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"There's good news as well," Jen with a grin, effectively snapping me out of my introspection. "A week tomorrow I am taking the day off and I'm also swapping my Wednesday shift to Thursday. That means we have a four day break and can drive up to Scotland to see Chloe. I'm even borrowing a car from the club that will be more reliable than our old thing."

Our lovely daughter was very pleased to see us and both Jen and I were treated to tight hugs and lots of kisses. When we were sitting comfortably, Chloe announced that she was free of drugs and that it had been quite easy. Her mother and I immediately offered our thankful congratulations but our daughter went on to say honestly, "Actually, I think I was far more addicted to Jerome and the lifestyle than I ever was to cocaine."

We asked about that side of her problem to which she admitted that she still had to struggle with a craving for her ex lover. "I could leave the clinic now if I wanted but I better stay up here because if I came back I know I would go looking for him. I was so very stupid and I wish so many times that I had done what he wanted. At least that way I would still have chance to be with him sometimes."

The conversation moved on to happier topics but I noticed that Chloe kept giving her mother puzzled looks. Eventually she said, "Whatever have you been up to mum?"

Jen and I both froze not at all sure what to say. "I can't put my finger on it but you've changed," Chloe went on. "I think is has something to do with your eyes and you certainly seem a lot more alive. If I didn't know you better I'd suspect that you were having an affair. Whatever it is keep it up because it seems to be doing you a power of good."

We had a very pleasant visit but on the journey home Jen was very quiet and in the end I asked what was wrong. "If you must know I'm feeling very guilty," she said. "When Chloe was in hospital we just took over, not giving her a choice, and now I'm thinking it was the wrong thing to do. I took her place at the club for completely the right motives but perhaps I shouldn't have intervened. She's bored out of her mind up there and I can't help thinking how much fun she's missing. I know she would get as just much pleasure working at the club as I do and I'm beginning to feel that I have stolen her life."

I gave this some thought and a few miles later I suggested, "The difference is that you working for Jerome has a finite duration but I think that if Chloe goes back to the club she will probably be involved in some form of prostitution for the rest of her life. What you are doing is exciting in the short term but I can't see it offering contentment. We owe our daughter the chance to find herself a normal life. You needn't feel guilty because now, instead of saving her from Jerome you are saving her from herself. Over the next few months Jerome's hold on her must weaken and she might find a decent boy friend. At least, if after that time she does return to the club, there won't be the embarrassment of finding you working there."

Jen nodded, "Logically you are correct but I'm having so much fun that it still feels that I'm cheating her. I could never regret marring you darling, having our daughter and all the happiness that you've given me but sometimes I wish that I'd got into this game at her age."

A few more weeks passed following the same routine with nothing specific to report, except that she was now enjoying plenty of orgasms, mostly courtesy of her growing stable of regulars. After supper one Sunday, I headed up to bed filled with anticipation because this was now the only night of the week that I was still almost certain to be allowed penetration. Even so I still spent over an hour orally worshipping her well used pussy. Finally, after scrambling back up the bed we started kissing but after only a minute Jen pulled back to say, "I can taste myself on you," before proceeding to lick all round my mouth and chin.

When all flavour had gone she moved until our bodies were completely separated and announced, "I now understand why you like licking me down there so much. I've tried it myself and I like it, I like it a lot."

I of course wanted to know more details and at first my wife seemed to regret having spoken but then said, "A couple of weeks ago Jerome announced that he was planning to put on what he calls, 'Big Bang Events' with the first one arranged for last weekend. I didn't intend to mention it in case you didn't like what happened but I've started now so I suppose I better finish."

"What's a big bang event?" I had to ask.

"It's corporate hospitality thing when some organization hires the whole club for a night, usually to stage an orgy of some kind. Last week it was a medieval banquet but another future theme is based on a Roman Bacchanalia. Jerome organises everything and provides the girls."

"What exactly happens?" I prompted eagerly.

"It's set up in the main hall. There was a big heavy table, large enough to seat twelve on each side with another smaller raised table making the cross piece to the T. Jerome sat in the middle of this table with a couple of the higher ranking from the people being entertained on each side of him. Some part time girls acted as the serving wenches, bare breasted but wearing long cloth skirts reaching down to the ground in the fashion of the period. Jerome's six girls including me, all dressed as ladies in silk dresses that were very revealing but essentially decent, were mixed amongst the guests on either side of the long table. It was very cleverly done to give an authentic atmosphere with a minstrel singing to a lute, two men juggling, a fire breathing act and even a large shaggy wolfhound wandering round eating bones and scraps from the floor. The finishing touch was a virtual log fire burning in a mocked up hearth. There was bread and tankards of ale but the food was mainly meat, roast pork, plenty of barbequed chicken and some smaller birds that were meant to be pheasant but were really pigeons."

"What about the orgy?" I interrupted. I was very keyed up, eager to hear all the stuff that I didn't really want to know.

My wife smiled patiently and went on. "Everybody had a great time, eating with their fingers, slurping ale and tossing bones on the floor but when the food was finished the main event began. As soon as the table was cleared, me and the other girls climbed on it and began a slow strip tease. It was very well received with lots of coarse remarks and hands reaching out to grope us. The minstrel had gone so the music must have been pre-recorded.

"When we were naked the girls paired off and started a kind of dance, kissing, rubbing our tits together and feeling each other up. It finished up with us all having our heads between the other girl's legs. I had intended to just mime that bit but as soon as I smelt her sex it was so overpowering that I was soon eating her properly and very enthusiastically. I was with Jodie and she really is a lovely girl but I'll tell you all about her later."

"While we were doing the lesbian thing it went very quiet. I think the guys flanking Jerome had come down for a closer look and while all eyes were on us the small table in front of Jerome had sunk down leaving him sitting there alone with nothing in front of him. Suddenly there was a clap, all the cunnilingus stopped and we saw that Jerome was now naked with his magnificent dong sticking up like a pole looking oiled, black and evil. His gaze flicked to each girl in turn, pretending to make a selection and finally pointed at Samantha.

She very quickly climbed up until she had a foot on either side of his lap, then slowly impaled herself on his rigid oversized organ. Even though I have had it up me, at first it looked impossible that she could get it all inside her and I think everybody watching thought the same. She managed it easily then began moving herself up and down with no assistance from him. There was perfect silence in the room except for that special squishy sound of cock in cunt. After a couple of minutes I dragged my eyes away from the spectacle to see that there were stiff cocks everywhere I looked, with a couple of guys already cumming just from watching.

Then suddenly, as if on a signal, everybody dived in grabbing the nearest female body. I quickly had one cock up me, another in my mouth and one in each hand. The serving wenches were still in the room holding jugs of ale and they too were bent over being fucked, their lack of underwear making it easy. Having started the ball rolling Jerome didn't continue his fuck, lifting Sam off his cock and sending her to help satisfy all the rampant guests. It was amazing, a true orgy in every respect.

Maybe it was just the atmosphere but I think some were on Viagra or something because three hours later there was still fucking going on and I'm sure I had some contact with at least half the cocks in the room.

I badly needed distraction from the images her description had conjured up so to change the subject, I reminded, "What were you going to tell me about Jodie?"

A big smile lit up Jen's face. "My next working night after the orgy, I was in my room during the couple of hours we have for relaxing before the first session when Jodie came in. She said that she had really enjoyed being with me at the orgy and thought that I did as well, so was wondering if I would like to get a bit of practice before the next one. When she said that, my heart started pounding for some reason. Even though I had gone a bit crazy during the lesbian bit in the orgy, I had never experienced those kinds of feelings but I was to find out that Jody actually preferred girls. When I didn't reply immediately, she took this as agreement, releasing a cord that allowed her sarong to simply fall to the ground, leaving her completely naked. With a big grin she leaped onto the bed and threw herself on her back with legs well spread and pointing towards me."

Jen's face was now reliving the past as she continued. "I possibly haven't mentioned but Jodie is mixed race and her skin is a rich golden brown colour. Laid like that her cunt was slightly open and in contrast the inside was a starting deep pink. It looked like a ruby melon with a thin slice taken out and just like a melon the juice was already trickling out before I even got near. It tasted like pure nectar and for the rest of the time I couldn't stop eating her. Jodie has never been with anyone who has had a baby and she's fascinated by my vagina. She licks me as well but most of the time experiments by poking things in me such as large hairbrush handles, plastic lotion tubes and a cucumber. She has only small hands so she even tried fisting me but couldn't quite get the knack. I don't know about other women but if I could lick her whenever I wanted I might easily swear off men altogether."

"That I would like to see," I said, speaking my thoughts aloud.

My wife gave me a searching look. "It wouldn't be impossible to arrange." She waited for me to respond and when I said nothing, added, "Actually, you could watch other stuff as well if you wanted. For instance, if you were at the club I could easily take a punter into one of the mirror rooms. I haven't mentioned this before because I thought you sometimes liked to pretend that all this wasn't happening."

"What exactly are mirror rooms?"

"They are rooms with a wall sized two-way mirror where it is possible to sit behind and view what's happening in the bedroom. There are three altogether in different sizes. There are amongst several rooms that Jerome hires out to different groups but they all bring their own females and none of the hostess girls gets involved."

"Tell me more about the mirror rooms," I asked, unable to let the subject drop. I had developed a desire to actually watch my wife 'at work' if only to see if the reality matched my imaginings and was gripped with excitement at the realisation that this might be possible.

"Loads of women are curious about black men and a surprising number of husbands fantasise about seeing their wives being fucked by a big black cock," Jen explained. "Privately it is very difficult to arrange but if they contact the club Jerome can easily find clean hung black males to fit the bill. Some women like another wife in with them for moral support and the cuck hubbies tend to find it easier if they can share notes with another guy who's in the same boat. There can be up to four husbands watching the action."

"Do you have any blacks among your clients?" I wondered. "You've never mentioned any and I had started to assume that Jerome was the only one you went with."

"There are a reasonable number but a lot of them are Jerome's friends and associates."

"Apart from your boss, do you think they are special?" During my many lonely evenings I had spent a long time surfing the net and consequently watched a lot of porn. I derived a strange satisfaction from knowing that somewhere at that very moment, my wife was doing exactly the same stuff that I was watching. My other avenue of solace was cuckold forums where I discovered that I was not some unique kind of freak. The point was that both of these avenues of sexuality seemed dominated by to the concept of black male superiority and I wanted to know if it was true."

Jen gave this serious consideration before saying," It varies. They are undoubtedly generally better at fucking but all of them tend to be overly fond of the 'bitch' word, hair pulling and slapping my arse very hard. The wear and tear is much higher so I hate getting a black guy for the first fuck of the night."

Another two weeks passed without any event significant enough to mention. It was now usual that Jen updated me on Sunday night and for a change it was a forthcoming event rather than the recent past that she wanted to talk about. "There's another orgy next Saturday and it's a bit different," she said. "It's set in Roman times but this one is for more specialised tastes. There will be no part time girls involved so it will be more of a multiple gang bang than an orgy."

"How many men?"

"Up to twenty-four and they'll all be dressed as Roman soldiers. For the banquet there will be lots of olives, grapes and wine but the main food will be venison and wild boar, roasted rare to ensure lots of blood. Towards the end of the feast six male captives are led in, each one shackled to his wife. The men will be naked and the females only partly dressed. It was actually Samantha who came up with this scenario. When the food is finished the wives are reluctantly pulled forward. At first the girls will pretend to struggle, trying to escape and being dragged back by their hair to make it look like rape. They then get fucked by everybody, with their husbands left helplessly attached to the wall and only able to watch."

I was uncomfortable at the way this picture seemed to resonate with me so I said scathingly, "Isn't that a bit sick?"

"You haven't heard the best bit," Jen was almost unable to contain her excitement. "When everyone has had a turn the women lie down on the benches with their legs apart and the husbands are unhooked and pulled forward. With arms behind their backs and a knife at the throat, their heads are forced between their wife's legs where they are made to suck up all the cum. The scene finishes when they are led away into the next room and there are screams and cries as they are supposedly castrated. After that the fucking continues as long as anybody can get it up and with the females now very willing. It's likely to be a rough night but all the girls have been promised a big bonus. "

One word had become stuck in my head. "Where do the husbands come from?"

My wife laughed, "Don't worry they're volunteers acting the role. Actually most are volunteers but Samantha's hubby is certain to play himself and Bella thinks she can easily persuade her boyfriend to be there. You could as well if you wanted."

I shook my head. "With all those people there it would be too easy to be recognised." It was the best excuse I could come up with on the spur of the moment."

"All the captive men will have shaggy wigs and wear some kind of beard. There will also be face paint so you certainly won't be looking like yourself. They're meant to be barbarian captives and the paint is to simulate wode"

"I don't know," I muttered. My instinct was not to get within a hundred miles of that venue but something else inside me was insisting that I couldn't possibly turn down this opportunity.

"Just make up your mind before you leave tomorrow morning," my wife said impatiently. The volunteers get arranged tomorrow, so if you refuse and then change your mind later in the week it'll be too late."

I spent an almost totally sleepless night trying to decide, swaying first one way and then the other. By the time it was time to depart for work I still hadn't reached a solid decision and actually tried to sneak out of the house without committing myself but, before I reached the garden gate, Jen called after me, "So is it a Yes or a No?".

"Yes," I said, "YES."

Immediately the words left my mouth I regretted them. It is ironic that, after much mental conflict, I had almost decided to decline the offer and had even planned a little speech to explain my reasoning but Jen's sudden question seemed to have jolted it out of my mind. Before I had reached the end of the road I knew for certain that I didn't want to be involved, so theoretically there was still time to go back and alter my answer but I felt that it would make me seem too much of a weakling to do so. That left me committed but I still clung to the thought that I could always feign illness as a last resort. The next few days passed without Jen making any reference to the forthcoming orgy and it certainly wasn't mentioned by me.

Getting home from work after work on Friday, I found a message on the answer phone in which Jen said that she wouldn't be coming home the next morning, explaining that there were preparations still to be made for the orgy, so that by the time she had slept and with the usual medicals in the afternoon there was little point. My instructions were to be at the club by 6 p.m. to allow for makeup and rehearsals. Jen said that part time girls would be acting as stand-ins to practice the cum sucking scene but I would only need to mime the licking bit.

Knowing that there was no escape, I became very aware of how disgusting the whole thing was and I couldn't understand how I might have been even slightly tempted by the idea. My stomach heaved at the thought and I had grave doubts whether I could even attempt my task without throwing up. Despite my previous ambivalence, it now seemed unimaginable how any man could even contemplate engaging in that activity.

At nine o'clock Friday night I was sitting in front of the TV with a novel on my lap but the sound was switched down and the book unopened because there was no other thought in my mind except the forthcoming ordeal and I was very aware that in twenty-four hours it would have already started.

Alcohol was no help and I had already rejected the desperation ploys of hurling myself downstairs or jumping in my car and simply disappearing into another life. I was very close to being overwhelmed by panic.

At this critical moment I heard a key in the front door lock and felt a surge of hope. If Jen was home it meant that something had gone wrong, the club had been raided, there had been a fire, she had fallen out with Jerome and been sacked. Before I reached the hall, a kaleidoscope of different possibilities flashed through my mind but I arrived to find Chloe standing there, a large hold-all clutched in one hand. She dropped the bag and ran forward to share a fierce embrace, with me smothering her face in kisses. But after a minute she pulled back to look over my shoulder expectantly and ask, "Where's mum?"