Serendipity For Two


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Traci blushed deeply.

"You don't think I'm overdoing it, do you?" Traci quickly asked.

"No, no, babe. You're fine. I think you look great. It's just that... you are hot. You don't see it, but you are. And I am a lucky man."

Traci thought back to the discussion the two had about Traci's clothing. RJ asked her to update her wardrobe a bit, and she agreed that she probably was dressing a little old for her age.

"I can't wear kid stuff, real short skirts or anything like that, RJ, but how about I get rid of the mom jeans and some of my 'old lady' pantsuits? Will that work?" she asked at the time.

"Absolutely, babe," he responded.

Six months later, RJ came home from work on a Friday night, said hello to his parents and then headed over to Traci's, as was the usual pattern. He found his favorite woman preparing dinner for them. They engaged in their usual passionate kiss, but on this night RJ didn't stop there. He quickly unbuttoned and removed Traci's blouse and then undid her jeans and slid them down before Traci kicked them off her ankles.

He admired the woman's body as she stood in her frilly white bra and bikini panties.

"Hey, I'm trying to cook here," Traci answered. "You keep going and we're not going to eat until 7."

RJ smiled and reached into his pocket. He pulled out the ubiquitous small black box. Traci took it with a trembling hand.

"Really? Really! Are you sure about this, RJ? Are you sure about this? Wow!" she shrieked.

"Never been more sure about something in my life," a smiling RJ responded quietly.

The two kissed deeply before Traci opened the box to find a one-carat brilliant cut diamond. She squealed in a high soprano.

"I-I've got to show this to Allie!" Traci said as she headed for the door.

"Babe. BABE!" RJ said, then shouted. "You might want to get dressed before you run out the door!"

Traci stopped, her hand on the door knob and the door halfway open.

"OH MY GOD!" she shrieked. "See what you almost made me do?"

RJ handed Traci her shirt and jeans with a big smile spread across his face. She took a minute to put the clothes back on before running out the door still barefoot. RJ took his time following after. When he got back to his home, his fiancée and his mother were wrapped in a hug and jumping up and down like 12-year-olds. The noises coming from the pair were in a register that only dogs could hear.

"Well done, RJ," his father said as he approached his son with his hand extended.

His mother finally broke her hug with Traci to hug her son.

"I'm so happy for her, son! Oh yeah, you, too!" she squealed. "I never imagined this when I asked you to take her out. Never. Never ever."

It was a relatively small wedding a year later. Adding to the uniqueness of the proceedings, the groom's father gave the bride away and the groom's mother was the bride's matron of honor.

"The first time you call me Mom I will beat your butt so bad you won't sit for a week," Allie whispered to Traci the first time they hugged after the ceremony. "And I NEVER want to hear anything about having sex with a much younger man. Got it?"

Traci smiled and nodded.

Traci and RJ decided to stay in Traci's house after the wedding, and they continued to have a lot of contact with Allie and Roger. A year later the four were sitting down to a meal of grilled steaks and baked potatoes when Traci reminded her friend about something she had said.

"Al, remember when you told me I could never call you Mom or you'd kick my butt?" Traci asked her friend and mother-in-law as Roger and RJ listened and tried to suppress smiles.

Allie colored and acknowledged the conversation, wondering where this was going.

"Would it be okay if I called you Grandma?" Traci asked.

"Would it be okay if I washed your mouth out with... OH MY GOD!" Allie screamed.

The two men looked at each other in shock as well, then turned to Traci.

"I thought you said you probably wouldn't want to have children at your age," RJ mumbled in shock to his wife. "I said that was okay."

"Well... I am a woman, and I used my prerogative to change my mind," Traci said. "I decided I was just being selfish. And I decided I really, really want to have a baby with you."

"I'm going to be a grandmother!" Allie cried.

"And I get a chance to be a mom!" Traci added.

The two women hugged and cried for several minutes.

"I never thought I'd get this chance," Traci whispered to Allie.

Despite Traci's age as a first-time pregnant woman, her pregnancy went relatively well. She discussed with Allie her problem finding maternity clothes that were appropriate for someone over the age of 30, but she didn't discuss with Allie the fact that she was horny virtually all of the time. She and RJ were making love twice a day during the week and three times on both of the weekend days.

"Probably a good thing you're a young guy or I might be killing you off," Traci told her husband.

"Does it look like I'm complaining?" a smiling RJ responded.

Allie was beyond happy with her best friend and yes, daughter-in-law, being pregnant. Several times RJ and Roger found the two women sitting together with Allie rubbing baby oil on Traci's pregnant belly and cooing baby talk.

"I'd offer to help, but..." Roger said, grinning at both women and RJ.

"Okay, let's not make it any weirder than it already is," RJ chuckled.

Traci gave birth to a beautiful 6-pound, 11-ounce girl on a beautiful spring morning.

"You done good, Mom," RJ whispered to his tired but happy wife as the nurses cleaned the newborn.

Traci gave up her teaching position and became a full-time mother to Olivia, named after Traci's late mother, who had died about 10 years ago. Of course, Allie was around for babysitting whenever the child's parents wanted to do a date night.

"You guys feel free to have a passel of little ones for Grandma to babysit," Allie told RJ and Traci one day.

"Sorry, Grandma, but I don't think I have another one in me," Traci said.

One proved to be more than enough as she was spoiled beyond belief by both her parents and her grandparents.

Traci went back to teaching when Olivia started school. Traci could take Olivia to school and she was home with her after school.

"Your granddaughter's beautiful," a woman about half Traci's age said while the two sat on a bench and watched their children play in a near-by park a few years later. Traci cringed slightly, but she knew she was probably the same age as the woman's own mother.

"Actually, I'm her mother," Traci said softly.

The other woman blushed and stammered an apology.

"No offense taken. I got a late start," Traci said. "I guess I'm going to be the world's oldest dance mom."

Both women chuckled.

Traci and Allie joined a local gym after Traci gave birth. The two women were diligent with their exercise programs and it wasn't long after the baby was born before Traci had regained her pre-pregnancy figure... except with slightly bigger breasts.

"Looks like the boob fairy gave you another gift," Allie said to her friend one evening when they were about to drive over to the gym. "You might want to get a couple of gym tops a size bigger, girl. You're asking an awful lot from that stretch material."

Traci colored and looked down at her sizable chest.

"I guess I wasn't paying enough attention. Maybe that's why several of the guys have seemed a little friendlier lately," Traci said.

"Maybe? A 36C like me doesn't even get noticed lately," Allie said.

The continued close friendship of the two women had unintended consequences for RJ's parents, with the most notable being that Allie seemed to be "living younger." With her best friend dressing younger and having a young child at home, Allie fell into a similar mindset to that of Traci. She became Traci's workout buddy, started dressing similarly to Traci and even saw her sex drive renewed. As the beneficiary of this new mindset, Roger was a very happy man, even if he couldn't exactly say thank you to his son.

"You look a little worn out, Dad. Are you feeling okay?" RJ asked his father one Saturday afternoon after Roger and Allie had a long lovemaking session the night before.

Roger hesitated for a few seconds but couldn't suppress a huge grin from creasing his face. RJ caught the look.

"Actually, I'm way better than okay," he told his son. "But I think maybe I need to join the gym, too."

It wasn't often Roger blushed.

"That's not necessarily a bad thing, Dad," RJ answered, being sure not to look his father in the eye.

Although Traci was somewhat intimidated by the fact she was considerably older than most other new mothers, she decided she was not going to let that get in the way of raising and enjoying her child. She jumped in to child-rearing with both feet, becoming as involved as possible with Olivia and her interests. The younger mothers almost always expressed reluctance with Traci at first, but quickly came around when they saw Traci's love for her child.

"She really is hot for an older woman," one of the other soccer moms said to another as they sat in the stands watching their children play peewee soccer. "I bet her husband loves to motorboat those large melons."

"I'd like to motorboat those melons," a third soccer mom laughed back.

Kathy Parsons was proud of her own melons, and could tell that RJ enjoyed looking at them, too. Kathy had been working alongside RJ for the last two years, and although she knew he would look, she couldn't seem to interest him further. His lack of interest irritated Kathy, who usually only had to breathe deeply a couple of times to get a man interested... and hard.

"He's a Goddamned Boy Scout," Kathy was complaining to her friend, Val Williams, over lunch one day. "But he's a fine specimen of one. Surely I can take him away from his old lady... and I mean that literally."

The Mixon Fourth of July party was two weeks later. Kathy Parsons took a good look at her competition throughout the day. Yes, she had to admit that Traci Loman was a beautiful woman... a beautiful older woman, at least 20 years older than her. She and RJ had an adorable 5-year-old. She would make a cute stepchild, the woman thought.

Kathy interacted with RJ several times throughout the day, always when Traci was off with her daughter. The first time she went up to RJ, she got right into his face and gave him a soft kiss on his lips, causing RJ to step back in shock.

"Hello, boss. Good to see you outside the office for a change," she cooed.

RJ ran his tongue over his lips, noticing the slight strawberry taste of her lipstick. He looked the woman up and down, noticing how well she filled out her pink sundress. Kathy smiled inwardly, noting that this was the first time RJ had ever responded positively to one of her approaches.

Unseen by the pair on the other side of the park Mixon had rented for the occasion, Traci watched the exchange between her husband and a shapely co-worker. She didn't recall RJ talking about any co-workers with whom he had a closer than usual relationship. She would have to keep an eye on this woman, Traci thought to herself.

Throughout the day and into the evening, Traci watched as the woman occasionally wandered into RJ's orbit, always when Traci was busy doing something with Olivia. She watched the long-haired brunette run her hands up and down RJ's arms and back, and she seemed to think RJ was very humorous, judging by the amount of laughter coming from her. She was pleased to see, however, that RJ didn't seem to realize that he was being flirted with and didn't seem to respond too much to the apparent come-on.

"So what's going on with you and Kathy Parsons?" Traci asked RJ when they got in the car to go home.

"Huh?" RJ answered stupidly.

Traci watched her husband's reaction carefully. She knew she could have asked the question about five different ways, but she wanted to be direct.

"You do realize that she spent a good part of today flirting with you, don't you?"

RJ turned to his wife with a shocked look on his face.

"Seriously? Flirting with me?" he said, the pitch of his voice going higher.

Traci gave a big sigh.

"God, I love my clueless husband," she thought to herself.

Traci spent the rest of the drive home telling RJ what she saw during the day, and then warned him to be careful around the woman in the future.

"I would never cheat on you, babe. You know that," RJ said.

"Yeah, I do. But she doesn't, apparently, and things could get intense if you bruise her ego. Career-wise intense," she said.

"Oh, I never gave that a thought," he said.

The two were quiet for a bit before RJ asked his wife why she thought he might cheat on her.

"Well, she is very pretty, and she's got..." holding her hands out in front of her own large boobs.

RJ nodded while he drove, then broke into a huge grin.

"I've already got a very pretty wife with her own..." also holding his hands out in front of his chest for a quick gesture.

"And you are going to have those in your mouth in just a few minutes," she added, taking a quick peek at a sleeping Olivia in the back seat.

Now that he knew what he was watching for, RJ was very careful around Kathy at the office. She invited him to lunch several times in the next few days, but RJ always had a legit excuse not to go. On Thursday of that week, she just walked in to his office and closed the door. Surreptitiously, he turned on the recorder application on his phone. While he was doing that, she calmly undid two more buttons on her blouse, affording him an excellent view of her large breasts.

"RJ, I know you're not a stupid man, so I know by now that you know I want you. I've done everything but say the words in the last few weeks. I can see by how you look at me that you are at least interested..."

"Kathy, any man who's not blind would be able to see that you are a beautiful woman," RJ interrupted, "But I'm a very happily married man, with a beautiful wife and daughter. I'm not looking to ruin my marriage and wreck my family, even for a beautiful woman like you."

"But she's way too old for you, RJ. Ten years from now she's going to be an old woman, and I'll just be coming into my prime!" Kathy said.

"What does she have that I don't?"

RJ looked at the woman. He couldn't deny she was a walking wet dream, who also seemed to have a great personality. It was just not in his nature to cheat, even if he wasn't married to the woman he considered his soulmate.

"She has my heart, Kathy. She always will," RJ answered.

"Damn" the woman whispered. "You wouldn't happen to have a brother... or a sister?"

RJ smiled self-consciously, then shook his head.

"Well, you can't blame a girl for trying. Like my dad always taught me, you don't know the answer until you ask the question."

Kathy stood up, redid the two buttons on her blouse and went to the door.

"If something ever goes wrong in your marriage, I get the first shot. Okay?" she said.

She unlocked the door, and left. RJ shut off the recording app and breathed a sigh of relief. He hoped he would never have to use that recording.

RJ told Traci all about his "meeting" with Kathy, and the fact that he recorded it just in case.

"I just didn't see it, Trace. I wasn't leading her on or giving her signals of any kind. Honestly," RJ proclaimed, his face a bright shade of red.

Traci gave him a soft kiss on the lips as she hugged him. Just then a hurricane named Olivia ran into the room and wrapped her arms around her father's legs.

"This is where I want to be for the rest of my life, hugging with my two girls."


Traci's makeup was ruined well before the bride marched down the aisle on the arm of her father. RJ smiled at his wife of more than 30 years, knowing that her tears were very much happy ones. He saw Traci squeeze her mother-in-law's hand.

"I never thought I'd get to be a mother, let alone help plan my own daughter's wedding," Traci had cried to RJ earlier as they got dressed for the event. "If your mom didn't make the most screwball request of all time...

"Who could have seen where that would go? Why would you even have said yes? And yet here we are. God, I love you, RJ.

"Let's go marry off our daughter."

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jjfronjjfron7 days ago

Well done...remember, it's only a number.

TheOldStudTheOldStudabout 1 month ago

Three cheers for Traci !!!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Lovely story. Finally a Traci who gets a happy ending and is a good woman.

LoriRobinsonGaLoriRobinsonGa5 months ago

Well that was different but interesting.

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