Senior Week Ch. 01: Tough Love


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Rebecca watched in tingly excitement as Kevin's entire body twitched and trembled under the power of her touch. She could only imagine the building tsunami of anticipation that was surging through his brain. She could still see the startled look he had given her when she'd called his name from across the parking lot not ten minutes prior. He'd been so hurt and hopelessly lost. And now? She smirked and licked her lips as the gravity of the moment brought its full weight onto her as well. Now everything had changed.

Realizing that delay was only making her head spin more, Rebecca cleared her mind and focused her thoughts on what she needed to do. A shivery tickle passed between her legs and she swallowed hard as she leaned up high off of her heels. With a final smirking glance up over the bed, she steadied her nerves and brought her face down into Kevin's lap.

Sparks fizzled in her brain as she let his penis slide fully into her open mouth and over the welcoming warmth of her tongue. She felt his entire body jolt and she smiled to herself at the immediacy of the effect she was having on him. She closed her full, pillowed lips around the base of his shaft and inhaled through her nose as she sucked him in deep. Her tongue swirled around him and she let the breath out as she worked her way up towards his tip with delicate grace. As she reached his head, she swallowed again and dove back in. Within seconds, she was bobbing her head smoothly and fully sucking Kevin's dick.

Nothing that Kevin was thinking could accurately describe the sensations he was feeling so he merely kept his eyes closed and absorbed the pleasure with grateful silence. Every smooth motion of Rebecca's head and neck doused his senses with unspeakable physical joy. Her lips cradled him perfectly and the wet warmth of her mouth forced his abs to tighten with each pass. He couldn't bear to look at the scene but the subtle squeaks and sucking noises emanating from below made him twitch with excitement. The world stood still, and Kevin was happy to stand with it, as the one of the hottest girls he'd ever held a conversation with casually sucked his cock.

"Oh my God."

The words (and dominated tone) sent a satisfying shiver down Rebecca's spine as she worked Kevin skillfully in her mouth. He'd let out barely a peep since she'd started blowing him and his first audible reaction to her work made her swell with pride. Her senses felt dulled and a bit swimmy from the alcohol rush coursing through her blood, but she was still very aware of what she was doing and whom she was doing it with. She could feel the tortured tension leaving his system with each generous passing of her lips over his dick. It was like she was literally sucking the pain away.

Kevin's groaned pleasurably and adjusted his weight as Rebecca cradled his tip between her lips and sucked him in firmly. His noises had begun to grow louder and more frequent and he smiled with closed eyes as he absorbed the sensations. He'd never felt anything close to what he was currently and his one singular thought was to simply focus on the pleasure and let it permeate every cell in his body. The anxious tension had long since fled his brain and he no longer cared about Rachel or why Rebecca was doing this or even how long it would last. He simply absorbed each pleasurable wave with gritted teeth as he writhed away in ecstasy.


The appreciative curse slipped out almost involuntarily from his lips and he opened his eyes as he heard Rebecca scoff and giggle down below. He swallowed as she released him from her mouth and shook her head at him. Unable to do anything but stare back in a haze, he held his breath as he heard her speak in a playful tone.

"Mmmm. Sounds like my little pep talk is finally working."

She paused and grinned up at him as she continued to tug playfully on his shaft.

"Guess you pay more attention to what goesinmy mouth than what comesoutof it."

Kevin could only smirk at her joke, and as soon as he felt the perfection of her lips and warm mouth take him back in, his head hit the sheets once more. He covered his face with his hands and closed his eyes tight. As Rebecca resumed her offering of the most unexpectedly pleasurable gift he had ever received in his life, he simply held still and smiled to himself.

Nothing had ever felt so good.





The words thundered inside Rachel's mind as she stood paralyzed just ten feet from the edge of the bed. She stared unblinking, her mouth agape, as she took in the scene and processed the now-identified recipient of Rebecca's efforts. Her brain had just moments ago recognized his shirt and had been sending out the signal of alarmed recognition when he had moved his hands from his face and erased all doubt.

Her senses went white and it was a miracle due only to her athletic coordination that she didn't stumble and crash to the floor. She stifled a gasp and steadied herself as she tried desperately to reconcile the pure insanity that was greeting her eyes. Rebecca...was giving Kevin...ablowjob?!? What???

Rachel swallowed hard and bit down painfully onto her lower lip. What was happening? How did-? When-? Why-? Her brain sputtered and sparked under the strain of such utter confusion as it became overloaded with the questions that had no immediate answers. Her stomach twisted into a knot as the emotional response to the revelation began to elbow its way to the forefront of her thoughts. Beyond her inability to comprehend the Xs and Os of what she was seeing, she suddenly began to wonder how she should befeelingabout it as well.

Different emotions popped up like a game of Whack-a-Mole, prodding her for attention but then disappearing before she was allowed a moment of sufficient evaluation. She was shocked, of course. But was she angry? At Rebecca? At Kevin? Her eyeballs shifted chaotically in their sockets and she felt a shiver rush up through the base of her neck. Was she...jealous?

The thought turned her shiver into a full-on shake as swallowed only pinching dryness in her throat. As she watched Rebecca continue to smoothly service the best guy friend she'd ever had, she suddenly wondered why she never seen Kevin in this way and why she had turned down his advances. It was like she was looking at him through a different lens. In a way that made her wonder why exactly she couldn't do for him the same thing she was watching right now-.

She shook her head before she could finish the thought. No. That was crazy. She wasn't angry. Or jealous. That didn't make any sense. None of it did.

But as she grappled with the confusion, what Racheldidsuddenly understand was that what she was feeling most was arousal. Free-flowing, white-hot arousal. Watching Rebecca performing sexually forced a whole host of exciting images to her brain. The night at the dorm. The time she'd walked in on her and Brad at that party. She'd still never truly reconciled her sexual thoughts and emotions towards her best friend, but there was no denying that picturing Rebecca in such lights made her senses tingle. And now that Kevin had been added to the mix?

Rachel swallowed dryly again as a tremor sliced through her. Her thoughts switched back to Kevin as her eyes refocused on the scene. She realized that she had never seen him naked. She didn't know what he looked like. Her thumb passed roughly over her forefinger in an automatic response. She was suddenly so excitedly curious.

She put her weight back onto her front foot and craned her neck to enhance the view. Her stomach fluttered hopefully but disappointment dampened her growing buzz. She could only barely make out a rough, obscured image of his penis as it appeared and disappeared between Rebecca's soft, full lips. Exhaling softly, she adjusted her gaze back to his face.

He was completely lost in ecstasy. His eyes were shut tight but a peaceful grin stretched across his mouth. He groaned softly and flexed his jaw as each wave of pleasure rolled up through his frame. His noises forced more pleasurable tingles through Rachel's legs and her brain suddenly switched back to her earlier thoughts of jealous confusion.

She whimpered inaudibly as she could picture herself making him moan like that. Another image flashed, and for one dangerously exciting second, Rachel actually considered making her presence known and joining in on the fun. It was just so raw and intoxicating. She could just take a few more steps and-.

She snapped back from her wild fantasy and retook control of the moment. No. The entire thing was insane. She couldn't just-. Kevin?? She shivered again. She shouldn't have even been in the room!

The thought pushed her brain back to the party and the boy she had left downstairs. Derrick. Her fingertips tingled as she fully registered just how turned on she was. The scene in front of her was working her up into a lather and her pussy trembled as she recalled the dirty things she'd imagined she would be doing with Derrick later. She needed it.Now.But she just couldn't tear her eyes away.

But a sound shook her into action. A recognizable sound. Rachel's eyes went wide and the tips of her ears tingled as an eager gasp escaped Kevin's lips. She watched in excited terror as his hips lurched and he let out a full groan muttering Rebecca's name. Rachel swallowed hard. Even from across the room she could tell what was happening.

Kevin was about to come.

Pulled forcefully out of her trance, Rachel realized she needed to get out of there immediately. In a manner of seconds, Kevin would surely open his eyes and look directly at her as he let go. A part of her desperately wanted to stay and watch as he got off under Rebecca's power. The thought filled her with dizzying arousal. But she had to go. And she had to go now.

Trying to move as stealthily as possible, Rachel spun on her heels and reached back for the door. She slipped away without a sound and closed it gingerly behind her. Her fingers continued to shake as she fished the key out from her pocket and prepared to re-lock the door and cover her final tracks.

But just as she touched it to the hole, an unambiguous sound from inside the room froze her again in place. Kevin moaned loudly and realization that she was hearing him come sent a startling shockwave through her body. Her fingertips tingled and the key slipped from her grip and fell to the carpet. In a panic, she scrambled to pick it up as she dashed back down the hallway towards the stairs.

Rachel hit the main floor of the house and stared over the party in a daze. Her adrenaline was through the roof and she stood silently as she tried to make sense of what she'd just seen. Her legs felt wobbly and her head was light. It seemed like she was in a dream.

Not really aware of where she was going, she began to drift idly through the blur of the crowd. She could see faces and hear sounds around her but nothing really registered. She found herself standing in the kitchen and she vacantly pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge. As she brought her lips to the rim and sipped gently, she stared off at nothing and let the wheels of her brain continue to spin furiously.What was going on?

She'd been standing alone, letting it all wash over her, when she heard someone call her name. Snapping out of her fog, she followed the sound and located Derrick in the same spot she had left him. He was smiling at her and waving for her to come back. Rachel swallowed and again felt the arousal course through her senses. She was still in shock but her body reminded her quickly of how badly she'd wanted him. And it wasn't even totally about him anymore. She just wanted something to sink her teeth into.

With a deep breath, Rachel set her bottle down and rejoined her new friend across the room. She pushed the vacant expression from her face, and after a mumbled apology for her absence, things began to pick up just where they'd been left. Derrick joked with her and spoke suggestively and soon his hands were back on the tempting curves of her body. Rachel sighed pleasurably at each flirty touch and she had just managed to push the crazy image from upstairs out of her mind when another sight from across the room made her stiffen and snap to attention.

Not more than fifteen feet away, Kevin was walking through the crowd. Rachel stared frozen as he drifted along, stopping only briefly to acknowledge familiar faces. It appeared at first that he was coming directly at her but she realized he was simply passing by. She didn't mean to do it, but acting on instinct, she blurted out his name. He turned at the sound and for a second they each simply looked into each other's eyes. Then Kevin smiled and stepped towards her and Derrick, offering a friendly nod.

"Hey, Rach."

Rachel swallowed at his words. He sounded different. His tone was light and breezy. Even earlier in the day when she'd first seem him arrive he'd had a bit of a strained touch to his voice. But now, it was gone. He sounded confident and relaxed.

Realizing that she hadn't responded and she was beginning to make the scene a little awkward, Rachel cleared her throat and spoke as evenly as she could.

"Hey! Um, where did-? I mean, I'm sorry. Hi! Where did you-? You know, um, I thought I saw you earlier but, um-."

She stopped her stammering gibberish and blushed as she felt both boys staring at her like she was crazy. Her eyes flicked to Derrick's confused expression and she smiled weakly. Looking back at Kevin, she swallowed and spoke again.

"Sorry! Just lost my train of, um-. Oh! Yeah, this is Derrick and..." She trailed off again in frustration and cursed herself. She could barely form words.

Kevin blinked his eyes as Rachel nonsensically mumbled away. What was she talking about? His eyes flicked to Derrick and he raised an inquisitive eyebrow. Derrick simply shrugged and returned the look of non-comprehension. Kevin smiled awkwardly and nodded his chin.

"Hey, bro. Kevin." He looked back at Rachel and grinned in confusion.

Rachel blushed further and jammed her nail deep into her own flesh in an attempt to snap out of her fog. Her heart pounded and she cursed herself again for her embarrassing display.Jesus, Rachel. Hold it together!

"I'm sorry. My head's like in a different-. I think I drank too much today. Anyway, no, I just meant I've, like, barely seen you. Are you having a good time?"

Kevin paused as he looked into her eyes and studied her almost fearful expression. He had no idea why she was stammering but he stiffened with guilt as he figured it probably had something to do with the guy she was standing beside. She was probably all stressed about how he would feel about seeing her and Derrick together.

His stomach twisted as he recalled how she had caught his gaze earlier, precipitating his hasty retreat from the house. He sighed again as he realized he truly had been acting like a child. His brain flashed with the images of what he and Rebecca had just done together and he trembled as the fresh sensations washed over him. He smirked pleasurably and refocused on Rachel. He suddenly couldn't remember why he had been so hung up. Breaking into a warm grin, he shook his head and laughed.

"Oh for sure! Yeah, this party is great. This whole week is going to be sick." He flicked his eyes back between Rachel and Derrick and marveled to himself at how the jealous pain that usually flooded his stomach in these moments was no longer present. He looked back at Rachel's tense expression and smiled reassuringly.

"Listen, I don't wanna interrupt." He grinned at them both and gave Rachel a friendly touch on her shoulder as he indicated towards a far end of the room.

"Beer pong table is callin' my name. We'll catch up later, all right?"

Rachel could only nod dumbly as she watched Kevin turn and disappear into the crowd. She stared off in his direction for several seconds before Derrick finally broke her daze.

"Um, hey. Hey! You okay? Who was that? A friend of yours?"

Rachel looked up suddenly and smiled. She swallowed away her confusion.

"What? Oh, yeah. Kevin. Yeah, one of my best friends actually. Great guy." She watched Derrick's expression fall ever so slightly and she grinned teasingly as she moved to quickly reassure him.

"Oh no. No, not-. Not like that. You have nothing to worry about."

She bit her lip playfully as Derrick smiled and brought his hands back to her body. He leaned in and had just begun to inquire again about getting that "tour" of the place when Rachel watched him trail off and adjust his gaze to directly behind where she stood. Her eyebrows narrowing in confusion, she turned around slowly to see what he was looking at. As her eyes focused, she felt the breath leave her lungs.


Her best friend stood just three feet away, her hands on her hips, her green eyes dancing, and a playful smirk curled across her lips. She seemed to be studying the cozy couple with a bemused expression and it was unclear just how long she'd been present.

Rachel swallowed hard and did her best to keep her face calm and even. Rebecca didn't know that she'd watched them in the room so there was no need to get weird and tip herself off. But she did suddenly wonder what she was going to do about it. She couldn't bring it up, but she just had to know the how and the why. She studied Rebecca's face and realized that her friend was definitely smirking at her. What exactly was so funny?

Feeling like the world's biggest tease, Rachel shot Derrick yet another apologetic look and told him she needed a minute. Frustration spotted his face but one further glance across her friendly display of cleavage let him know that she was a prize worth waiting for if necessary. He let out an exaggerated sigh and told her that she'd better not break his heart. She grinned sheepishly and promised that she'd be back. This time for good.

Rachel broke away from Derrick's hands and took Rebecca by the arm. She didn't really have a plan but she knew she had to say something. As she halfway-dragged her friend out of the main room and into a secluded hallway, she glanced back at Rebecca's serene expression and swallowed again. Rebecca hadn't said a word and had barely even reacted to being pulled across the party with no explanation. Rachel finally stopped and turned to face her friend. She was beginning to find Rebecca's non-reaction to be unsettling. Was something wrong with her?

"Becca! I, um-."

Rachel realized she had no idea what to say.

"I've been looking for you and I couldn't find you. I wanted to talk about, um-. I wanted to talk about Kevin and-. Where were you?"

Rebecca giggled and rolled her eyes like Rachel was talking crazy. "You were looking for me? Why? You look pretty cozy with your friend over there. He's cute by the wa-."

Rachel cut her off. "I wanted to talk about Kevin! I, like-. I needed to-." She shook her head in annoyance and practically shouted.

"What were you doing??"

Rebecca flashed her eyes and blinked innocently, like the answer was plainly obvious. She spoke matter-of-factly.

"You know what I was doing. I was solving your problem."

Rachel squinted her eyes in confusion. Herproblem?What did that mean? She tensed suddenly as she wondered if Rebecca was talking about Kevin. Did she know?? How would she have-? Was she joking with her about something else? Rachel didn't want to blow her cover if she was wrong so she played dumb.

"Solved my-? What? What are you talking about?"

Rebecca laughed at the response and reached her hand towards Rachel's face. She gripped her gently by the chin and adjusted her gaze down the hall, back into the main room. Rachel swallowed hard as her eyes landed on Kevin, many feet away, chatting happily with a group of people. She shivered as she heard Rebecca speak again, this time with a simple whisper to her ear.