Samurai Swords and Hot-tubs


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Then she turned away from him, faced the tub, and leaned forward to rest her chest and cheek on the heavy cover. Her skirt rose with her movement, showing the backs of her knees and calves all silver in the moonlight. Her butt was a perfect target. She whispered into the cover, plenty loud enough for Riley to hear, "Perhaps I'll just take a little nappy-poo? I might have a nice dream. Or something. Perhaps?"

She waited, breathlessly. She'd done some interesting things in life, but never, ever anything so deliciously brazen as this. And she was gooey-wet, way beyond merely ready.

Riley studied the situation for perhaps half a second before he undid his waist-straps and let the trousers fall. He was still barefoot, and just kicked them away. He thought briefly of asking about contraception, but this was a big girl, she knew what she was doing. His cock stood out, iron-hard, ready, beneath the hem of the cotton jacket as he flipped Jolene's skirt up. She shifted, spread her legs a little, anticipating. Riley stroked his cock-head once up the length of her slit: she was as wet as she had claimed. Then he found the right spot, gripped her hip in one hand and her hair in the other, and slid himself solidly up into her, all the way in, in a single stroke.

Beneath him Jolene gasped, muttered aloud "My God but you're HARD!" to which he replied "Supposed to be that way, isn't it? Means we're both doing our jobs just fine."

Her insides pulled on him, drawing him into her in as if into a vacuum. Jolene gasped again, and managed to say "Oh, God, Doctor Riley... PLEASE, oh pretty please, don't come fast! I'd like about a mile of that thing, Sir. Not an inch less."

She was happy with his reply: "No chance of that... the process is more fun than the climax, far as I'm concerned. Climaxes are icing. I like the cake. So don't you worry your little southern head, just enjoy, no hurry. Your body will let me know when it's my turn." He pounded her, alternating deep and shallow, strong and gentle, protective and in-command.

She murmured her thanks: "God almighty, a true gentleman, at LAST!"

Then she dissolved.

He stroked her. She stroked him back, shoving her bottom eagerly at his thrusting crotch. His fingers slid down her front, under her hips, found her clit, teased and pinched. She exploded into sobbing gasps of climax, soaring. She scrabbled for purchase with her hands on the slick vinyl of the tub cover, failed. He kept up a steady beat, until she couldn't breathe, started to hiccough, and he let her down. His thumb slid into her bottom, where he could feel himself slithering in and out of her pussy-sheath, feel the rim of his cockhead passing by. When Jolene had her breath back, he was still inside her, still rampant.

Then he slid slowly out, removed his thumb, and she felt his cock tip, all slippery-greasy with her secretions, pressing gently against her anus. That took her by surprise. She twitched as if to pull away and she said, half alarmed, "Not in my BUTT, Doctor Riley... I've never tried..." She quit speaking as he paused with the nut just starting in. They both felt her muscles pulsing as they tried to figure out what was happening.

He shushed her, and said "M'Lady retains a virginity? At our age? How droll! And what a horrible WASTE of a beautiful ass! You should see the view from my perspective. Gorgeous. Especially in the moonlight. My cock is practically glowing silver. You know, this bottom of yours was absolutely MADE for butt-fucking. Now surely, Madame, a gentlewoman such as yourself would never go back on her word, wouldn't retract an invitation and offer so freely made and honestly accepted. You did say that I could have my way with you- what you said was "anything at all", I do believe. Wasn't it? Relax. Big fuck coming, Lady, truly big. I promise that this will be nothing but pleasure if you relax and let me drive this rig. You haven't even begun to come yet! "

Then he was inside her bottom, fully. She gasped at the incredible sense of penetration, fullness, heat. Tight. Luscious, ripe, opening, yielding. He understood, was careful, firm, smooth: he didn't let her worry, his fingers kept her fully occupied with their dancing on her clit as he stood shaking on tiptoe behind her, pounding into her, slapping belly loudly against buttocks with each stroke. She kept time with her voice, matching his bottoming out with a low drone of "Oh Jeez, Oh jeez, Oh jeez..."

Then suddenly she groaned and began to wail.

Riley slid his free hand beneath her face, offered her the edge of his palm, said "Bite!"

She bit, harder by far than she had meant to, and in the midst of climaxing her mouth was flooded with the sharp, metallic tang of his blood, which set her off in a unique way. Instantly, with Riley driving into her bottom in perfect rhythm with his fingers stroking on her clit, she came. Exquisitely hard, utterly different from all other climaxes she'd had. It went on seemingly forever, a soaring, swooping, rolling primal force of nature. It was much more intimate, much more intense, than having him in her pussy. A far, far cry from her occasional imaginings. A good way to lose a virginity - something long overdue, too!

Then she felt Riley tense. She knew he was going to come now, tried hard to squeeze with her inner muscles on this familiar object so strangely present inside her bottom, felt him start to spasm in time with her own squirmings. Then deep inside her bottom she felt him come, hard, sharp, prolonged, his climax like a string of pearls, each pearl a distinct throb and jump of his cock down in the depths of her bottom. She imagined she could feel the warm jets of his cum splashing in there, and drove herself back against him. He stayed there, fully embedded, cock twitching and jerking.

Finally she sighed deeply and released his hand from between her teeth, muttered "Sorry! I didn't mean to draw blood! But the taste was really exciting. Jungle-ish, or some sort of primeval fulfillment. Sure made me feel, oh, wilder, somehow!" Then it was "God, Doctor, you DID finally come, didn't you!! I felt it. It went on for the longest time, too. You must have half-filled my rectum with semen, you dirty old man, you! And your cock is still just as hard as ever. Is that normal?"

Riley caught his breath, and waggled his butt, stirring her insides again with his cock. "Normal for me. I am never in a hurry, Jolene, I like fucking too much. And I especially like making my woman come before me, and for a long, long time. Makes me feel good, it does, to do that for her."

Jolene sighed deeply and looked at him over her shoulder, stuck her tongue out at him, and said "So tell me, good Doctor. Since your cock is still so hard, does that mean you could do it all again a couple of times?"

He nodded and said "A couple more, probably... it's been way to long! Three is a good number. Of course, I'm not a teenager, so the third can take a while, and four is nearly impossible, but three we can do."

"Goody!" said Jolene: "Hold that thought!"

Then to Riley's total surprise, she turned her head and spoke loudly, said "Girls! You heard him. There's enough left for each of us to have one!" Then she turned back to him: " If you're going to have a treat, you have to bring enough for everyone, right? Sharing around, just like in grade-school... Gotta play NICELY and share!"

Out of nowhere came Cindy and Jeanne, rising from behind the tub at the edges of his peripheral vision. He was stunned, stood there struck deep inside Jolene's slowly-waggling bottom. Some part of his brain stuffed their appearance into the hopper, and turned the crank: just how tightly-knit was their friendship, anyhow? And what sort of as-yet-unspecified hellraising had they been notorious for, back in college?

The team moved as one, almost choreographed. The newcomers approached him from either side, tiny Cindy left, big Jeanne right. Both were still fully dressed in their uniforms: the blouses shimmered in the moonlight. He looked back and forth as they approached. Jeanne reached for his chin, turned his head towards her, kissed him hard. Her initiative, not his: the action made that quite emphatically clear. Warm, soft lips and tongue enveloped his own.

Then Cindy's small hand slid down between his belly and Jolene's bottom, and Cindy was pulling him gently away from and out of Jolene. Cindy said firmly "Time to share, Doctor. Time to share. Play nice in the sandbox like the lady said." She gripped his slippery shaft, pulled it downwards until she felt him wince slightly, and then she said "Jeanne! Looky here. Hardon DeLuxe! He wasn't lying!" As Jeanne watched, Cindy released the shaft and it flew up to slap hard against his belly. Then each had a hand in his crotch, exploring, making his breath whistle. Jeanne noticed it first: "Hey! No Brillo-pad. I've never encountered a shaved male crotch before! Neat!"

Then it was Jeanne again: "Okay, he's not lying about being hard in spite of just coming. Weird, but weird-good! I guess little girls get to go first, so he's all yours for the moment Cindy. I'll just hang back and watch. But..." Here she turned Riley's face to her again and leaned down to kiss him. "Don't you use him up! Leave plenty for me. I'm a big girl and I have one hell of an appetite!"

Riley moved to take off the heavy canvas jacket, but Cindy protested: "No! Leave it on. I like the feel of the cloth on my skin. It's coarse. Rough. I like rough, strong things. Leave it on!"

Riley was perfectly willing. He was beginning to feel like the collective's boy-toy around here, as if his opinion and will simply didn't matter. He decided that it really didn't. And he could happily go wherever this trio wanted him to, free-will could be put on hold for a little while... not only with no ego damage, but perhaps even a little positive reinforcement? They did seem to appreciate him, didn't they?

He leaned down to kiss Cindy: she seemed to enjoy it, but distantly. After a moment, she broke away and said in a sibilant hiss "Necking later. Maybe. Fucking now." She held his gaze for a second and said "Unlike our hostess, Doctor Riley, yours truly is NOT a butt-virgin. Not by a long shot. Do you understand me? No speaking from now on, either, just nod."

When Riley nodded, she said "Good!" and turned her back to him, reached for a towel from the stack at the corner of the tub, spread it on the deck and knelt on it. While Riley watched, with Jeanne's hand slowly stroking his cock, Cindy leaned forward until her chest was on the towel, then pulled her panties down over her hips, leaving them caught around her knees like a white rope. Only then did she flip her skirt up. Her nearly boy-narrow bottom gleamed white: she had much more of a tan than Riley had expected, a prominent suit-line.

And just within the private whiteness, on the basal triangle of her coccyx, was a tattoo: "Deliveries In Rear Please", with a pair of arrows leading down into the darkness of her butt-crack.

Jeanne giggled. Riley didn't. He was instantly eager. Riley knelt behind Cindy, and she spread her cheeks wide for him: in the moonlight he could see the glistening moisture along the length of her slit, then as he squatted in preparation his angle of view changed and it disappeared.

He slid himself deep into her pussy just once, for lubrication, then all the way up into her bottom on the very next stroke. Cindy let out a friendly, happy-sounding gasp, muttered "Oh, YEAH!" Then, as Riley reached for her clit, she stopped him and said loudly enough for all to hear, "I'll take care of my clit for myself. You FUCK! And I really do like alternation. Pound me, I'm ready!"

Riley obliged. Alternation he understood: ass-pussy-ass. And on and on that way. It was a glorious way to fuck, something few ever undertook. A sophisticated process that took good partnering, produced sensations in both parties beyond their wildest dreams.

Cindy was a good partner. He concentrated, enjoying himself and Cindy's rising tension. She was going to come hard, and quickly, he could tell. Already there was the huff-and-puff of near-climax. She grabbed his hand, slid it down her belly beneath her blouse, to a surprisingly big nipple atop an almost non-existent breast, and ordered "Pinch! Hard! Hard hard hard!"

He tested: she wanted more. He obliged, and put real force into it, much more than he thought any woman could like. But Cindy knew herself. With a deep intake of breath she suddenly began a stream of gurgling, howling orgasms.

In the midst of Cindy's pleasure, Jeanne knelt by Riley's left side, turned his head towards her and kissed him lusciously. Then as Riley held still and Cindy pounded herself onto his cock, Jeanne let her left hand roam over Riley's taut thighs and calves, down between him and Cindy, wrapping fingers around the greasy shaft, dandling his balls.

"Nice thighs!" she said, sounding almost analytical and very out of context, what with Cindy spasming loudly only inches away. "Nice glutes, too!" Her left hand busied itself with his cock as best it could through Cindy's thrashings, and her right cupped the point of his butt, fingertips trailing down his midline, tickling his anus and perineum, nibbling along the little midline ridge that documents our species' bilateral symmetry.

As Cindy began to subside, Jeanne said, as if reporting on a sporting event, "She's had enough for the moment, Riley, and you haven't come yet. Let's fix that, shall we? It's about my turn! I damn sure hope you can do three, Doctor!"

She slid first one finger, then immediately another as well, into Riley's ass, rotated until she found his prostate, pressed hard. His breathing stopped, and he exploded into a climax so intense it made his spine hurt. Then Jeanne was standing behind him, pulling him by the armpits, lifting him up and away. His cock came out of Cindy with an audible plop. Beside them on the hot tub lid, sat Jolene, watching silently, cross-legged, her fluttering hands out of sight in her crotch. She had clearly caught her breath and was again enjoying herself immensely.

Jeanne turned Riley around and said to him "NOW you can take off that jacket. I like my men straight..." She eyed his crotch: "Well, slightly curved perhaps. But NAKED for sure!" He silently shrugged out of the top, assuming the "no talking" proviso was still in force. Jeanne sat him down on the deck, then gently pushed him until he lay flat on his back, cock glittering wetly. She bent down and fondled him briefly, muttered "I'll be damned! There's life in the old thing yet. He seems as good as his word!"

Then she, too, stepped out of her panties, dropped them atop Riley's little clothes-pile. As she straddled him, still standing, she blotted out the moon, and it occurred to Riley that he had yet to see either a naked body or even a boob this evening. And three women? He had been through a couple of days in his life where there had been two, usually one in the morning and the other in the evening, and once with two at the same time, two sisters at the lake. But three? He wondered if he could manage another climax so quickly? He hoped his hardon would be all Jeanne would need: after all most women didn't need a man's climax inside them to set them off, did they?

Jeanne peeled off her skirt, then her blouse and brassiere. Backlit, all Riley could see was the dark triangle between her legs, the curly fur hanging down in outline, and the outer edges of her breasts. The outlines swayed nicely as she squatted. Then she positioned his shaft beneath her, gave a little grunt and settled fully onto him.

He reached for her clit, but she stopped him, took both his hands and put them up to cup her breasts and said "You deal with these: I'll handle the rest. After all, you must be getting tired!" Then she wiggled her knees to get settled properly, got her clit against his pubic bone, her hands on his chest, and threw herself into a furious rocking, scrubbing her clit against him.

She built intensity quickly: Riley could gauge her state by the tautness of her breasts and nipples. Then just as it seemed Jeanne was going to burst, that she couldn't possibly hold the pace, Jolene hopped off the tub, still fully dressed except for her panties, and said to Jeanne, with a tiny giggle, "Mind if I make some use of the other end of this thing? Who knows, maybe he knows how to use his tongue and moustache as well? Okay with you?"

Jeanne managed to grunt an assent, and redoubled her efforts on her own behalf. Riley's cock fit nicely against the end of her womb, and instead of thrusting she was using it as a mixer, stirring her insides. It was working perfectly. Jolene straddled Riley's head, then lowered herself carefully so that her slit ended up precisely where she wanted it. Her skirt settled around Riley's head like a little tent. Riley's universe was restricted, abruptly, to this dark, warm little room full of intense sexual odors. It did nothing except supercharge his libido: nothing in the world turned him on as much as eating... he always maintained there were far more nerves in his lips and tongue than in his cock, and Jolene quickly found out that he did, indeed, know what he was doing. She announced it with groans that mingled nicely with Jeanne's final drive.

Beneath them, in his own world, Riley struggled: he wanted that third climax, yearned for it, was striving for it, but it kept slipping away: he was too nearly spent, and Jeanne's slipperiness was too extreme. He couldn't get the needed friction, couldn't get the proper tension in his legs. As he struggled, joyfully but frustratingly, Cindy stepped behind Jeanne, who was slowly coming down from her high, and tapped her on the shoulder, then said "Jeanne, dear, I think you're NEVER going to get him off that way. Not after his first two, and not as wet as you are. God, woman, I can hear you two sloshing as you fuck! Want to try something?"

Jeanne nodded, grinned at Cindy and said "Sure! I've had mine for the moment, and this poor fellow is still hard, but hasn't got there yet. Like, what?"

Cindy knew what was needed. She muttered "Up and off him - let his cock out for just a second, and then do what I say." Riley's cock popped out into Cindy's hands. She wiped it completely dry with a towel, the rough terrycloth nearly exploding Riley's mind with intense sensations.

Then Cindy leaned down and took the head into her mouth for a moment, to wet it slightly: she put it against Jeanne's anus and whispered "Ever try it this way?" Jeanne admitted to having some experience, but never whilst sitting atop her man. Cindy told her "Go slow, and squeeze hard. I'm going to put a couple of fingers up his bottom just like you did, and maybe together we can get him off." Riley found this analysis of his problem, and the cool objectivity of the discussion, stunningly erotic. "Bet he comes quickly that way, and bet he nearly blows the top of your head off as well. Ready?"

Jeanne answered by sitting down: the snug, un-stretched tissues brought a lightning-storm to Riley's overloaded brain. Cindy spread his knees with her hands to expose his crack, and then when her fingers entered him, the magic worked. He heaved up hard, arcing against Jeanne's crotch, driving deep, deeper, held that way for long, long seconds, pregnant, awaiting some sort of birth. It came. He came inside her, deep, his breath exploding from him as he spasmed violently. And much to her surprise, Jeanne, too, went off, triggered far more by Riley's own reactions than her personal sensations. But get off, she certainly did.

Riley's eyes closed: he was drained, and trying to breathe. He felt Jeanne pull free, and now his cock was deflating, rapidly. Wilting. He looked up from the deck, to see all three ladies in a line, leaning their butts against the edge of the tub, facing him - a perfect lineup from little too big, left to right. All were naked: when had that happened, anyhow? Cindy's crotch gleamed whitely: she was as cleanly shaven as he. Silver glittered in her navel and alongside her clit. Interesting: piercings! He hadn't encountered that before. Slowly he gathered himself and knelt, then stood before them. They studied him, all grinning, all with their arms folded under their breasts. He shook his head in disbelief, then said "Permission to speak again?" They nodded in unison. More and more, he felt as if there were choreography and experience here. He wondered if he should ask, decided not to. Not yet, anyhow.