Sam Spade 14: Case of the Don Who Wasn't Pt. 01


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"Don't bother goddess, I know who it is." Angela said appearing beside me.

"The arsonist?" I asked looking at her.

"No Jimmy did the job himself." She paused and looked at the kneeling women, "I got Sam off to the side and managed to talk him into giving up the informant." She walked forward until she was standing before one of the women, "Suzi you are dead and just waiting to fall over."

"I want her patched five times over. In fact I want all slaves patched now." She disappeared and then a moment later returned with a box of patches. One by one she went and placed a patch on each slave. Unlike before they didn't do more than look at the patch and up at me with peace in their eyes. Finally Angela put five on the masked slave. Like before she screamed and rolled around the floor before laying still.

Angela looked down at her and said coldly, "Your death will be slow and very painful. When I am done, you will beg to be allowed you to die."

"No Angela. I have other plans for her. I made an agreement." I said softly. When she looked at me with surprise I added, "Sue." I paused and then added, "One life saved, one lost no matter who it turned out to be."

"One saved?"

"Yes, one saved," I said. I looked down at Suzi and added, "Show your mask slave." Once it floated to the surface I added without looking away from her, "Bind her and bring her out back. I will deliver her to Sue myself." Looking up at Angela, I saw she wanted to argue so I added, "That was not a request slave. Do it!" I was vexed with Angela. There was a time and place for everything and her questioning me before the others was not the time.

A few minutes later Angela came out leading Suzi on a rope leash. She had the girl's arms bound behind her back and a slip knot around her neck. Any struggles would strangle the girl. They both came before me and knelt with heads down. Looking down at them I said, "I don't know who I am unhappier with right now. Suzi for betraying me or Angela for questioning me in front of my slaves." I paused and then added, "While you are special Angela and are allowed to speak your mind. That is only when we are alone."

I crouched down and lifted her chin so Angela was looking me in the eye. In a soft and controlled voice I said, "Don't ever question me in public again. If you do, one of us will be not be walking away." I was angry and I know she could feel my barely controlled rage. Standing I commanded, "Bring her. Once I am over the fence, throw her over and follow."

Angela stood and pulled the slave to her feet and followed me. She kept her head down and didn't speak. I jumped up and over the fence. A moment later I saw the masked slave fly over and land in a heap. Finally Angela came over and landed next to me. She went over and grabbed the rope and pulled Suzi to her feet. Turning away from them I walked to the back door and turned back to Angela, "Wait here with her. Allow no one to touch her or come close until I allow. Can you do that?"

"Yes mistress," Angela said with lowered eyes.

Going inside I said loudly, "I am here to see Sue...and Don Bruce." A moment later I had several men holding automatic weapons pointed at me. "Tell mother that her daughter is here with a gift." I paused a moment before adding, "I have had a bad evening and not up for more shit." Lucky for them, Sue came into the kitchen and stopped dead.

"Samantha what is it? What's wrong?" she asked fearfully.

"I have who you want mother. Though both Angela and I want her dead, I made an agreement with you." I laughed coldly, "Though you will be happy to know it is the same woman who gave the command." As Sue started forward I stopped her, "I have conditions myself now. You shoot her yourself and the body must be burned to ash afterwards." I paused and then said, "Or you could just put her in a box and bury her alive. But you or any of yours must not touch her."


"Only by touch mother. If you rather, you can direct the action and watch my angel of death do what she does best." I replied. "If you want it drawn out, that is the best way. Angela knows well how to make someone suffer. Although, I bet right now I can teach her a lesson or two."

Sue stepped forward and rested her hand on my chest as she looked into my eyes. "I believe you can daughter. Very well... bring her and we will make her pay."

Going to the door I looked out, "Bring her." We followed Sue into the house once more and down to the basement. Beyond a heavy door was a room about ten feet square.

Sue looked at the nude and masked girl a long time unspeaking. She turned to me and said, "Remove the mask."

"It is bonded to her skin and can't be removed Miss Sue," Angela replied. "It keeps her under control."

"Remove it," Sue said looking at me.

"I will but if she touches you, I will be forced to kill you mother. Please don't make me kill you momma, I couldn't face poppa." I replied using Frankie's voice.

"I wanted to see her face but no matter," Sue said. "What I want is her to suffer Angela. Samantha says you are her angel of death. Prove it but make it slow."

Angela looked at me and I nodded. She turned back to Sue and dropped her head, "It will be as you command Miss Sue." She unbound Suzi and had her lay on her back draped over a four foot square table. Using the rope she bound the girl's arms and legs to the legs of the table. She stopped and looked Sue before asking, "Sound proof?"

"Yes, very." Sue replied closing the door.

"You may fight it but in the end you will scream and beg for death." Angela said. I could see what she did clearly and was sickened by it. As much as I despised and hated Suzi, I was not prepared for watching Angela slowly dissect the girl. Using nothing more than a claw she cut across the top of the girl's chest and at her hips. Then she ran a claw connecting the top to the bottom in the center. Only when she pealed back the flesh on each side did the girl start screaming. Her screams seemed to excite Angela as she sealed each renal artery and removed the girl's kidneys. She giggled as she held them out so Suzi could see them before setting them off to the side. I looked at Sue who had backed up against the door and was watching in horror. Her face showed what I was thinking.

Before I could tell Angela to stop, she bent forward and said, "I know you are there. So let's play a game, you heal her while I do my work. Perhaps you will be able to keep up until I get tired and give up." She paused and then said, "Let's see how you like your heart removed." Her hand thrust into the bound girl's chest and stopped. "Feel it... feel my hand gripping your heart, my claws digging in."

"Stop... do anything...." The girl's voice said flatly.

"Only thing is for you to do is die." Angela said coldly. She pulled her hand back and held Suzi's bloody heart in her hand." She raised her eyes to Sue, "Is this room fireproof? No... then I need a propane torch." She looked down at the girl and smiled, "We will just burn one part at a time, nice and slow."

"Mother, go find a propane torch and a fifty five gallon metal drum with a top," I commanded. I waited until Sue fled and then looked at Angela, "Slave, you are enjoying yourself too much. Do your job right or I will step in and there will be hell to pay."

"Yes mistress," Angela replied. "Pray to your goddess that she allows you to die quickly."

"Goddess... like mother?" Suzi's flat voice replied.

"Like mother's mother's mother. She who must be obeyed at all cost."

"Goddess, please send me quickly. Host body is dead, mind is in shock and I do not wish to continue. I failed her..." Suzi's flat and dead voice said.

"Heal the body," I commanded. I saw surprise in Angela's face but ignored her. "There is one chance for life. Complete and absolute submission." I looked at Angela daring her to speak but she learned her lesson and dropped her eyes instead. I was pleased at the time it took for the entity to reply. If it had agreed instantly I would have ordered its death by fire.

However, almost fifteen minutes went by before Suzi's dead voice said, "I submit Goddess, host mind submits though she is in shock and extreme pain."

"Put the heart back Angela." I commanded not looking up at her.

"Goddess..." Angela said and stopped herself. She thrust the heart back in and pulled out her hand. Without my command, she placed the two kidneys back in where they belonged. I watched as the arteries grew and reconnected themselves. Looking up I saw Angela's eyes begging me to allow her to speak.

"I know what you want to say Angela. But let me ask you this. If it were you there, wouldn't you want me to give you a second chance?"

"Mistress, yes I would. But you and I have been through a lot together. This... thing, has already submitted and betrayed you once. What makes you think it won't again the first chance it gets. It has no honor!" She stressed the last line and looked down at the masked woman with hate.

"Because this thing, as you put it, did not submit before." I replied. I looked down at the mask and saw eyes looking up at me. "You will not infect anyone unless I command it. If you fail to follow any command, you will find what it feels like to feel my wrath." I paused and looked at Angela, "You further have my word, that if any harm you, they will feel the same wrath."

"I understand goddess," Angela said softly.

"As do we goddess. We will follow your commands and do as you will." Suzi's voice said without emotion. The voice paused and then said, "I give you my body to change as you please. I give you my heart and soul so that I may worship you properly. I give you mind, both of them so that we may learn your desires and follow your commands fully." Her voice changed and with emotion said, "I am yours in all ways."

From behind me I heard Sue's soft voice saying, "I submit also. Your will is my command, your wish is my desire."

Turning I saw Sue had entered the room with a propane torch and striker. "You do not need to submit Sue." I walked over and took her face in my hands. In a soft voice I said, "You do not need to momma. I like our relationship as it is now." I saw her eyes cut over my shoulder towards Angela before they returned to me.

"What I believe in my heart, I will keep to myself Samantha." Sue said. "The boys are going out to get a drum."

Still looking at Sue I asked, "Do you still need revenge?" This time she looked down at the semi gutted girl on the table, closed her eyes in pain and shook her head. "Very well, you can tell poppa that the woman who betrayed me is dead. For that woman is dead." I took the torch and striker from her hands and added, "Have the boys leave the drum outside the door and knock."

Sue nodded and opened the door. She looked at me and smiled, "Goddess Samantha, it has a good sound to it." Before I could reply she was through and closed the door behind her.

Turning to look at Angela I saw she closed the chest and was looking down at Suzi. "Angela," I said. When she looked up I said, "You must let go of the hate you feel." I set the torch down and pointed to the floor. "Let it go Angela. With hate, you are not thinking rationally." I paused and said, "If it takes all night I will wait here until you have purged it."

I watched her as she knelt with a lowered head. After ten or so minutes she said, "I can't... It is too deep. She betrayed you Samantha. I cannot forgive that."

"You will forgive slave or I will turn my back on you and all your sister slaves." I heard two gasps and continued, "If you think I am bluffing then think again. I command you to forgive." I said in my true form with my wings curved over her. Angela whimpered and looked up at me in fear. "You wanted to play slave Angela. Now submit fully!"

"I submit to you," she said. She bent down and kissed one of my hooves. "I forgive my sister and beg you not to leave us."

"You say the words but I can see your true feelings Angela. Do it right or not at all. Drop your shields and submit damn it!"

Again she whimpered "I...I submit." She finally said. I could read her like a book and her love for me is what drove her into complete submission. "Mistress, I forgive my sister's sins," she said looking up at me.

"I accept your submission Angela." I looked at Suzi and saw a black line slowly fading where the cuts had been. As I watched they disappeared leaving her skin unmarked. "Leave scars in the shape of the cuts slave. You will always wear them so you will remember this night." Turning my attention to Angela I said, "Cut her loose and help your sister kneel on the floor."

I waited until the pair were kneeling in place before me before saying, "Angela, burn all the blood away on the table and floor." As she began burning I looked down at Suzi, "How is it the other slaves look like you more or less?"

"I created a seed, a daughter who rewrote their DNA into mirrors of my body."

"In all ways?" I asked.

"With exception of the head and scent, yes goddess." Suzi's voice said.


"I can change sweat to make anyone do as I command." She said.

"Destroy any knowledge of that. Destroy any memories of it. Slaves do not have special abilities unless I command it. In this case I forbid it on pain of death." I commanded. With my wings over her I could read her mind and see two minds acting as one. To my surprise the knowledge was from the human and it had been male before the infection. I waited and then asked, "What other special abilities do you have that human's do not?"

Angela finished burning the blood and part of the table to boot before returning to kneel next to Suzi.

"The only thing I can do is change my skin and body to simulate any latex clothing or bondage position," Suzi said emotion coming through.

"Show me," I said. I watched as she hugged herself and her skin turned black. After a moment it seemed as if she were wearing a black latex straight jacket. She then stood and a mini skirt formed, just covering her ass, shiny black stockings ended just below the skirt and finally black high heels formed on her feet.

"You forgot about the ability to change sex." I said once she finished and returned to a kneeling position still dressed.

"Goddess the change is only one way. I can't return a changed human back to the sex he was." Suzi replied looking up at me.

"I see," I replied. I was going to continue but there was a knock at the door. Changing back into Samantha I went and opened the door slightly. "What?"

"We have what you asked for Miss Spade," a polite thug said.

"Leave it there, when I am finished I will get it." I said slamming the door in his face. Turning back to the pair. I commanded, "Return to nude look Suzi. One thing though, no matter what you wear, you will not cover the mask. It, like the scars will always be a mark of your failure and betrayal. In addition you are not to infect anyone else without my express command. If you please me and are a good girl, in time I may remove the scars that mar your beautiful body or mask."

"I understand goddess." She said softly looking down.

"Angela, bring the drum inside." I watched as she brought it in and pulled the top off. "Get in Suzi. You will be transported home in it so be prepared for some bumps." She stood and got in. She looked up at me as Angela put the top on and sealed it. She then returned to kneel before me. "Out with it Angela, I know you have been waiting to speak. Now is your chance."

"A slave wanted to beg forgiveness for her past actions." Angela said.

"You are forgiven Angela. Now what else did you want to say? Let me add, that when alone you will speak your mind fully."

"Are you planning on infecting the rest of your slaves?"

"What do you think of that idea?"

"I think it could be very good or very bad. If you can keep your slaves in check, it would be good. However, the chance of one of the other slaves betraying you is increased." Angela paused, "I don't know that I would chance it."

I nodded, "Nor I." I paused and then added, "You will see that no one watches you as you take Suzi in the drum to the playroom. Leave the drum closed and do not answer any questions. I will be along after I speak with Sue and Don Bruce. I left her to deal with Suzi and made my way upstairs. Stopping the first man I saw I commanded, "Take me to Don Bruce and his wife."

The man led me up to the second floor and opened the master bedroom door. Walking in I saw the pair in bed, Sue was reading a trashy romance novel and Don Bruce was reading New Weekly magazine. An outburst died on his lips at the sight of me. "I just wanted to let you know it is finished and her remains have been removed." I paused and then added, "When I said I wanted to speak to you both, I didn't mean to disturb you. Forgive me for that."

"If you had not been brought to visit us, the man would not see morning." Don Bruce said. He paused and patted the bed, "Come sit Samantha." I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and turned so I was facing them. "I know it has been a long and bad day for you. But is there anything we can do to make it better?"

"You have done more than enough Lenny." I said softly. "You and momma have been supportive and helped beyond the call of duty." I glanced at Momma and added, "Momma you know Angela can get carried away sometimes. So, if you need or want to talk it out let me know." I knew what I wanted but now was not the time. Instead I bent down and gave him a tender kiss on the lips and a more rugged one on hers before leaving. As I walked out with a smile I heard him asking her what that was all about.

Making my way back I went up to the play room and found Angela sitting on the drum and the other slaves were kneeling in a circle around her and it. As soon as she saw me she jumped up and knelt with lowered head beside the drum. "Been spouting off again Angela?" I asked as I walked up and stood before her.

"No mistress," Angela replied in a meek voice.

Crouching down I lowered my voice and whispered, "You may be able to teach me a few things about lust and pain, but I know more about fear than you could ever imagine and if you aren't careful I am going to teach you first hand. Do you understand me slave?"

Her eyes met mine for a second before dropped back down, "Yes mistress."

"Good because next time I will use you as a public training aid instead of a warning." Standing I pulled the top off and looked down at Suzi looking up at me with fear in her eyes. "Help your sister out Angela," I commanded. As Angela lifted Suzi out I looked at my other slaves and said, "Your sister has been punished and given a second chance. Hear her story of what happened and learn from it. The next time someone fails me I will play with them personally." I paused and looked at Suzi, "Tell them what you went through." Turning my attention to Angela, "Help them feel it."

I waked over to the throne and sat down. On one hand I was horny and yet felt a deep seated anger. I listened to Suzi talk and could see Angela's wings slowly waving back and forth as she fed them the pain and fear of death the woman had been feeling. It was only when heads kept glancing at me with fear that I realized I was transmitting my anger to them. Even Angela looked towards me with fear in her eyes. When she finished, Suzi came to me and knelt with her head to the floor. Singly the rest of my slaves came before me and knelt with their heads lowered.

I watched as Angela came up and knelt with her head lowered and said, "Forgive this slave goddess. She will always be good from now on." Like a wave, the rest of the slaves repeated her words.

I looked down at Angela and the rest of the girls. What had I become that I not only had my original girls back, but added nearly forty more. To make matters worse, instead of us being a family, I was solidly in the mistress position and they were trying to make me into their living goddess. Before anything else I had to nip that in the bud. "Angela, I am not a living god. Please don't place me on that pedestal." I looked around the room, "I have always tried to fight for the little guy. Now look at me. More slaves than I know what to do with and everyone thinking of me as their goddess."