Sad Son Pt. 02


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Across from me, each sister is watching with an amused expression. Becky crawls back to the end of the couch and sneaks out from under the blanket. Now that the blowjob is over, I have control of my body again.

Each hand has an unusual feeling. Somehow, during my orgasm, I had a few fingers sink into my sister's pussies. Instantly, I am rock hard. It's an incredible feeling having your fingers inside of a pussy. There's liquid, but it's not water. It's not baby oil, closer to water. Everything is warm and soft to the touch. It's squishy as well. It's softest while closest to the surface and hardens as it goes away from the skin, yet it's all flexible. What a cool sensation. I love the feel.

I see the couch across from us. Their mouths are covered, and they're pointing at us. I notice Gail and Emma are moaning, and they're lost in what looks like ecstasy. I look at both, and their eyes are shut, their hands and fists are pounding on the couch. The blanket has fallen into their laps. Their shoulders are swaying, and they're stomping their feet.

I'm still exploring and trying to figure out combinations. From the looks of them, everything works. OK, staying at any one thing for a while loses effectiveness. The sawing in and out at any intensity and speed is a big hit with both. It's fascinating because not everything that works on Emma is as effective on Gail. It works, but the scream or shout isn't as intense if there is one. They each had two orgasms that made them silent for a few minutes.

Donna crawls on the floor over to me. She slips under the blanket, and like Becky, her mouth finds my cock. My fingers stop for a moment. I am very distracted by Donna's oral skills. She hits the bottom of the helmet. Every single time, I get a surge of energy, and a lightning bolt races through my body. I love blow jobs. I know, I know, duh, all guys like blowjobs. Are all of them this good, or is it because they love me? Or is it just because it is my first time getting a blowjob? I will find out soon, I think.

It's only a few minutes this time before I shoot my spunk. She makes obscene slurping noises which is music to my ears. I see the other couch whispering to each other. Nobody is watching the movie anymore.

After slurping and draining my cum, Donna goes back to the couch with a giant grin on her face. They want to know what it was like.

I can now concentrate on Emma and Gail again. Now that I think I know how this works, I experiment with sliding my finger across their clits. Gail blows up while Emma barely registers my efforts. That's odd. That's a huge difference. How will I ever be able to please a woman if their likes are so different?

Wait a minute. Neither woman tossed me out. One got a great moment while the other got a mild moment. I just need to pay attention and adjust to the woman.

Insightful analysis, but rubbing clits is way more fun. Emma and Gail seem to agree with me, and they're fighting to stay on the couch.

Andrea finally shouts out, "ENOUGH!"

In an instant, my hands are on my chest as I stare at Andrea, wondering what I did wrong.

Donna, Casey, Becky, and Faith help Emma and Gail up to their rooms. Why do they need help? Did I hurt them?

Immediately, nausea and sadness washed over my body. I feel terrible for hurting them. What if they can't have babies now? My eyes are tearing, and my bottom lip is quivering. Andrea is already on her way over to me with arms wide open. She wraps her long arms around my body, making me feel much better.

Andrea is chuckling as she says, "Oh, my wonderful brother. You did nothing wrong. In fact, it was just the opposite; you were too good."

Now I'm bewildered. I thought I hurt them. Why would she stop something too good? How can anything be too good? Too good is better, right?

Andrea starts the lesson, "You didn't see your sister's faces. When someone is having so much fun, they can forget to breathe, or more commonly, they don't breathe enough. Their faces turn pink, red, purple, and then they die."

I am hyperventilating, thinking I was close to killing my sisters.

Andrea laughs at me, "Oh Hal, they weren't even red yet. I stopped it early on. I wanted to make sure you know so that if orgasms or even extreme pleasure are experienced, you need to check up on your partner. Now come give me a kiss and a hug."

Andrea gets a quick hug followed by an intense kiss. I got tongue and a wow from her. We then go upstairs together. Each sister is in her own room. I need a good sleep tonight; I have the concert tomorrow at the pep rally for homecoming.

I strip down to my underwear, use the washroom to clean off my cock, wash my hands well, and brush my teeth. I open the bathroom while Faith opens her door. She is only in a robe. I don't think anything of it until she follows me into my room. I thought she was going to use the washroom. I'm confused and stand still as she walks past me, dropping the robe and getting into the center of my bed. I close my door.

At seeing my confusion, Faith explains, "One of the most important things you must do before having sex is eating a woman to at least one orgasm. More is better, but one is required, and all great lovers administer two to four orgasms to warm up the woman. You see, if we aren't warmed up, we don't have the fluids in our pussy that allow a man's cock to slide in and out effortlessly. Otherwise, it's like sandpaper to us.

"Like your finger, there are many options with a tongue and mouth. The mouth allows you to bite with your gums and suck. The tip, edge, and full width can lick. You can draw shapes on the skin, use your tongue to draw shapes in the vagina, and if the lips are loose enough, suck lips like spaghetti. You can do circles, squares, lines, dots, stabs, zigzags, you name it, there are many options. I've had whiskers dragged across my pussy that made me hit the ceiling.

"A vagina is more particular. Some are snobs and hate everything, and some love everything. Some like quick transitions, while others like a slow burn. Some like to be teased. That's where you stop right before they orgasm. Many hate that. But one thing is clear; all women love a man that eats them.

"Tonight, I want you to experiment on me. It seems you learn best by doing. Careful of my clit; hitting that too hard is like crushing your nuts, not much fun. I know to breathe, but you still need to watch me. When Andrea stopped you, Emma and Gail were in a losing battle for air."

With a sad tone, "Yeah, I know. She explained it to me. I do need to watch more closely."

Faith motions me to her, "Come here, Hal."

Reluctantly, I walk over and get in bed next to her.

Faith says to me, "I'm very proud of you. You've turned into a nice man. If you weren't so sweet, we wouldn't be helping you out so much. We now understand how hard it's been. But. I'll let you in on a secret." I am all ears. "You asked for help. We have done a variety of things to help you out, right? Suntan lotion, naked showers, play with breasts, kissing, nearly nude bodies, etc. All in the name of helping you out, right? Wrong. We like the attention you give us.

"Most of us have little or no time for dating. Our schooling and studying are the number one thing in our life. You come along and want to be shown how to have good sex. What do we do? We let you experiment on us. To experiment, you must try many things. Well, guess what? That feels amazing to us too. You're not just rubbing a nipple. That nipple is attached to pleasure receptors that send lightning bolts to our pussy and turn us horny. We love those feelings.

"I am ready for you to experiment with eating pussy. Take your time. Try as much as you want. However, at ten orgasms, I'm stopping you. A girl can only take so much. You may start when you're ready."

I have good lighting in the room, she's on her back, and her legs are spread open. I first use my hands to touch all the parts of a pussy. I check consistency and how much I can press before it gets uncomfortable. I open her pussy wide, just like Andrea's textbooks showed me. I start by painting everything with my tongue. I get a feeling for the texture and density by using my tongue. I go top to bottom, getting a feel for the taste, squishiness, and lengths.

I come back and start poking each part, careful of her clit. I'm having the time of my life. I can't believe that Faith allowed me to do this. Of course, she is on orgasm number four already. Faith isn't making this easy. Her body is wiggling and bucking as I experiment.

It just hit me; she's moving around because of me. I'm giving her great pleasure. That is so cool. I fill with pride, energy, and desire to do more for her. I go back to my roots, music. How often do I need to change notes, aka techniques? With breasts, nipples, and fingers, everything is even. Every note or technique takes the same amount of time. With eating pussy, some things take longer. She doesn't like it if I break off licking the length of her slit. Yet, if my tongue is inside the hole, I can change rapidly, like a solo. All too quickly, she screams out her tenth orgasm. It's sad because I couldn't finish. Faith smiles at me. Before I get up, she pulls me to her.

She kisses me on the lips and then tells me, "Many men won't eat a woman. You just spent sixty minutes experimenting. Don't worry; we will all line up to allow you more time to experiment. That was fantastic. Now go get the lights and hold me tonight. I'm cold and need my man."

Talk about making a guy feel good. My sisters rarely compliment me. I believe that's a first for Faith.

Chapter 5 -- Pep Rally

Faith woke me up, and we had a naked shower like my other sisters had done. I will never get tired of that. It's funny; a few days ago, wiping a pussy with a washcloth was the highlight of my life. Now, it's nice, but fingering and eating a pussy is better. Still, I enjoy it.

It's a fantastic start to my day. I hope it goes as well later. So many things can still go wrong. A car door, a classroom door, a football player. Lots of things could hurt a finger and put everything at risk. Lucky for me, there is a group of women to look after me. They want to know what song I'm going to play. I'm not telling. Mitch wants to surprise me. Of course, we tested a bunch of songs, and I don't know which one he picked.

Kate greets me at my English class with a hug and presses her breasts into me. I blush. Several students are in the class, and none of them are happy. The guys want to be me, and the girls want me. She wishes me good luck, and then I sit down. Once I sit, every chair around me fills in with a girl. Michelle doesn't even try anymore.

Through lunchtime, the day is still strange like it was yesterday. Right after lunch is the pep rally. We all meet during lunch in the music room to assemble our instruments and tune them. While everyone eats, we take up seats in the band area for the rally in the gym. On both sides, the stadium seating has been pulled out. We are on the basketball court. The teachers have a place to speak in the center. The band and jazz band are on one end, while the choir is on the opposite side.

As the doors open to allow the students in, I see Gail and Michelle are one of the first to come in; they take a front-row seat. Mitch hands me the acoustic guitar and a mic and says, "Freestyle until I give you a cue to stop." They're talking and laughing together.

This wasn't part of the plan. I must stand up to be near the mic. I'm nervous and sad that Gail is talking to Michelle. She agreed to cut her off. I don't like that she lied to me. I'm in a terrible mood as I begin playing. As so often happens, my music is reflective of my mood. It's odd, though; the music is still sad like it always was. However, it now has a sensual undertone that it didn't have before. I can feel it, and it makes me hard.

Now I feel worse because a few people are pointing at me. The music gets even darker in tone, almost a funeral march. One odd effect is that the place is silent. Typically, the students come in talking, and it's pretty noisy. With my sad music playing, they're all listening. I see girls grabbing their boyfriends. Many have tears in their eyes.

I see Mitch give me a circular motion with his baton. That means I should wrap it up. I let the last chord fade out to nothing, turn off the mic, store the guitar, and sit down. I get a subdued ovation.

Now the Principal does his thing, the band does their thing. The choir does their thing. Then it's finally my turn with the jazz band. Mitch picked out Damage Control with John Petrucci on guitar and Eruption with Eddie Van Halen on guitar. Damn, he picked some hard shit. I'm disappointed in the second song as there isn't much for the band to play. He has me stand up, come out front, and then we start.

They pull down both movie screens and use a camera to zoom in on me playing. No matter what I do, only half of the audience can see me. With the screens, everyone can see. Not only that, but they also get to see the intricate work I do. In both songs, my fingers fly over the frets, my fingers are a blur, and the sound is terrific. Both songs are done in less than seven minutes. The standing ovation lasts five minutes.

I bow, go back to my chair, unplug my guitar, and watch the cheer leaders. No shit, Michelle isn't a cheer leader anymore. I hope that isn't because of me.

After the pep rally, we go back to the music room to store our instruments. Then it's back to class... other than me. Mitch wants a word with me. That's when Gail catches up with me. She had been talking to old friends.

Mitch asks me, "This Saturday, there's an amateur music festival up in Wisconsin. They have stages, and you're given a stage and then some time. Generally, it's thirty minutes to show people what you can do. It's in front of a live audience. Sunday, they invite some of the performers back to do a longer concert. They may ask you to play with some professionals or match you with other performers. In the end, they give out a bunch of awards. Most just do their thing.

"I signed you up last week. Don't worry, there's no contract. If you're busy, you can skip it. I want you to go. You have talent, and that's a great way to get noticed." He hands me an envelope. "This is everything for a first-time performer. I have sent students there before. Most don't make it to Sunday. A few work behind the scenes in studios helping to make records for all kinds of people.

"You're the best I have sent. I don't know what the competition is like, but I think you have a good chance. You can borrow the school guitar and amp. Just don't break it. That would be hard to explain.

"This question is for both of you. What's up with my daughter? Her mother is ragging at me to help her out. Is there anything I can do?"

I cut Gail off; I need to answer him, "Look, Mitch. You saw what she did to me. She tosses her boyfriend, looks at me, decides I'm not worthy and asks another football player out. You know that's why my sound was so sad. That's also why you invited the three teachers. You set me up to be popular. You knew how I felt. It's not a stretch to think I would ask Gail to stop talking to her. You know all of this. Why ask?"

Mitch looks sheepishly at me, "Yes, I saw exactly what she did to you. I was embarrassed by her behavior. Everyone knows that Kate likes you. The other two were a guess. Boy, was I right. Michelle's mother is materialistic. Big salary, house, and lifestyle. I'm a teacher, I couldn't keep up with her success, so she ignored me in favor of other men. It's like what Michelle did to you. I knew exactly how you felt. I approve of your actions.

"Deep down, I think she likes you. She begged me to get you the audition. That is very much out of the norm for her. I mean, she's never asked me for anything. Be careful; she might be a gold digger. If your career takes off, she might want a part of it."

Gail adds, "Becky can take care of that IF it gets there. With all the women that want him, I'm not sure how she gets a chance."

Mitch laughs, "You would be amazed at what women in love will do to get their man. You have been warned. Now, I have a request for you. I was either too young or didn't have enough money to see many concerts back in the day. If you don't mind, can you play some old stuff like Led Zeppelin, Dire Straights, Van Halen, Eric Clapton, Santana, and some of the oldies I never got to see live? It would mean a lot to me to see those songs performed live."

Until the end of school, I played old songs for a two-person concert, Mitch and Gail. They followed the sound, and all was well. It's a good feeling to see someone appreciate your craft like they did. When I finally leave, there is a large gaggle of women outside the music room, waiting for me to go home. Apparently, there was a minor panic because I did not show up to my last two classes.


Gail took me out shopping after school. She wants to get me a new outfit for next weekend. Why we need it now beats me. We have time, so I guess it's OK.

I was expecting the big cheap big box store. Nope. She takes me downtown to a street filled with fashion shops. The place is packed, and we park on the top level of an eight-story parking garage. A whole block of clothing stores. There are a ton of good-looking and well-dressed women here. We walk past a bunch of shops as most are for women. We walk past shops with men's suits. We walk past stores in sports fashion. Where are we going?

Finally, near the end of the block, we cross over the street. There are two stores with flashing lights, music, and lots of clothes you would wear to a nightclub on a date.

We walk into the first store, and six guys are immediately available to help Gail. We quickly leave. We go next door, and two women saunter over, eyeing me. They're not interested, at best curious. Standing next to a hot babe, Gail has them wondering why I'm here.

Gail is honest, "We have limited funds." One girl walks away. "This is my brother. For his whole life, he's been bullied. He's never been on a date. This is all Goodwill. We have been saving for Christmas, and I am allowed a budget on the credit card. We're two of eight siblings without parents for the last eight years.

"He got noticed at school and will be playing at the Tangiers Music Festival next Saturday and probably Sunday. He plays the guitar. He's special."

We get this look from Lauren as if she doesn't believe me. Does she expect me to pull a guitar from my ass? Gail is brilliant; she takes out her phone and brings up Kate's video. Lauren puts her own earbuds in and plugs into the phone. The store is noisy, now she will be able to appreciate the tones I produce. After a few minutes, she switches over to the pep rally solo I did. I see the smile grow on her face. She takes off the headphones and places them inside her bra. Cool.

She states more than is asking, "You want a new look for him. You want him to look punk, like a wild guitarist?"

Gail is not amused, "Oh no. I want a cool, confident look. I don't want business, and I don't want ripped pants either. I want a stylish hot look. He isn't athletic, but I've heard enough to know he's romantic and a marvel at breast play, fingering and eating pussy. He's saving his virginity for now. He melted a woman just playing with her breasts. Another stopped him at ten orgasms using his finger.

"I heard him get ten orgasms eating a woman for over an hour. He was inexperienced. Once he got on a roll, they came quickly and often. They had to stop him because she turned red."

We can see the desire in this woman. She's looking at me in a whole new light.

Lauren asks us, "Do you have time? Are you in a rush?"

Gail says teasingly, "We have all the time you need."