Sandra after University Pt. 04


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The old man at the entrance to the beach car park probably didn't look down my body when I paid him and I soon found a parking place and got myself organised. Standing at the side of the Moke I took the G-string off then coated myself in sunblock, all the time trying to decide if I was going to put the G-string back on. In the end I did put it back on but I double-checked that it framed my vulva perfectly, not hiding even a square centimetre of my pussy. I gave my clit a little rub to make sure that it was at its best, ready to be seen, before putting everything other than my sunglasses and a handful of flyers into the lock box, but before I locked it I reached into my bag and switched the egg on and to low vibrations.

After hiding the lock box key where George had told me to, I set off walking to the beach. As I walked passed the rows of cars I decided that I'd put flyers under the windscreen wipers after I'd done the beach. As I walked I also took my first proper look at the flyers that I was about to hand out and I got a little wet rush when I discovered that they didn't all have the same photo of me on them. On all of them I was totally naked but on only about half of them I had my legs wide open with every detail of my wet pussy visible.

By the time that my feet felt the warm sand between my toes I had gone through most of the wad of flyers and moved the ones showing every detail of my wet pussy to the back. I'd decided to give those to the cute guys who I thought would appreciate the photos more. The slightly less revealing flyers I would give to the older and less handsome and the overweight and older women.

As soon as I saw the sea I had to decide which way to turn, left to the naked people or right to the boring people. I chose left because there were less people that way and it would give me a chance to get used to squatting in front of prone people.

I can't explain it but exposing my spread pussy to people who are already naked isn't as much of a turn-on as doing it to clothed people although I quickly found that naked people, well the men anyway, were more confident in staring at my spread pussy than people wearing clothes. I also quickly discovered that especially some of the young men would try to engage me in conversation. Some I could tell just wanted to stare at my naked body for as long as they could, and a few wanted to know more about the gym.

I also got a few complimentary comments about my G-string and I got asked where I'd bought it from a couple of times.

Just as I had handed flyers to just about all the people in the 'naked' area I realised couple of things. Firstly that handing the flyers out there wasn't as arousing as I thought it would be. Sure it was great, the freedom of being near as damn it naked out in the open surrounded by people was amazing but there was something missing. Even the vibrations from my egg weren't pushing me towards the edge. People weren't shocked, even surprised at seeing me, and that shock and surprise was what was the big turn-on. The second thing that I realised was that I had been subconsciously handing out the 'tame' flyers from the top of the pile. My subconscious had me sussed out before my conscious side had.

I quickly left that area and headed back in the direction of the clothed people. Between the naked and the clothed people was a huge area of beach occupied by a mixture of clothed and unclothed people. I interpreted them to be voyeurs who weren't brave enough to join the unclothed, or who couldn't make up their mind what they were. There was a few groups of young men in that area and they were my next targets, I was sure that they would appreciate the sight of a virtually naked young woman and who would probably like to watch her working out totally naked.

That sparkle returned as I walked up to the first group, 2 young men flat on their backs and another 2 sat on the sand people watching. All 4 were wearing just swimming shorts.

"Bloody hell guys, on your left." I heard one of them say as I got close to them.

"Hi guys," I said as I squat down with my knees wide apart so that my head was closer to theirs, and that they all had a great view of my pussy. "Can I interest any of you in gym where at least one girl works out every evening more naked than I am right now?"

As I was saying that I started handing out flyers from the bottom of my pile and the 2 guys who had been flat on their backs turned onto their sides, propped up by their elbows and staring at my pussy with my clit sticking out. The thing was that they all appeared to have lost their voices for going on for half a minute before one of them finally looked at the flyer that he had in his hand.

"Is that your photo on this flyer luv?" He asked.

"It is, yes, I'm the girl who works out naked every evening, are you going to come and watch me?"

"You really workout totally naked with loads of guys watching you?"

"Yes I do, it's a lot less restrictive that when I wear clothes and it's much more fun."

"And you use machines like the one in this photo?" One of the guys asked as he held up the flyer with a photo of me on the thigh abductor with my legs spread wide.

That was the only flyer with that photograph of me on it and as he held it up for the others to see. One of them swearing when he saw it.

"And you don't even wear that thong or a bra?" Another one asked,

"It's not a thong, it's a G-string, and do these tits look like they need the support of a bra?" I replied.

I'm pretty sure that that last question got them to look up from my pussy to my tits causing one of the guys to say,

"Bloody hell, those are amazing, are they as solid as they look, can I touch them?"

"You can have a quick touch here but not too long, some prudes might complain, but the gym is strictly a 'look don't touch' place, it's not a knocking shop."

The nearest guy move one of his hands to one of my tits and had a quick grope before saying,

"I've never felt a tit so solid as this, are they real?"

"Of course they are real, they've just never developed into your average soft tits."

"Well your nipples and that clit have certainly developed quite nicely luv."

It was at that point that the orgasm that had been slowly building and then rapidly approached the edge when those 4 guys were staring at me and one of then touching my tit, arrived and almost exploded out of me. I was still squat down with my knees wide open and I moaned and had to put one hand down on the sand to stop me from falling over.

I vaguely saw 4 opened mouthed guys staring at me as my whole body shook and jerked.

As the body waves started to recede I heard one of the guys say,

"Did you just cum?"

And another say,

"Bloody hell, I can see her juices literally dripping out of her."

I said nothing for at least a minute until I could think straight.

"Yes I did, sorry, I didn't mean to lose it in front of 4 strangers."

"That's okay luv, we don't mind, in fact you can do that anytime that you want, right guys?"

The other 3 all agreed but I thought that it was time that I was moving on.

"Well guys," I said and I got to my feet, "it was nice talking to you but I need to be getting on. I've got all these flyers to hand out. Maybe I'll see you at the gym."

I heard a couple of them say that they'd be there but I couldn't be sure that they actually would go.

The next people that I went to was a young couple around my age. The girl was wearing just a bikini bottoms but the guy was naked. The guy saw me walking towards them first and he must have said something to the girl because she too sat up and looked my way.

"Hi," I said as I held out a flyer, "can I give you one of these please?"

The girl took it whilst the guy just stared at me as I squat in front of them both with my knees wide open.

The girl studied the flyer then looked up at me and I saw her eyes go down to my pussy then back up to my face.

"This is your photo on this right, do you really workout naked?"

"I do."

"Why would you want to do that?"

"The freedom of it and also, I love watching the guy's faces." I replied.

"I was going to ask you if you get embarrassed doing it but judging by what you are wearing right now I would guess not. I hope that that gym is paying you a lot of money to be out here like you are and having to go up to people."

"Actually, I'm not getting paid for any of it, I'm just doing it to help a friend."

I looked at the guy who up until then hadn't said a word but I could see that he was enjoying the view, the girl could see his boner as well. I didn't know if he wasn't embarrassed by his boner or if he was so engrossed at looking at me that he just didn't realise. That is until the girl said,

"Cover that thing up John, you'll get us thrown off the beach."

"Well," I said, as I got to my feet, "have to go. Maybe I'll see you at the gym, the address is on the flyer."

"Maybe you will," the girl replied, "that's if he can keep that thing under control."

"I wouldn't worry about that," I replied, "there's always a few of those there and we have a 'look but don't touch' policy at the gym so you don't have to worry about him losing control."

With that I turned and walked to the next couple who were watching me approach them. They were 2 girls around my age and one was making a half-hearted attempt to rub what I assumed to be sunblock on the other's back but both heads were turned to look at me. Both were wearing only thong style bikini bottoms.

It wasn't that I wanted to show my tits and pussy to those girls, it was more a case of wanting to see if I could interest them in going to the gym and working out naked. That would be good for business for George.

"Hi there ladies, you look like you keep yourselves fit, how do you fancy a free workout at a gym that has lots of cute guys there?"

I handed them a flyer which they both looked at.

One of the girls started looking at the flyer whilst the other said,

"How do we know that there will be lots of cute guys there?"

"This is why," the girl looking at the flyer replied, "look at this Mandy, she does her workouts naked, or she at least poses naked for the photos for these flyers."

"No posing," I replied, "that photo was taken during one of my actual workouts. I workout wearing less than I am right now."

"Was that when the gym was open to the public or a closed session?" Mandy asked.

"The gym never has closed sessions. If the photographer hadn't cropped the photo you'd have seen cute guys working out or just watching me. When you read the rest of the flyer you'll see that girls can use the gym for free."

"What's the catch?" Mandy asked.

"Only that you have to workout wearing only the same as I do."

"You mean naked?" The girl still holding the flyer asked.

"Yes, it's a great way to pick-up guys, and as I said, it's mainly the cute, fit guys that go to a gym."

"But naked?"

"Sure, it's no big deal." I said, "Once you get over that initial embarrassment it's quite good fun. The faces on the guys is priceless and their shorts quickly tell you if they are interested in you."

"Ha," flyer girl laughed, "I can see why they'd be interested in you."

"Hey, I've only got tiny tits, I'm sure that most of the guys there would prefer to see your 'more womanly' tits." I said.

"Do you think that we could actually do that Ellie?" Mandy asked, "I mean workout naked in front of loads of cute guys?"

"Maybe," Ellie replied, "It would be an easy way to pick-up guys."

"I'll leave you to think about it ladies, I workout there every evening and I'm thinking of having a naked girls fitness class, with the guys watching that is. Maybe see you there ladies, remember, it's free if you're naked."

With that I left the 2 girls to think about it. I thought about that last bit that I had said, I'd never thought of running a fitness class for naked girls before. I decided to talk to George about it.

I handed flyers to 2 more groups of guys before I got to the beach bar and where there weren't any more naked sunbathers. At both the 2 groups of guys I got a similar reaction and questions, and I also got soo close to cumming again as they all stared at my spread pussy and tiny tits. I was so proud of myself for having rock hard nipples and clit that were all throbbing throughout the conversations that both included questions and comments about my little, conical tits and protruding clit. I'm 100 percent sure that if either, or both, groups of guys had asked me to go into the woods with them so that they could gang-bang me I would have gone with them.

I was with those 2 groups of guys for ages but I knew that I had a job to do so I eventually and reluctantly left them and moved on into the area of clothed people.

In a way I was disappointed, the vast majority of people there were much older than me and, although most of them looked like the only exercise they ever got was walking to the beach or the pub, I didn't really fancy them staring at me as I did my naked workouts.

I did give out flyers to few men, those whose partner were away somewhere with their kids, and I did squat in front of them if they were laying on their towels or a sun lounger, and I was very amused by one man who was obviously shocked when he saw my spread pussy. The poor guy's face went bright red and as he turned his head away from me he told me that he wasn't interested in whatever it was that I was selling.

I was also a little surprised at the amount of attention that I got, or should I say didn't get. Okay there were quite a few topless women there and I guess that the majority of the people didn't look any further than the strings of my strings only G-string. I made a mental note to be totally naked the next time that I walked through that area.

Out the other end of the clothed people I came across some guys running some water sports. No, not the piss variety, jet-skis, parasailing, banana boat rides and pedal boats. Three of them were getting a couple setup on a jet-ski but they were a little distracted when they saw me approaching.

Once the couple were jetting off into the bay the 3 guys turned to me and I loved it as I watched all 3 pairs of eyes scanning up and down my virtually naked body. All 3 of them looked to be Spanish and a bit younger than me. Their nationality was confirmed when one of them said,

"Hola su hermosa dama."

I was pretty sure that he had just complimented me so I smiled at them and replied,

"Hola to you too, can I give you one of these flyers por favor?" As I handed the nearest guy a flyer from the bottom of the pile.

"Si preciosa, yes, guau, is this you?" He said as he showed the flyer to both his mates.

"Yes it is, come along to the gym on an evening and you will see more of me that you are seeing right now."

I watched all 3 as their eyes went from the flyer to scanning the whole of my front, back to the flyer then back to me. After a couple of minutes of them staring at me and me looking at the rapidly changing shape of the front of their shorts, another of them said,

"You ride on jet-ski?"

"I don't know how to ride one?"

"We show you."

"I have no money on me."

"We show you for gratis."

I thought for a couple of seconds then replied,

"Okay then, can one of you look after these flyers for me please?"

One of the guys took the flyers off me and ran over to a little wooden hut then came running back carrying a life jacket.

"You wear this." He said handing the life jacket to me.

"Do I have to? I can swim."

"Si, insurance."

"We take turns showing you how." One of the guys said as 2 of them pushed a jet-ski into deeper water.

"Climb on." One of the guys said.

I put the life jacket on but I didn't fasten it, I had plans. Plans that started with how I got onto the jet-ski. Two of the 3 guys were stood at the back of the jet-ski so I figured that I could stand behind it and sort of jump up and lean forwards. Once my chest was on the seat I could then manoeuvrer my legs along each side then lift my chest up and sit on the seat.

And that's basically what I did. Very ungainly and very unladylike, but that was my intention, let the 2 guys behind me get a good look at my pussy. I lay there, body parallel to the seat with my legs either side of the seat for ages until one of the guys said,

"Are you okay señora?"

"Ah, oh, yes, sorry." I replied as I sat up and shuffled to the front of the seat wondering if I was leaving a snail's trail on the plastic seat, and if it would get spotted before it dried in the sun or got sat on by the guy who I was going to get to grope me first.

One of the guys jumped on behind me and shuffled up to me.

"Sod this." I thought as I leant forwards and pulled the life jacked off then threw it towards the 2 guys stood behind the jet-ski.

"Now I'm ready," I said, "what do I do?"

The guy sat behind me shuffled closer and I could feel his bare chest on my bare back. He then put his head over my right shoulder and explained the controls and got me to put the velcro 'kill switch' strap on my wrist.

"Okay, ready." He asked.

I pressed the start button and opened the throttle, deliberately opening it wide so that the jet-ski lurched forward. As I closed the throttle I felt the guy's arms go round my bare waist. I let go of the throttle, the jet-ski stopped then I reached for both of the guys hands. I moved his left hand up to my tits and his right hand down to my pussy. I moaned a little as his fingers touched a nipple and my clit.

"Now I'm ready." I said as I opened the throttle about half way.

As we sped forwards I experimented by turning left then right and the guy took the not too subtle hint and started playing with my tits and pussy. I just hoped that the guy was watching where we were going because my eyes were closed most of the time as I enjoyed his manipulation of my extremities.

I'd been feeling quite horny since I first saw those 3 guys and his fingers, combined with the vibrations from the egg and the jet-ski, soon took me over the edge. Because of the noise from the jet-ski I wasn't sure if the guy realised that I was cumming but his fingers certainly didn't stop working and as soon as I could feel another orgasm building I turned and headed back to the shore. I wanted all 3 of the guys to take me over the edge.

As the jet-ski slowed then was stopped by the 2 waiting guys, the guy behind me took his hands off my bits and climbed off. As he dropped into the water he was talking to his mates in Spanish I saw him give them the thumbs-up sign.

"That was fun." I said, who's next?"

My second and third short rides on a jet-ski went very much the same as the first although I didn't need to move any hands to my tits and pussy, the Spanish talking that I heard must have been the first guy telling the other 2 just to dive straight in. And yes, I had 2 more orgasms before I finally got off that jet-ski.

Back on dry sand I thanked the 3 guys who all thanked me, one of them saying that I should come back for another ride, adding that I might like to try the parasailing or the banana boat.

"I would like that." I replied, but I couldn't see how parasailing or the banana boat could be as rewarding.

All 3 of them walked with me to the little wooden hut where I collected the flyers then I reminded then that they could see more of me if they came to the gym.

From there I decided to go up the little ramp at the end of the beach and start handing out flyers to any 'suitable' people and sticking them under windscreen wipers. As I walked up the ramp I decided that it was time for the G-string to come off so I did, and wrapped it around my left wrist. I was now totally naked.

A young couple were the first to see me as they got off a motor bike and started walking down the ramp. Both stared at me and as soon as they were passed me I heard the guy say,