pattern so I won't bore with repetitive details. Jen really settled into the life and I could tell that she actually looked forward to going in to work. I had come to terms with the knowledge that an increasing number of clients gave her orgasms but it was possibly this which caused me to ask if any of the men she went with were particularly good looking. My wife shook her head and said, "You know I reckon I could describe the size and shape of every cock but the faces of all the guys just roll up into one."

I got so that I could lick her as I always had and, although I still had an occasional quick fuck, most of the time she used her hand to give me almost unbelievable pleasure. It was as if the exquisite sensation of ejaculation which normally lasts mere seconds was prolonged to over three minute's duration. When given the choice I always opted for the hand job.

The fourth Sunday night since she started working at the club we were lying in bed. I had already done my oral and Jen was idly stroking my dick when she remarked, "Your penis is really quite small."

I protested that it was average and when she shook her head doubtfully I reminded that she herself had said she thought I was average very soon after we married. Jen did not deny that but said, "Then I was comparing you to fourteen year old boys and you possibly seemed average but compared to men you're certainly not. I actually think you are very small."

"If you're setting me against Jerome's enormous dong then perhaps I am small," I conceded in a very aggrieved voice.

"Sweet heart, over the past month I have handled well over fifty cocks and although none were anywhere near to Jerome's in size, neither was any one quite as small as yours.

I think I made some petulant retort and seeing my hurt Jen was quick to console me saying, "Darling what does it matter? Not one single client has wanted to lick me but you do such a wonderful job and I know that I give you a lot of pleasure with my hand, so can't you be satisfied with that. At the club I get almost more full sized cock in my pussy than I can manage so it's not important to me whether you fuck me or not."

The reason Jen started working for Jerome seemed very valid at the time but it began to seem less so as events progressed. Although I wouldn't want every day to be an ordeal for my wife, I began to feel that she approached her activities at the club with rather too much enthusiasm. I also examined myself and found that instead of still feeling noble I was beginning to wonder if I was unique, asking how many other husbands not only allowed their wives to fuck dozens of other men but also got a tenuous but definite pleasure from the fact?

One night in bed I felt compelled to enquire if any of the other girls had husbands. Without hesitation Jen told me, "Samantha is married. Jodi and Chantelle are unattached but two others have steady boyfriends with one knowing what she does and the other still believing that Elise works in a call centre. Sam's husband Cliff was one of her tricks when they met, so he was very aware from the start and now there are times when he actually helps her."

"How?" I asked, feeling an involuntary thrill at the news.

"There's a room at the club that can be hired for gang-bangs with Jerome providing the girl if required.

Well Samantha has made this her speciality, mainly because she gets asked for specifically. Cliff is always present looking after refreshments and towels but doing fluffing and cleanup duties when needed. She's trained him to wear high heels but he's naked apart from a baby's bib covering his genitals. The bib has a picture of a dog and the words 'bow wow' printed on it. Sam says that he looks very comical because for most of the time, the bib is pushed up horizontal with his dick poking out underneath, like a small grass snake peering out of a cat flap."

It's true that ignorance is bliss because my question had uncovered information that I would rather not have known and was left even more unsettled in my mind because of it.

When my wife was at home during the day I was concerned to act as if we were a normal married couple so it was only in bed that things tended to get said. It was on one such occasion, while we were mutually fondling, that Jen said, "While thinking back and I've remembered that I actually got into sex earlier than fourteen but there was no touching and it wasn't one to one. I used to go into the woods with a few boys of around my own age and I would remove my underwear. My panties would get passed round with them all having a sniff then I would sit on the ground holding my cunt open for them to see while that sat in a semi circle frantically trying to toss off."

Jen laughed, "I used to charge them twenty pence each and that's when I first discovered the power of pussy. I get that same feeling now and it has made me wonder if I was always destined to end up doing what I do. I could never regret our years of marriage but at the same time I feel that I have missed out on a lot of sex. You could say that working for Jerome is a way of catching up."

This last remark confirmed my growing suspicion that Jen would be reluctant to give up the life once the debt was paid and I unintentionally told her so. There was a long pause and then she said, "I'm glad you brought this up. Jerome does like to bring in fresh girls and as he prefers to have only six on his team at any time this means someone has to leave but he doesn't just dump them. If they want he sets them up as independent escorts with a flat and the necessary connections. He does take a cut and there is an obligation to go back to the club on occasion to cover for holidays and illness but a hell of a lot of money is out there to be made. Jerome also takes care of protection if there is ever any unpleasantness."

"Is that what you want to do?" My feelings were very ambivalent. Part of me yearned to return to the placid contented life but at the same time I knew I would be loathe to lose the almost constant feeling of arousal experienced during the previous weeks.

Jen's hand left my cock as she gripped my hands tightly in hers. "Just think about it Howard," she said eagerly. "All our married life we've been desperately short of money and this could be our chance to be financially secure for the future. I wouldn't even suggest it if you were still as twisted up as you were at the start but now I think that you actually like me fucking lots of men. It need only be for a couple of years and then we could go back to how we were."

I hesitated. The truth was that I was still pretty twisted because a strong element of pain remained and I felt she had rather overstated how much I had grown to 'like' her promiscuous life. On the other hand I was convinced that our previous life had now become a mirage that could never be recaptured.

My astute wife must have sensed me wavering. "If I was self employed then you could be my personal manager. I will need someone to vet clients and keep an eye on me while I am working."

The following week just before my Sunday treat, Jen divulged that Jerome had sex sessions with his girls, one each Saturday afternoon over a six week period. "It's my turn next week and I thought I ought to warn you," she said happily.

I was unhappy with this news, especially as I guessed she would earn no money, so I protested, "It can't be compulsory?"

"Jerome likes to go with the girls to improve their loyalty and discourage them from freelancing away from the club," my wife explained, ignoring my question.

"Surely he wouldn't force you to if you'd rather not?"

"All the girls want to and really look forward to it being their turn. They all regard it as a big treat."

"What about you?"

My wife took a deep breath and then said forcefully, "Howard, I feel exactly the same way they do and I'm really looking forward next Saturday." Then in a softer voice she went on, "Darling, try and see it my way. After only having you in me for the last twenty years, I think I must have been very tight. When Jerome fucked me at the interview it hurt badly all the time but he still gave me the most wonderful feelings I've ever experienced. Now, after all those cocks over the past weeks, I'm bound to be a lot looser and without so much pain, having his cock inside me must feel even better than before."

I disagreed profoundly but having not yet enjoyed my release, I had no wish to start an argument. Even so, the unvarnished fact was that she was definitely crossing a line. Jen's first time with Jerome was under duress and becoming a sex worker had an altruistic motivation but now she intended to fuck voluntarily and purely for pleasure. Despite all the different men she had been with, this would be the first situation that could be actually classed as infidelity. I knew that she had orgasms with clients but that was different. In my repetitive boring occupation, I had occasional interludes enjoying the pleasure of practicing real carpentry so I could hardly deny my wife similar moments but this was different.