Senior Year Memories Ch. 13


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Lauren may have been in her early 40s, but she had a body that most younger women would kill for.

"Uh, Ryan?" she said, smiling that secret smile she loved so much. I'd drifted off, mesmerized by the flesh I'd seen before me and realizing my cock (a cock she'd seen but was nice enough to pretend not to have fully seen not but a few days earlier) was acting traitor and threatening to split the front of my pants open.

"Oh, uh, hi, Mrs. McN- Lauren!" I corrected myself.

"Good, we said our hellos, I gotta go grab the cookies before they burn!" she said, sprinting off into the house, giving me an amazing view of her ass as she ran to the kitchen.

While Lauren was a welcome sight, she was definitely a surprise. She wasn't supposed to be here, and Tori was. It was possible that Tori was in her basement bedroom, but normally she'd still be the one to let me in if she knew I was coming. I shot her a text.

Me: Hey, where are you?

Her response came quickly.

Tori: Forgot I had to finish an article at the PP office, gonna have to cancel game night. Reschedule soon?

"Fuck," I muttered.

Me: Sure. Have fun writing.

Tori: Oh, you know I will.

Well, this was turning into one great day, and not just for me by the sounds of things.

"Shit! Damn it!" Lauren shouted from the kitchen.

Quickly, I set down my laptop bag by the door and ran for her. Reaching the kitchen, I saw her standing by the center island, one hand wearing an oven mitt, laughing at a half-full tray of semi-burnt cookies she'd hastily put on the counter, as well as the other half of them spread out across the floor.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

Lauren couldn't stop laughing, pulling her earbuds out with her free hand. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Feeling like an idiot, but fine."

I grabbed some paper towels from the roll on the center island and knelt down, cleaning up some of the dropped cookies. Ditching her oven mitt, she soon squatted down and did the same, giving me enough of a view down her cleavage that I had to quickly look away.

"You can see why I usually make Don do all the baking," Lauren said, amused.

"Well, he is a chef," I replied.

"Huh, I should've remembered that, shouldn't I?" she responded.

"I wasn't going to say anything, but..." I replied. After holding it in, we both started laughing.

Lauren and I had had a strange relationship over the years. I spent most of my life without a mom after mine passed when I was in kindergarten, but Lauren McNeil was about as close as they'd come over time. Since Tori and me went way back, she was the one who was always there for me when I needed an adult woman in my life, someone to look up to, someone to ask questions, someone to take my side when Dad wasn't available. The benefit to not being related to her, though, was that as soon as I understood what crushes were, she was one of my first. She'd somehow managed to only get hotter as I got older, which was all the more confusing with how much more casual she'd gotten over the years. She wasn't just an adult anymore, she was someone I didn't mind talking with for the fun of it.

I said, "If you don't mind my asking-"

"Oh, this is always the beginning of something good," Lauren interjected.

"-why aren't you at the office, and why are you baking cookies?" I finished.

Lauren blinked at me. "Why? Were you planning an afternoon of passion with my fair virgin daughter?"

This was one of those moments where I was glad not to have a drink in my mouth, because it certainly would've been all over the floor by now.

Lauren laughed. "Relax, Ryan. I took the day off so I could get the house ready for Rachel when she gets here tonight, and I know Tori's far from a virgin, and if she weren't on her date right now, she'd be laughing with us, so it's okay for me to make that joke."

I was so focused on hearing word of Tori's dreaded older sister Rachel returning to the house today that the last few words she said caught up with me slowly. Once they did, if this were a film trailer, this would've been right around the moment you'd have heard a record scratch.

"Tori's on a date?" I asked.

"Oh yes, with some girl, April I think her name was, she met on Halloween. They've gone out together almost every night since then, actually. To hear Tori tell it, she's quite smitten with her, and... and suddenly I'm thinking that Tori didn't tell you this already," Lauren said, looking at my pale face with concern.

"You could say that," I replied.

I understood that Tori and I weren't in a relationship, just as well as I understood that Tori was one who slept around, and that she generally preferred girls to guys.

I was fine with all of these things.

The part that I had a hard time understanding was how Tori said she didn't want to be in a relationship with me because she didn't want to complicate things before college, and that only a few minutes before she'd completely lied to me about where she was. I could handle a lot of things, but lying... fuck that really hurt.

I opened my hands and balled my fists, trying to let the stress out. I'd spent close to a month lying to her about what I was doing with Kaitlyn and Brooke and all the others, I shouldn't have held her to a different standard. I knew this rationally, but why the fuck did it still feel like I wasn't good enough to deserve anything in this world?

"Would you like to talk about it? I could use a hand changing the sheets in the guestroom, and I've often found menial housework has a calming effect," Lauren said.

Numbly, I nodded. I followed her into the guestroom. I followed her directions and helped her change out the linens and pillowcases, and once I was able to find my words, I told her everything.

Well, not "everything" everything, but close to everything that had happened today. How I'd failed to impress Josie's friends and how that felt like a huge fucking obstacle to deal with if I ever wanted to consider seriously dating her. How Tori and I were supposed to meet up to game today, but she'd lied to me. This particular detail upset Lauren greatly, enough that she put her hands on her hips shook her head in disappointment.

"I don't know why she did that. I tried to raise her better than that. I may have failed Rachel on that front, Tori's always been a good one. She's also been the truly savvy one, though, so I must assume that if she lied to you, she had a good reason for it, just as I'm sure you've told her a whopper once or twice before," Lauren said.

"Yeah, but..." I trailed off. There was no "but" there. She was absolutely right. It didn't make me feel any better, though.

"Is she still your best friend?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah. Always," I said.

"Then let her tell the truth in her own time. I wish I could offer you more comfort than that, especially when it's the cherry on top of an already shitty day, but it's the best I've got," Lauren said, going back to switching out another pillowcase.

"Thanks," I said. What she said made sense, and I thought it made me feel a little better. That was something.

"Would it make you feel any better if I told you you weren't the only one having a bad day?" Lauren asked.

"Not really," I replied.

"Oh," she said, shaking her head. "Forget I said anything."

"No, don't. I'm sorry. You wanna talk, talk; you were good enough to listen to me, listening to how your day's been shitty is the least I can do," I said, smiling faintly.

Lauren smiled, setting her pillow down. "Thanks."

She sighed, looking nervous. I don't think I'd ever seen her nervous before, but maybe that's because I'd never been looking for it. She'd always been an adult to me, one of those all-powerful older people who I thought were infallible and incapable of having the kinds of problems us kids had. Of course, that was bullshit, we were all people plain and simple. I knew this, but it still unsettled me to see her nervous.

"I found out today that Don's been cheating on me again. So, there's that," Lauren said.

I didn't know what part I wanted to double take on more, but I settled on "Don's been cheating" and "again." Don McNeil, Tori's dad, was an odd guy, and a quiet guy, not particularly handsome but highly intelligent in those moments he chose to spoke. He was head chef of a pretty fancy restaurant the next town over, and though it kept him away long, odd hours, I always thought he was a model husband and father.

"He does this every so often, especially whenever they've picked up another sweet young thing out of culinary school. They get hot and heavy for three or six months or so, but when the gloss wears off, he's back to me. If I didn't love him and know how much he loves me, I'd feel a little insulted," Lauren said.

"You should feel insulted anyway. Someone would have to be insane to cheat on you," I said.

Faintly, she smiled. "Thank you, but you should know as well as any man that what you've got between your legs there has a way of leading to temporary insanity."


Okay, she really had a point there. It wasn't an excuse, but it was a good point.

"Fine, fine, okay, you've got me there, but if he thinks he's found a better model, then she better be fucking Aphrodite herself because I don't see how he could find someone more beautiful than you," I said, going for the cheap compliment because I was used to wanting to make her feel better. Then, realizing what I said, I added, "Pardon my French."

Lauren laughed. "It's pardoned, but thank you."

She drew me in for a hug, a warm, lingering hug that pressed her breasts against my chest. I wasn't as hard as I was when I walked through the door, but for the first time since I found out Tori lied to me, I realized that I never fully went down. I pulled away, but I wasn't fully sure that Lauren didn't notice.

Letting go of me, she said, "I need a drink. You want a drink? I say let's drink, eat some of my terrible cookies, and talk shit about the people we love who always find new ways of driving us crazy."

In all honesty, right then that sounded close to heaven. I said, "Sounds great."


When it came to drinks, I'd have liked some of the red wine (or something harder even) that Lauren was drinking, but I accepted the Coke she offered. The chocolate chip cookies she made weren't bad, at least in the portions that weren't partially charred, and the more we ate and drank, the more we relaxed, sitting on stools at the kitchen's center island and having a nice time together. She'd let her hair down and was looking utterly gorgeous, which made me a very welcome kind of uncomfortable. I'd had a lot of free, personal conversations with Lauren before, but there was something different this time. We both had less restraint, maybe both got a little meaner, and were having fun not holding a damn thing back.

"Kelly van Houten," Lauren said, refilling her wine glass. "How's that for a cutesy fucking name?"

"Pretty cutesy," I admitted.

"He marries a stacked redhead, knocks me up twice, and winds up cheating on me with a cutesy little blonde fresh out of culinary school named Kelly van Houten," Lauren said, stretching each syllable of the girl's name until it was practically a curse.

"It's baffling," I said.

"I know, right!" Lauren said.

"I mean, she should at least be stacked too," I joked.

"She's not! God no," Lauren said, shuddering over-dramatically.

"You've seen her?" I asked.

"Not a proud moment, but I had to know. I followed them, watched them making out in the alley behind the restaurant, then went in for some lunch to see what he'd do, and he had the fucking gall to introduce me to her like she was just any other old new hire!" Lauren laughed, though there was little humor to it.

"That sucks," I said.

"Tell me about it. You wanna see some pictures of Kelly van Houten? I found her on social media," Lauren said.

Something told me that was a little more than I wanted to do, but since she was hurting and enjoying the shit-talking train, I said, "Sure."

"You're gonna love this, you see her and you'll wonder what he saw in her, and... shit," Lauren said, patting herself down. "Must've left my phone in the guestroom."

"Here," I said, sliding my phone across the island. Lauren picked it up and started scrolling through the tabs.

"Trust me, she's cute, but she doesn't have anything on me. When you see it you'll understand, and..."

Lauren went silent, her eyes wide, her mouth open slightly. Her finger slid across the screen easily, curiously. I was wondering what she'd found about Kelly van Houten that had gotten this reaction, before a sick feeling formed in my gut.

I had closed all my tabs, hadn't I?

"Seems like you've had a pretty good senior year," she finally said, an amused smirk crossing her full lips. "Lots of good memories."

It felt like my face was on fire, and if a hole could've swallowed me up for the embarrassment I felt, I would've let it.

"Lauren, I-"

She laughed, putting a calming hand on my wrist. "Relax, sweetie, I'm not telling anyone. This is your last year of high school, you should be having all sorts of crazy fun. Admittedly I never quite imagined you'd be having this much fun, but... wow. Who's the girl in the mask?"

"I have no idea," I said, honestly.

"A mystery girl with a cute little body? Hot," Lauren said, her words more free for the wine she'd drunk. She shifted uncomfortably on her stool, then started tapping on the screen.

"There she is. Kelly fucking van Houten," Lauren said, finally free of distraction.

She beckoned me in closer, so I slid in next to her. We were close enough that I could hear her shallow breathing, practically feel the heat radiating from her body. It was an uncomfortable but not unpleasant heat, and it was one I thought I shared. There were lines among friends that you weren't supposed to cross, but all of a sudden it felt like it might be very easy to cross them. After all, Tori and Don were having their fun, why couldn't Lauren and I? It was a stupid fantasy, but this close to her, so close that her breasts grazed the side of my arm, fantasizing felt fucking great.

The picture on my phone was of a young blonde girl in a chef's uniform, clearly at a graduation ceremony. She was definitely cute, with a glint in her eyes and smile that told you she was probably much more mischievous than her wholesome appearance would let on. I could definitely see the appeal in Kelly van Houten, but she was nothing compared to Lauren.

"So, what do you think?" Lauren asked.

"She's cute, but she can't hold a candle to the goddess next to me," I said.

"You flatter," Lauren responded, not moving away from me.

"Sometimes flattery can be the truth," I said.

She sighed. "You're sweet, you know?"

"I manage, sometimes," I replied.

Unable to take her eyes away from the picture of Kelly van Houten, Lauren grumbled. "What I need to do is just get myself a nice, hot young guy and fuck him like crazy, even the odds a bit with Don. All the times he's done this to me, I've never done it back, but this time..."

The gap between us wasn't very far, so I made my mistake.

I leaned in and kissed her.

I'd kissed her on the cheek plenty of times before as a sign of affection, but this time it was on her warm, full lips. It was a kiss that surprised both of us, I think, first for me having the balls to do it, then for how long it lasted. We kissed each other for a good long moment, savoring the warmth and the connection, forgetting all about the people we loved who'd rather be with someone else and all the rest of the shit this day had brought with it for us. It was a kiss that might've lasted forever and no time at all for all we knew, but it was a damn good one.

When we parted, her face was a mask of mixed emotions. Confusion, pleasure, fear, desire. I knew I'd taken a chance kissing her like this, a stupid, crazy, insane chance, and though she'd been talking about doing just this a moment ago, I realized the reality of it might've been far different from her fantasy.

"That's... not quite what I meant," Lauren finally said.

My heart sank. Well, I'd fucked that up, hadn't I? I went into swift damage control, "I'm sorry, I-"

"No, Ryan, it's not that, I just never considered-"

"I should go-"


"No, I'm sorry, that was stupid," I got up, ready to leave.

Before I could, she grabbed me by the wrist, not gently, and pulled me in close. Again our lips mashed against one another, this kiss even hotter, needier than the first. Her tongue danced gently along the surface of mine, wanting, exploring. It was the kind of kiss that took my breath away and left me wanting more.

"It was stupid. We... we could get in a lot of trouble if anyone found out, but... I think I really need some stupid in my life right now," Lauren said.

"This is a bad idea, isn't it?" I asked.

"Terrible," she confirmed, smiling deliciously.

It wasn't the most eloquent invitation I'd ever had, but it was a welcome one. Gently, I took her face in my hands and kissed her back, wanting to stretch out this makeout session for all it was worth. She pressed up against me, rubbing her body against mine, her hands finding my cock and rubbing it through my pants.

"Fuck, that's big. I saw it in Tori's room, in the pictures, but it's something else to touch..." she said.

With hands shaking, I dropped them to the breasts I'd fantasized about for years, squeezing the exquisite, perfect flesh of her massive tits, rolling my palms over the hard nipples I felt poking through her sports bra. Experimentally, I hooked my thumbs under it, lifting the bra over her massive jugs and setting them free. For their size and her age they were perfection, almost no sag, with wide pink areolas that would almost fill the palms of my hand and nipples that stood thick and proud. I ran my thumbs over them, first flicking, then pinching them softly, making Lauren moan.

I'd never heard her make a sound so exquisite before, but I was looking forward to hearing it more.

A lot more.

I got on my feet and pulled her to hers, turning her around and bending her over the kitchen island. I pressed in behind her, grinding my cock against her, pressing it right between her ass cheeks. There was a disconnect of being separated by the fabric of my pants and the thin, tight cloth of her yoga pants, but the sheer proximity was enough to make both of us moan.

Still pressing her against the island, I explored her body with my hands, cupping her voluminous tits, one hand drifting down her toned abs to the front of her pants. Delicately, I reached around and slid my hand beneath the front of her yoga pants, pressing my fingers against the surprisingly moist fabric of her panties. That felt wonderful and awe inspiring on its own, but sliding my fingers beneath her panties, feeling the moist folds of her pussy and the soft nub of her engorged clit.

"Oh fuck," she gasped. "Oh fuck, this is such a bad idea, god, such a bad, bad fucking idea."

"Should we stop?" I asked, simultaneously fingering her, squeezing her tit and grinding into her ass.

Smiling, she arched into me, planting a needy kiss on my lips. "Not on your fucking life."

"Good," I said, lightly squeezing her clit between my thumb and forefinger. She moaned appreciatively, rocking her ass and hips into me, squeezing my cock with her ass cheeks. Her pussy was getting wetter and hotter by the second, her legs turning to jelly. Lauren braced her hands on the center island, but it didn't seem to be enough to keep her up. I pressed into her harder, bending her over more forcefully and fingering her even harder.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, it's been so long, fuck, fuck, fuck, keep going, like that, right there, right fucking there, gonna make me cum, cum, cum," she repeated, her eyes lidding back. I had to let go of her tit as she fell against the island, her tits pillowing underneath her beautifully. Seizing this opportunity, I reached that hand into her panties as well, allowing all of my fingers to explore and stimulate her now dripping cunt.