Serendipity Ch. 13


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"But we have a problem Nicole, Shelly doesn't wear a collar does she?"

"No master, but she did agree to make the decision."

"So we have a dilemma... I think I may have a solution. Do you still have that necklace I purchased for one of the girls in your purse?"

"Yes Master."

"Then we'll give Shelly a choice. I have always given my girls a choice haven't I?"

"Always Master, we stay because we choose to." Shelly was doing her best to look between me and Nicole, but Nicole was behind her.

"Shelly, I'm going to give you a choice. In a minute Nicole is going to release your arms. You can either pull your dress back up over those delicious tits and nipples." I paused to look down at them and watched her areola pucker. "Or you can remove everything but your heels, stockings, and shelf bra. Then turn to Nicole and kneel to receive a collar and thank your Mistress for it." Her eyes were darting back and forth. "Do you understand your options?" She nodded vigorously. "And have you made a decision?" She nodded like she was going to take her head off. "Nicole, release her arms and let her show us her decision."

Shelly took a second, and then began stripping everything else off. Nicole got the necklace out while she was stripping her own outfit off. "I believe she wishes to join us tonight Master." Shelly finished stripping and turned to Nicole and kneeled... with her knees spread! This was something she has thought about before. Nicole saw it too. She presented Shelly with her collar and hooked the clasp behind her.

"Thank you Mistress," and leaned forward to kiss Nicole's bare mound. Shelly had done a lot more than think about this!

"You are welcome Shelly, but now you need to service Master for allowing you to wear his collar."

"Yes Mistress." And then she knee walked over to me keeping her knees spread, Shelly had been someone's slave before. Maybe her husband? "May I service you Master?"

"Yes you may, and your Mistress will supervise to make sure you do a proper job." She proceeded to unbuckle and lower my pants with great care. I glanced over at Shelly's chair and then beside Shelly. Nicole smiled and nodded as Shelly began to take me in. She rolled Shelly's chair over beside her and sat down with legs spread to and show her bare pussy to Shelly. I'll give Shelly credit. She was surprised by the bare pussy next to her, but didn't miss a beat in her blow job.

While it was slow and sensual, it was not nearly as deep as Nicole could take me. "It seems Shelly is a little out of practice Nicole. And I could have sworn she had more capacity when she woke me in the middle of the night."

Nicole turned to Shelly, "YOU had better not be holding back. We have a dinner reservation to meet. You cause us to be late or hold back servicing Master and you'll sit in the middle of The Steak House with your tits on display in that bra all night!"

She doubled her efforts, but not much more depth until I finally shot off. Not the best, but at least not blue balls. When she finished she held the last of it in her mouth and then held it open to show my cum in her mouth... and held it there. It took me a second to realize she was asking permission to swallow it.

"You may swallow."

She gulped it down and licked her lips. "Thank you Master."

Nicole leaned in from beside me. "Would you care to explain why you were able to take so much more of Master in the middle of the night?"

"It's my throat Mistress. I'm small enough that I have to line up with the curve to be able to take most of my Master in. My previous Master's cock had a bit of a downward angle when hard and I had to be below him to take most of him in. Masters cock has an upward angle which makes it lovely for my g-spot, but very difficult to take him in when I'm on my knees."

"Was your previous Master your husband?"

"Yes Mistress."

"And how many others were there with you and your husband?"

"Several over the years Mistress, but usually no more than three or four at any one time. My Master even let us keep a young man for a while when he had to do a lot of traveling, but he couldn't keep up with us so we had to take care of each other." She started to blush.

"So you have been with a woman before?" Nicole asked spreading her legs ever so slightly more.

"Oh yes Mistress! That is what made last night so special. It reminded me of one of the last nights I had with my previous Master and our number one girl!" Now things were beginning to make sense. Then she got a worried look. "Mistress, what will happen to us when Master goes back to Vegas?"

They both looked at me. "Well Shelly, a lot of that depends on you. Put your dress on while we talk, and only your dress."

"OH MASTER! Thank you. It has been so long since anyone has ordered me to go commando!"

"Master believes only the minimum of clothing should be worn. Although he's like most men and will make an exception for stockings and other unusual pieces of lingerie. Aren't you Master?"

"It's easy to understand my pets. Clothing covers and hides, Lingerie accentuates and flaunts. A padded bra is clothing, a shelf bra is lingerie."

"I like the way you define things Master, my previous Master had a similar outlook on clothing."

"Thank you, and now back to your question Shelly. We are going out to dinner with a gentleman who has a similar problem to yours, and it seems Nicole has invited you to accompany us. He lost his wife five years ago, and she was Mistress to his girls. Because of a rather unusual situation I know of at least two that have managed to stay around, but he has been neglecting them because they remind him of his wife. At the same time he can't let them go for the same reason.

"Oh Master that is terrible!"

"Yes it is. He is not aware of my knowledge of his situation, and I am going to try to bring it up during one of your bathroom breaks. As much as it pains me to say this I need you two to make your trips to the bathroom together."

They giggled, and Nicole had to say. "Poor Master!"

"I will nod to Nicole when I have broached the subject and it's OK to assume slave rolls again. I will be seating you next to him Shelly, so I expect you to do your best to tease and submit. If we're lucky he will consent to getting you back into condition. Do you think you can do that?" She looked worried. "I know it's a lot to ask, but I am not going to be back very often, most of the time Nicole will be coming out to visit me. And while you will submit to a Mistress if I'm not around, it's apparent to me you really need a Master don't you?"

Shelly looked like I had looked right through her. "Yes Master..."

"Now I'm going to take Nicole's car over to pick him up. We have seven o'clock reservations at The Steak House. You two will meet us there a little before seven. Any questions?"

"Only one Master, If things go right I don't know when I might get a chance to taste Mistress. May I lick her for a while before we meet you at The Steak House?"

"Shelly, while I will never have an objection to pleasure. That is a question for your Mistress." And headed out the door to go pick up Jake. "It sure would be nice if they had one of those booths like we had at The Hotel!" I wasn't sure what would be more interesting. The dinner with the two of them or hearing about this later.

I drove over to Jake's office wondering how the night was going to turn out. There was almost no possibility it was going to be a run of the mill night. It was either going to be a real nightmare or a meeting of the minds. When I got to his office building the only one there was Jake, and still on the phone. I took the opportunity to take a closer look at the pictures of his wife. I was right about the riding outfit. Nice sweater bumpers and camel toe, but not too obvious if you didn't know what to look for. And a nice one of what was supposed to look like a candid European beach shot, but the micro bikini bottom riding up into her pussy and the nipple escaping from between her fingers as she tried to cover a nice set of tits with absolutely NO tan line led me to believe it was done that way on purpose.

"Sorry about that Danny, another piece of the puzzle on that mess you uncovered the other day."

"Making progress already? That was quick."

"I don't know if I would call it progress at this point. More like starting to dump all the pieces of the puzzle out on the table. They are all jumbled together and some are still invisible either upside down or buried under other pieces." He walked up beside me looking at the pictures of his wife.

"Your wife was a lovely lady, she looks especially radiant in the one of her in the riding outfit."

He reached out and touched the frame almost reverently. "She was an... energetic and...enlightened woman."

BINGO!! "Sounds like a woman I would have liked to meet. But right now we have two lovely ladies waiting for us."

"TWO?" he looked a little surprised and upset.

"Nothing to worry about Jake. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. Nicole and I had a dinner date planned this evening. I invited you and was concerned on how to tell her I was bringing you along. It seems that Nicole was doing the same thing with her boss, who has been going through a bit of a rough patch lately." Jake kicked his head back in a roaring laugh. "The only good part is that she can't get mad at me for inviting someone to our dinner when she did the same!"

"You dodged the bullet on that one! What is her boss like?" Good, he was at least interested.

"Well when I first met her I thought she was in her late thirties, maybe forty and she's a real looker. Turns out her husband passed away a few years back and in two weeks she's having a birthday."


"Yeah, she's feeling a little unsure of herself. This was going to be a nice dinner out to boost her self-confidence. Nicole is prepping her now. From what she has said it's been early mornings and late nights since her husband passed. Nicole can't remember seeing her in anything but her corporate executive suits. So if that's the way she turns up and it's a dud of an evening I apologize in advance."

Jake hesitated for a few seconds. "Danny, it sounds like you have a special woman that would put her friend before her for an evening out. I had a few friends like that when Linda passed. It made all the difference for me. Let's see what awaits us. At the very least I will finally get a chance to meet your Nicole. The rest is up to fate." We headed out the door and back to the restaurant.

It seems Shelly had heard me on the way out. We were escorted to a table in the back that not only had the curtains, but a velvet rope and stanchions. The hostess stopped outside the ropes.

"Be seated gentlemen, the ladies called to say they had a minor mishap with one of their outfits and might be a few moments late. Would you like your usual drinks?"

I just smiled, "A beautiful woman is always worth the wait, and our usual would be fine unless Jake has an objection."

She turned to Jake, "My usual is fine Natalie. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you when we first came in. It's been a while."

"That's quite all right Sir. Yes it has been a while, but it is our job to remember, not yours. Have a lovely evening," and turned to leave.

"So you've been here before Jake?"

"It's been almost six years. Once Linda got sick we spent most of our time together at home... Natalie was just starting out as a waitress back then"

"Sorry Jake, I didn't mean to bring up bad memories."

He thought for a minute, then gave a slight smile. "Danny, when you have a special lady EVERYTHING will remind you of her when you're not with her. It was more intense right after Linda passed, but now it's more the good memories than bad."

He had no more finished when a hush fell across the restaurant. We looked over to a vision of two lovely ladies. Nicole - Hair and makeup perfect. Her white lace collar and short chain standing out against her chocolate skin. Below that a bright yellow tube dress that I could have sworn was on the seat of her car when I went to pick up Jake. It started just above her nipples and ending only inches below her crotch. Nipples standing out proud, and if you looked closely you could see the outline of her black areola. Shelly - WOW! Hair and makeup perfect as well, but the dress. A kind of shimmering charcoal number with a low square neckline that showed a little of the bit of the lace bra in the corner before it disappeared under her tits in the dress. It was also just sheer enough that you could make out the fact that the nipples that were standing out for attention were being held up by a black shelf bra. The hem stopped just below her crotch as well. We watched in awe as they approached us.

"Sorry we took so long gentlemen. Nicole was giving me grief about my old lady dresses so I decided to show her. I hope this dress is acceptable?" she did a quick spin with her arms in the air to make her tits and nipples stand out even more and to show her seamed stockings, and then reached up to play with her necklace / collar. It was apparent she was playing to Jake.

Jake took her hand from her collar and kissed it. "You look absolutely delicious, but you need to scold Danny here. He didn't tell me what a vision I would have the pleasure of dining with tonight."

Natalie was bringing our drinks as well as the girls, but stopped at the ropes. Shelly turned to her. "You may drop the rope until our meal is served Natalie."

"Thank you Ma'am." And unhooked one end to connect it back to the other pole and then brought our drinks in.

"It's been many years Natalie. I'm unfamiliar with the velvet rope."

"I'm sorry sir, it didn't even occur to me. We must have started them just shortly after your last visit I would guess. It's pretty simple actually. The curtain is privacy from everyone except staff. The rope stops staff as well in the event there is... sensitive... negotiations going on. We have tried to be an... enlightened... establishment." She said with a bit of a twinkle in her eye. "It was something our manager Suzanne came up with."

Jake stuttered a second. "I knew a Suzanne back then."

"I think she's here today, I'll see if she has time to stop by." And turned to leave before Jake could stop her. He shook it off realizing he was still holding Shelly's hand.

"Why don't we sit and enjoy ours drinks ladies?" and he turned Shelly toward the booth. Instead Shelly and Nicole reached for the curtain and closed it to about a three foot gap centered on the table, and then the show started. They took what looked like small white handbags and pulled them open. The string handles disappeared as they pulled out flat. They set them on the edge of the booth seats. Then turned to sit while lifting the backs of their dresses to sit on the towels instead of the tail of their dresses. We just stared at the girls as they slid around on the towels making room for us to sit down.

"Aren't these just wonderful Danny?! A friend of Shelly's made a few for her. It keeps my legs from sticking to the seat!"

"They look like they could have many uses."

She smiled and played with the chain in her cleavage hanging from her collar. "I'm glad you approve."

We each took a sip, and there was a moment of silence.

Jake finally broke the silence. "So Nicole, Danny tells me you have some concerns about his buying the Vegas property from me?"

Her eyes flashed open and then she looked to me like she was asking permission... GOOD GIRL! I nodded to her to continue. "I'm not sure what to call it. Jake, we've done business between our companies. And Danny has told me the basic outline of why you made him the really great deal. But I still have this, 'if it's too good to be true it usually is' feeling."

"Danny, you have a real jewel here. She's not only drop dead gorgeous, but sharp as a tack as well." He turned back to Nicole, glancing down at the chain she was playing with. "I'm sure Danny has given you permission to examine things from his end, but I'll do you one better. You may examine anything from my end pertaining to the sale any time you wish. I know you think Danny got a steal and something is wrong, but since you were there when things came to a head with the realtor you actually know more than I do. If things work out like I think they will, I will be way ahead having Danny there as my Agent of Residence, instead of dealing with a local attorney who is only looking out for his bottom line. That's how I got into that property in the first place. Danny is pretty good at judging charter. If he wasn't so young I'd say he was doing things 'old style'. I also hear you are the one responsible for bringing the last situation to my attention."

"I merely passed on information that someone was tossing around without caring who was listening. And what do you mean Danny is so young?" She was baiting him.

"Young lady, I'm nearly twice your age. In fact I turn sixty in a little over two weeks on the fifteenth."

Nicole's eyes bugged out and Shelly had a coughing fit on the swallow of her drink. It took her a minute to calm down, and the coughing fit had also helped her areola start to show at the edge of her dress. I know I noticed, and I'm pretty sure Jake noticed as well.

We waited for them to settle down, and then in a bit of a forceful tone I asked, "I think you girls had better explain that little incident."

Shelly looked at me with her head bowed a bit. "Yes Ma..." Her head came up and she looked at Nicole. Nicole nodded for her to continue. "The fifteenth is my birthday also."

Nicole rushed like she was trying to cover things up. "Maybe you could celebrate together?"

Jake was trying to figure things out. "I'm sure this young lady doesn't want to spend her thirty something birthday with an old man like me."

Shelly looked at me like she didn't want to do something. "Go ahead Shelly, tell him." She started to shake her head, "Shelly... tell...him." Both girls put their fingers to their collars, and then Nicole nodded to Shelly to continue. "I turn fifty on the fifteenth." And lowered her head a little.

Jake surprised me. He lifted her chin to look her in the eye. "You would have to show me your drivers' license for me to believe you're over forty." that sounded familiar Shelly beamed, and then shuddered. Then she looked terrified and turned to Nicole.

"I think it's time for us girls to make a quick trip to the ladies room before our meals show up." Nicole said quickly. We let the ladies slid out, leaving their towels on the edge of the seat as they rushed off to the bathroom. Nicole's towel had a bit of a wet spot, but Shelly's had a LARGE wet spot. Shelly had cum from Jakes touch and compliment! He noticed it, but didn't say anything as we each pushed the towels back a bit to sit back down.

There was a bit of silence for a minute as we each took drinks and looked at each other.

"Danny, there something I should know about Nicole and Shelly?"

"What do you mean Jake?" I said quickly.

Jake shook his head like the Dad catching the kid with his hand in the cookie jar. "Is there something special about Nicole and Shelly's necklaces."

I smiled and Jake nodded knowingly. "Well Jake, I guess you caught us, but I think you know what they mean." He sat there silently waiting for me to continue. "If my guess is correct, and you seem to think I'm pretty good at that, I would guess they mean the same as Linda's did." Now it was his turn to be surprised. "I saw her picture today when we were picking out Nicole's new collars today at the mall."

He started his big belly laugh, enough to catch the attention of a passing waiter. "Could we get some extra napkins, one of the ladies spilled something. Three or four will do." The waiter stepped up and began to remove some from a compartment on the edge of the booth. "That will be fine, we'll take it from here.", and sent the waiter away. Jake folded Shelly's towel up and placed three of the cloth napkins in their place.