Sam Spade 11: Case of the Blue Ice


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Behind me I could hear Stephen saying softly, "Shit Sam, what are you trying to do? Get me fired?"

"Two things you should know Stephen," Angela said. "First off the ID is fake, and secondly." She paused a moment, "Since when did the ATF start carrying Yarygin pistols?"

"Let me see that, "Stephen replied. "Who makes Yargin pistols? What a piece of crap."

Instead of replying Angela said to the man, "Федеральная Служба Безопасности?"

A look of anger crossed the man's features for a second and was gone, "Da." He looked at me, "May I?" as he made a gesture towards his jacket. I nodded not trusting him. As he was reaching into his jacket, Stephen asked Angela what she said. He answered as he removed his ID, "Federal Security Service." He looked at Angela and added, "Your accent is almost undetectable unlike most Americans."

Angela took the ID and read it, translating on the fly, "Лейтенант-полколвник Yuri Kurkof, Federal Security Service, Anti-terrorism unit."

"What?" Stephen asked.

"Lieutenant Colonel" Yuri said. He added, "Detective Green I suggest you call in. You seem to have a diplomatic incident on your hands."

"Wait a minute Stephen," I said taking a step back and holstering my pistol in a smooth motion. Angela handed me the ID and after a glance handed I returned it to the Russian. Holding my hand out to the side, she took the pistol from Stephen and handed it to me. Looking at it I nodded, it sure did look like a piece of crap, and yet, daddy's old 45 looked like crap to. After a moment, I handed it over to the surprised Yuri.

"Now then, Yuri, would you like a cup of coffee?" I said sweetly as if nothing had happened.

He looked at me for a long moment and started laughing, "Oh Miss Spade, your American sense of humor." Yuri got his laughter under control and said, "Yes a coffee would be nice, black."

Angela nodded, picked up the shotgun and said, "On it..." She looked at my cup laying forgotten on the ground and picking it up said, "Don't worry Samantha, I will bring you a cup back too."

"While we are waiting," I said looking at the mess in the yard. "What brings you to my front yard Yuri?"

"Blue Ice," Yuri replied looking at the yard also. He turned somberly towards me, "Blue Ice, Miss Spade."

Diamonds, I thought to myself, the death and destruction was over stones. Well, that gave me a good lead. I would have to pay Fat Johnny a visit. He would know who was peddling some hot ice. Stephen interrupted my introspection, "Sam, are you ready to give your statement now?"

"Sure," I replied. I went through the timeline from when we heard the first explosion until I checked across the wall myself. I left out any mention of our guests as well as anyone checking before I looked at the destruction. I pointedly left out mentioning that the gate was closed when I checked. If they didn't know then I was not going to tell him.

Detective Green nodded and took notes as I spoke and yet Yuri did not, he just watched me closely. As I was speaking, Angela came back out and passed the coffee mugs around.

When she handed me mine she nodded slightly. Yuri's laughter caught my attention, "You Americans and your distrustful ways. Do you think I would lie to you twice in a row Miss Spade?" He looked at the eight-foot wall that separated my house from Don Brice's house and said, "You said you climbed that wall by yourself while everyone else stayed back?" He looked me over slowly.

I looked at it and then him, "Sure did," I grinned widely. I refused to let him get my goat. If he wanted proof, I would give him some.

Stephen pulled us back on topic, "Did you notice anything out of the ordinary?"

"Other than the fact no one was alive?" I replied. "No can't say that I did."

One of the men in the yard walked over, "We're ready to load up now Detective."

Stephen nodded, "Go ahead, we're done here." He looked at Angela and me, "If you think of anything..."

Nodding, "Don't worry, I'll call." I watched as the axle was loaded into the back of a flatbed trailer and towed away. Collecting the cups from Stephen and Yuri I added, "It was...interesting to meet you Agent Jones."

I saw that flash of anger in Yuri's face as if I had slapped him. "The pleasure is mine Miss Spade. I am sure we will meet again."

I watched as they drove off. When the gate was closed, I said softly, "What do you think?"

"I wouldn't let him get behind you Mistress, if I were you. You might end up with a knife in it." Angela said not looking at me. She turned finally and looked at me until I met her eyes, "Samantha, we have a bear by the tail now. It is bad enough to be mixed up in a mob war. But, the renamed KGB might be a bit much even for you." When she did not continue, I waited. Finally, she added, "We all agree. From now on at least one of us will be with you at all times."

"Angela, I can take care..."

"NO!" Her shout rocked me back on my heels. "No mistress," she said softer. Taking my hands in hers Angela continued, "I let you down once before, left you with no backup. My mistake almost cost you your life. I will not make that mistake again." Her eyes brimmed with tears as she said, "Without you Samantha, I am nothing."

Ok so I am a sucker for an emotional appeal. "Very well Angela, no flying solo," I said pulling her into a hug. I knew I could convince them that I was safe by myself by using the powers Maradith had taught me. However, that seemed like cheating. Wrapping my arm around her waist as we walked towards the house, I added, "Up for a trip to see a man about a rock?"

Chapter 3

As we were walking back inside, a thought occurred to me. Long ago, Angela had used something called capture scent on me. Capture scent was a pheromone tailored to work on the neurotransmitters of the subject. It made the subject highly suggestible for anywhere from a few hours to a few days depending on the dosage. I had kept both male and female types of the scent as well as the antidote in case I ever needed it. While the powers of seduction are handy, I could not see how they would help me now. However, if I could create that scent naturally, then I would have an edge. As Angela pointed out, I had bitten off more than I could chew this time.

Going to the bedroom I opened a little teakwood box. Sitting inside it were three little bottles. Picking up the one marked only with the female symbol I opened it and sniffed at the scent. At first, it smelled of wild flowers, however I could catch the scent of something else, a bittersweet scent. When I had it in my mind I closed the bottle and opened the male scent, sandalwood mixed with musk. Again, there was the underlying bittersweet scent.

I was about to open the final bottle when I was distracted by Sue Ann knocking and entering the bedroom. Closing the case, I looked at her, "Yes Sue Ann?"

"The account for Jasmine is made Mistress," She said as she came further into the room, holding a folder. She added, "I also did a search on Yuri Kurkof and have the information here."

"Thank you pet," I said as I took the offered folder. I realized I should test the scent before I needed it. I imagined my body oozing the female scent and smiled. "You look lovely this morning."

Sue Ann blushed, "Thank you mistress." I watched, as her nostrils seemed to open as she inhaled the scent. "Mmmmmm" she said, her eyes glazing over.

Looking her over I smiled, it seemed to work however, I still needed a test. Sue Ann, of all the girls, was a tomboy at heart. Even though she wore latex, she wore flats and her hair was in ponytails. How to test it was a problem, would she do something because I was her mistress, or would she because of the scent. "Look at my shoes Sue Ann... Feel the need for a change in yourself. Feel the need for high heels. You will wear high heels, the higher the better, without realizing it," I said. I kept my mind and voice neutral as to not affect the scent one way or another. Turning the scent off I said, "Thank you again dear," as it faded.

"You're welcome Mistress," Sue Ann replied blinking a few times.

"Oh, will you do a search to see what large jewelry thefts have happened in the last few weeks or so please?" I added.

"Of course Mistress."

As she turned and walked away, I smiled. Sue Ann had kicked off her flats and was walking up on the balls of her feet as if she were in heels.

As I was headed out to meet Angela at the car, Jasmine came up. "Mistress, I have something designed. It will be crude though."

"Will it work?" I asked. I had planned to test the male scent on Alvin. However, with Jasmine in front of me I could finally ask what I had been wondering for a long time. Extruding the male scent, Jasmine's brain being male, I snuggled up close to her, and waited. Just as Sue Ann's eyes had glazed over before, Jasmine's lost their luster now. "Are you happy dear?" I asked.

Jasmine seemed to sway a bit against me, "No..."

I was shocked. All this time I had thought that Jimmy was happy with becoming Jasmine. "Why are you not happy?" I asked.

"This," his arms gestured vaguely at his body.

"What would make you happy?" I was going to make it right for Jimmy finally. No matter what else happened I would do everything in my power to make Jimmy happy.

"To be like my twin, a woman fully."

I was surprised, I had expected Jimmy to say turn me back to a male. The vision of Jasmine fully female, obsessed with latex and ballet boots filled my mind unbidden. The vision grew and pushed all other thoughts out. It seemed to grow to surround me and then as suddenly as it came it was gone. Blinking I realized Jasmine was taller in my arms. I looked down and on her feet were a pair of ballet boots. I reached out to feel her sex and found that it too had changed. Jasmine now looked the mirror image of Jade.

"Kitten help momma make Jasmine happy," I heard in my head.

Turning I saw Kitten, in cat form sitting behind me. Bending down I picked her up and said, "Yes Kitten help momma like a good kitten." Looking back at Jasmine I said, "Thank you Kitten." As the scent wore off and Jasmine's eyes cleared, I said softly, "Jimmy, be damn sure your alarm system works. All our lives depend on it."

Jasmine smiled, "Don't worry Red, I mean Mistress, not even a mouse will cross over without you knowing."

"I know dear," I said as I hugged her. I was worried that Kitten's help would have erased Jimmy. Nevertheless, his goofy smile and reply calmed my fears. As I walked towards the front of the house I said, "Kitten and Tigress want to go with Momma and Angela to see a friend?" Her purrs in reply were the only reply I needed.

As we drove to Fat Johnny's restaurant I looked at Angela, "We've come a long way." I said as the memory of the first time Angela and I had gone to see Fat Johnny filled my mind. Angela had walked into my life looking for her brother. My life has never been the same since that fateful day. She had helped me remember my past and who I was; a past that included her as my lover and best friend.


"I was just thinking about the first time you and I went to see Fat Johnny." The only difference between then and now was that now we had Kitten and Tigress in tow. That and I became the unwilling mistress of a bunch of women.

Angela reached out to squeeze my hand in hers, "Do you wish I had never walked into your office Woody?"

"No not at all Angel." I replied pulling her hand to my lips. Angela's old nickname for me back before the accident that took her away and near destroyed me had been "Woody." Woody was an old flat screen animation character, a woodpecker that always seemed to get into trouble.

Pulling up in front of Fat Johnny's restaurant, I looked down at Kitten lying in my lap. "Momma and Angela have to go inside and talk to someone. You two can come if you do nothing more then watch." My voice serious I continued, "No helping momma and Angela. Otherwise, both of you can go right back to the house and wait there."

Kitten and Tigress looked at each other for a long time before she looked back up at me. "Kitten not want be alone. Kitten will be good."

As she stroked Tigress's back, Angela said, "I know you will, baby cat." She looked up at me and nodded. "Tigress will be a good girl and not help with any problems we might have." She grinned, "Shall we?"

Angela followed me up to the door with Kitten and Tigress trailing behind. Finding the glass doors locked I was surprised. Even when closed Fat Johnny had always left the doors unlocked when he was there, he would conduct business between meals. His car was there so he had to be inside. Rather than waiting and coming back later, I knocked on the glass. When no one answered, I hammered on them.

A man wearing a dark blue turtleneck, black jeans, and black lace up boots came to the door. "Go away, we're closed," he said rudely. He must have been new and not know who I was.

"Open up, I need to see Fats," I replied. He made a rude gesture and turned away. Ok I can deal with most things. Nevertheless, a stranger flipping me off was not one of them. Pulling my pistol, I tapped the glass with it. When the man turned around, he saw the 45 pointed right at his head. "As I asked once before, open this door right now." I said.

When he made no move to open the door, I cocked the pistol. That got his attention fully and he finally unlocked it. As I passed him, I said, "Sweet dreams," and slammed the pistol into the back of his head. Looking down at him I said, "No one flips me the bird and gets away with it, asshole." Still holding daddy's old 45, I walked into the restaurant proper.

Angela said from behind me, "Yep, just like old times."

Fat Johnny was sitting at his usual table. Sitting on either side of him were another pair of men dressed just like the first. In front of the table stood a third man dressed the same. Rather than bust into his business I waited near the entrance where he could see me. I would have to make sure I gave him a hard time over his bodyguards' choice of clothing. A good suit does much better at concealing lethal items then a turtleneck would with that thought in mind, I holstered my pistol.

One of the men sitting with Fat Johnny noticed us standing by the door. He made a gesture and the standing man turned and came over to us, "We're closed, you must leave now."

"You know, that's what your friend out front said," I replied as the other two got up, walked over, and formed a wall between Fat Johnny and myself. Looking at them, they seemed to be cut from the same mold as the one I pistol-whipped out front. "Ok boys, you did your job, now run along."

"You leave now," the original man said as he gave me a push. I heard a low growl from one or the other cats. My guess was that Kitten was showing her displeasure.

Instead of replying to the man, I looked down at Kitten and said, "Remember your promise Kitten." Looking up at him I said simply, "Touch me again and I will break your arm. Now push off sonny, you are nowhere tough enough." Ok I admit I was tired, I had only three or so hours after sleeping at my desk the night before.

In reply, the man grabbed my shoulder and dug his fingers in. That is one of the few problems I have, no one seems to take me seriously. "Wrong," I said as I brought my forearm up breaking his hold. Grabbing his wrist in both of my hands, I twisted it hard. In response he dropped to his knees, it was either that or end up with a dislocated shoulder. Bringing a knee up, I broke his elbow. As I let him go to turn and deal with the other pair I saw them lying face down on the floor.

Angela wiped her hands and said smugly, "Yep, just like old times."

Laughing we walked over to Fat Johnny, "You really need to hire better thugs." Fat Johnny was one of the real friends I had outside of the girls. He and I had saved each other's lives more than once and more importantly; he was a big reason why I was still alive today. He also happened to be connected to the underworld without being in the mob. If something was going on, Fats was the man who would know.

Fat Johnny looked at the men lying on the floor and then up at me, "Spade, why is it that every time you come into my restaurant, you beat someone up?" He paused a second, "Not that I am not thankful this time, you see, those are not my men. Mine are in the kitchen with the staff."

I glanced at Angela, with a nod she left and walked to the kitchen with Tigress in tow. Kitten jumped up on the table and walked across to stare at Fat Johnny. I figured I had better explain our relationship before Kitten did something rash. "Kitten, I want you to meet Johnny." She looked at me and then at him once more, "Johnny is Momma's friend." I looked at Johnny and said, "Fats, this is Kitten."

He looked at me as if I had lost my mind, shrugging his shoulders he said, "It is a pleasure to meet you Kitten." He smiled and added, "So I pay the health inspector a few dollars more this month." He looked at the men behind me and his smile fell off.

Looking behind me to check on them I said, "Who are they?"

"Russian mafia."

Chapter 4

I turned and looked at the thugs on the floor, Angela was right, perhaps I had bitten off more than I can chew. I had to find out why the Russian mob was here in the states and I needed the answer fast, "What are you wrapped up in Johnny?"

"Me? ME?" Johnny replied in shocked indignation. "These cretins demanded I pay them protection money. Can you believe that?"

Angela walked in followed by a pair of bodyguards as he was talking. Now these men looked more like Fat Johnny's boys. She said, "The Russian mafia has never crossed over to America before. Why now?"

"I don't know Angela, they just said for me to pay or I would suffer the same fate as those on the hill did." He replied confused. Looking at me he added, "Samantha, you live up that way, what happened on the hill?"

I wondered how to put it, did Fat Johnny know where Don Brice lived and how would he react to the Don's house being blown. There was only one way to find out, "Someone bombed Don Brice's house last night. Last I heard there were no survivors."

His eyes got large and he turned as pale as a ghost. He looked at his men and told them to take the thugs and put them in the dumpster outside for safekeeping. When his men had cleared the room Fat Johnny lowered his voice, "Lenny and Sue?"


He wiped his brow as color came back into his face. I didn't know up until then that Johnny knew them more then as the mob boss and wife. "Thank god."

"Have you heard anything about a jewel heist? Perhaps blue diamonds?" I asked.

Fat Johnny shook his head, "No Sam, not at all. Why do you ask?"

In for a penny, in for a pound I thought to myself. "I was talking to a fed this morning; he seemed to think it had something to do with blue diamonds." I thought quickly, "Want me to get rid of the trash for you?"

He glanced towards the back, "Yea that might be handy." He suddenly looked at me, "What's your connection Samantha? I know there is bad blood between you and Don Brice ever since Frankie's death."

I felt tears well up as I thought about the past and terrible prices we all have to pay sometimes. Frankie was Don Brice's only child, his daughter. Like me, she had fallen in love with another woman. Lenny, her father reacted just as my father had with me, they had a falling out and a terrible fight. The difference was I was in an auto accident that killed my beloved Angela and left me near death, a vegetable.

Frankie on the other hand, moved in with us. One day her father sent his goons to bring her to him. In typical mob fashion, they killed Angela as Frankie watched. Had Angela been flesh and blood instead of an artificial personality, she would have died instead of shutting down. When Frankie was dragged before her father, she grabbed a pistol from the captors, killed the men who brought her in, and then tried to kill him. Unfortunately, she was so upset that she missed every shot before running. Because she had tried to take his life, Don Brice had no choice except to put a price on her head.