Satyr Play 02 Pt. 01


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"NO!" Meixiu gasped.

Sigrid held up her hands to calm the woman. "Henry's fine. He grabbed her hands as she was about to release the spell and... broke it? I'm not even sure how to describe what he did. The energies just collapsed into a wave of force. Knocked Mahati and Henry away from each other to the room's outer edges. Knocked them both out, but Henry had no injuries at all. Mahati's hands received burns. She'll need healing."

"You did not kill her for attacking Henry?" Meixiu asked in surprise.

"It was tempting, but Henry defused the tension in the room. Promises were made to play nice from now on. Mahati was impressed, in spite of herself," Sigrid said with a small smile on her lips.

Meixiu smiled happily. "Henry is a good man!"

Sigrid nodded and smiled in return. "Yes, he is. Now, how was your day?"

"The shortwave radio you bought for me was very entertaining! I found some... stations?" She looked to Sigrid and received a nod. "...where they spoke a dialect close to my original language. The television was a less entertaining experience. I do not understand why people find improper behavior so enticing. Bad people get rewarded while virtuous people get treated so poorly."

Sigrid nodded unhappily. "Yeah, that's a sickness in this culture."

"Are you hungry? I prepared your dinner. It's being kept warm in the oven," Meixiu said with a smile.

Sigrid returned her smile. "You know I don't expect you to cook for me. You're my guest, not my servant." She looked around and saw not a speck of dust, and everything was placed just so. Neat and clean.

"This is why doing this for you gives me such pleasure! You've been so good to me! This is the least I can do to repay you," Meixiu gushed.

"There is no need, but thank you!" Sigrid pushed herself to her feet and entered the kitchen, where Meixiu slipped on the oven mitts and moved her dinner plate from the oven to the small table by the back window.

"May I give you a hug?" Sigrid asked as she stood next to the table.

Meixiu's face lit up with a happy smile, and she moved into the tall blonde's embrace.

Once the hug ended, Sigrid sat and began to enjoy the meal. Meixiu was an excellent cook.

"This is so good! Thank you! Are you going out for your own meal tonight?" she asked the petite woman. Meixiu only went out once or twice a week. Sigrid had trained her as best she could to avoid being seen by security cameras and quickly discovered that Meixiu was an expert at not being seen when she didn't want to be. Just part of a Vampire's skillset.

They'd also discussed who was a viable target for meals. Meixiu got particular satisfaction from hunting those who preyed on the weak. Aiming for the criminal element, Meixiu walked through some dangerous areas. If a mugger or rapist tried to attack her, she sprung her trap. She never took more than a few mouthfuls from her targets. In the morning, they would wake naked in an alley with no memory of her or what happened the night before. Meixiu was particularly sensitive to rape, and when these monsters woke, they'd find their balls had been tied off very tightly with a small silk ribbon. That damage was irreversible, much like rape.

The petite beauty nodded happily to Sigrid.

"Don't stay out too late," Sigrid said as she extended her wrist to Meixiu. "Be sharp out there."

Gently holding Sigrid's arm in her hands, she pressed her lips to the inner wrist and darted her tongue over the skin there, numbing it. A sharp prick from one of her razor-sharp fangs started the flow of blood. She drank a small amount, then pressed her tongue against her skin again, and the healing enzymes sealed the wound. She finished by kissing the tender flesh. "Thank you!"

Sigrid pulled her arm back as tingles ran down her spine. She insisted Meixiu top up from her before heading out as the Wild Magic in her blood supercharged the woman's awareness, which protected her on her hunts.

"When will you be visiting Henry again?" Meixiu said with a sly smile.

Sigrid gaped at her in surprise.

"I'm just saying. Your energy levels seem to be a little low."

Sigrid laughed as Meixiu slipped out the back door with a grin.

She very much enjoyed sharing her home with the cheeky girl.

Returning to her meal, she wondered what Henry was up to now?

Chapter 5

Henry rubbed at his eyes and pushed back from his desk. Blinking blearily, he looked at the clock on his screen. Nine-forty-three PM. He frowned. It was just too easy for him to get lost in his work. He barely recalled Marisa telling him she was heading home, and he should too, as he'd been so deep in the code for the Investment Managers application. He'd finish tomorrow but didn't need to push this hard.

He saved his work and shut down the laptop. He locked it into its base as he wasn't taking it home tonight. He stood up and stretched his back, giving himself a shake.

He had to stop doing this. He was slipping into his old patterns. Becoming isolated by locking himself away with his work. He needed a real life. Balance.

Stepping out, he pulled his office door closed and headed out. He smiled, nodded to the two men stationed in the executive level lobby, and received the same in return. As security was present, one of the execs must still be working. Then he noticed they were joining him to go down. He was the last exec working tonight!

As he waited for the elevator, he listened to the men talking and laughing about their hunting trip this past weekend and felt a familiar longing. A need to belong. He was only beginning to gain acceptance in Sandy's circle of friends, but aside from Roger, who still hadn't warmed up to him, their interest in him was mostly based on physical attraction. He wished he had friends with similar interests. A group he could just hang out with and be comfortable around.

He stepped into the elevator, and they followed him in, continuing to talk about their plans. They went down to ground level, and the guards made their way to the Security office with a final wave to him. On his way past the empty reception desk, Henry waved to the security cameras.

The air outside was warm as they were still at the beginning of September. He decided he would do a little shopping. He had to pick up painkillers in case he drank too much again.

He walked along the street doing a little people-watching and saw a few watching him back, a new development. When he was Stanley, he never really registered in people's attention. He kind of preferred that.

He spotted the twenty-four-seven drug store and made his way inside. He grabbed a basket and began going up and down the aisles. He stocked up on shampoo as he had so much more hair now! He'd seriously considered returning to a short haircut, but Marisa, Sigrid, Camila, and Siobhan all emphatically vetoed the idea. They said his long, wavy hair was gorgeous and suited his new look far better than short hair would. So, for now, more shampoo.

In the next aisle, he faced a huge variety of painkillers. He was beginning to get frustrated when he finally spotted a bottle with pills that matched the ones Marisa gave him this morning. That went into his basket, too.

One more aisle, and he was standing before a vast array of condoms. He'd promised himself he would get some, and he hadn't yet. He'd be prepared if anything should happen between himself and any of the ladies in Sandy's circle. He had no idea where to start. There were too many color, size, thickness, texture, lubricant, non-lubricated, spermicide, and material options. His head spun with the choice.

"You look lost, my friend. Maybe I could offer you a little advice?"

Henry turned to look at the man standing next to him. He had a friendly smile, kind eyes, and was almost as tall as Henry. He was sharply dressed as if he was on his way to a club, which he may well have been as there was one a few doors away.

Henry nodded. "Yes, please. I've no idea which one to choose."

"Then you are speaking to the right man!" came a boisterous voice to Henry's left.

Another man dressed for clubbing walked up and threw his arm around his friend's shoulder as he grinned at Henry. "Nate, here, should own stock in these companies, considering how much practical experience he has with their products!"

"Joey! Come on, man! You're making me sound like a douchebag! Get outa here!" Nate growled with a thick but fake New York accent and pushed his laughing friend away. "Why I oughtta!" he fake threatened the other man, who continued to laugh and walk away.

The dark-skinned man looked back at Henry apologetically. "Don't mind that mentally deficient nutcase. He's right, though. I do know which ones work best."

Henry smiled at their casual comradery and thought this was exactly what he was missing in his life. He was envious of Nate but looked back at the shelves as he didn't want the man to see it.

"Okay, do you have an allergy to latex?" Nate asked.

Henry shook his head.

"I would recommend lubricated, and having the spermicide in the lubricant isn't a bad idea, but regular lube is also fine. Now, unless the ladies specifically ask for it, leave the colored ones for the couples looking for ways to add some spice." Nate continued.

Henry nodded as this was helpful.

"And speaking of spice, don't use the condoms which heat up or cool down unless, again, they specifically ask for that. I've seen a few women in pain from the chemical heat they add to the condom." Nate pointed to the shelves. "That eliminates these." He gestured to the areas which had the undesirable condoms. "Which leaves these."

Henry sighed in relief with the greatly reduced selection he now faced.

"Next question: pickle, banana, or plantain?" Nate asked.

"DUDE! You can't ask about another dude's junk!" Joey yelled from the end of the aisle.

"Hey! Then stop asking to see mine!" Nate barked back, and several male voices joined in on the ribbing of Joey, who took it with a grin and good-natured curses. Henry's eyes widened as he realized Nate had a posse of friends with him in the store. His envy grew.

Nate turned back to Henry, whose face was a little red. "The condom sizing only matters if you truly are plantain size. Pickle and banana can use a regular-sized condom but should never use the ones designed for plantain."

"Geezus, Nate! All this sexy talk is making my pickle stiff!" a voice called out from his friends and drew laughs.

Nate just shook his head with a grin. He looked back at Henry curiously.

Henry just looked at him, then pulled a box of twenty lubricated x-large condoms from the shelf and dropped it into his basket.

"Plantain, it is. Good for you!" Nate said with a sincere smile and picked a box of six lubricated regular condoms for himself.

"Who's the plantain?" a female voice demanded to know from behind Henry.

"Good evening, ladies," Nate said with a relaxed smile.

Henry turned to see two women walking down the aisle towards them. He saw they were dressed for hitting the clubs. Their shimmering, skimpy party dresses displayed a lot of skin. They wore lots of jewelry as well. Their glitter eyeshadow was bold colors, too. Henry realized he knew nothing about clubbing.

The one who spoke was a black woman with her hair in tight braids that hung down to mid-back and ended with ornate wooden beads, which clicked as she moved. Her dress struggled to contain her bounty both upstairs and down.

Her friend was Hispanic with big hair hanging down to her ass, huge gold hoop earrings, and the roundest breast implants Henry had ever seen. A gold necklace dangled the name Luna just above her deep cleavage.

He caught motion from the corner of his eye and saw Nate was pointing to him with a smile.

"Really? This white boy is the gifted one?" the braided woman said, turning a skeptical expression towards Nate. Her smile suddenly became sultry as she eyed him up and down. "Are you sure it's not you?"

Nate smiled and shook his head. "Scouts honor."

Braids laughed. "Yeah, right. Like you were a boy scout!" She looked at the embarrassment on Henry's face. "Him? I could believe."

Luna stepped forward to press her tits against Henry's hard chest muscles as she smiled up at him. "¡Vaya, Trissa! I like them innocent!"

He felt an immediate surge in his pants as she rubbed her stiff nipples up and down his chest. Then her hand slipped between them, and she was squeezing his growing erection through his pants.

"¡Dios mío!" she gasped with wide eyes. "It's true!" Her expression of surprise became one of wicked delight. "Too bad for you bitch, he's mine now!" She squeezed him between her fingers, and he swelled further. "¡Voy a montar tu polla tan duro esta noche!" she purred.

"I-I don't know what you just said, but it sounded very pretty," Henry said, then gasped as she rubbed him harder through his pants. Trissa also slipped her hand downstairs, and the two were rubbing him. A hunger was waking in the back of his mind, and his body began reacting faster than his brain could keep up. He suddenly felt tingling heat rush down his neck and the sides of his torso to spread and pass outwards through his limbs. His eyes held Luna's, and hers instinctively widened as she reacted to the raw need she saw there. She leaned in and inhaled his scent, her eyes flaring with her own heat.

Again, motion drew Henry's eye, and he saw Nate staring at him strangely. He was also leaning towards Henry and... inhaling?

Trissa, the braids wearer, squeezed herself closer, jostling her friend with a scowl. "Move aside, puta! Let me see!"

"Who are you calling puta, bitch? I said he was mine!" Luna snarled as she spun to glare at the other woman.

"Ladies, no need for anger! The night is young. The club is steps away, and we can enjoy ourselves there—" Nate said smoothly, but it was too late. Trissa slapped Luna, who roared with rage and launched herself at the other. The two grabbed handfuls of each other's hair. Screams ensued.

Henry took a step back, then another. His passions surged, but not for violence. He wanted nothing to do with this. He saw Nate on the other side of the two women and a group of men coming to his rescue.

How nice it must be to have that. Buddies. Guys to just chill with and who rushed to help when shit got real. His last glimpse of Nate was of him between two friends. He was staring back at Henry in shock and confusion. He was reaching towards Henry.

Henry frowned sadly and turned to make his way to the cash as two of New York's finest rushed past him to deal with the mess behind him.

The heat was still coursing through his body, and he had no idea why he felt this way. He'd never felt like this before! It felt good, but this wasn't the time or place, especially with the cops so close. He had to calm down!

The clerk stared up at Henry wide-eyed as she rang his items through the checkout. She licked her lips and smiled at him as he paid. Henry suddenly wanted to taste that tongue, and for a moment, the woman looked like she might climb over the counter to get to him, but he picked up the shopping bag and rushed from the store.

Shit! What was going on? A tremor went through his body, and another wave of heat rushed out to the tips of his fingers and toes.

More officers arrived and rushed inside as Henry walked away. He quickly ducked into the nearest subway entrance, reached the platform as the train arrived, and was glad it wasn't too full.

He found a seat in the middle of the car, set his shopping bag on his lap, and tucked his head down to avoid looking at anyone else. On the way in, he'd noted several young couples in the seats around him, but they weren't looking at him, so he turned his thoughts inward and closed his eyes. He still felt the flush of the heat rushing through his body and radiating from him, and he was almost painfully erect. His need was flaring as he struggled to calm himself! He didn't know what was happening to him, but as good as this felt, he—Was someone moaning? He opened his eyes.


He glanced over his shopping bag at the couples around him. He was stunned to see they were in various states of undress and passionately kissing. The young man and woman closest to him were having sex! She was riding her boyfriend's cock like a wild thing, and the man was loudly moaning as he squeezed her tits. The others began ripping off their clothes to get to each other. Henry watched in dazed amazement as the orgy erupted around him. He throbbed and ached in his pants but made no move to join in. Sighs, moans, and cries of bliss filled the subway car, and Henry gritted his teeth as his need flared once more. Passengers in other cars were watching in shock through the window. Some were taking pictures. He tucked his face closer to his shopping bag to hide.

When the train finally reached the next station a group of police officers were waiting for them and rushed on board to grab them. Henry was cuffed and hustled off the train as some of the officers began to strip as well. Someone yelled GAS! and there was a panic to get to the stairs.

Suddenly, a black female officer, who was close to his height, took a firm grip on his arm. It was difficult to tell with the vest she wore, but he got the impression she was thick-bodied. She was certainly stronger than he was as she roughly pulled him up the stairs, outside, and pushed him into the back of her cruiser. She'd taken his shopping bag from him and stood outside the door looking through the items inside. When she spotted the box of condoms, she looked back in the window at him. He just looked back at her, trying to hide the need in his eyes. She frowned, then licked her lips. Henry saw her walk away to speak with one of the other officers. He throbbed and shook as his need pulled at him. Another wave of heat rolled through his body. What the hell was happening to him?

The front door opened, and the officer got in, closing the door with a thump. She gasped and looked over her shoulder at him, her eyes becoming a little intense. Then she faced forward, started the cruiser, and pulled away from the curb with a screech of rubber.

They drove silently until Henry noticed the residential neighborhood they turned into, not a police station. They also seemed to be going faster than before. "Excuse me, officer? Where are we going?" Henry managed.

She glanced at him in the mirror but remained quiet. She drove them into a quiet neighborhood of small single-story homes and abruptly pulled into a driveway, taking the cruiser all the way down the lane to the backyard.

Henry's mind was struggling to surface from his lust, but it still had control of him. If anything, it was becoming more intense. He knew he should be worried about what she was doing, as this was not a police station, but somehow, he wasn't picking up a dangerous vibe from her. She was strong and had used her strength to move him around, but there didn't seem to be any anger in her actions.

The woman was taking deep breaths in the front seat when she suddenly pushed the door open and got out. She opened his door, and he saw she had his shopping bag in one hand. She grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the cruiser. He found himself bent over the trunk of the car, and her hands were patting his legs as she looked for weapons. He gasped when she groped his cock through his pants.

"Shit," she sighed quietly, and a tremble went through her body. Then Henry was pulled upright and marched to the house's back door. She pushed him against the wall and held him there with one arm as she unlocked the door. Then, he was being forced inside and down a short hallway to the bedroom. The shopping bag hit the floor as she spun him, and her mouth was on his. His need flared again.
