Schism Pt. 01


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Martin had pretty good hygiene, and kept everything trimmed—but not shaved. Edan had me tug his nuts back down from his body, which got a groan of complaint from the poor bastard, and then had me run my tongue along the underside of his sac.

The feel of that prickly, wrinkled skin against my tongue, with the tautness of his nuts inside, was indescribably weird. I had some other guy's nuts in my mouth. Yes, Edan had me take his nuts into my mouth, one by one, massaging and rolling them against my tongue.

"Fuck Dane, stop teasing me, please! You're killing me!"

I pulled off his nuts long enough to say in—God help me—my normal voice, "You want me to let you cum? Better beg for it."

"Dane, pleeeeeease."

"Call me Edan." The fucker grinned as he forced me to say his name.

"Okay, Edan, please, fuck, let me cum!"

Edan had me take Marty back into my mouth, and once again I found my face mashed into Marty's pubic hair, my nose grinding against his groin.

'Let me up, you prick!' I screamed at Edan, which translated as a groan that did nothing but give Marty's dick good vibrations.

"Fuck, fuck, I'm cumming!"

Martin sat up and grabbed handfuls of my hair. Before I could pull away, his dick swelled and surged, injecting spurt after spurt of hot cum into my mouth, splashing into my throat.

"Yeah bitch, take it!" he shouted, as I fought desperately against Edan, trying to pull away from the obscene sensation of swallowing Marty's hot spunk. But my dark half had me gulp down every mouthful of man-cream Marty produced, and then the fucker had me lick my best mate's cock clean.

A small noise of satisfaction came from my throat, and I had no idea if I'd made it, or Edan had.

'Like a good little bitch,' Edan said, wanking softly in the back of my mind. 'And you just came from giving head'.

I glanced down as Marty's spent cock fell from my mouth with a wet plop, and found he was right. There was a distinctive stickiness on the inside of my briefs. As I watched, it started to soak through my jeans.

I swallowed hard as I knelt there, my eyes burning, not understanding what had just happened.

Marty let go of my hair. He must have seen how upset I was, because he got a look of horror on his face.

"Did you not want to do that?"

Edan let me go with an evil cackle.

I got quickly to my feet. No way was I letting Marty see me cry. I'd already sucked his dick; that was enough humiliation for one night.

I pulled open the bedroom door and jogged down the stairs. I was in my car, turning over the engine, before he could pull on a robe and get to the front door.

After that, Marty and I didn't see each other again.

I was sad, but relieved, as much as I missed my best friend.

But it only a small reprieve. Edan had other plans.


Why didn't I go to a psychiatrist, I hear you say? Oh sweethearts. Oh best beloveds. I tried. I had one session, and got given a prescription for antidepressants that Edan threw away.

No one was going to save me from him.


After that night, Edan often rode up front in my consciousness as a passenger, but from time to time he thought it was hilarious to take over completely. Those were the nights I'd wake up in my bed, covered in God knows whose cum, with an aching arsehole and what felt like a dislocated jaw.

I never suffered any injury though, which I took to mean I'd likely only had a finger inside me. But who knew. I didn't.

And then the night arrived when Edan revealed what he'd been up to.

It was Friday, and I'd had every intention of going to see my girlfriend. We'd been together for a couple of months, and we spent most of our weekends together.

I usually stayed at her place, as it was cleaner than the hovel I lived in, working my minimum wage job. I'd thrown a shirt and some spare pants into a bag, ready to head over to her place, when Edan was suddenly there. Sitting like a spider in the dark part of my mind.

"Go away," I told him. "I'm going to have some nice hetero sex this weekend, and you're not fucking it up!"

Edan sneered at me. It's hard to explain how a presence can sneer at you, but sometimes Edan would catch my eye in a mirror. He'd stretch my mouth wide in this evil-as-fuck grin, looking up at me like some demented serial killer. When he was riding me like that, my pupils always got big and black and shiny. I could watch them dilate in the mirror, then shrink down again to normal size when he slunk back into the dark.

When he used my mouth to talk to me, it always left me shivering at the oddness of it. He knew how much it fucked with me, and didn't do it often; I figured he wanted to preserve the impact of it. I never got used to his natural voice, the way it tightened my vocal chords. I was guessing if he were a separate person, he'd be even smaller than me. And infinitely more evil.

'I have plans for you tonight,' he told me. 'Tonight, you're meeting a man named 'Malcolm' who really wants to bareback that tight little arse of yours. Just the way you told him you like it.'

I stood stock still, trembling at this thought. It took me a while to get up the courage to say out loud, "Have I had gay sex before, Edan?"

'Not yet,' he said, his voice so full of clotted self-satisfaction, I was surprised he didn't choke on it. 'Tonight you're going to lose your virginity. Aren't you excited?'

"As me, or you?" I asked.

Perhaps a small distinction to an outsider, but sometimes it was easier to be a passenger and just let him take over. He had a way of working a guy's cock I could almost admire. He really went at it. Gave them lots of eye contact, lots of spit. And he'd do gross things that I sure as fuck wouldn't do, and that I preferred not to remember. But at least he never made me do those things as myself.

'Oh, baby, tonight it's all Dane, all the way.'

I let out a very unmanly sob of fear. I was shaking so badly, I had to sit down.

"Edan, please don't make me do this."

'Edan, please don't make me do this!' he mimicked, in my own voice. It was his way of reminding me that, however much I hated him, however much I wanted to separate myself from him, he was a part of me. He was me.

I left my bag on my bed, and headed out to my car. There was no point in fighting him. At this point, when he told me what he wanted, I just did it. Otherwise, he found ways to punish me—like those gross acts I mentioned before. But if I did what he wanted, all he had me do was humiliate myself by sucking some random guy's cock, and swallowing his load.

As I drove, Edan started to taunt me. 'You're ready for this,' he said. 'I've been loosening you up for weeks. You've been wearing a butt plug to bed for the last seven days.'

Well, that explained a lot. Why I'd slept so well. Why I'd woken up with an odd, stretched feeling 'back there'.

Come to think of it...

Edan sniggered. 'Yes, you're wearing one right now.'

I shifted in my seat and felt it suddenly. He'd somehow kept the sensation from me until that moment. My arse was full, something hard nudging against my insides.

The fear inside me subsided a touch. At least he'd prepared me. That meant he wasn't intending to torture me. Just humiliate me.

'Now, tonight, Dane, you're going to be Malcolm's bitchboy. His obedient little sex slave. When you get there, do exactly as he says.'

"What the fuck have you got me into?" I said to the empty car, starting to hyperventilate.

'Do exactly as he says,' Edan repeated. 'You've told him you love being bitched. He knows you're a virgin, and he knows you like to be tied up—'

"What??" I yelped. It was bad enough having Edan controlling my every movement, but being physically restrained by a stranger... that was a whole other level of fucked.

'Oh, and you're going to be blindfolded,' said Edan.

"Fuuuuuck," I said. "Edan, you twisted prick!" My voice was high with anxiety.

He just laughed.

We drove the rest of the way in silence, me getting more and more anxious about what was about to be done to me.

I pulled up outside this guy's house about ten minutes later, and walked up the path.

'Now, remember, do exactly as he says. Or he will punish you. And so will I.'

I stood on the doorstep with a dry mouth, unable to swallow, shivering down in my jacket, with a throbbing erection in my jeans.

I hated that Edan could do that to me, too. Turn me on against my will.

I finally got up the courage to knock. The second I did, I went blind.

"What's happening?"

'I told you you'd be blindfolded,' said Edan, the smug, smug fuck. 'I told him you're blind.'

"What have you done to me?" I started to hyperventilate again. I was standing on a stranger's doorstep, completely blind. If he was some kind of mass murderer, I had no way to defend myself.

'You'll be fine,' said Edan. 'I can still see, and I don't want to die any more than you do. But isn't this fun?'

I tried to calm down as I knocked on the door again, finally hearing footsteps coming towards the door.

"And just how the fuck does he think I got here?" I hissed.

That was never answered, as 'Malcolm' answered the door.

"Well, look at you." His voice was low and smooth, and I imagined him to be a touch taller than me, and likely a bigger man all around. He didn't have that solid bass that very big men have, but more the voice of an average man with a bit of muscle.

I was glad of that. If I needed to, I could probably overpower him—if I was desperate enough.

"Come inside," he said, and put a hand on my shoulder, guiding me over the threshold.

I jumped as he shut the door behind us, and he chuckled.

"Right. First things first. With you being blind, I want to make absolutely sure you know what you're in for. Tonight, and possibly going forward if you do well, I'm going to teach you how to be an obedient slave for the use of myself and others. I'm going to bind you, beat you, and teach you how to give men pleasure with your body. Do you consent to all of this?"

My tongue was sticky in my mouth as I tried to say, 'No, not really', but Edan was there, controlling every consonant, every vowel. He used my voice, even as he grinned away at the back of my skull.

"Yes, ssss—" Edan tried to form the word 'Sir', and I fought it with every ounce of willpower I had. No fucking way was that word coming out of my mouth. I didn't care what labels Malcolm and Edan used to humiliate me, but I'd bite my own tongue off before I submitted to another man verbally.

"Are you still happy with everything we agreed to by email?" Malcolm asked.

Edan forced me to nod.

"Alright then. I'm going to take this as your full and complete consent for everything that happens here tonight."

Edan wouldn't let me whimper, but my vocal chords tightened without me making any sound.

"Use me any way you want," he whispered, and Malcolm chuckled again.

"Oh, I will."

'You cunt,' I spat at Edan. 'What have you done?'

If I hadn't been blind already, I'd have squeezed my eyes shut in humiliation. But all the while, I was aware of how fucking hard I was, and a growing, unsettling desire to have this man's cock in my mouth. Maybe somewhere else, too.

My arsehole was pulsing against the plug, and my dick was already leaking.

"Well then. Just so you know, I've recorded you saying you're okay with everything on video. You're mine now, boy. Let's have some fun."

'Oh God, Edan, you fucking cockwank!'

Seated comfortably in the back part of my brain like a cancerous mass, Edan laughed and laughed, as Malcolm led me down a set of stairs, guiding me with a hand on my shoulder. There was no carpet, and my trainers scuffed against concrete. It smelled of damp. We had to be in his basement.

'His dungeon,' crowed Edan.

I got a sudden surge of terror that Edan had sent me to the house of some internet cannibal, and I was about to be tortured and eaten. But Malcolm guided me over to a bed and sat me on the side of it. I felt more secure once he'd oriented me—still afraid, but glad to know there was something soft in the room.

"Strip," he ordered. "I want to see what I'm working with."

I knew there was no point in trying to fight him. Edan would make sure I obeyed every command he gave me anyway, so I stripped.

I shrugged out of my jacket, then tugged my shirt off over my head. I stood and pushed my jeans and briefs to the ground, kicking off my trainers as I pulled my jeans off over my feet.

I stood there, waiting for his next instruction, shivering more from nervousness than cold, with my hands covering my modesty, and my heart hammering against the inside of my ribs.

Malcolm made a noise of approval. "You've got a nice body, boy. I'm going to enjoy using it."

I yelped as he gripped a nipple between two fingers and squeezed.

"We'll have to fix that," he said, and I didn't want to know what 'that' was, or how he intended to fix it.

He stepped behind me and smacked my arse with his bare hand, and I let out another startled yelp.

Malcolm chuckled, clearly enjoying himself.

Although Edan had said I'd be present through everything he had planned for me, he chose that moment to seize control for a short chunk of time.

When I came back to the surface, I had something fastened around my neck, something in my mouth that kept it open, my hands were fastened behind my back, my arse hurt as if someone had been smacking me with something hard, and I was on my knees on the cold, hard floor.

I whimpered then, Edan letting me have control over my vocal chords, since I couldn't form words with my mouth stretched open like that anyway.

'Edan? Edan! Get me out of here!'

But everything in my mind was eerily silent. If there was a safe word, Edan wasn't telling me. Maybe that's why he'd taken over. To make sure I had no way out, and had to live through every moment of this on my own.

My face felt sticky, and I wondered if Malcolm had already cum on me. Or worse.

Hands gripped my hair, and a cock slipped through the ring keeping my mouth open, instantly invading my throat.

Malcolm wasn't gentle. He grunted as he pistoned in and out of my mouth, treating me like a fleshlight, all the time keeping up a running commentary.

"There's nothing more beautiful than a submissive boy on his knees. Look at you, taking my cock like a champ. You love wearing my cum on your face, don't you? Well, don't worry, you'll get to eat it this time. And when the others arrive, you'll get an all-you-can-eat buffet."

The others??

I moaned in fear, and also because my cock was incredibly hard—pulsing, throbbing, mind-fuckingly hard—and I couldn't touch it.

All I could do was take this man's huge, veiny cock in my throat.

And then Edan thought it'd be amusing to give me back my sight.

My initial view was of a pair of solid, muscular thighs covered in dark hair, and a swiftly approaching groomed, but hairy groin, as Malcolm impaled my face, pulling me onto him in a steady rhythm.

And then my eyes travelled upwards, and I saw his face for the first time.

He grinned down at me. If he noticed my eyes were focused now, he didn't say anything. But his grin was so wide, he could almost have been an incarnation of Edan; except he was bigger than I imagined Edan to be. Broader through the shoulders. More solid.

Malcolm was, as near as I could tell from my position at his feet, about average height. As he forced me onto his cock, I looked up into his light brown eyes, shaded with heavy eyebrows under short, dark hair. His eyes were full of command, even when he was smiling, as he was now.

"Get ready to drink my cum, boy!" he said, and pulled out of my throat so that the end of his twitching cock rested against my tongue. A second later, it felt as if a fire hose had been turned on, as he sprayed my mouth and throat with a hot coating of cum.

His load wasn't massive, for all its force, and I was guessing I was right. He'd cum at least once already.

He pulled out of my mouth with a contented sigh.

"Glad to see you're back with us. Edan said you'd like to be here for the finishing move."

My eyes went wide. How the fuck did he know Edan and I weren't the same person?

He laughed, seeing my expression.

"And I see you've got your eyesight back. It's amazing what a little hypnosis will do for an unwilling boy."

I sat there on my knees, my mouth stretched open and my tongue painted with cum, my hands bound behind my back, and shouted back into my mind. 'Edan? What the fuck is he talking about? Hypnosis?'

The reply came back, 'I told him you had someone hypnotise you so that you could reach your full potential, and gave him some key words to play with.'

'You fucking tosswank!'

Edan just chuckled. 'This man has a lot of experience training boysluts to be subservient sex slaves. If he likes you, he might take you on.'

'That's not funny! I don't want to be anyone's slave! I don't want any of this!'

'Then why is your cock leaking like the Lake Oroville dam?' he asked.

I glanced down and saw that it was true. I was dripping precum like there was no tomorrow, and my cock looked painfully swollen, the head bright red.

'You're making me horny!'

'No, Dane. He's making you horny. And the sooner you accept that, the sooner we can have some real fun.'

I looked around the room, full of implements and equipment, and wondered what would happen now.

"Are you ready?" Malcolm asked.

I shivered as he smiled down at me. "For what?"

"Oh, that's right. You don't know. Well. It'll be a surprise then."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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WritingInAThong2020WritingInAThong2020almost 4 years ago
Nicely done

Refreshing to read some good writing on here. You’ve got the knack. I’m very eager to hear how Dane likes having his sexy little ass ruined.

JasonClearwaterJasonClearwaterover 6 years agoAuthor
Hey, notusuallyshy

Good to see you again. :-) You always seem to get where I'm going with something.Part II's been submitted, and part III's in the works and hopefully will live up to expectations. :-)

notusuallyshynotusuallyshyover 6 years ago

I love noncon and reluctant arousal themes, and it here it is presented in quite a unique fashion. I wonder how you're going to play this out. Has the Alter personality appeared because of severe repression? Will Dane come to realise he loves cock and poof Edan will disappear?

I enjoyed it but the , I loved the sex but the Mental health side has me thinking

pwnsumnubspwnsumnubsover 6 years ago

Wow, very well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
So excited!

Can’t wait for part 2!

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