Satisfaction Pt. 04: Ch. 14 to 19


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After a swig of beer, Mike continued, "Jean continued to josh me. As I left, she suggested we must do this again sometime soon. I told her not to overfill her drawers. She invited me over for coffee the following week - you were still away. We stayed in the kitchen. By the way you did a great job on the kitchen and the rest of the house. And we went on from there."

"Jeanie'll find humor in some of the strangest things. That's one of the things I love about her."

"As you have gathered, our morning coffees together and sometimes afternoon tea have become a fixture when you are away."

"Is Jean lonely?"

"Good question. Not in the traditional sense. She is doing good things with the young mothers' support group she has started. The yummy-mummy crowd as I call them. She has her Pilates group as well, who she loves to be with. She's bright and energetic." I did not add that I enjoyed being around that energy.

"What she and other young mothers often miss is male company. Not to fuck as you put it, but just to have a different viewpoint and adult conversation. I guess my age also is a factor. I am safe and she foolishly assumes I have gained some wisdom over the years. Someone to talk to."

"I don't understand that completely, but it can be harmless enough I suppose." Stan now sat back on the chair in a much more relaxed posture.

"Look, Stan. I have learned a lot about you from Jean's ramblings. I am a good listener notwithstanding I have done most of the talking today. I know that Jean loves you very much. She also admires you. You are great with the kids, you treat her with the utmost respect, and love her deeply. You are already successful by being good at what you do and ambitious to do more. You have created a wonderful home from a somewhat-rundown house. The list goes on." I added with a wink, "In fact you sound a bit like me when I was younger."

"I am pleased to hear all that." Stan was blushing slightly.

"Don't get the wrong idea, she doesn't think you are perfect. She could use some more help in the kitchen clearing up after meals. You leave your clothes around when you take them off. You lose your wallet and keys on a regular basis, by not being organized. There are some more faults she identified that I forget. Again, you sound a bit like me until I was trained."

"That's not so bad, I guess. Thanks. I'll look out for those items. Let me know if you learn of any other deficiencies."

I change the direction of the conversation after a few moments thought. "You were brought up in a strict religious household, I gather. And was sent off to a religious boarding school for most of your life." I raised my eyebrows at Stan, questioning.

"You're right. It was heaven and hell together. And, yes, I have some hang-ups from the experience. No, don't get the wrong idea. There was no abuse or anything like that, but the discipline was rigorous and the focus narrow."

"Sex education, for example?" I floated.

"None. I learned a bit from the playground, but since I was such a nerd, I got very little of that. University was the same. Nose down and hit the books. No sports. I was all work and no play. Great focus though."

"I thought that might be the case. Do you watch porn? Read erotica? Just asking." I saw Stan shudder.

"No way. That filth."

"Hold on there. Sexuality is part of the human condition. Miss out on sexuality and it may screw up your life, if you'll pardon the pun."

"Look. My head knows but my heart, or maybe it's my soul, cannot do it - don't know how to soften on this subject."

"You're already on the slippery slope. You do realize, don't you?"

"What do you mean?" Stan frowned. "I don't get it."

"You burst in today and asked me if I'd fucked your wife. Right?"

"Well. Yes."

"It was easy to accuse me, but it also shows a lack of trust of Jean. Your potential jealousy at her screwing me tells me that you think it was possible she was unfaithful to you. You do not fully trust Jean."

"Hey. Hold on there. That's a stretch from going from my thin sex education to not trusting Jean."

"I contend if you had a wider view of sex and its manifestations you would have realized on your own that I was a most unlikely candidate to have fucked Jean. Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, but Jean thinks you are only a mediocre lover." I was running hot.

"Fuck you. How the hell do you know that, or are just yanking my chain?"

"OK. I extrapolated. She made an allusion to the fact that your lovemaking sessions lasted not much longer than ten minutes, and you were done. At a minimum, anything under half an hour, in my view, is second rate. With my wife, I was hardly into the foreplay after ten minutes."

I noticed Stan did not respond. I thought he'd be angry. If anything, he was tearing up. "Stan you need to get out a lot more - you need a practical sex education. It's not just about procreation, no matter what you were taught. Making true love is an art and the most profound pleasure two people can share."

We sat in silence.

Stan then asked, "How can I improve?"

"Simple. Communicate about sex with Jean. I can give you a start. Remember I said we started our chats after I managed to open her bedside drawer. Well what I did not tell you the contents of the drawer. Want to know? I warn you the answer may change your life."

Stan threw up his hands in defeat or despair. "Hit me. I have no idea. Condoms?"

"Five dildos and two other bits of vibrating sex equipment." I let the silence remain. Stan, eyes wide open, held a glazed look on his face mirroring his shock.

"Perhaps you can understand better why Jean was giggling and laughing while I was wrestling with the drawer. Later she told me that had the drawer been in the kitchen she would have her dad, or your dad or brother over to fix it. She thought of me as a safe bet, and she hoped discreet."

"What?" As he came back, his voice was incredulous. "What. Seven masturbation objects? Did I get that right?"

"Yes. You and Jean need to talk."

"Maybe I've broken Jean's trust by telling you, but I think it's important for you to know so your relationship to Jean can flourish."

"What do I say to her? I hear you have seven items to get off with? Yeah. Right."

"I suspect she now keeps them in another drawer. I think you should 'accidentally' find them and let her explain. But so you don't go into that conversation cold let me give you an outline. When you are away, she gets very horny, particularly after you talk on the phone, which I gather is every night. She needs relief. She gives it to herself. A different experience every night. Her equipment is named Sunday through to Saturday. Remember your Jeanie is a healthy, high-libido twenty-eight-year-old, modern, active woman."

"Named? She gave them names? Really?" Stan gave a wry smile and shook his head from side to side.

"You should ask her about them. Let her tell you herself. But I get the impression even her toys may not be enough. You have to step in and enhance their experience. Get her to use them while you are on the phone, or better still with you there. Better that than her looking for other action elsewhere."

He immediately took my meaning. "Why would you even suggest the idea that she might cheat on me? That's sick."

"It may be 'sick' as you call it but it's true. One day you called at the lunch hour to let her know you'd be tied up in meetings that evening. I happened to pop in to see her for a chat. She mentioned your call she taken about half an hour earlier."

"As we sat down, she handed me a small remote. I had no idea what it was. I quickly learned. She told me to press the button marked one. The TV did not come on, nor did a radio. I half expected to see a Lego toy she had built come out from under the sofa."

"Instead, I heard a faint hum and asked her if it had just opened the garage door. Sounded like that. I was asked to up the setting to two. This produced a slightly louder hum, and Jean brought her hands up to her breasts over her tee-shirt and started to rub her nipples. I did not stop her."

"I'd quickly figured she was using the remote-controlled egg-like vibrator I had seen in the drawer in her bedroom. I turned it up to seven briefly to see what would happen and she jumped up eyes wide. "You bastard," she said. I turned back to two again immediately."

"For the next hour I played her. Bringing her up and then backing off. She stripped off her sweater and her bra as I watched. I discovered she had large prominent - huge in fact - nipples on smallish breasts, as you must know. She played with them as I played with her through the vibrator. After a while I could see she was tiring, and she pulled up her loose skirt and started fingering herself in front of me. I turned it up. She lay back and gave a symphony of musical grunts for a full minute as she flooded her already soaking panties and the chair."

"Earlier you asked me if I'd fucked Jean. I didn't but I brought her off to a shuddering climax. Things advance from there. She wanted me to see her get herself off on her assortment of her other tools. I obliged." I expected Stan to explode, be he just hung his head lower with a resigned look on his face.

He surprised me with his question. "Where were the kids when you were doing all this stuff?"

"Jean made sure they were fully asleep for their afternoon nap before anything happened. At the slightest sound from their bedrooms she would stop immediately, and we'd go down to the kitchen and just talk. She has what I call a 'mother's ear'. She could hear them if they blinked. She is a good mother."

"So, where's this going?" Stan grabbed his fifth bottle of beer. He was a morose drunk, fortunately. Not a fighting one.

I'd decided to go all in. "After about ten different sessions. Jean was quite straightforward with me. She trusted me, and my presence seemed to give her enhanced relief for her horniness. She started to talk about cunnilingus. She had never experienced it, she told me. She asked me to help her."

"I had to decide if this was a step too far for me and for us. I concluded, if not me it would be someone else. She had no idea how to even approach the subject with you and your inhibitions. I do not wish to sound noble about this. I loved getting Jean off with my tongue."

"I gave Jean three orgasms the first time. This number reached five the second time and Jean set a goal of seven for the next three times we engaged. I'm not particularly proud of what I did. In my defense, I was clothed the whole time. I did get just beyond semi-hard which pleased me. That is all. I have never touched her breasts, by the way. Jean never asked me to."

I gave a deep involuntary sigh. "Now you know the whole story. Want to hit me? Poke a shiv through my ribs?"

Stan was crying. His emotions and the beer had come together to release something in him. He was intelligent and I think he saw how his ignorance about sexual matters could have led to the present situation. He sobbed for about ten minutes in silence. Then he pulled himself together, blew his nose and wiped his eyes dry.

"I'm not sure what I'll think about this tomorrow when I'm sober and have time to reflect on what you have told me, particularly about Jean. I do love her deeply. You make it sound inevitable she would look for satisfaction elsewhere. I am not so sure about that. I do vow to open up communications with her, as you suggest and see if we can work it out."

Stan promptly stood and staggering slightly left my house without another word. I locked my door behind him.

I did not hear anything from either of them for a month. I saw Stan's car in the driveway most of the time. I only saw Jean in the distance once and waved to her. She waved back smiling. I thought that was encouraging.

It was Jean who called me. "Can you come over for thank-you dinner tonight, with just you, Stan and me? About eight after the children are fast asleep. Duck's on the menu. Stan told me to say, 'Bring your tongue.'"

"Thank you. Love to come over. I'll bring a bottle of wine." I thought to say more but just settled for, "See you later."

"Duck?" I thought. "Interesting choice of menu."

Part 5 to follow...

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