Sacrifice Pt. 02: Willing


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The girl watched all of this from the corner of her eye and shivered. While she had been the recipient of Andrew's slippery tongue and just the tip of one finger in her bottom, she had yet to actually be tested in this wise by her Master. The thought of it still terrified her. But the young guardsman's eager and impassioned moans piqued her curiosity.

She wanted to feel what he felt.

But... Gods...! She shivered hard again.

"Come up here, boy." Andrew gave a little squeak as those big hands suddenly settled around his waist and lifted him into the air as if he weighed nothing. He was laid on the dragon's chest with his legs above those broad shoulders and his face laying against the rippled muscle of his belly. Grond raised his head with his hands holding the lad's soft ass cheeks apart, sent his tongue burrowing between them.

"Oooohhh... Gods... Mmmm...!" The young man's head lifted, eyes closed in delight and he gasped and wriggled at the sensation. Any part of the dragon was almost uncomfortably hot and his tongue and saliva even more so. Andrew felt not only a rush of pleasure but a wave of intense heat wash over his body from the inside out, making him break out in a sweat all over. Beneath his body his own member was trapped against that broad chest and became instantly hard and began leaking a puddle of his fluids against the hard roasting flesh of his Master.

There were many additional benefits to being able to shift his form at will. Grond's slippery muscular tongue became longer and thicker as it quested inside his pet's snug little opening, growing until it was half the size of his organ and sending the blunt tip this way and that to find all of the places which made his boy wiggle.

And wiggle he did. While Jenny busily sucked and licked the head of Master's upright organ, she watched as Andrew pushed himself up on his arms, his whole body in motion, each muscle taut and quivering. She also noticed her lover was equally hard in his own right, that proud delightful prick oozing a steady stream of his slippery pre-come as it rubbed against Master's ribs. Somewhat wickedly for her, she thought it would be nice to clean up the mess with her tongue, just to taste a little bit of Andrew one more time.

As if in answer to her prayers, the mess suddenly got bigger.

"Aaaahhh... I... M... Mas... Oooohhh... I-I'm... g...g...g... to... Oooohhh!" Amidst his stammering thick ropy gobbets of his come began spurting over and over from his prick, spattering down the broad rippled belly, into the thick patch of wiry hair and even onto the thick shaft with a drop or two landing on her cheeks.

Delighted, she kept her hands on the shaft and bent her head down to lap up as much of Andrew's lovely fluid as she could reach, even going as far as wiping the drops off of her cheeks onto Master's prick just to lick them off again.

Andrew tasted wonderful. Greedily, she eyed the rest of the puddled mess.

Then Grond, as he had a way of doing, distracted her.

"Hold me steady, child. Put me inside him"

"Ye... Uuuhhhh... Mmmm... Oooohhh..." Her eyes went wide as he lifted the young man's body once more, turning and lowering Andrew until he was straddling his hips facing towards her. Jenny's hands held the wide shaft and pointed the blunt deep purple tip up between his legs. Deeply fascinated, she leaned in close and one small hand lifted Andrew's heavy sack in order to watch. Like a mouse mesmerized by the approach of a snake, she watched the big prick nestle up to her lover's opening and slowly lever it open as his body was lowered. Though the muscular guardsman must have weighed three times what she did, the dragon held him aloft, supporting almost all of his weight with arms outstretched, only letting him down in tiny increments.

Andrew moaned and cried out and wiggled as he was stretched open further and further until with a cry Master popped in past the guarding ring of muscle and the massive pole, well lubricated with the girl's saliva, disappeared inside of his body. In front of her face her young human lover's prick, which had flagged a bit during the somewhat painful ordeal, rose quickly once again to it's full height and stood straight out from his body. The deeper Master went inside of him, the harder Andrew got.

Impaled, the young man quivered and almost wept with the combination of pleasure and exquisite agony.

It always hurt, as he always knew it would.

And it always felt more amazing than he ever could have dreamed of.

"Kiss the boy."

"Oooohhh...Yes, Master." Jenny rose up on her knees, wrapping her arms around his neck and their lips met. He groaned into her mouth and his hard prick pressed into her belly. Andrew was still panting but his hands and his lips on her were hungry and insistent.

He was startlingly warm. Even warmer than before. Like he would burst into flames at any moment. The extra heat from his skin making her sweat as well. His entire body was in motion and each little movement was accompanied by a moan or a gasp or a little mewl or growl of pleasure.

The times they had made love while the dragon was away she thought she had seen the best of Andrew's passion. The depths of his love and desire for her.

This was something even a step beyond.

This was the kind of ardor they talked about sometimes in the church when the pastor was feeling particularly inflamed. The intense frenzied passion of a saint or a martyr being sacrificed to a God. It appeared as if he were going to be consumed by the monster's fire and he was more than willing and happy for it to happen.

This was beyond anything human.

She finally understood his love for their Master.

There was no way she could compete with the feeling. Nor, after experiencing a bit of it herself, did she even want to. All she wanted was to share it, and his love, and revel in more and more of it with him.


"Mmmm... Andrew, I love you." She whispered into his lips. His reply was an inarticulate moan as the hands on his hips moved him just a little.

"Touch him, child." Her soft little hands slid down his belly and wrapped around the shaft of that sweet wonderful prick she loved so dearly. It was still sticky with the residue of his last orgasm which quickly got all over her fingers.

A touch on her leg distracted her momentarily. One beckoning finger and a mental nudge had her shift her body around and a large hand slipped beneath her bottom to cup her pussy. A thick finger lay between her lips, making a shiver of delight run up and down her spine.

"Yes, my Lord..." Another unspoken command and she knew what she must do. Leaning over, she laid her head against Andrew's taut belly, not caring one bit about getting his mess in her hair. She opened her lips wide and took him into her mouth while he groaned. The finger caressing her sex moved, making a little groan of delight seep from around his prick.

The young man's hips flexed and he came up, driving himself deeper into her mouth.

And down, taking all of that magnificent frightening member deep into his insides.

And up...

And down...

Over and over again while his gasps and cries got faster and louder. She stroked and sucked and licked faster and faster as he drove himself up into her mouth. Jenny could feel all of Andrew's body getting harder and tighter, his lips uttering gasping nonsense as he got nearer and nearer to his peak.

The large digit between her lower lips slid back and pressed to her opening which was already slick and dripping with her own flow of natural lubricant. It was only slightly smaller than the slab of meat in her mouth and it made her groan and gasp around him as it slipped inside, stretching her snug little channel open.

And a chain reaction began.

The feel of being penetrated made Jenny shiver and moan around Andrew's prick in her mouth, which transmitted the vibrations through the young man's body. The extra sensation shot directly through the lower quarter of his insides, causing his inner channel to grip and squeeze and ripple against the huge member buried deep in his backside. The extra friction felt so good it brought Grond close enough to the edge he decided to ride it out and with a roar of delight, he began filling the boy's insides with his scalding hot seed. The feel of that massive tool swelling and spitting inside of him (along with a new influx of magical energy) brought Andrew to the edge and he stiffened with a cry of his own and began filling the little redheaded girl's mouth and throat with his own eruption. The flow of magic, in it's own capricious way, jumped directly from Grond's prick through the lad and into her throat and she also reached her peak with a muffled choking scream as she very nearly drowned in the process.

If anyone not involved had been watching, they would have seen the two humans eyes flash with light just briefly before they fell back into an exhausted yet completely satisfied stupor.

A few minutes later Grond shifted just slightly and patted both of his fragile little sacrifices fondly. They lay on either side of his body, holding hands across his ribs. One of his large hands played through the long red hair.

"When we have rested..." He said. "We will bathe, then have supper. While we eat you will tell me your idea, girl."

"Mmmm..." Jenny replied sleepily. "Yes, my Master."

"After which it will be your turn. I'll take you as if you, too were a boy." Her eyes went wide and all thought of sleep was driven instantly from her mind.



The greatest of all living dragons was, in a word, agitated.

He was a creature of chaos and well accustomed to change. There was always change.

But this...

For the first time in... forever... he was unsure.

Warm soft hands distracted him as Andrew wrapped his arms around Grond's waist and laid his head against his chest. Absently, the dragon petted his back and the young guardsman turned his face up for a kiss. Those small fragile hands came up and caressed the somewhat disconcerted face.

"This will work, Master. Have faith. Jenny's idea is perfect."

"Those are my... things." His upper lip peeled back and his eyes narrowed and for a fleeting moment the young human caught a glimpse of the mighty dragon beneath the human seeming outer skin.

"Master Master Master... please listen! Please, my Lord!" Grudgingly, the dragon looked down at his pet. The boy seemed distressed and even though he had not cared for the needs or feelings for another living creature in over a millennia, Grond found himself softening despite his anger.

"Speak, boy."

"Jenny and I saw how sad you were when you returned, Master. You spoke of no more challenges. No more great creatures. And no more exquisitely crafted things as in the old days. We cannot do anything about the other creatures, they are lost to us and to time. But these things..." Andrew waved a hand at the heavily laden table behind him and the glittering heap of treasures piled upon it. "These things are indeed exquisite and wrought with much skill and magic as hasn't been seen in this world for an age."

"To return them... to loan them back out of the goodness of your heart to those who made them, the elves and the dwarves and the wizards, might rekindle an era of craftsmanship. Give them an incentive to work towards. Reawaken their artisans and craftsmen and magic users and give them a glimpse of a glory thought long lost." The little bit of irony was not lost at all on the dragon.

"And then?" Andrew smiled an almost wicked smile.

"And then you just wait. How long will it take them to relearn the old secrets? A year? A hundred? A thousand? How long will it take for some greedy ruler to take the mighty sword of Agrathorn or the unbreakable shield of Hydramachus or Ar-Din's spear and try to build a new empire?"

The little human female came from behind the table piled with magical treasures and joined her lover in the dragon's arms. She kissed Andrew then turned up her face for a kiss from her Master. Her lips bore an almost identical mischievous grin. Although she was moving a bit gingerly as her body was still trying to repair itself the girl was as fully in love with her mighty captor as Andrew was.

"And when they have reached the height of their power..." Jenny added. "When they think they are the mightiest force in the land..." She gave him a grin and a wink. "Then you just come out and take it all away from them again."

Grond liked the idea.

A hand which would have been considered large and strong among humans played against the skin on his chest. The dragon allowed his skin to soften enough to feel the touch of his pet.

"Besides, Master..." Andrew said. "In a thousand years, how many sacrifices will be here? I'm sure Jenny and I will be long gone by then. Will you continue? How many will there be by then? Hundreds, at least?"

Grond had been pondering the very same question in his mind. From the way things were looking, he actually doubted these two would be gone in a mere thousand years.

Ten thousand, maybe...

It seemed he was spawning a new race of near-immortal humans.

Definitely something to keep an eye on and make sure none of them got loose in the near future.

The hand on his chest slid downward enticingly and stopped just above his crotch. Though it had only been a few hours since they had left his bed, he could feel a stirring. Andrew smiled sweetly.

"We don't want you getting bored, Master. It would be good if you had something to do to keep your mind and body active. In between, anyway."

Grond liked that idea, too.


After all of the times and in all of the ways her internal organs had been lovingly abused, pushed out of shape and pummeled by that most amazing wonderful tool belonging to her Master, Jenny was in serious doubt any of them were in working order at all. She was just now coming to grips with the incredible way her body was learning to repair itself.

Her dreams of course had always been to have a family much like her own back in Laketown. A loving husband, a farm and several children whom she could love and teach and dote on. She had assumed when she was chosen to be sacrificed to the great dragon that dream to be lost. In the eight months since her sacrifice the dream of a family had not once entered her mind except for the times when she imagined herself alone with her strong loving human co-captive.

The three of them had just returned to the warren of tunnels they called home. Grond had learned that even if he approached any of their target groups in his human form, there was always at least one who would recognize exactly who and what he was and treat him with great suspicion.

As they well should.

But if he brought his human pets with him as emissaries, they were received well and the gifts the dragon was bearing were accepted.

Even if, as they were instructed, they told the whole truth.

One hundred finely crafted and highly magical items from his horde had been selected and distributed to groups and clans and kingdoms all over the world. Even now the finest minds and craftsmen were pondering and researching and working.

The thousand year plan had begun.

They celebrated the end of the beginning of the plan in bed, as they always did.

Jenny lay face down on the mattress, panting and covered with sweat, the absence of those two amazing pricks from inside of her left her a bit bereft and empty but well satisfied. They had played in one of her favorite ways. Straddling Grond's hips with that member deep inside her pussy and Andrew behind, filling her bottom with his smaller but no less incredible prick. Being so surrounded and so full brought her to peak after peak after peak and left her so full of their combined fluids she felt as if it might come gurgling out of her throat.

It left all three of them quite satisfied.

Grond had risen from the bed and was about to direct his captives to come bathe with him as he often did when suddenly he stopped and turned with an expression of surprise on his face.

An expression he had not worn in many an age.

He grabbed the girl's arm and flipped her over on her back, startling both of the humans. His eyes were wide as he lay one hand on her lower belly, fingertips pressing into her flesh.

The dragon's eyes grew even wider.

"You are with child."

"W-what???" One eyebrow crawled up his forehead.

"It seems I have spawned a child. A son." He stared at the equally surprised girl. "Unprecedented."

Several months later when the time for the year's sacrifice to be chosen, Captain Reeves Minhollah entered his office one morning to find a small chest of gold coins on his desk. Inside were two letters and a note. The letters were personal. One from Andrew to him, containing things which made him both flush with pride and some personal asides which made him flush in quite another way. The other was from the girl to her family which he delivered unread.

The note was for the City Council. It read: "Some things have occurred which will allow you to forego your annual sacrifice this year. In their place I will require the services of Old Mabel. I will inform you when she is needed. The woman will be returned to you unharmed when she is no longer necessary."

Their astonishment and relief was immense, as was their curiosity. The Captain of the guard knew the details but chose not to share for his own reasons and amusement.

When the time came he escorted the ancient woman to the sacrificial stone with a much lighter heart than ever before.

Push push push push push! Aaaaaahhhhh...!

Then there it was. She felt the awful pressure in her belly release. The absence was almost a different kind of pain in itself and she did weep this time, more in relief than anything else. So distracted she missed several of the next few moments while the old woman crouched between her sweaty legs and did things to the baby.

Her baby... wasn't crying.

They always cried.

"My... my baby?"

The wizened old woman held up the newborn in her hands wrapped in a blanket, the old gray rheumy eyes wide as she stared at the child. A boy, as she already knew. With large green eyes which gazed up at her silently, as if the child were trying to look into her mind.

Old Mabel wasn't about to allow anything like that, of course. The babe frowned at her a little in frustration. As he tried to assert himself, she watched the child's skin ripple between the pale slightly greenish color speckled with freckles to the beginnings of little green scales.

"Oooohhhh, my..." Was all she had to say.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I'd give my first born child for this story to be continued one day

poreyb1999poreyb1999about 5 years ago

Please continue the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
1000 year plan

more, and then more again, please. Never have I thrilled so at the touch of a dragon lord, and there is so much space to fill.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Love !!!

I love this story!

Please continue it. As another commenter had put, there's more to this story!

taco1085taco1085over 7 years ago
no no nooooo

You cant leave it like this, No this needs to continue.... this is one of the most amazing stories i have read in a long time. You have left it open to continue, with the returned items for the races to remake and rekindle excitement again, you have created the child and what a fathers emotions with his child needs to be explored. mix that with his linage and a humans and what do you have. A whole new novel..... you have to expand..... lol...

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