Sam Spade 14: Case of the Don Who Wasn't Pt. 01


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Driving next door to our house I said, "Once the pharmacy is open we will get all the patches they have. But tonight is free." I bent over and caressed her leg and looked into her eyes. "I want you." She smiled in reply and danced out of the car and into our house. Rushing behind her I bumped into her just inside the door. "Angela?"

She stepped to the side and I saw Jade laying with her head twisted at an unnatural angle. "Oh baby," I sobbed falling to my knees and holding her close to me. I looked down into her lifeless eyes and felt a part of myself die also. Beside me I could hear Angela reading something aloud but all my focus was on Jade, who had once been called Frankie who only crime was answering the door.

Suddenly a darkness surrounded me and I felt Angela wrap her leathery wings around Jade's dead body and myself. In a voice that was filled with honey she said, "It's time Samantha."

Though it was dark I could see her eyes and feel lust wash away my sorrow. "Please Angela," I whimpered. Ever since Angela transferred from an android body to a body of a succubus she became more loving and could always use her powers to make me forget anything for a time. "Not this time," I begged.

"It's not that my love," Angela said pulling me closer. She gathered up me in one arm and Jade in the other. She turned her head to me and kissed me. But instead of a kiss I felt as if I were falling into her eyes. The next thing I knew I was decanted into my body and felt an odd pain in my neck. I tried to say I am broken but my voice would not work. Angela kissed me again and I felt myself passing out.

I came to while making mad passionate love to my sweet angel. "I love you," I whispered and was surprised when my voice sounded different but that did not stop me from feeling her wings rubbing against mine. "Wait... what?" My mind asked confused. I could see her true form instead of the one she usually showed. "Angela?" I asked confused. At first her true form terrified me but in time I got used to it. However now it was the sexist thing I ever saw. My mind came clear and I saw what she was holding still in one arm. It was my lifeless body.

Before I could panic and flee, Angela pinned me to her. "Samantha... Listen to me... Calm down... Calm..." I felt her wings beating over us and I slowly calmed down. "I did what I had to do love. Before you judge me, please give me a chance to explain."

"I would never judge you love," I said tenderly. "I love you." She was the love of my life and without her I was just going through the motions of living. When daddy's brother returned her to me as an android, I fell in love with her all over again. It was only later that I found out the car crash that had killed her, destroyed my body and my brain had been transferred into an android body. It was that body I was looking at now laying forgotten on the floor.

"My love... Samantha, I could not chance you becoming infected. I would have to kill you to save the rest of the world. I could not do that and be forced to live throughout eternity knowing I killed the woman I loved. I had to bring you over and needed a human body to do it with." Angela said quickly.

We had discussed it more than once but I was not willing to rob a graveyard to join her. "I understand love." As her grip turned into a hug I hugged her tightly and kissed her deeply. I would have become lost in a haze of pleasure but a note laying forgotten on the floor caught my eye. I seemed to remember hearing Angela talk but not what she said.

As I made a move to release her and go pick it up she said, "Don't bother. It's from guess who. She said is short I have all your ex slaves and going to make them hers unless you rescue them. She added that Jade's death was payment for Antonio's death."

I wanted to go at once and kill her slowly. However, Angela stopped me and spent the next several hours left in the night teaching me how to transform my old form. It was easy to look like Jade but Samantha's form was much harder and time and time again I got frustrated and wanted to quit. Angela would not let me and only once I looked like my old self and was able to continue in that form did she allow us to go.

With one thing and another it was almost noon before we pulled up to where that bitch lived. I was surprised to find it was nothing more than a mansion a few blocks from where we lived. As we got out of the car I could feel my anger growing until Angela said, "Samantha focus!" She grabbed me by the arms and added, "If you would save the others, you must not lose control. I cannot fight two fronts my love."

I nodded as she let me go. "Let's go get our family back," I said softly. Walking to the front door I pulled out both my daddy's forty five and Angela's pistol. She held a small box filled with quick acting antibiotic patches in one hand while her other held one ready to apply. Slap a patch on the skin and the drug is injected almost instantly. A few minutes later the patch falls off having done its job.

Before I could kick the door in, it opened to display a woman covered from head to toe in flowing black goo. "Backup bitch or else," I said pointing both pistols at her.

The woman smiled through the black goo and said, "Mistress is expecting you Samantha." She turned and started inside.

Angela darted forward and slapped a patch on the woman's back. In response the woman screamed and fell forward She rolled around the entranceway as the goo dissolved off her body. Finally she lay face down. It was then that I became aware of screams of rage coming from further inside the house. A figure suddenly appeared from the left and without a thought I turned and shot. At the last moment I managed to shift my aim and hit the woman in the upper right quadrant instead of center punching her head.

She flew back and for a moment lay crumpled on the floor. Suddenly she raised her head and gathered her legs under her for a launch towards me. "Stop," I shouted as anger flowed out of me at her and the others who had stolen my girls.

Angela rested her hand on my arm and said softly, "Calm yourself Samantha." Stepping before me she said, "Summon the others. Any who are not here in one minute will die at the hand of Samantha."

By the time I was in control of my anger, the entrance hall held nearly forty women goo covered women. As each entered they knelt with their heads lowered to the floor. Finally Mistress Suzi entered and walked up, bold as brass, to me. "One word and my slaves will swarm over and tear you limb from limb," she said coldly. "Or you and your friend can join them as slaves."

"Give it your best shot," I replied as I holstered the pistols. Suddenly inspired I reached out and pulled her close. Giving her a hard kiss I felt her tongue enter my mouth and the tip break off. The tip wiggled around and breaking the kiss I spit it out. Still holding her close I whispered, "Look on my true form human." I dropped my guard and allowed my true form, horns, deep red skin, wings, claws extending from my fingers, cloven feet and beautiful tail. She drew in a breath to scream but one of my hands latched onto her throat. "Always know what you are dealing with when you declare war."

I nodded to Angela who began placing patches on all the slaves and finally the woman. Tossing her to the side I watched as she screamed and the goo dissolved. I was shocked to find out she couldn't be older than her early twenties. I looked at Angela and she gestured to two others. One who looked identical as Suzi and another who must have been their sister but had dark hair. Going to Angela I said, "I can't kill a child. Nor can I hand her over to Don Bruce. What do I do with her? With all of them?"

"I will handle it Samantha." Angela turned to the women, "Those who wish to leave and resume your old lives, do so now." She didn't seem surprised when none left. "From now on, until your death, you belong to Samantha Spade." She paused a moment and then added, "I am Angela, her angel of death." She looked at me and nodded.

"All can be used will be removed from this location. The rest will be disposed of." I paused and then continued, "By day you will act and go about your daily lives as normal. However, at home, your new home, your world will center around Angela's and my desires. You will find love there. Ask any of my original girls, they will tell you of our love." I looked at Angela and said, "Angela?"

"Gather all that may be used here and take home." She gave our address and then added, "Before you go, one of you here, snapped Jade's neck. I want her."

One woman, in her thirties stood and walked to stand before Angela, "I did mistress." She knelt with her head to the floor once more.

"Do not blame Jenny, I gave the command," Suzi said quickly.

"I didn't ask you," Angela snapped. She looked at me and then down at Jenny, "Did you feel pleasure killing her Jenny? Did you dance with glee as you heard her neck snap?"

Jenny looked up, "I had never killed anyone before. Yes I felt pleasure for following a hard command. But no Mistress Angela I did not dance with glee." She lowered her head, "If it is your will, kill me."

I looked down at Suzi and commanded, "Show Angela where you created your hellish creation." I looked at Angela who was looking at me confused, "I will handle this myself Angela. Jade would wish me to deal with it myself." After a moment she came over and hugged me.

"All save Suzi and Jenny, You have your commands." Angela said. She reached down and pulled Suzi to her feet and dragged her from the entrance hall way. The others quickly left Jenny and I alone. "Come with me," I said leading her outside. Once on the front steps I walked to the car and turned to face the nude woman. "Jade came to me wearing a mask she could not remove. It caused her to obsess over me until she believed she and I were soul mates. While that was bad enough, she was only child of the local crime boss, Don Bruce."

"How could I turn out a girl, no older than Suzi who believed she loved me with all heart and soul?" I asked looking at Jenny. "I came to love her, as I came to love all the others who ended up in those damn masks. Each one felt as she did and would do anything for me if I wished it." I paused and looked at Jenny who was looking down, "What I am saying is that I understand what you said. She would have spoken just as you did." Again I paused, "Look at me Jenny." When she raised her head I said, "I grieve for Jade but forgive you your actions."

"Thank you Mistress Samantha," Jenny said softly.

"I want you to go to Angela, tell her what I said to you and tell her I will see her at home. I need to see my godparents." I said reaching out to caress her face sadly.

"Would you wish for company?" Jenny asked softly.

"No Jenny, I must face them alone. My godparents are Jade's parents." I turned and got into my car and started down the driveway. I had not even made it to the street when Angela appeared before me and blocking my way. Before she could get in I got out and walked to her, "Angela, I must go."

"No Samantha," She said unmoving. We stood looking at each other for a long moment.

Finally I was the one to look down and away. I sighed and then said, "It's not fair them thinking she is alive."

"You can't show them a body love. Frankie is alive in you." Angela paused and then said, "Go visit with Jasmine and let me get the one girls settled in." She looked towards the house and back. "Ask her if there is a way other than burning this place to the ground."

"I will," I said resigned. Like her I looked towards the house and the slaves carrying things out to the cars parked on the side, "Angela, I know you know how to make more masks from the one on my mantle. Do so and use them on all of the slaves. Program to total devotion to both of us."

I could feel her piercing gaze on me before she answered. "All will be masked."

"You forgot the second part," I said looking at her. I knew what she was going to do but I wanted to hear her say it.

"I didn't forget it and I will not lie to you. All will be obsessed and devoted to you and you alone Samantha. It will be that way or I will destroy the masks." Angela said with her hands on her hips.

"What's really bothering you Angela?" I asked stepping up to her. "Is it my lack of revenge against Jenny? She was just Jade from the other side of the fight. How can I take her life?" I reached out for her and after a moment felt her relax into my embrace. "Talk to me love."

"Are you sorry I brought you over?" she asked against my neck.

"No not at all love." I replied running my hand up and down her back. "I love you with all I am and more."

"Then why the masks?" she asked looking up into my eyes.

"Because I need total trust and devotion from them all. Suzi trying to take blame from Jenny shows that they are loyal to each other and not us." I replied softly. If you know a better and faster way, I am game to try it." I said.

"All at once and in an instant?" She asked me. "No Samantha, not that many or instantly." She sighed, "It will be the masks as you wish." Angela looked me in the eye and then dropped them, "All will be masked and waiting in the play room for you."

"And you? Will you be there waiting for my return also?"

"Of course, I'll be the one in front," Angela said with a smile. Smiling in return I got into my car. Before I could close the door Angela was beside me and adding, "Leave talking to Don Bruce until later."

"I will Angela," I replied. Only then did she stand back and allow me to close the car door. Programming the car to take me to Jimmy's Place I leaned back and thought about her worries. I loved her and while this new form took time to get used to, I understood her logic. If nothing else, Angela was logical. If she wanted me to wait, then she must have a very good reason.

When we all moved together and pooled our resources, I had Jasmine keep her electronics and repair shop under her old name. It made a nice cover for her to pick up information from various people she knew. However, as time went on the shop seemed to fill with more junk. Going from the front door to the counter involved following a winding path with towering piles of crap. What visitors didn't know was Jimmy's shop had more security than a bank and from the front door on, people were being scanned for weapons. A smart man, would on arriving at the counter, lose the hardware of face a quick death.

Not being male or smart I stood waiting with both Angela's and daddy's forty fives in their shoulder holsters. "Lose the two pistols," A mechanical voice commanded.

"Try and take them Jasmine," I replied. "You don't want to piss me off today of all days." I felt someone behind me and added, "If I turn you will have to get your kill shot in before I unload both pistols into your chest."

"You would too..." Jasmine's voice said from behind me. She brushed by me and walked behind the counter. While Jimmy had been my friend as long as I could remember, before then he had been daddy's friend. At one point he hurt and betrayed me. I had Angela turn him into a tranny with everything female about him except his cock. To my surprise, Jasmine, as she was then named, loved it. Since then she, Jasmine, lived with us and only spent a few days a week manning her shop. Turning to look at me she took a step back, "Red, what the hell happened to you this time? You look like... look different."

Pulling the twin forty fives I set them down on the counter before replying, "Different how?" She looked at the pistols and then up at me unspeaking. I took a step back and held my hands out to the sides, "I have had a bad couple days Jasmine. Now when I need your advice you make me disarm myself before you speak to me, your mistress. So out with it so we can get down to business."

"I was going to say you're looking frazzled mistress. What have you and Angela gotten into this time?" She spoke as she expertly field stripped both forty fives. She looked them over and began cleaning them while making tisking sounds.

"At least grab me a cup of coffee while you pretend to clean our pistols." I shot back. I waited until she served and returned to clean the pistols before speaking. "I need to sterilize a house against biologicals."

"How big a house?"

"Huge, a mansion actually." I said.

She assembled first my and then Angela's pistol before looking up. "You can't."

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked stepping forward to place my hands on the counter. "I have to."

"And I'm telling you can't Sam." Jasmine replied. "If it was something the size of that rat hole you call an office, they I would say yes. But a house has too much stuff in it to sterilize."

"Then what do I do Jimmy?" I said suddenly worried. "What is in that house is...can kill everyone on earth if it gets out. It makes the plague look like a summer cold. It even has Angela scared."

She was silent for a long time before she said, "Fire... a really hot fire."

"Ok so I got to torch the place, is that what you are saying?" I replied. "Hell I had already thought of that." I picked up the pistols, holstered them, and turned away.

"I said a hot fire Sam. You have to use Whitefire or better yet if I can get it, Hellfire." Jasmine paused and then said, "Let me make some calls." I watched as she disappeared into the back. While waiting I drank the bitter coffee. By the time she made it back I finished the cup and drank a second one.

"God this is vile Jasmine," I said lifting the cup.

"It's supposed to be. I make it with vinegar to make it bitter. It keeps people from mooching coffee from me."

"No wonder," I muttered. "What did you find out." I asked louder.

"Piece of cake Sam. Just give me the address and it will be a pile of red hot rock and ashes by morning." Jimmy replied. "For you, a special price... Only fifty K new dollars."

"What the fuck," I say feeling anger filling me. I had to take several breaths to calm down and finally added, "I thought we had a connection. I thought we were more than mistress and her loving slave girl, I thought we were friends and now when I need you, you rip me off for fifty K?"

"Samantha, you know I would never rip you off. That was the price quoted to me. If you want it done right, only a professional can do it." Jasmine paused and held out her hands palm up. "If you don't have it, I can come up with around twenty K."

"I'll get it. But payment after job is done and you and you alone come home to pick it up." I saw her start to shake her head and said, "You will come to me for payment afterwards."

"I will come to you..." She said slowly as if in a daze. Shaking her head she said again, "Okay Mistress, I'll come in the morning."

"I expect results for this much money Jasmine." I slid the paper to her and headed back through the maze that was her store and outside. I drove home slowly thinking about how she agreed once I said it with force. Reaching home I smiled as I walked up to the latex covered play room. Walking to my throne, I sat down and looked over my slaves. Kneeing in front of the women was Angela. The fact that all of them, including Angela's eyes had a thousand-yard stare bothered me.

After looking at them for a long moment I said, "I am your mistress. My word is law." I paused and felt my wings expand to their fullest extent. They began waving slowly as I spoke, "Angela, come stand one step below me." I waited until she stood before me, "Angela, in addition to the above you are my enforcer and consort."

Her eyes cleared and she knelt facing me with lowered head. After a moment she looked up at me and said softly, "Command me goddess. Allow me to prove my devotion and feed you."

"Soon," I replied. I looked at the rest of the kneeling women who were looking up at me. "Look upon my true form and feel your love and lust grow. I closed my eyes and transformed into the creature I had become. I moaned, as I felt their lust washing over and feeding me. "Worship me," I said standing. Opening my eyes I looked at Angela and commanded, "Show your true form Angela and join me." Angela transformed as she walked to me and knelt with her wings wrapped around my legs but not touching them.