Sam Spade 11: Case of the Blue Ice


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By the time I caught up with Frankie, I found a shattered woman. Think about it, she had watched someone who she considered a sister killed, and then she, in turn, killed her father and men who she considered family. I found an unexpected ally in Sue, Frankie's mother. With her help, we staged Frankie's death, changed her looks and name. As far as anyone knew, other than Sue, the girls, and myself; Frankie had died. It had taken years to put Frankie back together again. Even now, I wondered if she was over it.

"Samantha?" Fat Johnny's concerned voice pulled me from my memories.

Wiping the tears away, I shrugged as if to excuse my behavior. "I was hired to find who and why the house was bombed." Nodding towards the back, "I know who now. I just don't understand why?" I could feel other memories bubbling up threatening to cause me to start crying again and bit my lip in response. "Let me know if you hear anything about the jewels please." Before he could do more than nod I turned, hurried outside, and rested my head on the warm roof of the car.

"Mistress? Are you ok?" Angela said hurrying out and resting her arm on my shoulder.

Instead of answering her, I called Detective Green. "Detective Green...This is Samantha Spade...Got a quick question for you." I had to think how to ask, as I knew all the calls were recorded. "Do you still have your friend tagging along?" When he said yes I continued, "Could you tell him, I ran across a few of his old friends over at the best pasta place in town." The phone was silent for a long moment before he asked if everything was ok. "Couldn't be better," I laughed. "You should come over and try it out; even the garbage is worth looking at. Have a nice day." Hanging up the phone, I said softly, "Let's go home."

The dive back was made in silence. The others knew something was bothering me but not what. Angela had known me long enough not to press; when I was ready, I would talk to her. Reaching the house, I said, "Could you see if you can scare up Jade and Sue Ann for me please. We parted company at my office, as she started walking away I added, "And see about lunch Angela."

When Kitten started to follow me into the office I said, "Why don't you run along and eat baby. A little later we can take a nap and snuggle together." I had never before seen a cat smile, until then that is. Kitten smiled at me and hurried off. Before sitting down I poured myself a drink, I needed something to steady my nerves. The memory of Jade's past haunted me still.

Sue Ann came in a few minutes later followed by Jade. Once they were seated I asked, "What did you find out Sue Ann?"


"Nothing at all?" I asked surprised.

"Mistress, there has not been a jewelry robbery of note in the last 6 months, not anywhere." She seemed to gaze off in the distance, "On March 14th, a jewelry store was cleaned out; the robbers were apprehended within six hours and all the items recovered." She looked at me, "That was the extent of the jewel heists in the last year. If someone is missing stones, they have not reported it."

I thought for a long time. If there weren't any jewelry robberies in the last year to speak of, then why is the Russian mafia trying to peddle blue diamonds? I needed more information, there had to be more that I was missing. I realized that Sue Ann and Jade were still sitting and waiting for me to reply. "Jade, any ideas?"

She shook her head, "No mistress. I cannot think of anyone who would hate father so much that they did not care who else was hit in the process. The families do not work that way." She paused and then added, "At least they did not used to act like this."

"Sue Ann, would you please make sure everyone is back for lunch. I think we need to have a working one today." As both started to get up to leave I added, "Jade stay a moment please."

When the door was closed behind Sue Ann, I said, "Talk to me about the families, how do they make money? What operations are they involved in?"

"Just the usual things, extortion, prostitution, and gambling rackets." She thought a few minutes and then added, "There was some talk of going into the drug trade, but father was against it."

A light bulb went off in my mind Yuri had said blue ice. I took that to mean blue diamonds. What if blue ice was the street name for a new designer drug? Standing I paced back and forth around the room. It was all falling together now. Someone, under Don Brice was staging a coup. It was centered on the drug named Blue Ice. That was it! All I need to do to solve this was to find out who was behind the coup and had ties with the Russian mafia.

Standing behind Jade I leaned down and kissed her neck, "I think you just broke the case wide open dear."

Jade turned her head and kissed me fully on the lips. "I am glad mistress." I could feel her need and lust rolling off her in waves. Rather than give into the lust; I had one more thing I needed to do. Fixing my mind on the female capture scent, my body began to extrude it. Jade's reaction was surprising, "Capture scent," she said with a moan of pleasure. She stood and hugged me; her head nestled against my neck as she inhaled the intoxicating scent deeply.

Stroking her hair, I asked, "Are you happy? Tell me the truth Jade."

Jade stopped nuzzling and looked at me, her eyes glazed, "No mistress."

I felt tightness in my chest, "Do you miss Frankie? Want to go back to how you were before we met?" If that were what it took to make her happy, I would do everything I could to make it happen.

Jade shook her head violently, "NO mistress. I never want to go back. I am your girl, now and forever. I love you Samantha Spade."

"Why are you unhappy?"

"I'm worried about mother and father." Jade answered simply.

"Don't worry pet, they are safe and sound." I said as the scent faded. I had the answer I needed. Jade was happy here and my conscious was clear.

Jade's eyes cleared and she said, "Permission to speak candidly Mistress?" When I nodded she continued, "Samantha, remember the night when you came into my office...when we first met?"

I thought about it, Frankie who I thought at the time was a man, owned a strip club named "The Pink Pussycat." Angela and I went there in search of her brother who we knew had visited that establishment. Finding Frankie was female, I took advantage of her and programmed her to worship my panties. The panties which had my musk on them, also had been soaked in capture scent. To this day, I still felt guilty for my actions that night. "Yes Jade I do," I replied.

"Did it ever occur to you, that the scent did not affect me? I was worshiping the panties, because I wanted to and because you wanted me to." Jade blushed and continued, "Samantha, I had the antidote on. In my position I had to protect myself always." She looked up into my eyes, "The night you and Angela came in, I found the woman I had been searching for. In you, I found someone who could be strong and yet tender at the same time."

She looked down, "I knew that if the only way I could have you was by worshiping you from afar, I was willing to pay that price." She paused a moment before adding, "After you left, I washed off the antidote and did as you asked. I saw you and Angela watching from the bar when I came out to dance." Her blush deepened, "that dance, and every time after was for you, to show my love."

I raised Jade's chin and kissed her, "I am glad you here with me Jade." She melted into my arms and kissed me back with a passion I had not seen from her in a long time. We would have ended up of the floor making love had it not been for a knock on the door.

Chapter 5

Angela peeked in and said, "Jasmine asked to be excused from lunch. She and the others are still working on the back security system."

I thought for a moment, "Any idea how much longer she needs?" Angela replied that it would be a couple hours. Shaking my head, I said, "No, have all of them come to lunch. As much as we need the back forty covered, I don't want anyone skipping lunch."

Looking at Jade I hugged her tightly and said, "Let's go see what Heather has laid out for lunch."

Jade giggled, "Its pickle and chip sandwiches with milk."

Stopping dead I looked at her, "Pickle and chips?"

"Sure, you take dill pickles, slice them thin and then add a layer of potato chips on top," She said in a deadpan voice.

My stomach rolled at the thought, "Oh god, tell me it's not so..."

Jade laughed until tears came out of her eyes, "If you could see the look on your face..."

Smiling I said, "Where did you find such a nasty idea for a sandwich as that?"

"We were talking about past flames we had had over the years. Jamie talked about a boyfriend she had who loved them." Jade smiled and hugged me tight, "Don't worry mistress, we would never make you something you didn't like."

Nominally, we eat lunch in the kitchen, but this time, it was spread on the dining room table. As we walked in, Jade moved to where the other girls were standing. Seeing me enter they all kneeled along one wall. "Sit at the table please we have work to do," I said.

When everyone was seated, I sat down. "I wanted everyone to be here so we can solve this case and get back to our vacation." I looked around the table, "As you all saw, Lenny and Sue's house was blown up. Someone has to pay for the actions that resulted in at least 23 deaths. While some of you know all the following, some do not." I paused to take a sip of milk, "Lenny is also known as Don Brice. He controls the Mafia for a good portion of the eastern seaboard." I thought about mentioning that Sue was the real power behind the scenes, however, that was not germane to the case.

"Let's talk about the bombs first. From personal examination of the scene, I noticed a few things. First off," I ticked things off on my fingers as I talked. "The front gate was closed. Secondly, one of the bombs left a crater, fifteen feet wide and about five feet deep. Third and finally, anyone within a fifty-foot radius was literally blown to pieces." Looking around the table I added, "Thoughts?"

Jasmine said, "For a bomb to dig a hole in the ground, it has to be moving in that direction. Therefore, a stationary truck bomb would not work. All it would do is leave a blast pattern on the pavement."

Angela spoke up, "If the gate was closed then they were expected. However, that does not compute. If Lenny were expecting a meeting, then he would not have come last night or postponed the meeting. The only logical conclusion is that Lenny did not know the truck was coming. Though someone else did."

"Jasmine, is there a way to figure out what caused the crater?" I asked.

"I can try; do you think I can get some samples to run analysis on?"

"I will make sure you get the chance." I replied. "I know who did it, or believe I know to be exact." I recounted the run in with the Russian mafia earlier in the day. "The question is why are they here and why blow up Don Brice's house?" When no one answered I continued, "This morning I had a very interesting talk with a Russian" I looked at Angela.

"Lieutenant Colonel Yuri Kurkof, Federal Security Service."

"Yes that's the name." I replied, "He was posing as a fed. Anyways, according to him he was here because of," I made quotation marks with my fingers, "Blue Ice. I thought he was talking about blue diamonds. Now though...what if Blue Ice was a street name for a new designer drug?" Most everyone was nodding with the exception of Alvin and Jamie. He was frowning, while she sat looking down at her plate.

Before I could say anything Jade spoke up, "Of course Mistress. Father had been blocking a move by some of the younger capos to start the drug trade."

Angela said, "That would explain the bombing and it being an inside job. But why the Russian mob?"

Jade replied, "What if, Blue Ice was made by the Russians? That would explain why the FSS guy was here also."

Once it was started by those two, everyone else jumped on the bandwagon. Holding a hand up I said, "Ok so here is the plan. Sue Ann, you and Jade get me all the information you can on the drug and the capos she names. Alvin, you and Angela see about getting samples of the blast area and things. Talk to Jasmine for details. The rest of you, get the security finished for the back half of the property." As they were getting up to go I said, "Jamie, could you stay a moment please?"

As the others trouped out, she sat back down still looking at her plate. I got up and walked over to crouch down beside her. "What's wrong pet?" I asked as I rested my hand on her leg.

She looked at my hand resting on her leg a long moment before moving her hand to cover mine. "Just some bad memories from my past mistress," She said softly.

Reaching up with my free hand, I stroked her face and mane, "Its ok pet, you're here now and nothing will bother you again." I said softly. I could feel her worry. There was something in her past that she was hiding from everyone most likely a drug addiction or drug related incident. I could have pushed and brought it out into the open then. However, instead I decided it would be better for her to talk when she was ready.

I imagined her taking her past, bundling it up and locking it into a trunk. All the fear, the worry, and hurt from her past, being removed from her mind. She became a good and happy pony for her mistress. Even though her memories were still intact, the past no longer mattered to her. She lived in the present and loved every second of it. The imaginary scene, which was already clear in my mind, suddenly became vivid. I felt it travel down my arm and into Jamie.

Jamie blinked a couple times and smiled as she moved against my hand on her face. "Yes mistress, Jamie is your good pony."

I noticed Kitten walk up to other side of Jamie and say as she caressed Jamie's face, "Good pony for momma."

Jamie looked at Kitten and smiled. Reaching out for her, she pulled Kitten's face to hers and nuzzled. "Yes Jamie good pony for momma and Kitten."

Turning Jamie's face towards mine, I kissed her deeply and cupped her breast. "Now be a good pony and help everyone finish up out back. Sooner they finish, the sooner we can play." Jamie nodded and hurried out of the dining room. I looked across the empty chair to kitten and said, "Good kitten for helping me cheer up Jamie. Momma knows just how to reward her baby."

Kitten and I retired to the bedroom, I do not know how much sleep anyone else had, but I needed a nap. More importantly, I needed to take the edge off the lust that was filling me. I figured that if I could use Kitten as an amplifier for my fantasies, then I could also use her to help me keep a grip on the lust that threatened to consume my mind.

Sometime later I was on my back nude with Kitten lying between my legs. Her furry face and whiskers tickled as she licked my flower. The frantic lust filled lovemaking had been replaced with tender passions. She moved up to suckle on a breast as I heard, "Momma sleep now."

Had I not been exhausted, I would have wondered why she said that to my mind. However, I was dead tired and with her gentle mental nudging, I felt myself drop into a kind of slumber. Unlike normal sleep, I could still feel her paws as they pumped either side of my breast and her mouth sucking on my nipple. Kitten's mind and soft purrs lulled me deeper into a state of relaxation. It felt as if I were floating on a cloud instead of lying on a latex covered bed.

Like the other times I dreamed, I had an out of body experience. I watched as the other girls came in and kneeled around the bed. One by one, they came up and suckled on my free breast. The longer they drank, the closer I came to an orgasm. Once they had drunk their full and I had orgasmed, they moved from my breast to lick and suck at my dripping flower. Once it was clean, they returned to the kneeling position and the next girl took her place. Through the haze of pleasure, my mind idly wondered how they could get so much milk from me.

When the last girl had drunk, Kitten sat up and walked out of the room. In an eye blink she was back, carrying what looked like a one of the crystal glasses. She moved between my legs and started teasing my clit. I heard her say, "Momma, cum for your daughters." The orgasm that rocked my body seemed to last forever.

When I came down, I noticed Kitten was holding the glass as if it were the Holy Grail. The liquid inside it was a black glossy color almost as if it were fresh liquid tar. She carried it with both paws and set it down in front of the first woman, Angela, who was kneeling on my left side on the floor. She then kneeled at the other end of the semi-circle of women surrounding my bed. As I watched, a sigh of pleasure seemed to flow around the circle and their eyes turned into glassy black orbs. Then, Angela lifted the glass and took a sip before passing it on.

Once they had drunk from the glass, they stood and one at a time kissed me tenderly on the lips before leaving. When everyone was gone other than Kitten and I, she crawled into bed with me and nuzzled against my side. "Kitten make Momma happy. Daughters happy, Momma happy, Kitten happy." While I was pondering those words slowly Kitten added, "Kitten take care of everything. Momma rest now."

I wanted to ask what she meant about taking care of everything. Instead, my mind shut down as if someone had pulled the plug.

Chapter 6

I awoke alone in the bed, the memory of the dream still vivid. It felt so real that I had to reach between my legs and masturbate. The thought of my girls, drinking my milk and cum was strangely erotic and I needed to release. With the thought and memory still fresh in my mind, it took only moments for my body to shudder as it orgasmed. While it felt good, it was nothing compared to my dream's orgasm. Even as I came down from the pleasure, the dream seemed to fade, as all dreams do.

While showering I realized two things, my nipples were more sensitive, and I had acquired a suckling fetish. My mind kept going back to the girls suckling from my breasts. Just the thought of it was enough to bring throbs to my cunt. Leaning against the wall of the shower, I closed my eyes, imagined a girl at each breast suckling and drinking my milk, as I kneaded them with my hands. I orgasmed again, the thoughts of my girls suckling my breasts pushing me over the edge.

Getting dressed I put on a latex peak-a-boo bra and a mini dress. The bra, for those who do not know, has about the size of an old silver dollar cut out in the center. When you wear it, your nipples poke through to show in whatever top you are wearing. Ending with a pair of high heels and opera length fingerless gloves I headed out to see what everyone was doing.

I found Alvin sitting in the atrium on a bench alone. Walking up to him, I waited until he noticed me. Alvin's eyes traveled up my body and stopped at my breasts. His hungry stare caused a wave of excitement course through my body. "May I join you," I asked as I felt my nipples becoming harder with his stare.

"Sure Samantha," he replied still staring at my breasts and nipples poking against the tight latex.

I sat down next to him. Instead of sitting normally on the backless bench, I straddled it facing him. With the short dress on, I was sure Alvin could see my upper thighs and a hint of my slick flower. "Why are you sitting out here alone?" I asked. I didn't understand the feelings coursing through my mind. I needed him in me, his hands caressing my body as he suckled. My body reacted to my mind's need, lubricating my flower and producing a lust inducing scent.

Alvin turned to face me, his eyes traveling my body once more. "I was trying to remember when I heard the term Blue Ice before." I watched as his erection grew and budged his pants. "I know it from..." he trailed off as he caught the scent of my pheromones. His eyes lost their intelligence as he reached for me; Alvin had become an animal in rut.