Serendipity Ch. 13


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The girls came back to the table with our food just behind them. Nicole slipped into place and Shelly was about ready to sit down when she realized her towel had been replaced by a stack of cloth napkins. She looked to me in fear. "Have a seat Shelly. Everything is OK." She hesitated, but nodded and sat down and slid in as the plates were set. Jake reminded the last one out to close the drapes and ropes.

Shelly looked like she was ready to burst. "Ladies, I think we need to start part of this conversation over. "This is Jake, while we are here and the curtains are closed, you two will refer to him as Master Jake." They were both starting to say something and I put my hand up to stop them. "Can I explain Jake?" He nodded. "Correct me if I'm wrong. Jake was Master of his home, as I am Master of mine. His wife before she passed, was mistress of the household. Probably much the same as your husband was the Master of yours Shelly." She turned to him with eyes wide. He cupped her cheek and she nuzzled his hand.

Jake kept his hand there, but turned to talk to me as if the girls weren't even there. "So tell me Danny. I see Nicole wearing the wide collar of Mistress, and then Shelly is wearing this thin metal collar, why the discrepancy?"

"Actually it is an easy explanation. I learned of her situation shortly after figuring out yours. When it came time for her to make a decision to leave or to serve, it was the only option for her to accept in servitude. And now we have another problem stemming from that."

"Is it anything I can help with?", he said while he was playing with her collar and she was trying to rub his hand like a cat rubbing her cheeks.

"Actually I would appreciate your help. I have Nicole as Mistress, and a few other ladies back in Vegas. But Shelly has been without supervision for almost two years since her husband passed. It sounds like she tried to be Mistress for a while after that, but she has admitted she needs the structure of a Master to be comfortable. If her wet spot on the towel is any indicator I believe she would graciously accept your training. Is it something you would consider?"

Jake was looking between me, Shelly, and the collar he was playing with. "Is there some reason you chose this particular necklace?"

"I noticed the design of Graces collar and asked for a wire version of it as a gift for someone. I did not intend for it to become Shelly's collar if that's what you're asking. And by the way, while we are on the subject, Grace and Melody would really appreciate a visit from their Master. They seem to miss you greatly."

That seemed to make Jake a little sad. "It has been a while since I saw my girls..." Then he came back to it. "This is a nice conversation Danny, but I never take someone. As you said it is her decision to leave or serve. She just made the decision earlier today to serve you. Would she be willing to make a change this quickly and serve me without knowing me?"

"That is a good question." I turned to Shelly, "Shelly, I want you to answer my question completely, no holding back, no fear of any kind, do you understand?"

She looked relieved to be able to speak. "Yes Master."

"You've heard our conversation about you, and Master Jake has indicated he might be willing to give you the supervision you need since I will not be around to supervise you and you will not do well under Mistress Nicole?"

"Thank you Master. I have thoroughly enjoyed being with you and Mistress Nicole last night and today. It has brought back so many wonderful memories of my husband and Master. And until a few minutes ago I would have been happy with that. But the look and touch of Master Jake made me do something that only happened with my husband and Master. Until now, only he had been able to make me cum from just the lightest touch. I would miss that if Master Jake did not take me in, if nothing else but to bring me back into proper training until he can find a suitable Master for me."

"What do you think Jake?"

"I'd be willing to give it a try." Shelly was practically ready to burst.

I turned to her, "Since we don't have room for her to kneel and do this proper, we'll have to make adjustment. Shelly, pull your dress down around your waist."

"Yes Master," as she shrugged her dress down and bared her tits proudly. Nicole did as well without being asked. "Master, should I take my bra off as well?"

"If everything goes properly, that will be a decision for Master Jake. But personally I really enjoy the way it shows you off. Now here comes the important part. I will explain it before we do it, just like earlier today. If this is what you want to do you will face me, remove your collar looking at me. Then you will place it in front of Master Jake. If he accepts you, he will place it back around your neck and you will accept it properly. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master."

"You may proceed."

Shelly took a big breath and then reached for her collar and removed it looking at me, then did as she was instructed, and placed the collar in front of Jake, bowed her head and whispered. "Please Master Jake."

Jake picked up the collar and brought it to her neck. She raised her head, chin in the air to accept it. She had been holding her breath and released it when we heard the clasp click and her let her breath out. He ran his hand down her chest toward her nipples. "With pleasure little one," as he brushed her nipple.

She began to orgasm like she did earlier from his touch but stronger. She fell forward against his chest. "Thank you Master." Breathing hard while Jake stroked her bare back. As she regained her strength. "I'm sorry Master, it has been too long and I lost control." And bowed her head.

Jake lifted her head like before. "No worries little one. This has been one of the most unique collar acceptance ceremonies I have ever been part of. Your orgasm is one of the best compliments I have ever received," and kissed her cheek. "We have a lot to discuss the next few days." She just nodded. "Would you come back with me to my home where you can undress for me and we can have this conversation the way it should be done?"

Shelly practically glowed. "With great pleasure Master!" Then she turned to me, "Master Danny, could we get this to go?" and giggled like a little school girl.

"I think that would be a great idea Shelly, but you might want to cover up before we call the staff to box things up."

She looked down at her bare tits and nipples. "I don't want to Master Danny, but I think I have to to keep us out of trouble." She turned to Jake. "May I cover up Master?"

"You may cover up until we get to my home, and then you will remove your dress, present yourself, and service me before we enter."

She bit her lip in happiness. "YES MASTER!" She and Nicole pulled their dresses up quickly and hit the button in the center of the table.

A few seconds later a lovely lady came through the curtain. "What can I..."She stopped cold when she saw Jake. Her eyes darting back and forth.

"It's OK Suzanne, this is an enlightened group."

"Thank you Master," and dropped to her knees spreading them as much as her skirt will allow. "It has been too long since I've seen you Master."

"Yes it has Suzanne. Do you have plans this evening?"

"Nothing I can't cancel Master."

"If you can cancel without arousing suspicion, I would greatly enjoy your company. We may have a new member joining us." And waved to Shelly. "Her Master passed some time back and has been without since then."

Her eyes flashed in sympathy. "That is terrible Master!"

"Yes it is, we'll see if there is something we can do about that. In fact you might give Grace and Melody a call at the store. I've been informed I have neglected them as well since your Mistress passed. Maybe we can have a bit of a reunion while we evaluate Shelly here." Her face lit up. "But first we need to get our meal to go. Shelly will be coming with me, Nicole and Master Danny will be leaving by themselves."

"Right away Master," she turned to me and gave a little nod. "Master Danny." And backed out the curtain.

"Now all we have to do is take care of the tip." I said.

Shelly looked at me. "Master Danny, I had them put the evening on The Boutique account when we changed the reservation. I have to sign the check, but other than that we can leave any time."

Suzanne reappeared with four servers and to go boxes in hand. They made quick work of transferring our plates and disappeared. "I called Grace and Melody, Master. They will be waiting on me to pick them up as soon as I can get away from here."

"Very good, Suzanne. Shelly, if you could go sign for the check, then you can drive me home."

"Yes Master."

As Suzanne and Shelly made their way through the curtain Jake turned to me. "Danny, I've got to give it to you. Life is never boring around you! Is there anything I should know about Shelly?"

"It seems a lot of her training is almost second nature if she gets the signals she's familiar with. You may have more of a 'translation' session between what she had with her husband and your way of doing things considering the number of years they were together. Also, she is quite comfortable with, and enjoys being with, another woman."

"That's good to know, and a good idea on the translation session. Have a nice evening." and left us alone in the booth with two stacks of to go boxes in front of each of us.

We sat back for a second and I put my arm around Nicole. She started giggling and then said, "I never knew doing the right thing was so much work!" and started giggling again.

I just smiled at her. "If it's for good people it's not work. And that's what got me the property in Vegas to get us our new home."

She stopped giggling and looked at the boxes. "What do you say we take this back to the apartment, hop in a nice long hot shower, and then see if Tiffany and friend will help us eat all this?" I leaned over and gave her a nice kiss while groping her chest and rolling a nipple between my fingers before she pulled her dress up.

We picked up the boxes and I opened the curtain to find Suzanne standing right outside and two servers standing just beyond the ropes. Her shirt opened slightly making her chrome collar visible to someone looking for it. "Master Danny, these gentlemen will take your items to the car. Miss Shelly told us what car and it has been brought to the door for you." She took the to go boxes and handed them to the two servers and then turned back to us. "Master Danny, Mistress Nicole, we cannot thank you enough." And bowed her head slightly.

Nicole looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I nodded to her and to Suzanne. She stepped to Suzanne and lifted her chin to make her look her in the eye. "Explain," and pulled all of us back into the curtained enclosure.

There was a tear in her eye. "Oh Mistress Nicole. In many ways we were in the same situation Miss Shelly was. Our Mistress passed, and Master lost interest in everything but work. Even then there were problems. He would focus on one part and lose track of another. The last year or so he has drifted away even from Grace and Melody. We don't know why Miss Shelly has piqued his interest, but if it brings our Master back we can never repay you." She was close to breaking down in tears.

Nicole looked to me. I told her, "Suzanne, if you can bring your Master and Miss Shelly back from the edge then all is repaid. Anything else is just doing a favor for a friend as far as I'm concerned." And I turned her and sat her on the edge of the booth. "But remember this," and she looked up to me, "Miss Shelly was Mistress of her house for many, many years. While Jake is Master of the house, you will still need a Mistress of the house for things to function properly. While it will be your Masters choice, you ladies can still do much to influence his decisions. And while I may not wish to believe it, my ladies reminded me of it every so often." She just grinned and bit her lip. "One of you will need to assume the lead of the others. I think Miss Shelly would make a good choice, but I am unfamiliar with the other ladies to make an informed choice. If you remember anything from tonight, remember this; without a Mistress of the house you will be right back here somewhere down the road."

"Thank you again Master Danny, Mistress Nicole." And stood, starting to button up her shirt.

I stopped her hands. "Never cover your Masters collar unless he tells you to or it is ABSOLUTELY necessary. To do so is a sign of shame and disrespect. Wear it proudly as Mistress Nicole does. Tell those that ask anything you wish, better yet tell them nothing, as the un-enlightened deserve. But never cover it again." And we turned to leave.

Suzanne dropped her head further than she had all evening and said, "YES MASTER!" just as the curtain closed behind us.

As we left, the staff moved aside for us as if parting the waves. The door was held open and the car was waiting with a valet at each door. I helped Nicole in the passenger door and then got in myself. We left with a silent but respectful nod from both of them into the setting sun. It was dark enough that Nicole rolled her dress up and down into a ring around her waist. She turned a little sideways in the seat, pulling her left knee against the back to let me see her pussy if I wanted to look. She was looking at me with a dreamy expression on her face like I had done something special.

Finally I couldn't take it... "Ok, now what did I do?"

She just smiled. "Ask me again when we're cuddled up in bed. Right now we need a shower and food.", as we pulled into the parking lot. Nicole not bothering to put her dress back, just walking to the apartment with her dress in a ring around her waist like a bright yellow belt against her chocolate skin.

We dropped the cartons on the island and headed for the shower, Nicole leaving her collar and nipple rings on the bathroom counter. We had just started lathering each other up when Tiffany stuck her head in wearing a nice sheer lace bra and thong, accenting and highlighting her nipples and shaved pussy instead of covering. She got soap on her nose from Nicole for her trouble. "He's all mine for the next few hours. I'm NOT sharing!"

"Relax Nicky, I just wanted to know what's up with all the food on the counter."

"We had to get our stuff to go. If you warm it up we'll share."

"OK." And closed the door behind her. We finally finished up and were drying off when...


"You go ahead. I'll grab my collar and be right out."

There was Tiffany and Cathy, now naked in the kitchen, but then again so was I. Cathy was putting things on the plate and seemed a little agitated. I should have known better, Tiffany was a heat and eat person. Cathy had just put the last plate out when Nicole came around the corner putting her collar on. She was still getting used to the elastic piece and it went on just different enough to throw her off a little.

Cathy practically slammed the pan back down on the stove. "Why do you let him make you wear that thing?!"

Nicole slowly finished with the clasp now taking her time while Cathy watched her. "He doesn't make me, I choose to."

"Why? What does he have over you that you would wear that?" Cathy wasn't buying it. "And then he has to get all those as well!" and pointed to the open box of her new collars. Evidentially it was similar enough to the 'to go' packages, they had opened it not realizing the difference.

Nicole went to the box and slowly ran her fingers over the collars, "He only purchased what I chose to wear." She said with a dreamy tone. Then turned to Cathy closing the box gently, "and if you'll calm down and let us eat, I think I can explain it to you." She came over and gave me a quick kiss before sitting down. Cathy was still on edge. Nicole began cutting her steak and took a few bites before starting in on her story between bites.

"Cathy, if you loved someone and they gave you a ring to wear on your finger or on a necklace, would you accept it?"

"Of course."

"And if you really loved them you would want to show it off wouldn't you?"


Even if you couldn't wear a glove on a cold day to be able to show off your ring?"

"If I really loved them, Yes."

"Now what if it was another woman that gave you the ring, would it matter?"

"Of course not!" She snapped. "You can't tell from a ring who gave it to you."

"And to most people my collars are just another necklace just like it would be another ring on you. Only those that know what it is, know the significance of it. And just like your ring to you, even those that think they knew would probably not know the love they really mean. Am I right?"

"But... but he makes you call him Master!"

"Tiffany, do you and Cathy have some special nick names you call each other?"

Tiffany started to say something. "DON'T YOU SAY A WORD TIFF!"

"But if you trusted someone, you would call her that name in front of them right?"

"...I guess."

"Well, I only call Danny Master because I choose to and only in front of people I trust or are enlightened enough to understand our relationship, just as others call me Mistress."

"Oh" When she realized Nicole had said Mistress. "...But the way you say it... You seem like you would do anything he asked?"

"Cathy, have you ever been in love to the point where you can orgasm from them looking at you or just talking to you?"

Cathy got bug eyed and gulped. "" she said very quietly.

"When you do you will understand. But now that we've finished this lovely meal, and all this talk has gotten me horny enough to drip and Danny hard enough to cut steel, we're going to go see who is having who for dessert first."

She started to get up, but I stopped her. "Hang on Nicole." And put our plates in the sink and clearing our side of the island.

I returned and whispered in her ear. "I've been sitting here all through dinner thinking about nibbling on your nipples and playing with your pussy." and sat back on my stool.

"Danny, that's not fair!"

I looked at her and stuck my tongue out like I was licking her pussy.

"DANNYYYYYYYY!" And she started a nice medium orgasm.

Tiffany and Cathy sat there with their mouths open. "Looks like I get my dessert first!" and lifted Nicole up to the counter and laid her back to start in on her pussy which sent her into a squirting seizure orgasm. I licked and sucked every drop while I reached around her flailing legs to play with her nipples. When I finished Tiffany and Cathy were nowhere to be found.

And I still say pussy is the best item on any menu! I wiped up Nicole and carried her to bed, pulled the comforter over us and snuggled in.

Enjoying just the two of us for a change.

For those of you that have stuck with me on this series, thank you. And don't forget to scroll down a bit further to vote, it is appreciated. But remember... it is a series!

Comments from the ladies would be appreciated... I haven't seen any yet...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
when is the next chapter coming, pls? :)

Can't wait for it :)

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 10 years ago
As waiting for the next chapter!

I enjoy each and every one...drooling over whatever is coming next!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Great Story

I am very much enjoying your on going story.

The commitment of the main characters to each other is very well told and you have shown they have a great relationship.

Please continue.


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