Seducing Mom Ch. 03


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"No, but I've heard about them." I replied and lied as she motioned me toward the bed. I laid on my back as she went down and started licking my hard cock. Sarah did it differently than mom, more passionate and intense. I was reaching for her breasts, but she just stopped, pulled away and said, "No, you just lie back and enjoy this. You need to learn a bit about oral sex. This is called fellatio. Next, we'll do a bit of cunnilinigus."

I thought, "What is she talking about?" But I just laid there enjoying the sensations as she tried different things, took pauses, and continued on. Then she stopped to wet her fingers and as she started sucking again she ran her fingers around my anus and I just jumped.

"I see someone likes rimming. Spread your legs a bit more and check this out." She said as I spread my legs wider. Then she kissed and licked down my scrotum and then licked around my anus. I jumped at the sensation; it was a combination of an intense tickling sensation and arousal. "Oh yeah, someone definitely enjoys rimming!" She said, as she licked around my anus a bit more while stroking my cock. She moved back up my tightening scrotum and went back to sucking my throbbing cock while her finger went around my anus. I was getting close. Suddenly, she pushed her finger just inside my ass as she sucked me really hard. I exploded and she just moaned and sucked me dry. I was just shaking and moaning on the bed the whole time. She stopped and asked, "Did you like that Joe?"

"Yes! That felt really good!" I responded as she crawled up next to me. Then we kissed and I could taste my cum in her mouth.

"Now it's time for you to return the favor." She said as we kissed. "Slowly work your way down my neck to my breasts, stay there for a while. Women like that. Then work your way down." As I worked down, she kept saying, "Slow down Joe, this is not a race. Slow down and enjoy me." I got down to her breasts and started sucking. She stopped me and said, "Start by kissing and licking, then slowly move to sucking. Start of sucking lightly and gradually increase. Women like that." I did as she said and her hips began to sway and she started softly moaning. Then she told me, "Most women like to have their breasts played with as a part of foreplay, with both your fingers and your mouth. Just make sure your fingers are wet. Some women will enjoy having their nipples softly pinched and nibbled on. Others like it harder. You just have to take your time and learn how to read your partner." I started lightly punching her free nipple as I started sucking harder on her other. I was trying to 'read' her body and I lightly nibbled on her nipple as I squeezed the other. "Oh yeah baby! That feels so good!" I switched breasts again as I noticed her swaying and moaning more, and she said, "OK, now work your way down, but keep your fingers on my nipples and breasts as you do." I went down her torso, licked around and in her navel and went down.

Her pussy was wet and I went straight for the clit. She grabbed my head and said, "You don't need to go straight for my clitoris, or 'clit'. Slow down and work around it, avoid it at first, tease it. Don't worry you'll get there, tease me a bit first though. Remember how I did it to you, try some of the same things." I worked around her pussy, avoiding her clit. I went all the way down to her wet hole and licked all the way up her lips to just below her clit. Then I went back down again. "Oh I like that, keep doing it." She moaned as she would try to thrust her hips up as I got close to her clit. I licked a bit harder as I went up, thrusting my tongue through her lips and into her wet pussy. She was thrusting pretty heavily now. I decided to go around her anus and she went wild. "OH YES!" she screamed. I rimmed her for a few minutes and decided it was time to move up her pussy to her clit. When I got close, she thrusted her clit right into my mouth and let out a loud moan as I licked it. "YES JOE! You're going to be good at this too!" She said as she went back to moaning. I started sucking her clit now as she was thrusting wildly into my face.

Suddenly she yelled, "Stop! Put your hand over my pussy." As I put my hand over her pussy, she pressed down on the back of my hand with hers and started lightly grinding as she went on. "First, you can hold a woman's arousal by doing this for about a minute or two. Second, I'm really close to orgasm. When you go back down this time, go straight for my clit. Suck it hard enough to pull it between your front teeth and flick it quickly with your tongue while keeping it between your front teeth. Just do your best to stay on my clit. Hold my stomach or hips down if you must." I moved my hand up over her navel as I went down and started sucking her clit. She started thrusting wildly and loudly moaning almost immediately. Once I had her clit between my teeth, I started working the tip of it with my tongue. Sarah went wild and started scooting up the bed as her hips swayed and thrusted. I got a hold of her waist with both my hands and held her down firmly as I continued working her clit in my mouth. Moments later, Sarah screamed out, "OH FUCK YES! Joe that's perfect! Please don't stop!" Then her pussy squirted all over my face and she just kept cumming as she wrapped her lags around my head tightly. After about 2-3 more minutes, Sarah opened her legs and put her hands over her pussy and said as she gasped for air. "OK Joe, you can stop now. I need a breather. Come up here and hold me. Women like to be held after intense sex. Don't be one of those men who 'cum and goes' OK."

"OK." I said as I held her and caressed her sweaty shoulders. She was still red and sweating just like she was after we did it standing up. I glanced over at the clock and it was almost 3 a.m.! After a few minutes her color came back and she was breathing normally. We started kissing as she reached down and caressed my erect cock. We both started fondling each other as she pushed me over on my back and got on top of me.

"I want to ride you for awhile Joe." Sarah said as she eased my cock into her warm and wet pussy. We continued to kiss for a bit as she fit my entire cock back into her pussy. Then she sat up on me and said, "This time, as you feel yourself getting close, I want to try and squeeze it off. Use the same muscles you use to pinch off a stream of urine. Its called 'kegelling'. If you can learn how to do it right, you'll last longer and your orgasms will be longer and more intense. Just let me know when you feel like you're getting close." She started riding me harder now as I licked my fingers and reached up for her nipples. After a few minutes she started riding the entire length of my cock and it even slipped out a few times. She'd just slip it back in and keep riding. A few minutes later she moaned, "I'm getting close. Grab my hips and pull them in hard." I moved my hands down her sides and started pulling her down with her thrusts. She came and just kept riding me. As she got close to cumming again, I could feel myself getting close.

"I'm getting close." I said as I pulled her hips into mine.

She said, "Squeeze it off right now!" I squeezed like I do when I cut off my stream. It worked, but I went flaccid. Sarah told me, "Don't worry Joe. It's your first time. You will get hard again and you will get the hang off it. Next time, just don't squeeze as hard or long." She reached around and massaged my balls lightly. I could feel my cock growing hard inside there. "There we go." She said as she leaned down to kiss me.

"I'm getting close again Sarah." I exclaimed as I squeezed a bit softer. It worked and I stayed hard.

Between moans and gasps Sarah said, "Good! Keep doing it just like that." She continued riding me and just started cumming back to back. She would lean down to kiss me, then lean back up and arch her back as her orgasms came. I just continued to squeeze as I felt myself getting close. She rode me for over an hour, stopping only to catch her breath between orgasms and then resuming. I glanced over at my clock just after I squeezed and noticed that it was almost 5:00 a.m., but it didn't matter to me then. I could feel a big orgasm coming. Then between her orgasms, Sarah said, "OK baby, cum inside me when you're ready. I want to feel you cum now." We went for a few more minutes and I screamed out her name and exploded deep inside her, sending her into one final orgasm. After we recovered she said, "I don't know about you but I'm tired. Let's get some sleep and get up and clean later."

"That sounds OK to me." I said as she slid off me and put her head on my shoulder. I was tired too. We both fell asleep in each other's arms. We awoke to the phone ringing. I got up, went to the kitchen and answered. It was mom.

"Good morning Joe. How did it go last night? Did you and Sarah enjoy some 'quality time' together?"

"Yes, mom we did. Sarah taught me a few things too." I answered.

"Well good." She said then went on, "Your grandmother and I are about an hour out and we had to stop, so I thought I'd better call. She wants to pick some things up on the way, so we'll probably be there in a little over an hour. Is Sarah up?"

"Yes she's in the bathroom." I replied as I saw Sarah go to the bathroom a moment earlier.

"Alright, just make sure the house is clean and doesn't smell like sex. You know how it gets when you and I go at it."

"Yes mom." I replied.

Then she said, "Your grandmother is ready again, so we're heading that way. See you in a little bit. Bye bye." She hung up as I said bye.

Sarah came out of the bathroom, walked up to me, and put her arms around my waist as she looked at my stiff cock. "So, where are they?" She asked as she was rubbing her chest against my cock.

"Mom said she's about an hour out, but"

"Holy shit Joe!" Sarah yelled as she broke away quickly and went on talking loudly going down the hall. "Shit! We overslept and we've got to hustle and get this place cleaned. Oh my God!" I followed her into my bedroom. She looked at me and said, "Alright, we've got to strip this bed and get this bedding in the washer. You do that while I get the Lysol and start spraying the floor (which still had a visible wet spot, despite the fan running on it!) and mattress. Then I'll get my hairdryer and try that on this spot. Make sure to wash and dry our shot glasses from last night don't just load them or your grandmother will ask about them. You'll need to go over the rest of the house and make sure everything is clean and in order. You know how your mother is about these things." I stripped the bed and was thankful to see the waterproof pad just under the sheets and remembered that mom had put those on our beds a couple of weeks ago after we soaked her mattress our first night together. Sarah saw it and said, "Oh thank God for miracles! Now I can concentrate on your floor. Get those sheets and this pad in the washer with warm water. Let me see that blanket." She pulled it up and smelled it and said, "That's not that too bad. Just throw it in the dryer with a couple of dryer sheets while the sheets are washing. OK?"

"OK" I answered as I headed out of the room for the basement, noting that it was just after 10. As I passed through the kitchen, I felt salt on the floor from the night before. I'd have to vacuum the kitchen and maybe even mop. I got everything loaded and running as I went back upstairs to start on the kitchen. I got out the vacuum and started vacuuming our mess from the night before. I noticed a few spots and decided to simply wipe up the spots instead of mopping the whole floor. As soon as I was finished vacuuming, I could hear Sarah's hairdryer running in my room as I put things up, wiped the counters, and then cleaned the spots on the floor. I washed the shot glasses, dried them and put them up. Then I loaded the other dishes in the dishwasher.

Then over her hairdryer, Sarah called, "Can you come here for a minute?" I went to my room and saw that she had made the spot on the floor almost disappear. She was kneeling on the floor running the hairdryer over the remaining wet spots. She looked up at me and said, "I've almost got it. How is the wash going? We've got to get the bed made, so go downstairs and wait on the machine to finish so you can immediately load the sheets into the dryer and get them started—on high heat. They should dry quickly since it's a light load." I left her and went downstairs. The washer was finished, so I pulled the blanket out of the dryer, loaded the sheets and pad from the washer and started it, on high heat. I was worried about the pad, so I grabbed the blanket and went back upstairs.

By the time I got back to my room, the spots were almost gone and you had to look for them to see them. She looked at me as she was getting clothes out and said "That ought to be good, and it doesn't smell in here. Are the sheets in the dryer?"

"Yes." I answered and then asked, "Will the pad be OK on high heat?"

"Yeah, I think so." She replied and went on, "Now we've got to clean ourselves, but I need a smoke and something to drink and eat. Do we have any pizza left?"

"We've got three pieces left." I said as we went to the kitchen. She looked around in the kitchen and then went into the living room to the sofa.

I saw her sniffing at it as she said. "Thank God it's OK in here and the kitchen looks good. How much time do we have?"

I looked at the clock it was 10:40 and said, "We have about 20 minutes. Mom said she was an hour at 10, but that grandma needed to stop and get some things at the store on the way here."

"OK, we've got about 30 minutes or so to shower, get dressed, and get the bed made. I'm going to have a quick smoke now and make sure my pouch is hidden. You jump in the shower." I headed for the shower as she went downstairs. While I was showering, Sarah joined me. I started caressing her body and she said, "There's no time for that now Joe as much as I want to. We need to get moving, I'm just going to have to put my hair up today, and I've got to put on some make up. So, finish up in here, brush your teeth, get dressed, and check on those sheets. If they're dry, make the bed up. OK?"

"Yes Sarah." I replied.

She said, "Oh yeah, don't forget it's 'Aunt Sarah' OK?"

"Yes Aunt Sarah." I replied as I got out of the shower and dried off. I brushed my teeth and went to my room to get dressed. I then went downstairs to check the dryer. The sheets and pad were dry. I grabbed them and went back up to my room. Sarah was out of the shower and brushing her teeth. I started making the bed as I watched her drying her hair. She looked so hot!

Then she looked at me and said, "Oh good, they're done. I wasn't sure if we'd make it or not. What time is it?"

"11:05" I answered as I finished tucking the top sheet.

She turned her hair dryer off and came into the room saying, "Oh, hospital corners! I am impressed." She leaned and kissed my on the cheek as she went to her suitcase. I was just finishing and decided to sit on the bed and watch. She looked at me as she pulled some black lace bra and panties up and said, "I'm going to save these for Monday. Today, I'll go with my white set." She pulled up white lace and nylon panties and bra. She slipped her panties on and looked at me and said, "As long as you're here, help me with my bra." I got up and hooked it for her and she said, "Thanks." As she went into the closet to get her clothes she pulled up her pink panties and said, "These are still damp, but I can't find my bra. Oh well, it'll turn up here somewhere." Then she got dressed and told me, "I'm going to put make up on and fix my hair, because I'm sure mom will want to go out for lunch. If they come in before I'm done, I'll just tell them I was lounging around late this morning. We made it. It's going to be OK. You need to go hang out in the living room." She walked over and gave me one last kiss and told me to go.

I went to the kitchen to get the pizza and a soda. Then I turned on the TV and started watching something. Sarah came out about 15-20 minutes later asking, "Where are they?" She went to the kitchen and got out the pizza and said, "Thanks for leaving me a slice." She opened a soda and told me she was going down to have another smoke. When she came back, she sat next to me on the sofa hugged me and said, "Last night was incredible for me and you too I hope." I nodded yes and smiled. She just smiled and said, "I can't wait for Monday!" Then we heard my mom's car and she said, "They're here! Remember, it's AUNT Sarah."

"Yes aunt Sarah." I replied as we headed for the kitchen.

Mom came in first and said, "We're finally here!" She looked at me standing at the counter and Sarah standing behind me in the doorway to the living room. Then her eyes honed in over my other shoulder and she shot Sarah and I her 'evil glare' as she darted across the kitchen between us and I saw her reaching up in the shelves as Grandma came in.

"Hi Joe! Are you ready for tomorrow?" She said as she came over to hug me. I hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. She asked, "How's my college man?" I backed up and into mom's hand firmly in the small of my back. I reached behind me as I answered and mom put something in my hand—Sarah's lace bra! I jammed it into my back pocket and we all talked in the kitchen as mom shot Sarah and I more glances. Then Grandma said, "Let's go to lunch. Joe, will you get my bags and things while I freshen up?"

I answered, "Sure grandma." I went downstairs to go out and noticed Sarah and mom following me.

We got down to the garage and Sarah told mom, "Oops! I wondered were that went last night, sorry Mary."

I said, "I'm sorry too mom."

Mom just smiled and said, "Well, I guess you two had fun then." We got all of grandma's bags and mom said, "Mom wants to go out for lunch and have steak and chicken on the grill for dinner. Let's get this stuff upstairs and get the meat marinating and go to lunch when mom is ready." We took the bags up and mom took the food in the kitchen while Sarah and I brought to the guestroom. Grandma was waiting on us and started unpacking.

Sarah and I went to my room where I pulled her bra out of my pocket and handed it to her. She looked at it and told me in a low voice, "I'm giving these to you as a souvenir." She hung them up next to the panties and we went to the kitchen where mom was making some marinade.

In a low voice mom asked, "Well you two, how was it?'

Sarah whispered, "Joe is incredible! You really need to see for yourself Mary."

Mom froze and blushed as she said, "I don't know Sarah. That still crosses the line."

Sarah told her as she looked at me, "Last night we went over basic positions, fellatio, cunnilingus, and even some kegelling. Oh yeah, let's not forget we did it standing up once. That was awesome!"

"What?" mom blurted out as we both shhhh'd her. Sarah started explaining in a whisper as mom just looked at me. Then mom said, "Joe, you're being the quiet one. Did you enjoy your aunt Sarah?"

I nodded and started to say something as grandma cam in and said, "I'm ready and hungry. Are you all hungry?" Mom was just finishing the meats and put them in the refrigerator. We went to lunch and chatted. When we got home, they all had wine and I got the grill out, and did some yard work I had put off earlier that week. They were all a bit tipsy and talkative, by dinnertime. After that big dinner, thy all fell asleep in the living room.

I went downstairs to bed. The next day was graduation. Everybody was running around the house getting ready all morning, then graduation at 2, then our open house with dad's family and our friends until about 6. That was a big day and Sue and Kathy even stopped by briefly. That night was the senior kegger at the lake. I was taking Sue and promised Kathy I'd keep an eye on her. I also promised mom and Sarah I wouldn't drive drunk. We partied until 1 or so then Sue found me and told me she was starting to get tired. We talked as I drove her home. We were both sad about parting ways, but knew it had to happen. She did say that this would be the last time she would spend the entire summer with her dad. We talked about her coming home for breaks as I pulled into her driveway. We kissed for a bit and she reminded me that her and Kathy were leaving in a few hours and they would be back that Friday evening, and then her dad would pick her up Saturday morning. I walked her to her door and after she unlocked her door, she gave me her house key and said to use that for the week. As I drove home, I remembered that it's Monday. Mom was taking grandma home and Sarah and I would enjoy some more 'quality time.' I was getting hard thinking about it as I pulled into the driveway and went in. I could hear mom and Sarah talking in the living room as I went upstairs.