Sacrifice Pt. 02: Willing


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She felt the dragon's gaze shift to her, baring her soul, peeling her mind like an onion until he stared at all the innermost thoughts and dreams and desires.

"You want me, child."

"Oooohhh... yes, Master."

"You want me inside you." She shivered hard.

"Oh G-gods... yes, my Lord."

"Show me your desires, girl. Touch my boy. Please him with your fingers and your mouth. Taste his seed and let it give you strength. Pleasure him and be pleasured."

"Tonight you will be Mine."

"Yes, Master!" They chorused.

Just as suddenly he was gone from their minds if not their thoughts, leaving them both pink and panting and highly aroused. Jenny rolled onto her back to look up at Andrew.

"Did... that just..." The young man nodded.

"It did."

"B-but... how...?" One of his hands touched the center of her chest. He could feel her heart hammering against her ribs. He was also exquisitely aware of her soft firm breasts and her nipples crinkled up hard and wanting only inches away. He could feel the desire his Master had awakened in her body and it made the wanting in his own heart and loins flare up as well.

Even though this was their first real touch it seemed the dragon's magic flowing through his body was already forming a bond between them, linking them through Grond's mind.

"Master is an Emperor Dragon, the last of his kind. They were formed when the world was, leaping from the fires. His magic is tied to everything in this world and if he wishes it he can feel the grass growing half a world away." Andrew sighed softly and traced the edge of one rib bone with his fingertip.

"He sensed my heart when he first came to Laketown. My innermost needs and desires. He made it quite clear I must be the one. As he did you. Whether you were aware of it or not, he pushed your mind. Made you volunteer to be his."

"But... why? Why me?" Andrew smiled.

"Because he wanted you."

"And you, Andrew? Do... do you want me, too?"

"Oh, yes..."


Jenny Gardener had been raised as a good girl.

Even though her family were mere farmers and not wealthy by any stretch, they lived comfortably enough and made up for any lack in material things by living a full and rich life. Jenny had been a bit wild when she was young it was merely a way to keep up with her brothers. She had been raised with the thought of family first and that home and hearth meant everything.

A few young men had courted her from time to time and while she had enjoyed their attentions, she had never let any of them get past her boundaries nor had she any patience with unwanted advances. Sex was not considered a sin, but her Mama had instilled in her the desire to keep herself for her husband when the time came and Jenny guarded what treasure she could give to her future husband jealously.

She had been kissed her share of times.

She had even allowed a few of her suitors to touch her in a few sensitive places, but always with a protective layer or two of clothing between.

Never ever had she lain naked with a man before now.

Nor even seen one naked before she was sacrificed to the dragon.

Never ever in her entire twenty summers had she ever wanted someone to touch her so badly as she did at that very moment. When she first volunteered to be sacrificed to the dragon she feared she was going to her death by fire. The beasts brief foray into her mind had kindled a fire of a different sort that grew in her belly and spread to her thighs and her chest and up into her brain, making her feel overly warm.

She felt so warm she expected Andrew to feel cool in comparison, like her Mama's hand on her brow when she was running a fever. Instead when he lay down next to her and pulled her into his arms he was even warmer than she was... warmer than a human being should be. Their combined heat made the sweat come prickling from her pores, making her almost as damp all over as she was between her legs.

Her lips opened immediately to his, their tongues dancing together inside her mouth and she clutched his body as if she were falling and only he could save her. One of his legs slipped between hers and she closed her thighs on his muscular limb, unabashedly rubbing her pussy against his skin. She could feel his hard member pressing into her hip, hard and hot and insistent, almost burning her like a branding iron with it's heat.

Andrew kissed his way down her throat and along her collar bone, lips and tongue sampling her flesh.

"Master is in my mind..." He husked. "Watching. Listening. Feeling. Tasting your body." One hand closed on a small firm breast and a fingertip traced her areola while she shivered. "He can feel the blood in your veins and the pulse hammering in your throat." Andrew's hips thrust lazily against her, the tip of his member leaving a sticky trail of fluid across her skin.

The voice which came next from the redheaded guardsman's mouth was deeper and much older than his throat was actually capable of. Through slitted eyes, Jenny saw a green glow under his lids.

"I... can... taste... your... desire... child..."

"Oooohhh gods... Yes, my Lord." Mama's stern but loving voice in the back of her mind told Jenny she was being a wanton and wicked girl, but she couldn't help herself as she ground her dripping pussy against the young man's leg, gasping as the waves of an orgasm washed over her body. Her first time ever without her own fingers between her legs.

It felt good.

A sudden light pressure against her chest as the man pushed himself away, sitting up on the deep soft mattress and leaving her feeling abandoned and forlorn. The sudden loss of his extra warmth caused goose bumps to rise up on her skin.

"A-Andrew?" She clutched at his arm, trying to pull him back down. He closed his eyes briefly and took a long slow deep breath.

"You heard Masters words as well as I did, Jenny. There are things... we must not do." His own eyes gazed into hers. "Things which Master keeps for himself. To disobey would mean our lives... and the lives of all we hold dear would be forfeit." One hand traced over her belly gently. "Though it seems strange to me to think it, I do hope one day he will allow us to be together in that... in those ways..."

She did indeed remember the words which had flooded her thoughts and the moan of deep desire which had come from her lips.

"That little cleft between her thighs is mine and mine alone. As well as the tighter one behind. Those you may not take."

One she had guarded for her future husband. The other had not even entered her mind until the dragon put the thought there. It filled her mind with both terror and wanton desire.

Andrew shifted his body, turning onto his other hip. Leaning down, he pressed his lips to the smooth skin of her belly, once again filling her with his warmth. His tongue lapped against her flesh, tasting the salt of her sweat as he kissed her here and there, working his way slowly downwards.

"There are other things, however..." He murmured. His body shifted again and he lay down beside her with his feet up towards her head while his lips peppered her skin with kisses and licks and even little nibbles with his teeth.

Something else which brought a little gasp of surprise to her lips. While she assumed she "knew all about" sex it had never really occurred to her someone would want to... kiss her... down there... but the closer and closer Andrew got to her secret place with his lips the more she wanted him to and she could feel her legs spreading of their own accord and her hips pressed forward, trying silently to urge him onward.

Oh Gods...

One strong hand slid over her hip, fingers clutching the smooth firm skin of her butt as he rolled her gently towards him. She felt his head laying against the inside of her thigh as his lips played in the thick tangle of fiery red hair between her legs. He was so close to her little pussy it made Jenny want to scream. Now she had discovered this new thing she wanted nothing more than to lose herself in the sensations of it and it felt as if her insides would dissolve in liquid fire.

Then a movement in the corner of her vision distracted her.

Oh my...

Even as she had knelt in front of the imposing form of her Master had kept her nerves on edge the sight of Andrew kneeling naked and fully erect beside her made her thoughts flit back and forth, torn between terror and wonder and desire.

Now there it was... only inches from her face. And once again the dragon's thoughts echoed through her mind. She wasn't sure if it was a memory of his words or if the great best was speaking to her again.

"Show me your desires, girl. Touch my boy. Please him with your fingers and your mouth. Taste his seed and let it give you strength. Pleasure him and be pleasured."

"Oooohhh Gods... yes, my lord..." Slim fingers reached out and closed around the shaft of his prick, marveling in how he felt so soft and yet so hard at the same time. Then her fingers clutched him convulsively as Andrew's tongue swirled around the hard little pleasure button between her legs. Her hips bucked hard and she exploded into ecstasy, moaning aloud. From between her legs she heard him give a muffled moan in response to her touch and before she even knew what she was doing she found herself peppering his hard flesh with kisses up and down as her body writhed in pleasure.

Jenny marveled at how his member felt in her hand and against her lips. His flesh was so hot it felt as if she were making love to a live ember straight from the hearth. The way his skin slid up and down over the steel hard interior, hiding and exposing the purple bulbous head fascinated her. As she watched a single drop of clear fluid formed at the tip of Andrew's prick and before she even thought her tongue snaked out and caught it before it could fall.

That single drop...

And time seemed to stop.

From the tip of her tongue spread out a warm golden glow which washed over her body, leaving Jenny feeling refreshed and energized as if she had awakened from a long dark night to find a beautiful spring morning.

Then time started up again as Andrew buried his tongue between her pussy lips, the tip questing for her entrance. Jenny felt another wave of pleasure sweep over her and she moaned aloud. The girl opened her jaws wide and pulled the large purple head of his cock into her mouth and suckled on it as if she were once more a babe at Mama's teat. Her hands gripped and stroked him and his moans between her thighs drove her on and on.

Nearly a mile further underground, Grond lay atop his treasure with a smile playing across his scaled lips. One claw idly raked through the amassed wealth and the tinkling of jewels and precious metals rang in his ears while the moans, gasps, sighs and cries of his captives echoed through his mind. The yards long tongue snaked out as if he could taste their sweat and passion in the air.

"What good pets..."


Master's horde cavern.

The largest and by far the deadliest room in the entire complex of tunnels deep beneath the mountain known as the Spire. Not being good with numbers, Andrew could not even hazard a guess at the sheer tonnage of fine jewels and precious metals and other fine things the dragon had amassed here during his long long reign.

In the center of the stone floor of the cavern the dragon had assembled a large circle of stones. Obelisks and monoliths and menhirs and even large stone tombs ripped entire from the earth, many of the stones at least twice as tall as Andrew himself. Many of the stones were carved with strange symbols of languages long forgotten on this world. Grond had arranged these in a circle as long as his body from tip to tail and into this great bowl he had poured his treasures.

It was here the beast slept.

Or had slept, until the past year.

As a rule, dragons only slept when they were bored. Following a great battle with his belly full of slain enemies, Grond would drop into a contented slumber of a hundred years or more, dreaming his dragon dreams of fire and battle and conquest.

And treasure, of course.

Dragons valued their treasure above all else in the world.

With his life in the balance, Andrew MacMeel was trying to change his master's priorities. Andrew had come to love the great beast in ways he had never even imagined and vowed to continue to serve his master in any way and every way he was able. While the young redheaded guardsman fully believed he had found a place in the great dragon's heart, Grond's soul resided here amongst the mountain of treasure and it was in this place Andrew had faced his most deadly challenge.

Of course for him it had been relatively easy. Though he came from a relatively poor family, riches were never high on his list of dreams. His deepest desires came from... other things. Things which his master and lover and... dare he say friend? ...had shown him over and over again.

To be taken... by another man. Bound and enslaved and used as a tool for pleasure.

Those were the dreams which drove his heart.

Grond had given him those and more.

For Andrew MacMeel, eschewing the lure of untold riches and throwing himself to the feet of the man who would become his Master was accomplished without a thought. Looking down outside of the circle he gazed at the wooden racks Grond had placed in ranks. Each simple wooden cross bore armor and helms and spears and weapons from thousands of mighty warriors. More than a few sets of armor bore scorch marks and great rents from the dragons fire and teeth.

Each one of those represented a warrior who tried to enter the horde cavern of Grond Deucalious over the ages. Tried and failed and died. Horribly.

According to his master, Andrew was the first living being to ever set eyes on his treasure and survive.

He hoped and fervently prayed very soon young miss Jenny Gardener would join his ranks, not those of the amassed and failed dead.

Being left bound and gagged as he was however, all he could was watch and wait and hope.

In the center of the vast cavern rose a spire of stone overlooking the master's favorite resting place and the ranks of the dead which guard over it. At the top of the spire a thick metal pole was set deep into the rock. A hook in the pole was attached to some thick chains which were likewise attached to shackles.

The shackles were around the wrists of the redheaded girl who was even now getting her first real look at the dragon in all of his glory. Flames from bonfires large enough to roast a team of oxen illuminated the entire cavern bringing an orange glow to the amassed treasures and the flickering almost made it seem as if the standing sets of armor were animated and on the move.

The great dragon reared up on his hind legs and spread his wings wide enough to almost touch the walls of the immense hall on either side. Occasional bursts of flame shot from his mouth and nostrils as he reared his head towards the ceiling and bellowed loud enough to shake the mountain and cause bits of rock to shake loose and fall.

"I AM GROND DEUCALIOUS!!" It was loud enough it made the ears of his two captives ring and ache with the sound and anything living within miles of the mountain would have been hurriedly moving quite further away.

Bound naked to the pole hanging from the chains, Jenny had flinched and turned her face away, fearing her death was imminent. When she wasn't immediately consumed by flames she faced forward to look again and gasped and flinched once more, a small cry of alarm leaping from her lips. The head of the dragon was so close it covered her entire field of view.

She was frightened, almost beyond reason, but at the same time entranced by his being so close. She was closer than anyone besides Andrew had ever gotten to an Emperor dragon and lived, as far as she knew. The vast mounds of wealth glimpsed far below were quickly forgotten as she swallowed her fear and used what may have been her last few moments to look upon her master closely.

Her first glimpse of the dragon had only shown her his coloring and all she had seen was green over all. Now on closer inspection she observed each scale was a different hue and all of them were shot through with tiny golden veins. Those huge green eyes as well seemed to swim with tiny golden flakes. The heat from Grond being so close was almost as if he were slowly baking her yet it also felt as a comforting warmth like she were in Mama's arms.

"Oooh... Master..." She murmured.

"What is it, child?"

"Y-you... you're... beautiful..." The great head withdrew slightly and cocked to the side, nonplussed. Though the facial features of the dragon in this form were barely capable of anything which might be considered comparable to human expressions, there seemed to be a fleeting glimpse of a smile cross his lips. It was there and gone in the briefest of moments, then he withdrew further and those lantern eyes narrowed.

"Who are you, girl? Why are you here?"

She had been coached by the young guardsman about this test. And being a fast study she was acutely aware of the perils of playing word games with a dragon. Her mind in a whirl, she stumbled over her words.

"I... I am yours, Master. Your s-sacrifice. I... I exist to serve you, Sire. M-my life is naught but for your pleasure."

"To save your people." She nodded.

"Yes, Master."

"Your family. Your parents. James and Lily Gardener." An icy fist closed around her heart. How... how did he know...?

"Y-yes, Master. To save them."

"To save your sisters. Sif, Anna, Sybil and Abigail. Your brothers Ron and Harry and the twins, Fred and George." The fact he knew all of their names frightened her more than the notion of her imminent demise. A desperate tear tracked down her cheek.

"Y-yes, Master! P-please! I beg you! Anything is yours, Master! M-my b-body... m-my heart.. my s-soul... my life. All is yours to... to save them."

The thick armored brows furrowed over those honey golden green orbs.

"Do not beg me for mercy, child. Such thoughts do not exist in my mind. I live to dominate lesser things and all things on this world are lesser to me!" The small pointed ears swiveled back and almost lay flat along the sides of his head. When he spoke again it was from so deep in his cavernous chest it sounded as if the world itself were speaking, getting louder with each word until they reached the level of an earthquake.




"DEUCALIOUS!!" The last came out as a roar punctuated with small jets of flame which came very close to Jenny's body. She cowered back as well as she could against the iron pole and cried out as she felt some of her hair shriveling in the heat.

"Look at me, human." When she found herself brave enough to open her eyes, Jenny saw the dragon had retracted his long sinuous neck and was now coiled up possessively atop his more than substantial repository of wealth. Grond had taken a defensive posture with his head low, back arched and wings spread wide as if he were facing an army of warriors rather than a fragile human girl.

One massive foreleg scooped deep into the pile of riches and turned up, coins and gems and various richly appointed things falling back between the razor sharp talons.

"Is this what you seek, girl? Are you foolish enough to covet my treasure? Or is it this instead?" The other leg descended and scooped the bound and gagged body of the guardsman up and held him caged between his talons. "Do you want my... toy? Did he so enrapture you with his human love you would steal him from my grasp?"

She knew she had to be very careful at this point and shook her head.

"N-no, Master. I desire none of those things. I... I only want..." She faltered to a stop and those great eyes narrowed once more.

"You want what, child?"

"I only want you... Master. To take me and make me yours."